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Xestia Gelforn Help: Email Validation

When you create an account, a validation email is sent to verify that the email address is a working valid address and (usually) not created by a robotic system.

If the validation email does not arrive (due to server maintenance for example) or the link on there has expired then you can ask for the email to be resent (if needed).

To resend the validation email click on the ‘Login’ link at the top of the page and click on the Resend Email Validation link. From this page, enter the email address you wish to resend the email validation to and click on the ‘Resend e-mail’ button. This will re-send the email to your e-mail address with instructions on how to validate your account.

Note: For privacy reasons, the system will not confirm if the account exists or has been validated but will display a generic message to say that an email to validate the account has been sent.

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