[about] name = English (British) creator = Steve Brokenshire mailaddress = sbrokenshire|ao|xestia|dottie|co|dottie|uk [auth] login = Login loginbutton = Login username = User Name password = Password keeploggedin = Keep logged in cookiesrequired = Cookies support must be enabled in your browser in order to be to login. loginerror = The credentials supplied were invalid or you have been logged out as your session has expired. Please check that the username and password you have entered are correct and contact your system administrator if you are still unable to login. loggedout = Logged Out loggedoutmsg = You have logged out. displaylogin = Display the login page. [users] submenu_listusers = List Users submenu_adduser = Add User submenu_logoutallusers = Logout All Users userslist = Users List adduser = Add User edituser = Edit User deleteuser = Delete User userinformation = User Information userpermissions = User Permissions nameofoutputmoduleerror = The name of the output format module that caused this error is: %s nameofexportmoduleerror = The name of the export format module that caused this error is: %s permit = Permit returnuserlist = Return to the user list. adduserbutton = Add User edituserbutton = Edit User listusers = List Users showdeactivated = Show Deactivated Users update = Update username = User Name name = Name password = Password confirmpassword = Confirm Password adminprivs = Administrator Privileges accountenabled = Account Enabled scannerlist = Scanner List scannername = Scanner Name allowaccess = Allow Access connected = Connected devconnected = Connected devdisconnected = Disconnected outputmodulelist = Output Format Module List exportmodulelist = Export Format Module List modulename = Module Name available = Available modavailable = Available modunavailable = Unavailable newpassword = New Password confirmnewpassword = Confirm New Password userdetails = User Details edituser = Edit User useradded = User Added useraddedtolist = The user '%s' was added to the user list. useredited = User Edited usereditedsuccess = The user '%s' on the user list was edited. usereditedlogout = If the user being edited was yourself and you have changed your username, you will be logged out of the Kiriwrite. deleteuser = Delete User deleteuserareyousure = Are you sure you want to delete '%s' from the user list? deleteuserbutton = Yes, delete User noreturnuserlist = No, return to the user list. userdeleted = User Deleted userdeletedsuccess = The user '%s' was deleted from the user list. logoutallusers = Logout All Users logoutallquestion = Are you sure you want to logout all users? logoutallwarning = All users (including the user executing this action) will be logged out of the system and will need to log in again. logoutallsuccess = All users (including yourself) have been logged out. logoutallloginagain = You will need to log back in again. logoutallcontinue = Click on this link to continue. logoutallbutton = Logout All Users [setting] submenu_viewsettings = View Settings submenu_editsettings = Edit Settings viewsettings = View Settings currentsettings = The current settings being used are the following: directories = Directories databasedirectory = Database Directory outputdirectory = Output Directory imagesuripath = Images (URI path) scansuripath = Scans (URI path) scansfspath = Scans (Filesystem path) display = Display textareacols = Text Area Columns textarearows = Text Area Rows pagecount = Pages on browse templatecount = Templates on browse filtercount = Filters on browse date = Date dateformat = Date Format language = Language systemlanguage = System Language modules = Modules presentationmodule = Presentation Module outputmodule = Output Format Module authmodule = Authentication Module altersettings = To alter the current settings, select the Edit Settings option at the top of the page. editsettings = Edit Settings warning = Warning: warningmessage = Settings that have changed take effect after clicking on the 'Change Settings' button and viewing the confirmation message. singleday = D - Show single digit day if day value is less than 10. doubleday = DD - Show double digit day if day value is less than 10. singlemonth = M - Show single digit month if month value is less than 10. doublemonth = MM - Show double digit month if month value is less than 10. singleyear = Y - Show double digit year value. doubleyear = YY - Show four digit year value. singlehour = h - Show single digit hour if hour value is less than 10. doublehour = hh - Show double digit hour if hour value is less than 10. singleminute = m - Show single digit minute if minute value is less than 10. doubleminute = mm - Show double digit minute if minute value is less than 10. singlesecond = s - Show single digit second if second value is less than 10. doublesecond = ss - Show double digit second if second value is less than 10. othercharacters = Other Characters: / - < > ; databaseserver = Database Server databaseport = Database Port databaseprotocol = Database Protocol databasename = Database Name databaseusername = Database Username databasepassword = Database Password keepcurrentpassword = Keep the current password tableprefix = Table Prefix changesettingsbutton = Change Settings returnsettingslist = Return to the list of settings. settingsedited = Settings Edited settingseditedmessage = The settings have been changed and will take effect on the next page load of Xestia Scanner Server. [error] error = Error! extendederror = The extended information about the error is: generic = An error has occurred but not an error that is known to Kiriwrite. blankfilename = The filename specified was blank. blankvariable = A blank variable was specified. fileexists = A filename specified already exists. internalerror = An internal error has occurred within Kiriwrite. invalidaction = An invalid action was specified. invalidfilename = The filename given contains invalid characters. invalidmode = An invalid mode was specified. invalidutf8 = A UTF-8 string is invalid. invalidvariable = An variable with invalid data has been found. variabletoolong = A variable given is too long. authconnectionerror = An authentication (database) connection error has occurred. autherror = An authentication error occurred. authmoduleblank = The authentication module name given is blank. authmoduleinvalid = The name of the authentication module given is invalid. authmodulemissing = The authentication module with the name given is missing. blankdatetimeformat = The date and time format given is blank. blankdirectory = The directory name specified was blank. blankpictureid = The picture ID given was blank. blankvariable = The variable given was blank. bottomrightx = No value for Bottom Right X was given. bottomrightxinvalidnumber = The Bottom Right X value given is invalid. bottomrighty = No value for Bottom Right Y was given. bottomrightyinvalidnumber = The Bottom Right Y value given is invalid. brightnessblank = The brightness value given was blank. brightnessinvalidnumber = The brightness value given was invalid. colourblank = No setting for Colour was given. colourinvalidoption = The Colour setting given is invalid. invaliddirectory = The directory name specified was invalid. invaliddatetimeformat = The date and time format given is invalid. languagefilenamemissing = The language filename given does not exist. moduleinvalid = The module name given was invalid. nametoolong = The name given is too long. notpermitted = You do not have permission to preform this action in Xestia Scanner Server. outputmoduleblank = The output format module name given is blank. outputmoduleinvalid = The output format module name given is invalid. passwordblank = The password given was blank. passwordsdonotmatch = The passwords given do not match. passwordtoolong = The password given was too long. permissiontypeblank = The permission type given was blank. presmoduleblank = The presentation module name given is blank. presmoduleinvalid = The presentation module name given is invalid. presmodulemissing = The presentation module with the filename given is missing. rotateblank = The rotate option given is blank. rotateinvalidoption = The rotate option given is invalid. resolutionblank = The resolution value given was blank. resolutioninvalidnumber = The resolution value given was invalid. scannererror = An error occurred whilst trying to use the scanner. scannerpermissioninvalid = The scanner cannot be used as you don't have permission to use it. serverdatabasenameinvalid = The server database name given is invalid. serverdatabasenametoolong = The server database name given is too long. serverdatabasepasswordtoolong = The server database password given is too long. serverdatabasetableprefixinvalid = The server database table prefix given is invalid. serverdatabasetableprefixtoolong = The server database table prefix given is too long. serverdatabaseusernameinvalid = The server database username given is invalid. serverdatabaseusernametoolong = The server database username given is too long. servernameinvalid = The database server name given is invalid. servernametoolong = The database server name given is too long. serverportnumberinvalid = The database port number given is invalid. serverportnumberinvalidcharacters = The database port number given contains characters other than numbers. serverportnumbertoolong = The database port number given is too long. serverprotocolinvalid = An invalid database server protocol was specified. serverprotocolnametoolong = The database server protocol name given is too long. userediterror = An error occurred whilst editing the user details. userexists = A user with the username given already exists. userdoesnotexist = There is no user with the username given. usernameblank = The username given is blank. usernameinvalid = The username given is invalid. usernametoolong = The username given is too long. [options] edit = Edit delete = Delete compile = Compile [blank] noname = No Name nodescription = No Description blankdatabasename = Blank Database Name [common] alter = Alter setting = Setting value = Value restorecurrent = Restore current settings restoredefault = Restore default settings clearvalues = Clear values selectnone = Select None options = Options tags = Kiriwrite Tags: pagecontent = - Specifies the page content. pagetitle = - Specifies the page title (and page section depending on page settings). pagename = - Specifies the page name. pagedescription = - Specifies the page description. pagesection = - Specifies the page section. pageautosection = - Automatic page section name. pageautotitle = - Automatic page title (and page section depending on page settings). [menu] scanconfig = Scan Configuration userconfig = User Configuration settingsconfig = Settings Configuration logout = Logout [scan] scanconfig = Scan Configuration process = Process switchscanner = Switch Scanner previewdocument = Preview Document startscanning = Start Scanning noscanners = No scanners are available. Please check the connections to the server and make sure that the modules/drivers for the scanners are enabled. scanner = Scanner : documentpreview = Document Preview documentsettings = Document Settings picturedimensions = Picture Dimensions topleftx = Top Left X: toplefty = Top Left Y: bottomrightx = Bottom Right X: bottomrighty = Bottom Right Y: picturesettings = Picture Settings pictureresolution = Picture Resolution: rotate = Rotate: r0deg = 0 degrees r90deg = 90 degrees r180deg = 180 degrees r270deg = 270 degrees brightness = Brightness: colour = Colour: colourrgb = Colour (RGB) grey = Greyscale dpi = dpi mm = mm picturesettings = Picture Settings outputmoduleresults = Output Format Module Results outputmodulefailed = The output format module failed with the following error: %s outputmoduleunable = As the output format module failed, the process is unable to continue. outputmodulecomplete = The output format module completed with no errors. exportmoduleresults = Export Format Modules Results exportmodulefailed = The export format module failed with the following error: %s exportmodulecomplete = The export format module completed with no errors. noexportmoduleselected = No export format modules were selected. resultsuffix = %s - Results imagepreview = Image Preview outputformatsettings = Output Format Module Settings outputmodule = Output format module: noneavailable = None available. nooutputmodulesavail = There are no output format modules available. Unable to continue. nooutputmoduleopts = There are no options available for this output format module. outputmodulemissing = The output format module with the filename given is missing. Unable to continue. outputmoduleinvalidfilepermissions = You cannot use this output format module as the file permissions set for it are invalid. Unable to continue. outputmoduleinvaliddbpermissions = You cannot use this output format module as you do not have permission to use it. Unable to continue. outputmoduleinvalidname = The name of the output format module given is invalid. Unable to continue. exportformatsettings = Export Format Module Settings noexportmodulesavail = There are no export format modules available. Unable to continue. exportmoduleinvalidfilepermissions = You cannot use this export format module as you do not have permission to use it. exportmoduleinvaliddbpermissions = You cannot use this export format module as the file permissions set for it are invalid. exportmoduleinvalidname = The name of the export format module given is invalid. exportmodulemissing = The export format module with the filename given is missing. noexportmoduleopts = There are no options available for this export format module. causedpictureresolution = %s (caused by the Picture Resolution setting) causedtopleftx = %s (caused by the Top Left X Picture Dimension setting) causedtoplefty = %s (caused by the Top Left Y Picture Dimension setting) causedbottomrightx = %s (caused by the Bottom Right X Picture Dimension setting) causedbottomrighty = %s (caused by the Bottom Right Y Picture Dimension setting)