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frmSearch.cpp split into 4 C++ source files for easier management.
authorSteve Brokenshire <sbrokenshire@xestia.co.uk>
Mon, 30 Nov 2015 12:41:44 +0000 (12:41 +0000)
committerSteve Brokenshire <sbrokenshire@xestia.co.uk>
Mon, 30 Nov 2015 12:41:44 +0000 (12:41 +0000)
source/search/frmSearch-contact.cpp [new file with mode: 0644]
source/search/frmSearch-process.cpp [new file with mode: 0644]
source/search/frmSearch-result.cpp [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/source/search/frmSearch-contact.cpp b/source/search/frmSearch-contact.cpp
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..f5c18b8
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+// frmSearch-contact.cpp - Search contact subroutines.
+// (c) 2012-2015 Xestia Software Development.
+// This file is part of Xestia Address Book.
+// Xestia Address Book is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+// Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the license.
+// Xestia Address Book is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+// with Xestia Address Book. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
+#include "frmSearch.h"
+#include "../frmMain.h"
+#include "../frmContact.h"
+void frmSearch::OpenContact( wxCommandEvent& event ){
+       // Check if a contact has been selected.
+       long intSelected = -1;
+       int intSelectedData = 0;
+       long intContactSeekNum = -1;
+       intSelected = lstResults->GetNextItem(intSelected, 
+               wxLIST_NEXT_ALL,
+               wxLIST_STATE_SELECTED);
+       if (intSelected == -1){
+               return;
+       }
+       intContactSeekNum = lstResults->GetItemData(intSelected);
+       if (SearchMode == TRUE){
+               wxMessageBox(SearchResultFilename[intContactSeekNum]);
+               vCard Person;
+               Person.LoadFile(SearchResultFilename[intContactSeekNum]);
+               wxMemoryInputStream istream(bigimgs_contactpersonicon48_png, sizeof(bigimgs_contactpersonicon48_png));
+               wxImage bigimgs_contactpersonicon48i(istream, wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG);
+               wxBitmap contacticonbmp(bigimgs_contactpersonicon48i, -1);
+               wxIcon contacticon;
+               contacticon.CopyFromBitmap(contacticonbmp);
+               frmContact *Contact = new frmContact( this );
+               Contact->SetupPointers(&SearchModeMemoryFSPtr);
+               Contact->SetupContactData(&Person);
+               Contact->SetIcon(contacticon);
+               Contact->Show(true);
+       } else {
+               UCNotif *uc = new UCNotif;
+               uc->ContactAccount = SearchResultAccount[intContactSeekNum];
+               uc->ContactFilename = SearchResultFilename[intContactSeekNum];
+               wxCommandEvent oc(CE_OPENCONTACT);
+               oc.SetClientData(uc);
+               wxPostEvent(this->GetParent(), oc);
+       }
+void frmSearch::EditContact( wxCommandEvent& event ){
+       // Check if a contact has been selected.
+       long intSelected = -1;
+       int intSelectedData = 0;
+       long intContactSeekNum = -1;
+       intSelected = lstResults->GetNextItem(intSelected, 
+               wxLIST_NEXT_ALL,
+               wxLIST_STATE_SELECTED);
+       if (intSelected == -1){
+               return;
+       }
+       intContactSeekNum = lstResults->GetItemData(intSelected);
+       UCNotif *uc = new UCNotif;
+       uc->ContactAccount = SearchResultAccount[intContactSeekNum];
+       uc->ContactFilename = SearchResultFilename[intContactSeekNum];
+       wxCommandEvent ec(CE_EDITCONTACT);
+       ec.SetClientData(uc);
+       ec.SetInt(1);
+       wxPostEvent(this->GetParent(), ec);
+void frmSearch::RevealContact( wxCommandEvent& event ){
+       // Check if a contact has been selected.
+       long intSelected = -1;
+       int intSelectedData = 0;
+       long intContactSeekNum = -1;
+       intSelected = lstResults->GetNextItem(intSelected, 
+               wxLIST_NEXT_ALL,
+               wxLIST_STATE_SELECTED);
+       if (intSelected == -1){
+               return;
+       }
+       intContactSeekNum = lstResults->GetItemData(intSelected);
+       UCNotif *uc = new UCNotif;
+       uc->ContactAccount = SearchResultAccount[intContactSeekNum];
+       uc->ContactFilename = SearchResultFilename[intContactSeekNum];
+       wxCommandEvent rc(CE_REVEALCONTACT);
+       rc.SetClientData(uc);
+       rc.SetInt(1);
+       wxPostEvent(this->GetParent(), rc);
+void frmSearch::ShowContactMenu( wxMouseEvent& event ){
+       ContactMenu->SetupPointers(this, lstResults);
+       PopupMenu(ContactMenu->MenuPointer(), wxDefaultPosition);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/source/search/frmSearch-process.cpp b/source/search/frmSearch-process.cpp
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..b111d05
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,910 @@
+// frmSearch-process.cpp - Search process subroutines.
+// (c) 2012-2015 Xestia Software Development.
+// This file is part of Xestia Address Book.
+// Xestia Address Book is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+// Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the license.
+// Xestia Address Book is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+// with Xestia Address Book. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
+#include "frmSearch.h"
+#include "../common/preferences.h"
+#include "../common/dirs.h"
+#include "../vcard/vcard.h"
+void frmSearch::SearchContactsThread(){
+       // Go through each account and find contacts based on the
+       // matched settings.
+       std::map<wxString,bool>::iterator SAiter;
+       std::map<wxString,wxString>::iterator SAPiter;
+       int intResultFound = 0;
+       for (std::map<wxString, wxString>::iterator SALiter = SearchAccountsNames.begin(); 
+               SALiter != SearchAccountsNames.end();
+               SALiter++){
+               // Double check that we are searching in this account.
+               // If not, skip to the next one.
+               SAiter = SearchAccounts.find(SALiter->first);
+               SAPiter = SearchAccountsPaths.find(SAiter->first);
+               if (SAiter->second == FALSE){
+                       // Not looking in this account. Go to next account.
+                       continue;
+               }
+               wxCommandEvent sbupdate (SE_SBUPDATE);
+               wxString *SBData = new wxString;
+               *SBData = _("Searching ") + SALiter->second + _("...");
+               sbupdate.SetClientData(SBData);         
+               wxPostEvent(this, sbupdate);
+               if (StopMode == FALSE){
+                       wxCommandEvent sbstop (SE_SBUPDATE);
+                       wxString *SBStopStr = new wxString;
+                       *SBStopStr = _("Search stopped.");
+                       sbstop.SetClientData(SBStopStr);                
+                       wxPostEvent(this, sbstop);
+                       return;
+               }
+               // Get the list of contact files and process each
+               // one of them.
+               wxString AccountDir = GetAccountDir(SAPiter->second, FALSE);
+               wxString vcardfilenamewxs;
+               wxStringTokenizer vcardfileline;
+               wxString lwxs;
+               wxString setname, setvalue;
+               long ContactIndex = 1;
+               long ContactSeekPoint = 0;
+               wxString vCardFilename;
+               wxString vCardFilenameFull;
+               if (wxDirExists(AccountDir)){
+                       wxDir vcardaccdir(AccountDir);
+                       bool ProcFiles = vcardaccdir.GetFirst(&vCardFilename, wxEmptyString, wxDIR_FILES);
+                       while(ProcFiles){
+                               if (StopMode == FALSE){
+                                       wxCommandEvent sbstop(SE_SBUPDATE);
+                                       wxString *SBStopStr = new wxString;
+                                       *SBStopStr = _("Search stopped.");
+                                       sbstop.SetClientData(SBStopStr);
+                                       wxPostEvent(this, sbstop);
+                                       return;
+                               }
+                               if (vCardFilename.Right(4) == wxT(".vcf") || 
+                                       vCardFilename.Right(4) == wxT(".VCF") || 
+                                       vCardFilename.Right(5) == wxT(".vcard") || 
+                                       vCardFilename.Right(5) == wxT(".VCARD")){
+                                       vCard Person;           
+                                       vCardFilenameFull.Append(AccountDir);
+                                       vCardFilenameFull.Append(vCardFilename);
+                                       Person.LoadFile(vCardFilenameFull);
+                                       vcardfilenamewxs = vCardFilenameFull;
+                                       // Check if file has version 4.0, first name (FN)
+                                       // begin and end vCard portions.
+                                       // Don't search unless these conditions have been met.          
+                                       if (Person.MeetBaseSpecification()){
+                                               // Go through each of the search settings and check
+                                               // if they match with contact details.
+                                               // If it matches then add to the search results.
+                                               int SelOpt = 0;
+                                               bool chkOpt = FALSE;
+                                               wxString StrOpt;
+                                               int StrOptLen = 0;
+                                               ArrayvCardOutData ArrayData;
+                                               ArrayvCardOutData NicknameArrayData;
+                                               vCardName NameArray = Person.GetName();
+                                               wxString ContactFinalNickname;
+                                               NicknameArrayData = Person.GetByPartial(wxT("NICKNAME"));
+                                               if (NicknameArrayData.PropCount != 0){
+                                                       ContactFinalNickname = NicknameArrayData.PropValues[0];
+                                               }               
+                                               for (std::map<int, void*>::iterator siter = SearchFrames.begin();
+                                               siter != SearchFrames.end(); siter++){
+                                                       // Get the settings from the form.
+                                                       XABSearchPanel *XABSPPtr = static_cast<XABSearchPanel*>(siter->second);
+                                                       // Get Selected Option and Setting.
+                                                       SelOpt = XABSPPtr->GetSelectionOption();
+                                                       if (SelOpt < 12){
+                                                               StrOpt = XABSPPtr->GetStringSetting();
+                                                               StrOptLen = StrOpt.Len();
+                                                               if (SelOpt == 0 || SelOpt == 4 || SelOpt == 8){
+                                                                       // Matching string that beings with...
+                                                                       // Double check the std::map inserts for each section.
+                                                                       if (SelOpt == 0){
+                                                                               // Get the forename from the first N.
+                                                                               if (NameArray.Forename.Mid(0, StrOptLen) == StrOpt){
+                                                                                       if (CheckDuplicate(vcardfilenamewxs,
+                                                                                               SAPiter->second, 
+                                                                                               &SearchResultAccount,
+                                                                                               &SearchResultFilename) == TRUE){
+                                                                                               SelOpt = 0;
+                                                                                               chkOpt = FALSE;
+                                                                                               StrOpt.Clear();
+                                                                                               StrOptLen = 0;
+                                                                                               ArrayData.PropData.Clear();
+                                                                                               ArrayData.PropValues.Clear();
+                                                                                               ArrayData.PropCount = 0;
+                                                                                               continue;
+                                                                                       }
+                                                                                       SRNotif *sradd = new SRNotif;
+                                                                                       sradd->ContactName = NameArray;
+                                                                                       sradd->ContactNickname = ContactFinalNickname;
+                                                                                       sradd->ContactAccount = SAPiter->second;
+                                                                                       sradd->ContactAccountName = SALiter->second;
+                                                                                       sradd->ContactFullFilename = vcardfilenamewxs;
+                                                                                       sradd->SearchResultID = intResultFound;
+                                                                                       SearchResultAccount.insert(std::make_pair(sradd->SearchResultID, sradd->ContactAccount));
+                                                                                       SearchResultFilename.insert(std::make_pair(sradd->SearchResultID, sradd->ContactFullFilename));
+                                                                                       intResultFound++;
+                                                                                       wxCommandEvent sraddenv(SE_ADDRESULT);
+                                                                                       sraddenv.SetClientData(sradd);
+                                                                                       wxPostEvent(this, sraddenv);
+                                                                               }
+                                                                       } else if (SelOpt == 4){
+                                                                               if (NameArray.Surname.Mid(0, StrOptLen) == StrOpt){
+                                                                                       if (CheckDuplicate(vcardfilenamewxs,
+                                                                                               SAPiter->second, 
+                                                                                               &SearchResultAccount,
+                                                                                               &SearchResultFilename) == TRUE){
+                                                                                               SelOpt = 0;
+                                                                                               chkOpt = FALSE;
+                                                                                               StrOpt.Clear();
+                                                                                               StrOptLen = 0;
+                                                                                               ArrayData.PropData.Clear();
+                                                                                               ArrayData.PropValues.Clear();
+                                                                                               ArrayData.PropCount = 0;
+                                                                                               continue;
+                                                                                       }
+                                                                                       SRNotif *sradd = new SRNotif;
+                                                                                       sradd->ContactName = NameArray;
+                                                                                       sradd->ContactNickname = ContactFinalNickname;
+                                                                                       sradd->ContactAccount = SAPiter->second;
+                                                                                       sradd->ContactAccountName = SALiter->second;
+                                                                                       sradd->ContactFullFilename = vcardfilenamewxs;
+                                                                                       sradd->SearchResultID = intResultFound;
+                                                                                       SearchResultAccount.insert(std::make_pair(sradd->SearchResultID, sradd->ContactAccount));
+                                                                                       SearchResultFilename.insert(std::make_pair(sradd->SearchResultID, sradd->ContactFullFilename));
+                                                                                       intResultFound++;
+                                                                                       wxCommandEvent sraddenv(SE_ADDRESULT);
+                                                                                       sraddenv.SetClientData(sradd);
+                                                                                       wxPostEvent(this, sraddenv);
+                                                                               }
+                                                                       } else if (SelOpt == 8){
+                                                                               wxString NicknameData;
+                                                                               for (int i = 0; i < NicknameArrayData.PropCount; i++){
+                                                                                       NicknameData = NicknameArrayData.PropValues[i];
+                                                                                       if (NicknameData.Mid(0, StrOptLen) == StrOpt){
+                                                                                               if (CheckDuplicate(vcardfilenamewxs,
+                                                                                                       SAPiter->second, 
+                                                                                                       &SearchResultAccount,
+                                                                                                       &SearchResultFilename) == TRUE){
+                                                                                                       SelOpt = 0;
+                                                                                                       chkOpt = FALSE;
+                                                                                                       StrOpt.Clear();
+                                                                                                       StrOptLen = 0;
+                                                                                                       ArrayData.PropData.Clear();
+                                                                                                       ArrayData.PropValues.Clear();
+                                                                                                       ArrayData.PropCount = 0;
+                                                                                                       continue;
+                                                                                               }
+                                                                                               SRNotif *sradd = new SRNotif;
+                                                                                               sradd->ContactName = NameArray;
+                                                                                               sradd->ContactNickname = ContactFinalNickname;
+                                                                                               sradd->ContactAccount = SAPiter->second;
+                                                                                               sradd->ContactAccountName = SALiter->second;
+                                                                                               sradd->ContactFullFilename = vcardfilenamewxs;
+                                                                                               sradd->SearchResultID = intResultFound;
+                                                                                               SearchResultAccount.insert(std::make_pair(sradd->SearchResultID, sradd->ContactAccount));
+                                                                                               SearchResultFilename.insert(std::make_pair(sradd->SearchResultID, sradd->ContactFullFilename));
+                                                                                               intResultFound++;
+                                                                                               wxCommandEvent sraddenv(SE_ADDRESULT);
+                                                                                               sraddenv.SetClientData(sradd);
+                                                                                               wxPostEvent(this, sraddenv);
+                                                                                               break;
+                                                                                       }
+                                                                               }
+                                                                       }
+                                                               } else if (SelOpt == 1 || SelOpt == 5 || SelOpt == 9){
+                                                                       // Matching string that ends with...
+                                                                       if (SelOpt == 1){
+                                                                               // Check the forename.
+                                                                               if (NameArray.Forename.Right(StrOptLen) == StrOpt){
+                                                                                       if (CheckDuplicate(vcardfilenamewxs,
+                                                                                               SAPiter->second, 
+                                                                                               &SearchResultAccount,
+                                                                                               &SearchResultFilename) == TRUE){
+                                                                                               SelOpt = 0;
+                                                                                               chkOpt = FALSE;
+                                                                                               StrOpt.Clear();
+                                                                                               StrOptLen = 0;
+                                                                                               ArrayData.PropData.Clear();
+                                                                                               ArrayData.PropValues.Clear();
+                                                                                               ArrayData.PropCount = 0;
+                                                                                               continue;
+                                                                                       }
+                                                                                       SRNotif *sradd = new SRNotif;
+                                                                                       sradd->ContactName = NameArray;
+                                                                                       sradd->ContactNickname = ContactFinalNickname;
+                                                                                       sradd->ContactAccount = SAPiter->second;
+                                                                                       sradd->ContactAccountName = SALiter->second;
+                                                                                       sradd->ContactFullFilename = vcardfilenamewxs;
+                                                                                       sradd->SearchResultID = intResultFound;
+                                                                                       SearchResultAccount.insert(std::make_pair(sradd->SearchResultID, sradd->ContactAccount));
+                                                                                       SearchResultFilename.insert(std::make_pair(sradd->SearchResultID, sradd->ContactFullFilename));
+                                                                                       intResultFound++;
+                                                                                       wxCommandEvent sraddenv(SE_ADDRESULT);
+                                                                                       sraddenv.SetClientData(sradd);
+                                                                                       wxPostEvent(this, sraddenv);
+                                                                               }
+                                                                       } else if (SelOpt == 5){
+                                                                               if (NameArray.Surname.Right(StrOptLen) == StrOpt){
+                                                                                       if (CheckDuplicate(vcardfilenamewxs,
+                                                                                               SAPiter->second, 
+                                                                                               &SearchResultAccount,
+                                                                                               &SearchResultFilename) == TRUE){
+                                                                                               SelOpt = 0;
+                                                                                               chkOpt = FALSE;
+                                                                                               StrOpt.Clear();
+                                                                                               StrOptLen = 0;
+                                                                                               ArrayData.PropData.Clear();
+                                                                                               ArrayData.PropValues.Clear();
+                                                                                               ArrayData.PropCount = 0;
+                                                                                               continue;
+                                                                                       }
+                                                                                       SRNotif *sradd = new SRNotif;
+                                                                                       sradd->ContactName = NameArray;
+                                                                                       sradd->ContactNickname = ContactFinalNickname;
+                                                                                       sradd->ContactAccount = SAPiter->second;
+                                                                                       sradd->ContactAccountName = SALiter->second;
+                                                                                       sradd->ContactFullFilename = vcardfilenamewxs;
+                                                                                       sradd->SearchResultID = intResultFound;
+                                                                                       SearchResultAccount.insert(std::make_pair(sradd->SearchResultID, sradd->ContactAccount));
+                                                                                       SearchResultFilename.insert(std::make_pair(sradd->SearchResultID, sradd->ContactFullFilename));
+                                                                                       intResultFound++;
+                                                                                       wxCommandEvent sraddenv(SE_ADDRESULT);
+                                                                                       sraddenv.SetClientData(sradd);
+                                                                                       wxPostEvent(this, sraddenv);
+                                                                               }
+                                                                       } else if (SelOpt == 9){
+                                                                               wxString NicknameData;
+                                                                               for (int i = 0; i < NicknameArrayData.PropCount; i++){
+                                                                                       NicknameData = NicknameArrayData.PropValues[i];
+                                                                                       NicknameData.Trim();
+                                                                                       if (NicknameData.Right(StrOptLen) == StrOpt){
+                                                                                               if (CheckDuplicate(vcardfilenamewxs,
+                                                                                                       SAPiter->second, 
+                                                                                                       &SearchResultAccount,
+                                                                                                       &SearchResultFilename) == TRUE){
+                                                                                                       SelOpt = 0;
+                                                                                                       chkOpt = FALSE;
+                                                                                                       StrOpt.Clear();
+                                                                                                       StrOptLen = 0;
+                                                                                                       ArrayData.PropData.Clear();
+                                                                                                       ArrayData.PropValues.Clear();
+                                                                                                       ArrayData.PropCount = 0;
+                                                                                                       continue;
+                                                                                               }
+                                                                                               SRNotif *sradd = new SRNotif;
+                                                                                               sradd->ContactName = NameArray;
+                                                                                               sradd->ContactNickname = ContactFinalNickname;
+                                                                                               sradd->ContactAccount = SAPiter->second;
+                                                                                               sradd->ContactAccountName = SALiter->second;
+                                                                                               sradd->ContactFullFilename = vcardfilenamewxs;
+                                                                                               sradd->SearchResultID = intResultFound;
+                                                                                               SearchResultAccount.insert(std::make_pair(sradd->SearchResultID, sradd->ContactAccount));
+                                                                                               SearchResultFilename.insert(std::make_pair(sradd->SearchResultID, sradd->ContactFullFilename));
+                                                                                               intResultFound++;
+                                                                                               wxCommandEvent sraddenv(SE_ADDRESULT);
+                                                                                               sraddenv.SetClientData(sradd);
+                                                                                               wxPostEvent(this, sraddenv);
+                                                                                               break;
+                                                                                       }
+                                                                               }
+                                                                       }
+                                                               } else if (SelOpt == 2 || SelOpt == 6 || SelOpt == 10){
+                                                                       // Matching string that contains...
+                                                                       if (SelOpt == 2){
+                                                                               if (NameArray.Forename.Find(StrOpt) != wxNOT_FOUND){
+                                                                                       if (CheckDuplicate(vcardfilenamewxs,
+                                                                                               SAPiter->second, 
+                                                                                               &SearchResultAccount,
+                                                                                               &SearchResultFilename) == TRUE){
+                                                                                               SelOpt = 0;
+                                                                                               chkOpt = FALSE;
+                                                                                               StrOpt.Clear();
+                                                                                               StrOptLen = 0;
+                                                                                               ArrayData.PropData.Clear();
+                                                                                               ArrayData.PropValues.Clear();
+                                                                                               ArrayData.PropCount = 0;
+                                                                                               continue;
+                                                                                       }
+                                                                                       SRNotif *sradd = new SRNotif;
+                                                                                       sradd->ContactName = NameArray;
+                                                                                       sradd->ContactNickname = ContactFinalNickname;
+                                                                                       sradd->ContactAccount = SAPiter->second;
+                                                                                       sradd->ContactAccountName = SALiter->second;
+                                                                                       sradd->ContactFullFilename = vcardfilenamewxs;
+                                                                                       sradd->SearchResultID = intResultFound;
+                                                                                       SearchResultAccount.insert(std::make_pair(sradd->SearchResultID, sradd->ContactAccount));
+                                                                                       SearchResultFilename.insert(std::make_pair(sradd->SearchResultID, sradd->ContactFullFilename));
+                                                                                       intResultFound++;
+                                                                                       wxCommandEvent sraddenv(SE_ADDRESULT);
+                                                                                       sraddenv.SetClientData(sradd);
+                                                                                       wxPostEvent(this, sraddenv);
+                                                                               }
+                                                                       } else if (SelOpt == 6){
+                                                                               if (NameArray.Surname.Find(StrOpt) != wxNOT_FOUND){
+                                                                                       if (CheckDuplicate(vcardfilenamewxs,
+                                                                                               SAPiter->second, 
+                                                                                               &SearchResultAccount,
+                                                                                               &SearchResultFilename) == TRUE){
+                                                                                               SelOpt = 0;
+                                                                                               chkOpt = FALSE;
+                                                                                               StrOpt.Clear();
+                                                                                               StrOptLen = 0;
+                                                                                               ArrayData.PropData.Clear();
+                                                                                               ArrayData.PropValues.Clear();
+                                                                                               ArrayData.PropCount = 0;
+                                                                                               continue;
+                                                                                       }
+                                                                                       SRNotif *sradd = new SRNotif;
+                                                                                       sradd->ContactName = NameArray;
+                                                                                       sradd->ContactNickname = ContactFinalNickname;
+                                                                                       sradd->ContactAccount = SAPiter->second;
+                                                                                       sradd->ContactAccountName = SALiter->second;
+                                                                                       sradd->ContactFullFilename = vcardfilenamewxs;
+                                                                                       sradd->SearchResultID = intResultFound;
+                                                                                       SearchResultAccount.insert(std::make_pair(sradd->SearchResultID, sradd->ContactAccount));
+                                                                                       SearchResultFilename.insert(std::make_pair(sradd->SearchResultID, sradd->ContactFullFilename));
+                                                                                       intResultFound++;
+                                                                                       wxCommandEvent sraddenv(SE_ADDRESULT);
+                                                                                       sraddenv.SetClientData(sradd);
+                                                                                       wxPostEvent(this, sraddenv);
+                                                                               }
+                                                                       } else if (SelOpt == 10){
+                                                                               wxString NicknameData;
+                                                                               for (int i = 0; i < NicknameArrayData.PropCount; i++){
+                                                                                       NicknameData = NicknameArrayData.PropValues[i];
+                                                                                       NicknameData.Trim();
+                                                                                       if (NicknameData.Find(StrOpt) != wxNOT_FOUND){
+                                                                                               if (CheckDuplicate(vcardfilenamewxs,
+                                                                                                       SAPiter->second, 
+                                                                                                       &SearchResultAccount,
+                                                                                                       &SearchResultFilename) == TRUE){
+                                                                                                       SelOpt = 0;
+                                                                                                       chkOpt = FALSE;
+                                                                                                       StrOpt.Clear();
+                                                                                                       StrOptLen = 0;
+                                                                                                       ArrayData.PropData.Clear();
+                                                                                                       ArrayData.PropValues.Clear();
+                                                                                                       ArrayData.PropCount = 0;
+                                                                                                       continue;
+                                                                                               }
+                                                                                               SRNotif *sradd = new SRNotif;
+                                                                                               sradd->ContactName = NameArray;
+                                                                                               sradd->ContactNickname = ContactFinalNickname;
+                                                                                               sradd->ContactAccount = SAPiter->second;
+                                                                                               sradd->ContactAccountName = SALiter->second;
+                                                                                               sradd->ContactFullFilename = vcardfilenamewxs;
+                                                                                               sradd->SearchResultID = intResultFound;
+                                                                                               SearchResultAccount.insert(std::make_pair(sradd->SearchResultID, sradd->ContactAccount));
+                                                                                               SearchResultFilename.insert(std::make_pair(sradd->SearchResultID, sradd->ContactFullFilename));
+                                                                                               intResultFound++;
+                                                                                               wxCommandEvent sraddenv(SE_ADDRESULT);
+                                                                                               sraddenv.SetClientData(sradd);
+                                                                                               wxPostEvent(this, sraddenv);
+                                                                                               break;
+                                                                                       }
+                                                                               }
+                                                                       }
+                                                               } else if (SelOpt == 3 || SelOpt == 7 || SelOpt == 11){
+                                                                       // Matching String that doesn't contain...
+                                                                       if (SelOpt == 3){
+                                                                               // Process the nickname data.
+                                                                               if (NameArray.Forename.Find(StrOpt) == wxNOT_FOUND){
+                                                                                       if (CheckDuplicate(vcardfilenamewxs,
+                                                                                               SAPiter->second, 
+                                                                                               &SearchResultAccount,
+                                                                                               &SearchResultFilename) == TRUE){
+                                                                                               SelOpt = 0;
+                                                                                               chkOpt = FALSE;
+                                                                                               StrOpt.Clear();
+                                                                                               StrOptLen = 0;
+                                                                                               ArrayData.PropData.Clear();
+                                                                                               ArrayData.PropValues.Clear();
+                                                                                               ArrayData.PropCount = 0;
+                                                                                               continue;
+                                                                                       }
+                                                                                       SRNotif *sradd = new SRNotif;
+                                                                                       sradd->ContactName = NameArray;
+                                                                                       sradd->ContactNickname = ContactFinalNickname;
+                                                                                       sradd->ContactAccount = SAPiter->second;
+                                                                                       sradd->ContactAccountName = SALiter->second;
+                                                                                       sradd->ContactFullFilename = vcardfilenamewxs;
+                                                                                       sradd->SearchResultID = intResultFound;
+                                                                                       SearchResultAccount.insert(std::make_pair(sradd->SearchResultID, sradd->ContactAccount));
+                                                                                       SearchResultFilename.insert(std::make_pair(sradd->SearchResultID, sradd->ContactFullFilename));
+                                                                                       intResultFound++;
+                                                                                       wxCommandEvent sraddenv(SE_ADDRESULT);
+                                                                                       sraddenv.SetClientData(sradd);
+                                                                                       wxPostEvent(this, sraddenv);
+                                                                               }
+                                                                       } else if (SelOpt == 7){
+                                                                               if (!NameArray.Surname.Find(StrOpt) == wxNOT_FOUND){
+                                                                                       if (CheckDuplicate(vcardfilenamewxs,
+                                                                                               SAPiter->second, 
+                                                                                               &SearchResultAccount,
+                                                                                               &SearchResultFilename) == TRUE){
+                                                                                               SelOpt = 0;
+                                                                                               chkOpt = FALSE;
+                                                                                               StrOpt.Clear();
+                                                                                               StrOptLen = 0;
+                                                                                               ArrayData.PropData.Clear();
+                                                                                               ArrayData.PropValues.Clear();
+                                                                                               ArrayData.PropCount = 0;
+                                                                                               continue;
+                                                                                       }
+                                                                                       SRNotif *sradd = new SRNotif;
+                                                                                       sradd->ContactName = NameArray;
+                                                                                       sradd->ContactNickname = ContactFinalNickname;
+                                                                                       sradd->ContactAccount = SAPiter->second;
+                                                                                       sradd->ContactAccountName = SALiter->second;
+                                                                                       sradd->ContactFullFilename = vcardfilenamewxs;
+                                                                                       sradd->SearchResultID = intResultFound;
+                                                                                       SearchResultAccount.insert(std::make_pair(sradd->SearchResultID, sradd->ContactAccount));
+                                                                                       SearchResultFilename.insert(std::make_pair(sradd->SearchResultID, sradd->ContactFullFilename));
+                                                                                       intResultFound++;
+                                                                                       wxCommandEvent sraddenv(SE_ADDRESULT);
+                                                                                       sraddenv.SetClientData(sradd);
+                                                                                       wxPostEvent(this, sraddenv);
+                                                                               }
+                                                                       } else if (SelOpt == 11){
+                                                                               wxString NicknameData;
+                                                                               for (int i = 0; i < NicknameArrayData.PropCount; i++){
+                                                                                       NicknameData = NicknameArrayData.PropValues[i];
+                                                                                       NicknameData.Trim();
+                                                                                       if (NicknameData.Find(StrOpt) == wxNOT_FOUND){
+                                                                                               if (CheckDuplicate(vcardfilenamewxs,
+                                                                                                       SAPiter->second, 
+                                                                                                       &SearchResultAccount,
+                                                                                                       &SearchResultFilename) == TRUE){
+                                                                                                       SelOpt = 0;
+                                                                                                       chkOpt = FALSE;
+                                                                                                       StrOpt.Clear();
+                                                                                                       StrOptLen = 0;
+                                                                                                       ArrayData.PropData.Clear();
+                                                                                                       ArrayData.PropValues.Clear();
+                                                                                                       ArrayData.PropCount = 0;
+                                                                                                       continue;
+                                                                                               }
+                                                                                               SRNotif *sradd = new SRNotif;
+                                                                                               sradd->ContactName = NameArray;
+                                                                                               sradd->ContactNickname = ContactFinalNickname;
+                                                                                               sradd->ContactAccount = SAPiter->second;
+                                                                                               sradd->ContactAccountName = SALiter->second;
+                                                                                               sradd->ContactFullFilename = vcardfilenamewxs;
+                                                                                               sradd->SearchResultID = intResultFound;
+                                                                                               SearchResultAccount.insert(std::make_pair(sradd->SearchResultID, sradd->ContactAccount));
+                                                                                               SearchResultFilename.insert(std::make_pair(sradd->SearchResultID, sradd->ContactFullFilename));
+                                                                                               intResultFound++;
+                                                                                               wxCommandEvent sraddenv(SE_ADDRESULT);
+                                                                                               sraddenv.SetClientData(sradd);
+                                                                                               wxPostEvent(this, sraddenv);
+                                                                                               break;
+                                                                                       }
+                                                                               }
+                                                                       }
+                                                               }
+                                                       } else {
+                                                               chkOpt = XABSPPtr->GetCheckboxSetting();
+                                                               if (SelOpt == 12){
+                                                                       // Search should check if it has a photo or not.
+                                                                       ArrayData = Person.GetByPartial(wxT("PHOTO"));
+                                                                       if ((ArrayData.PropCount >= 1 &&
+                                                                       chkOpt == TRUE) || 
+                                                                       (ArrayData.PropCount == 0 &&
+                                                                       chkOpt == FALSE)){
+                                                                               if (CheckDuplicate(vcardfilenamewxs,
+                                                                                       SAPiter->second, 
+                                                                                       &SearchResultAccount,
+                                                                                       &SearchResultFilename) == TRUE){
+                                                                                       SelOpt = 0;
+                                                                                       chkOpt = FALSE;
+                                                                                       StrOpt.Clear();
+                                                                                       StrOptLen = 0;
+                                                                                       ArrayData.PropData.Clear();
+                                                                                       ArrayData.PropValues.Clear();
+                                                                                       ArrayData.PropCount = 0;
+                                                                                       continue;
+                                                                               }
+                                                                               SRNotif *sradd = new SRNotif;
+                                                                               sradd->ContactName = NameArray;
+                                                                               sradd->ContactNickname = ContactFinalNickname;
+                                                                               sradd->ContactAccount = SAPiter->second;
+                                                                               sradd->ContactAccountName = SALiter->second;
+                                                                               sradd->ContactFullFilename = vcardfilenamewxs;
+                                                                               sradd->SearchResultID = intResultFound;
+                                                                               SearchResultAccount.insert(std::make_pair(sradd->SearchResultID, sradd->ContactAccount));
+                                                                               SearchResultFilename.insert(std::make_pair(sradd->SearchResultID, sradd->ContactFullFilename));
+                                                                               intResultFound++;
+                                                                               wxCommandEvent sraddenv(SE_ADDRESULT);
+                                                                               sraddenv.SetClientData(sradd);
+                                                                               wxPostEvent(this, sraddenv);
+                                                                       }
+                                                               } else if (SelOpt == 13){
+                                                                       // Search should check if it has a logo or not.
+                                                                       ArrayData = Person.GetByPartial(wxT("LOGO"));
+                                                                       if ((ArrayData.PropCount >= 1 &&
+                                                                       chkOpt == TRUE) || 
+                                                                       (ArrayData.PropCount == 0 &&
+                                                                       chkOpt == FALSE)){
+                                                                               if (CheckDuplicate(vcardfilenamewxs,
+                                                                                       SAPiter->second, 
+                                                                                       &SearchResultAccount,
+                                                                                       &SearchResultFilename) == TRUE){
+                                                                                       SelOpt = 0;
+                                                                                       chkOpt = FALSE;
+                                                                                       StrOpt.Clear();
+                                                                                       StrOptLen = 0;
+                                                                                       ArrayData.PropData.Clear();
+                                                                                       ArrayData.PropValues.Clear();
+                                                                                       ArrayData.PropCount = 0;
+                                                                                       continue;
+                                                                               }
+                                                                               SRNotif *sradd = new SRNotif;
+                                                                               sradd->ContactName = NameArray;
+                                                                               sradd->ContactNickname = ContactFinalNickname;
+                                                                               sradd->ContactAccount = SAPiter->second;
+                                                                               sradd->ContactAccountName = SALiter->second;
+                                                                               sradd->ContactFullFilename = vcardfilenamewxs;
+                                                                               sradd->SearchResultID = intResultFound;
+                                                                               SearchResultAccount.insert(std::make_pair(sradd->SearchResultID, sradd->ContactAccount));
+                                                                               SearchResultFilename.insert(std::make_pair(sradd->SearchResultID, sradd->ContactFullFilename));
+                                                                               intResultFound++;
+                                                                               wxCommandEvent sraddenv(SE_ADDRESULT);
+                                                                               sraddenv.SetClientData(sradd);
+                                                                               wxPostEvent(this, sraddenv);
+                                                                       }
+                                                               } else if (SelOpt == 14){
+                                                                       // Search should check if it has sound or not.
+                                                                       ArrayData = Person.GetByPartial(wxT("SOUND"));
+                                                                       if ((ArrayData.PropCount >= 1 &&
+                                                                       chkOpt == TRUE) || 
+                                                                       (ArrayData.PropCount == 0 &&
+                                                                       chkOpt == FALSE)){
+                                                                               if (CheckDuplicate(vcardfilenamewxs,
+                                                                                       SAPiter->second, 
+                                                                                       &SearchResultAccount,
+                                                                                       &SearchResultFilename) == TRUE){
+                                                                                       SelOpt = 0;
+                                                                                       chkOpt = FALSE;
+                                                                                       StrOpt.Clear();
+                                                                                       StrOptLen = 0;
+                                                                                       ArrayData.PropData.Clear();
+                                                                                       ArrayData.PropValues.Clear();
+                                                                                       ArrayData.PropCount = 0;
+                                                                                       continue;
+                                                                               }
+                                                                               SRNotif *sradd = new SRNotif;
+                                                                               sradd->ContactName = NameArray;
+                                                                               sradd->ContactNickname = ContactFinalNickname;
+                                                                               sradd->ContactAccount = SAPiter->second;
+                                                                               sradd->ContactAccountName = SALiter->second;
+                                                                               sradd->ContactFullFilename = vcardfilenamewxs;
+                                                                               sradd->SearchResultID = intResultFound;
+                                                                               SearchResultAccount.insert(std::make_pair(sradd->SearchResultID, sradd->ContactAccount));
+                                                                               SearchResultFilename.insert(std::make_pair(sradd->SearchResultID, sradd->ContactFullFilename));
+                                                                               intResultFound++;
+                                                                               wxCommandEvent sraddenv(SE_ADDRESULT);
+                                                                               sraddenv.SetClientData(sradd);
+                                                                               wxPostEvent(this, sraddenv);
+                                                                       }
+                                                               }
+                                                       }
+                                                       SelOpt = 0;
+                                                       chkOpt = FALSE;
+                                                       StrOpt.Clear();
+                                                       StrOptLen = 0;
+                                                       ArrayData.PropData.Clear();
+                                                       ArrayData.PropValues.Clear();
+                                                       ArrayData.PropCount = 0;
+                                               }
+                                       } else {
+                                       }
+                               }
+                               vCardFilename.Clear();
+                               vCardFilenameFull.Clear();
+                               ProcFiles = vcardaccdir.GetNext(&vCardFilename);
+                       }
+               } else {
+               }
+       }
+       // Finished searching... clear up.
+       wxCommandEvent sbfinstr (SE_SBUPDATE);
+       wxString *SBFinish = new wxString;
+       if (intResultFound == 0){
+               *SBFinish = _("No contacts found.");
+       } else if (intResultFound == 1){
+               *SBFinish = _("1 contact found.");
+       } else {
+               *SBFinish = wxString::Format(wxT("%i"), intResultFound) + _(" contacts found.");
+       }
+       sbfinstr.SetClientData(SBFinish);
+       wxPostEvent(this, sbfinstr);
+       wxCommandEvent sbfinish (SE_SEARCHFINISHED);
+       wxPostEvent(this, sbfinish);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/source/search/frmSearch-result.cpp b/source/search/frmSearch-result.cpp
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..6216af1
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
+// frmSearch-result.cpp - Search result subroutines.
+// (c) 2012-2015 Xestia Software Development.
+// This file is part of Xestia Address Book.
+// Xestia Address Book is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+// Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the license.
+// Xestia Address Book is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+// with Xestia Address Book. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
+#include "frmSearch.h"
+#include "../frmMain.h"
+#include "../frmContact.h"
+void frmSearch::AddResult( wxCommandEvent& event ){
+       SRNotif *srnotif = (SRNotif*)event.GetClientData();
+       // Process Data and add to the list of results.
+       wxListItem item;
+       // Setup the contact name.
+       wxString ContactNameFinal;
+       if (!srnotif->ContactName.Title.IsEmpty()){
+               ContactNameFinal.append(srnotif->ContactName.Title);
+               ContactNameFinal.Trim();
+               ContactNameFinal.append(wxT(" "));
+       }
+       if (!srnotif->ContactName.Forename.IsEmpty()){
+               ContactNameFinal.append(srnotif->ContactName.Forename);
+               ContactNameFinal.Trim();
+               ContactNameFinal.append(wxT(" "));
+       }
+       if (!srnotif->ContactName.Surname.IsEmpty()){
+               ContactNameFinal.append(srnotif->ContactName.Surname);
+               ContactNameFinal.Trim();
+               ContactNameFinal.append(wxT(" "));
+       }
+       if (!srnotif->ContactName.Suffix.IsEmpty()){
+               ContactNameFinal.append(srnotif->ContactName.Suffix);
+               ContactNameFinal.Trim();
+       }
+       item.SetId(0);
+       item.SetText(ContactNameFinal);
+       item.SetData(srnotif->SearchResultID);
+       long ListCtrlIndex = lstResults->InsertItem(item);
+       //SearchResultAccount.insert(std::make_pair(srnotif->SearchResultID, srnotif->ContactAccount));
+       //SearchResultFilename.insert(std::make_pair(srnotif->SearchResultID, srnotif->ContactFullFilename));
+       srnotif->ContactNickname.Trim();
+       lstResults->SetItem(ListCtrlIndex, 1, srnotif->ContactNickname);
+       lstResults->SetItem(ListCtrlIndex, 2, srnotif->ContactAccountName);     
+       delete srnotif;
+       srnotif = NULL;
+void frmSearch::UpdateResult( wxCommandEvent& event ){
+       UCNotif *uc = (UCNotif*)event.GetClientData();
+       long longSelected = -1;
+       int intSelectedData = 0;
+       for (;;){
+               longSelected = lstResults->GetNextItem(longSelected, 
+                       wxLIST_NEXT_ALL,
+                       wxLIST_STATE_DONTCARE);
+               if (longSelected == -1){
+                       break;
+               }
+               // Get the filename/ID information.
+               intSelectedData = lstResults->GetItemData(longSelected);
+               if (uc->ContactFilename == SearchResultFilename[intSelectedData]){
+                       // Process the contact name
+                       wxString ContactNameFinal;
+                       if (!uc->ContactNameArray.Title.IsEmpty()){
+                               ContactNameFinal.append(uc->ContactNameArray.Title);
+                               ContactNameFinal.Trim();
+                               ContactNameFinal.append(wxT(" "));
+                       }
+                       if (!uc->ContactNameArray.Forename.IsEmpty()){
+                               ContactNameFinal.append(uc->ContactNameArray.Forename);
+                               ContactNameFinal.Trim();
+                               ContactNameFinal.append(wxT(" "));
+                       }
+                       if (!uc->ContactNameArray.Surname.IsEmpty()){
+                               ContactNameFinal.append(uc->ContactNameArray.Surname);
+                               ContactNameFinal.Trim();
+                               ContactNameFinal.append(wxT(" "));
+                       }
+                       if (!uc->ContactNameArray.Suffix.IsEmpty()){
+                               ContactNameFinal.append(uc->ContactNameArray.Suffix);
+                               ContactNameFinal.Trim();
+                       }
+                       lstResults->SetItem(longSelected, 0, ContactNameFinal);
+                       lstResults->SetItem(longSelected, 1, uc->ContactNickname);
+               }
+       }
+       delete uc;
+       uc = NULL;
+bool frmSearch::CheckDuplicate(wxString Filename,
+       wxString Account, 
+       std::map<long,wxString> *SRAcc,
+       std::map<long,wxString> *SRFN){
+       std::map<long,wxString>::iterator fniter;
+       // Check comparison code.
+       for (std::map<long,wxString>::iterator aciter = SRAcc->begin();
+               aciter != SRAcc->end(); aciter++){
+               fniter = SRFN->find(aciter->first);
+               if (Filename == fniter->second && 
+                       Account == aciter->second){
+                       return TRUE;
+               }
+       }
+       return FALSE;
+void frmSearch::DeleteResult(wxCommandEvent &event){
+       UCNotif *uc = (UCNotif*)event.GetClientData();
+       long longSelected = -1;
+       int intSelectedData = 0;
+       for (;;){
+               longSelected = lstResults->GetNextItem(longSelected, 
+                       wxLIST_NEXT_ALL,
+                       wxLIST_STATE_DONTCARE);
+               if (longSelected == -1){
+                       break;
+               }
+               // Get the filename/ID information.
+               intSelectedData = lstResults->GetItemData(longSelected);
+               if (uc->ContactFilename == SearchResultFilename[intSelectedData]){
+                       // Delete the result from the search list and
+                       // update the total search results.
+                       // Remove DeleteResultEvent and find out where the uc
+                       // data is still being used as it crashes on delete. 
+                       lstResults->DeleteItem(longSelected);
+                       // Update the number of search results.
+                       wxCommandEvent sbu(SE_SBUPDATE);
+                       wxString *SBUpdate = new wxString;
+                       // Get the number of results.
+                       int intResultFound = lstResults->GetItemCount();
+                       // Prepare the status bar message.
+                       if (intResultFound == 0){
+                               *SBUpdate = _("No contacts found.");
+                       } else if (intResultFound == 1){
+                               *SBUpdate = _("1 contact found.");
+                       } else {
+                               *SBUpdate = wxString::Format(wxT("%i"), intResultFound) + _(" contacts found.");
+                       }
+                       sbu.SetClientData(SBUpdate);
+                       wxPostEvent(this, sbu);
+                       break;
+               }
+       }
+       delete uc;
+       uc = NULL;
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Yn Maystri
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