5.5 getoptions

Gets the options available for the export module.




%options = $xestiascan_exportmodule->getoptions();

Places the following settings as a hash. Each setting has the following values with the short name for the value.

Setting Description
type Specifies the type of setting. Either checkbox, textbox, combobox or radio.
string Specifies the description of the setting.
checked Specifies if the option is checked for a checkbox type setting.
size Specifies the size of the textbox.
maxlength Specifies the maximum length of the textbox.
value Specifies the default value of the textbox or the values of the combo box. Each value for the combobox should be seperated with a pipe (‘|’) symbol.
password Specifies if the textbox is a password field.
selected Specifies if the radio option is selected.