3.15 userauth

Authenticates a user. Return a value of 1 and the seed value if the user has been authenticated correctly. If a valid seed has been passed along with the user then it will return a value of 1. Invalid authentications will return a value of 0.


$xestiascan_authmodule->userauth(type, user, password, keeploggedin);


$login = $xestiascan_authmodule->userauth(“password”, “User”, “moo”, 1); $login = $xestiascan_authmodule->userauth(“seed”, “User”, “seed”);

Specifies the type of authentication. Either Password (passes a password to the userauth module) or Seed (passes a seed for a user who is already logged in).

Specifies the username to authenticate.

Specifies the password or seed to use.

Specifies if the user is to keep logged in. By default the user is logged in for three hours but this option will keep the user logged in for one year.