// frmMain.cpp - Main window form. // // (c) 2012-2015 Xestia Software Development. // // This file is part of Xestia Address Book. // // Xestia Address Book is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the // Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the license. // // Xestia Address Book is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along // with Xestia Address Book. If not, see #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // Include the forms. #include "frmMain.h" #include "frmAbout.h" #include "frmPreferences.h" #include "frmNewAccount.h" #include "actmgr/frmActivityMgr.h" #include "frmContact.h" #include "frmConflictResolution.h" #include "frmInvalidSSLCertificate.h" #include "search/frmSearch.h" #include "frmSSLCertificate.h" #include "frmUpdate.h" #include "import/frmImportResults.h" #include "bitmaps.h" #include "common/preferences.h" #include "common/getcontactinfo.h" #include "common/events.h" #include "common/dirs.h" #include "vcard/vcard.h" #include "contacteditor/frmContactEditor.h" #include "import/import.h" #include "export/export.h" #include "widgets/XABContactMenu.h" #include "widgets/XABAccountView.h" #include "version.h" // Define the event types. DEFINE_EVENT_TYPE(CE_UPDATECONTACTLIST); DEFINE_EVENT_TYPE(CE_UPDATEACCOUNTLIST); DEFINE_EVENT_TYPE(SE_UPDATECONTACTNOTIF); DEFINE_EVENT_TYPE(CE_OPENCONTACT); DEFINE_EVENT_TYPE(CE_OPENCONTACTLIST); DEFINE_EVENT_TYPE(CE_NEWCONTACT); DEFINE_EVENT_TYPE(CE_EDITCONTACT); DEFINE_EVENT_TYPE(CE_DELETECONTACT); DEFINE_EVENT_TYPE(CE_REVEALCONTACT); DEFINE_EVENT_TYPE(CE_REMOVECONTACT); DEFINE_EVENT_TYPE(CE_REMOVESEARCH); DEFINE_EVENT_TYPE(SYNC_EMPTYSERVER); DEFINE_EVENT_TYPE(ACTMGR_START); DEFINE_EVENT_TYPE(ACTMGR_SHUFFLE); DEFINE_EVENT_TYPE(ACTMGR_STOP); DEFINE_EVENT_TYPE(WINDOW_ADD); DEFINE_EVENT_TYPE(WINDOW_EDIT); DEFINE_EVENT_TYPE(WINDOW_CLOSE); DEFINE_EVENT_TYPE(CONNSTAT_UPDATE); DEFINE_EVENT_TYPE(INVALIDSSLCERT); DEFINE_EVENT_TYPE(INVALIDSSLCERTSTRING); DEFINE_EVENT_TYPE(GETSELECTEDLIST); DEFINE_EVENT_TYPE(SYNCACCOUNT); DEFINE_EVENT_TYPE(IMPORT_RESULTSSHOW); DEFINE_EVENT_TYPE(RELOADCONTACTLIST); DEFINE_EVENT_TYPE(REFRESHADDRESSBOOK); #if defined(__APPLE__) DEFINE_EVENT_TYPE(INVALIDSSLTRUST); #endif // Setup the event table using the event types. BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(frmMain, wxFrame) EVT_COMMAND(wxID_ANY, wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED, frmMain::ConflictResolution) EVT_COMMAND(wxID_ANY, CE_UPDATECONTACTLIST, frmMain::UpdateContactList) EVT_COMMAND(wxID_ANY, CE_UPDATEACCOUNTLIST, frmMain::UpdateAccountList) EVT_COMMAND(wxID_ANY, SE_UPDATECONTACTNOTIF, frmMain::UpdateSearchContactLists) EVT_COMMAND(wxID_ANY, CE_OPENCONTACT, frmMain::OpenContactInfo) EVT_COMMAND(wxID_ANY, CE_OPENCONTACTLIST, frmMain::OpenContactInfoList) EVT_COMMAND(wxID_ANY, CE_NEWCONTACT, frmMain::ShowContactEditorNew) EVT_COMMAND(wxID_ANY, CE_EDITCONTACT, frmMain::ShowContactEditorEdit) EVT_COMMAND(wxID_ANY, CE_DELETECONTACT, frmMain::DeleteContact) EVT_COMMAND(wxID_ANY, CE_REVEALCONTACT, frmMain::RevealContact) EVT_COMMAND(wxID_ANY, CE_REMOVESEARCH, frmMain::RemoveContactsWindowPointer) EVT_COMMAND(wxID_ANY, SYNC_EMPTYSERVER, frmMain::EmptyServerDialog) EVT_COMMAND(wxID_ANY, ACTMGR_START, frmMain::ActivityIconStart) EVT_COMMAND(wxID_ANY, ACTMGR_SHUFFLE, frmMain::ActivityIconShuffle) EVT_COMMAND(wxID_ANY, ACTMGR_STOP, frmMain::ActivityIconStop) EVT_COMMAND(wxID_ANY, WINDOW_ADD, frmMain::WindowAdd) EVT_COMMAND(wxID_ANY, WINDOW_EDIT, frmMain::WindowEdit) EVT_COMMAND(wxID_ANY, WINDOW_CLOSE, frmMain::WindowDelete) EVT_COMMAND(wxID_ANY, CONNSTAT_UPDATE, frmMain::UpdateConnectionStatus) EVT_COMMAND(wxID_ANY, INVALIDSSLCERT, frmMain::InvalidSSLCertificate) EVT_COMMAND(wxID_ANY, INVALIDSSLCERTSTRING, frmMain::InvalidSSLCertificateString) EVT_COMMAND(wxID_ANY, GETSELECTEDLIST, frmMain::GetSelectedList) EVT_COMMAND(wxID_ANY, SYNCACCOUNT, frmMain::SyncAccount) EVT_COMMAND(wxID_ANY, IMPORT_RESULTSSHOW, frmMain::ShowImportResults) EVT_COMMAND(wxID_ANY, RELOADCONTACTLIST, frmMain::ReloadContactList) EVT_COMMAND(wxID_ANY, REFRESHADDRESSBOOK, frmMain::RefreshAddressBook) #if defined(__APPLE__) EVT_COMMAND(wxID_ANY, INVALIDSSLTRUST, frmMain::DisplayTrustPanel) #endif END_EVENT_TABLE() frmMain::frmMain( wxWindow* parent ) : frmMainADT( parent ) { // Setup the account icons. wxMemoryInputStream astream(icons_accinet_png, sizeof(icons_accinet_png)); wxMemoryInputStream bstream(icons_acclocal_png, sizeof(icons_acclocal_png)); wxMemoryInputStream cstream(icons_accgroup_png, sizeof(icons_accgroup_png)); wxMemoryInputStream dstream(icons_accnone_png, sizeof(icons_accnone_png)); wxMemoryInputStream estream(icons_accunsupported_png, sizeof(icons_accunsupported_png)); wxImage icons_accinet_png(astream, wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG); wxBitmap AccInet(icons_accinet_png, -1); wxIcon wxIAccInet; wxIAccInet.CopyFromBitmap(AccInet); wxImage icons_acclocal_png(bstream, wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG); wxBitmap AccNIcon(icons_acclocal_png, -1); wxIcon wxIAccNIcon; wxIAccNIcon.CopyFromBitmap(AccNIcon); wxImage icons_accgroup_png(cstream, wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG); wxBitmap AccGrp(icons_accgroup_png, -1); wxIcon wxIAccGrp; wxIAccGrp.CopyFromBitmap(AccGrp); wxImage icons_accnone_png(dstream, wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG); wxBitmap AccNone(icons_accnone_png, -1); wxIcon wxIAccNone; wxIAccNone.CopyFromBitmap(AccNone); wxImage icons_accunsupported_png(estream, wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG); wxBitmap AccUnsupported(icons_accunsupported_png, -1); wxIcon wxIAccUnsupported; wxIAccUnsupported.CopyFromBitmap(AccUnsupported); AccountID = AccImgList->Add(wxIAccNIcon); AccountNetID = AccImgList->Add(wxIAccInet); AccountGrpID = AccImgList->Add(wxIAccGrp); AccountNoneID = AccImgList->Add(wxIAccNone); AccountUnsupportedID = AccImgList->Add(wxIAccUnsupported); bmpIcon->SetIcon(AccImgList->GetIcon(AccountNoneID)); // Setup the status bar icons. // SSL icons. wxMemoryInputStream sslstream(icons_ssl_png, sizeof(icons_ssl_png)); wxMemoryInputStream sslwarningstream(icons_sslwarning_png, sizeof(icons_sslwarning_png)); wxMemoryInputStream nosslstream(icons_nossl_png, sizeof(icons_nossl_png)); wxImage icons_ssl_png(sslstream, wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG); imgSSL = new wxBitmap(icons_ssl_png, -1); wxImage icons_sslwarning_png(sslwarningstream, wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG); imgSSLWarning = new wxBitmap(icons_sslwarning_png, -1); wxImage icons_nossl_png(nosslstream, wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG); imgNoSSL = new wxBitmap(icons_nossl_png, -1); // Activity Icon. wxMemoryInputStream act1(icons_act1_png, sizeof(icons_act1_png)); wxMemoryInputStream act2(icons_act2_png, sizeof(icons_act2_png)); wxMemoryInputStream act3(icons_act3_png, sizeof(icons_act3_png)); wxMemoryInputStream act4(icons_act4_png, sizeof(icons_act4_png)); wxMemoryInputStream actsleep(icons_actsleep_png, sizeof(icons_actsleep_png)); wxImage icons_actsleep_png(actsleep, wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG); imgActIconSleep = new wxBitmap (icons_actsleep_png, -1); wxImage icons_act1_png(act1, wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG); imgActIcon1 = new wxBitmap (icons_act1_png, -1); wxIcon wxIAct1icon; wxIAct1icon.CopyFromBitmap(*imgActIcon1); wxImage icons_act2_png(act2, wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG); imgActIcon2 = new wxBitmap (icons_act2_png, -1); wxIcon wxIAct2icon; wxIAct2icon.CopyFromBitmap(*imgActIcon2); wxImage icons_act3_png(act3, wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG); imgActIcon3 = new wxBitmap (icons_act3_png, -1); wxIcon wxIAct3icon; wxIAct3icon.CopyFromBitmap(*imgActIcon3); wxImage icons_act4_png(act4, wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG); imgActIcon4 = new wxBitmap (icons_act4_png, -1); wxIcon wxIAct4icon; wxIAct4icon.CopyFromBitmap(*imgActIcon4); // Online/Offline icons. wxMemoryInputStream onlinestream(icons_online_png, sizeof(icons_online_png)); wxMemoryInputStream offlinestream(icons_offline_png, sizeof(icons_offline_png)); wxImage icons_online_png(onlinestream, wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG); imgOnline = new wxBitmap(icons_online_png, -1); wxImage icons_offline_png(offlinestream, wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG); imgOffline = new wxBitmap(icons_offline_png, -1); // Setup the account view. AccCtrl->SetPopupControl(treAccounts); AccCtrl->SetPopupMaxHeight(175); AccCtrl->SetPopupMinWidth(250); treAccounts->AssignImageList(AccImgList); wxListItem ColumnData; ColumnData.SetId(0); ColumnData.SetText(wxT("Name0")); ColumnData.SetWidth(320); lstContacts->InsertColumn(0, ColumnData); treAccounts->Connect(wxEVT_LEFT_DCLICK, wxTreeEventHandler(frmMain::LoadContactList), NULL, this); treAccounts->Connect(wxEVT_TREE_SEL_CHANGED, wxTreeEventHandler(frmMain::LoadContactList), NULL, this); #if defined(__HAIKU__) #elif defined(__WIN32__) int stbBottomData [4] = { -1, 8, 8, 8 }; #else int stbBottomData [4] = { -1, 20, 20, 20 }; #endif stbBottom->SetFieldsCount(4, stbBottomData); stbBottom->SetMinHeight(16); wxRect rectOnline; wxRect rectSSL; wxRect rectActivity; stbBottom->GetFieldRect(1, rectOnline); stbBottom->GetFieldRect(2, rectSSL); stbBottom->GetFieldRect(3, rectActivity); SSLToolTip = new wxToolTip(wxT("")); imgConnStatus = new wxStaticBitmap(stbBottom, wxID_ANY, wxNullBitmap, wxPoint((rectOnline.GetX()),(rectOnline.GetY())), wxDefaultSize, 0 ); imgConnStatus->SetBitmap(*imgOnline); imgConnStatus->Connect( wxEVT_LEFT_DCLICK, wxCommandEventHandler( frmMain::ToggleConnectionStatus ), NULL, this ); imgSSLStatus = new wxStaticBitmap(stbBottom, wxID_ANY, wxNullBitmap, wxPoint((rectSSL.GetX()),(rectSSL.GetY())), wxDefaultSize, 0 ); imgSSLStatus->SetBitmap(*imgNoSSL); imgSSLStatus->SetToolTip(SSLToolTip); imgSSLStatus->Connect( wxEVT_LEFT_DCLICK, wxCommandEventHandler( frmMain::ShowSSLCertificates ), NULL, this ); imgActivityStatus = new wxStaticBitmap(stbBottom, wxID_ANY, wxNullBitmap, wxPoint((rectActivity.GetX()),(rectActivity.GetY())), wxDefaultSize, 0); imgActivityStatus->SetBitmap(*imgActIconSleep); imgActivityStatus->Connect( wxEVT_LEFT_DCLICK, wxCommandEventHandler( frmMain::ShowActivityWindow ), NULL, this ); // Setup the window menu. // By default should be: // Contact windows: // (none) // (horizontal line) // Contact editor windows: // (none) // (horizontal line) // Search windows: // (none) mnuContactWindows = new wxMenuItem( mnuManage, wxID_ANY, wxString( _("Contact windows:") ), wxEmptyString, wxITEM_NORMAL ); mnuWindow->Append( mnuContactWindows ); mnuWindow->AppendSeparator(); mnuContactEditorWindows = new wxMenuItem( mnuManage, wxID_ANY, wxString( _("Contact editor windows:") ), wxEmptyString, wxITEM_NORMAL ); mnuWindow->Append( mnuContactEditorWindows ); mnuWindow->AppendSeparator(); mnuSearchWindows = new wxMenuItem( mnuManage, wxID_ANY, wxString( wxT("Search windows:") ), wxEmptyString, wxITEM_NORMAL ); mnuWindow->Append( mnuSearchWindows ); #if defined(__WIN32__) wxFont fontstyle; fontstyle.Bold(); mnuContactWindows->SetFont(fontstyle); mnuContactEditorWindows->SetFont(fontstyle); mnuSearchWindows->SetFont(fontstyle); #else mnuContactWindows->Enable(FALSE); mnuContactEditorWindows->Enable(FALSE); mnuSearchWindows->Enable(FALSE); #endif // Hide unimplemented functions. mnuMain->Remove(3); } void frmMain::QuitApp( wxCloseEvent& event ) { // Run the QuitApp function. QuitApp(); } void frmMain::QuitApp( wxCommandEvent& event ) { // Run the QuitApp function. QuitApp(); } void frmMain::QuitApp() { // Function to run when quitting. //Go through the windows and close each one (be it search //or contact editor). Abort if user wants to cancel. // Close the contact editor windows. // Close the contact windows. // Close the search windows. // Write out the ETag databases. // Save Preferences: Save the window position if that option is enabled. wxString SetFilename = GetUserPrefDir(); #if defined(__HAIKU__) #elif defined(__WIN32__) SetFilename.Append(wxT("settings")); #else // *nix OSes SetFilename.Append(wxT("settings")); #endif wxFileConfig *cfgfile = new wxFileConfig("", "", SetFilename); bool SaveWindowPos = FALSE; wxString SaveWindowInc; cfgfile->Read(wxT("SaveWindowPosition"), &SaveWindowInc); if (SaveWindowInc == wxT("true")){ SaveWindowPos = TRUE; } if (SaveWindowPos == TRUE){ wxRect frmMainPos = this->GetRect(); cfgfile->Write(wxT("WindowPositionX"), frmMainPos.GetX()); cfgfile->Write(wxT("WindowPositionY"), frmMainPos.GetY()); cfgfile->Write(wxT("WindowPositionHeight"), frmMainPos.GetHeight()); cfgfile->Write(wxT("WindowPositionWidth"), frmMainPos.GetWidth()); } delete cfgfile; cfgfile = NULL; //Everything closed... exit. std::exit(0); Close(); } void frmMain::ShowActivityWindow( wxCommandEvent& event ) { // Open the activity manager window. frmActivityMgr *frameActMgr = static_cast(ActMgrPtr); frameActMgr->OpenWindow(); frameActMgr->Show(); } void frmMain::ShowAboutWindow( wxCommandEvent& event ) { // Show the about window. frmAbout *frameAbout = new frmAbout ( this ); frameAbout->SetupAboutWindow(); frameAbout->ShowModal(); delete frameAbout; frameAbout = NULL; } void frmMain::OpenPreferences( wxCommandEvent& event) { // Open the preferences window. ReloadAccounts = FALSE; frmPreferences *framePreferences = new frmPreferences ( this ); framePreferences->SetupPointers(&ReloadAccounts); framePreferences->ShowModal(); delete framePreferences; framePreferences = NULL; if (ReloadAccounts == TRUE){ // Reload the accounts as a change has been made within // the application and clear the current contact information. this->LoadPreferences(); this->ResetContactInfo(); } } void frmMain::OpenNewABDialog( wxCommandEvent& event) { // Open the new account dialog. ReloadAccounts = FALSE; frmNewAccount *frameNewAccount = new frmNewAccount ( this ); frameNewAccount->SetupPointers(&ReloadAccounts); frameNewAccount->ShowModal(); delete frameNewAccount; frameNewAccount = NULL; if (ReloadAccounts == TRUE){ // Reload the accounts as a change has been made within // the application. this->LoadPreferences(); } } void frmMain::LoadContactList( wxTreeEvent& event ) { // Load the contact list. // Clear all existing variables. lstContacts->DeleteAllItems(); treAccounts->SetAccount(); wxTreeItemIdValue cookie; wxTreeItemId next = treAccounts->GetRootItem(); wxString AccountName; wxString AccountDir, AccountType, AccountDirFinal, AccountTypeFinal; wxString AccountDirCmb; long selectedaccount = 0; wxTreeItemId selectedChild = treAccounts->GetSelection(); wxTreeItemId nextChild; wxTreeItemId ActiveItemId = treAccounts->GetFocusedItem(); int ActiveItemIcon = treAccounts->GetItemImage(ActiveItemId, wxTreeItemIcon_Normal); int SCImg = treAccounts->GetItemImage(selectedChild); int AccountIndex = 0; bmpIcon->SetIcon(AccImgList->GetIcon(SCImg)); // Process each account. for (int i = 0; i < prefaccounts.GetCount(); i++){ if (ActiveItemIcon == 2){ std::multimap::iterator AGTiter = AccountGroupTreeId.find(ActiveItemId); std::multimap::iterator AGLiter = AccountGroupList.find(AGTiter->second); int ActiveAccountG = AGLiter->second; if (i == ActiveAccountG){ AccountDir.Append(prefaccounts.GetAccountDirectory(i)); AccountType.Append(prefaccounts.GetAccountType(i)); AccountDir.Trim(); AccountType.Trim(); if (AccountType == wxT("CardDAV")){ AccountTypeFinal.Append(wxT("carddav")); } else if (AccountType == wxT("Local")){ imgSSLStatus->SetBitmap(*imgOffline); SSLToolTip->SetTip(wxT("SSL status is not applicable for this account")); AccountTypeFinal.Append(wxT("local")); } else { imgSSLStatus->SetBitmap(*imgOffline); SSLToolTip->SetTip(wxT("SSL status is not applicable for this account")); AccountTypeFinal.Append(AccountType.Lower()); } AccountIndex = i; break; } } if (!nextChild){ nextChild = treAccounts->GetFirstChild(next, cookie); } else { nextChild = treAccounts->GetNextSibling(nextChild); } AccountName = treAccounts->GetItemText(nextChild); if (nextChild == selectedChild){ AccountDir.Append(prefaccounts.GetAccountDirectory(i)); AccountType.Append(prefaccounts.GetAccountType(i)); AccountDir.Trim(); AccountType.Trim(); if (AccountType == wxT("CardDAV")){ AccountTypeFinal.Append(wxT("carddav")); } else if (AccountType == wxT("Local")){ SSLToolTip->SetTip(wxT("SSL status is not applicable for this account")); AccountTypeFinal.Append(wxT("local")); } else { AccountTypeFinal.Append(AccountType.Lower()); } AccountIndex = i; } } if (selectedaccount >= prefaccounts.GetCount()){ // The account selected isn't there so return. RevealWait = FALSE; return; } // Open the directory and get the list of .vcf files // in that directory. ActiveAccount = AccountDir + wxT(".") + AccountTypeFinal; ActiveAccountType = AccountType; SetupSSLStatus(AccountIndex); AccountDirFinal.Clear(); AccountDirFinal = GetAccountDir(AccountDir + wxT(".") + AccountTypeFinal, FALSE); ContactsFileIndex.Clear(); wxString vCardFilename; wxString vCardFilenameFull; wxString vCardDataString; wxStringTokenizer vcardfileline; wxString lwxs; wxString setname, setvalue; std::multimap> vCardNamesAsc; std::multimap> vCardNamesDsc; long ContactIndex = 1; long ContactSeekPoint = 0; wxDir vcardaccdir(AccountDirFinal); // Get the wxTreeItemId and image icon and compare it to the list. if (ActiveItemIcon == AccountGrpID){ // It's a group so load the file containing the group and // get the members of the group. vCard Group; wxString UIDCode; std::multimap::iterator AGTiter = AccountGroupTreeId.find(ActiveItemId); std::multimap::iterator AGFiter = AccountGroupFilename.find(AGTiter->second); Group.LoadFile(AGFiter->second); ArrayvCardOutData vCardMember = Group.GetByPartial(wxT("MEMBER")); for (int i = 0; i < vCardMember.PropCount; i++){ vCardMember.PropValues[i].Trim(); if (vCardMember.PropValues[i].Left(9) == wxT("urn:uuid:")){ wxString NewPropValue; NewPropValue = vCardMember.PropValues[i].Mid(9, wxString::npos); vCardMember.PropValues[i] = NewPropValue; } } bool ProcFiles = vcardaccdir.GetFirst(&vCardFilename, wxEmptyString, wxDIR_FILES); while(ProcFiles){ if (vCardFilename.Right(4) == wxT(".vcf") || vCardFilename.Right(4) == wxT(".VCF") || vCardFilename.Right(5) == wxT(".vcard") || vCardFilename.Right(5) == wxT(".VCARD")){ vCard Person; bool FoundMember = FALSE; vCardFilenameFull.Append(AccountDirFinal); vCardFilenameFull.Append(wxT("/")); vCardFilenameFull.Append(vCardFilename); Person.LoadFile(vCardFilenameFull); UIDCode = Person.Get(wxT("UID")); for (int i = 0; i < vCardMember.PropCount; i++){ if (vCardMember.PropValues[i] == UIDCode){ FoundMember = TRUE; } } if (FoundMember == FALSE){ vCardFilename.Clear(); vCardFilenameFull.Clear(); vCardDataString.Clear(); ProcFiles = vcardaccdir.GetNext(&vCardFilename); continue; } if (Person.MeetBaseSpecification()){ if (SortMode == 1){ // Split the name into sections. vCardDataString = Person.Get(wxT("N")); vCardName NameData = Person.GetName(); vCardDataString = NameData.Forename + wxT(" ") + NameData.Surname; } else if (SortMode == 2){ // Split the name into sections. vCardName NameData = Person.GetName(); vCardDataString = NameData.Surname + wxT(", ") + NameData.Forename; } else if (SortMode == 3){ // Check and make sure that the top most nickname is used. vCardDataString = Person.Get(wxT("NICKNAME")); if (vCardDataString.IsEmpty()){ vCardDataString = wxT("(no nickname)"); } } else if (SortMode == 4){ vCardDataString = Person.Get(wxT("FN")); } if (AscendingMode == TRUE){ vCardNamesAsc.insert(std::make_pair(vCardDataString, vCardFilenameFull)); } else { vCardNamesDsc.insert(std::make_pair(vCardDataString, vCardFilenameFull)); } } } vCardFilename.Clear(); vCardFilenameFull.Clear(); vCardDataString.Clear(); ProcFiles = vcardaccdir.GetNext(&vCardFilename); } } else { bool ProcFiles = vcardaccdir.GetFirst(&vCardFilename, wxEmptyString, wxDIR_FILES); while(ProcFiles){ if (vCardFilename.Right(4) == wxT(".vcf") || vCardFilename.Right(4) == wxT(".VCF") || vCardFilename.Right(5) == wxT(".vcard") || vCardFilename.Right(5) == wxT(".VCARD")){ vCard Person; vCardFilenameFull.Append(AccountDirFinal); vCardFilenameFull.Append(vCardFilename); Person.LoadFile(vCardFilenameFull); if (Person.MeetBaseSpecification()){ if (SortMode == 1){ // Split the name into sections. vCardDataString = Person.Get(wxT("N")); vCardName NameData = Person.GetName(); vCardDataString = NameData.Forename + wxT(" ") + NameData.Surname; } else if (SortMode == 2){ // Split the name into sections. vCardName NameData = Person.GetName(); vCardDataString = NameData.Surname + wxT(", ") + NameData.Forename; } else if (SortMode == 3){ // Check and make sure that the top most nickname is used. vCardDataString = Person.Get(wxT("NICKNAME")); if (vCardDataString.IsEmpty()){ vCardDataString = wxT("(no nickname)"); } } else if (SortMode == 4){ vCardDataString = Person.Get(wxT("FN")); } if (AscendingMode == TRUE){ vCardNamesAsc.insert(std::make_pair(vCardDataString, vCardFilenameFull)); } else { vCardNamesDsc.insert(std::make_pair(vCardDataString, vCardFilenameFull)); } } } vCardFilename.Clear(); vCardFilenameFull.Clear(); vCardDataString.Clear(); ProcFiles = vcardaccdir.GetNext(&vCardFilename); } } // Sort the data. // Insert the data into the control. if (AscendingMode == TRUE){ for (std::map::iterator iter = vCardNamesAsc.begin(); iter != vCardNamesAsc.end(); ++iter){ wxListItem ContactInfo; ContactInfo.SetId(0); ContactInfo.SetText(_("Mooo")); ContactInfo.SetData(ContactSeekPoint); ContactIndex = lstContacts->InsertItem(ContactInfo); lstContacts->SetItem(ContactIndex, 0, iter->first); ContactsFileIndex.Insert(iter->second, ContactSeekPoint); ContactSeekPoint++; } } else { for (std::map::iterator iter = vCardNamesDsc.begin(); iter != vCardNamesDsc.end(); ++iter){ wxListItem ContactInfo; ContactInfo.SetId(0); ContactInfo.SetText(_("Mooo")); ContactInfo.SetData(ContactSeekPoint); ContactIndex = lstContacts->InsertItem(ContactInfo); lstContacts->SetItem(ContactIndex, 0, iter->first); ContactsFileIndex.Insert(iter->second, ContactSeekPoint); ContactSeekPoint++; } } } void frmMain::ShowContactInfo( wxListEvent& event ) { // Display the contact information. long intSelected = -1; long ContactSeekNum = -1; // Check if several contacts have been selected. int ContactTotal = 0; for (;;){ intSelected = lstContacts->GetNextItem(intSelected, wxLIST_NEXT_ALL, wxLIST_STATE_SELECTED); if (intSelected == -1){ break; } ContactTotal++; } if (ContactTotal == 0){ htmContactData->SetPage(wxT("")); return; } if (ContactTotal > 1){ htmContactData->SetPage(wxString::Format(wxT("%i contacts selected."), ContactTotal)); ActiveFilename.Clear(); return; } intSelected = lstContacts->GetNextItem(intSelected, wxLIST_NEXT_ALL, wxLIST_STATE_SELECTED); ContactSeekNum = lstContacts->GetItemData(intSelected); wxFFile ContactFile; wxString wxSContactString; wxString ContactLine; vCard Person; size_t ContactLineLen; bool ExtraLineSeek = FALSE; int QuoteBreakPoint = 0; bool PropertyFind = FALSE; bool QuoteMode = FALSE; wxString wxSPropertyNextLine; wxString wxSProperty; wxString wxSPropertySeg1; wxString wxSPropertySeg2; // Check if we are using wxWidgets version 2.8 or less and // execute the required command accordingly. #if wxABI_VERSION < 20900 ContactFile.Open(ContactsFileIndex[ContactSeekNum].c_str(), wxT("r")); #else ContactFile.Open(ContactsFileIndex[ContactSeekNum], wxT("r")); #endif if (ContactFile.IsOpened() == FALSE){ return; } ContactFile.ReadAll(&wxSContactString, wxConvAuto()); // Split the lines. std::map ContactFileLines; std::map::iterator striter; wxStringTokenizer wSTContactFileLines(wxSContactString, wxT("\r\n")); int ContactLineSeek = 0; while (wSTContactFileLines.HasMoreTokens() == TRUE){ ContactLine = wSTContactFileLines.GetNextToken(); ContactFileLines.insert(std::make_pair(ContactLineSeek, ContactLine)); ContactLineSeek++; } if (ContactSeekNum < 0){ return; } for (std::map::iterator iter = ContactFileLines.begin(); iter != ContactFileLines.end(); ++iter){ // Find the colon which splits the start bit from the data part. ContactLine = iter->second; while (ExtraLineSeek == TRUE){ // Check if there is extra data on the next line // (indicated by space or tab at the start) and add data. iter++; if (iter == ContactFileLines.end()){ iter--; break; } wxSPropertyNextLine = iter->second; if (wxSPropertyNextLine.Mid(0, 1) == wxT(" ") || wxSPropertyNextLine.Mid(0, 1) == wxT("\t")){ wxSPropertyNextLine.Remove(0, 1); ContactLine.Append(wxSPropertyNextLine); } else { iter--; ExtraLineSeek = FALSE; } } ContactLineLen = ContactLine.Len(); // Make sure we are not in quotation mode. // Make sure colon does not have \ or \\ before it. for (int i = 0; i <= ContactLineLen; i++){ if ((ContactLine.Mid(i, 1) == wxT(";") || ContactLine.Mid(i, 1) == wxT(":")) && PropertyFind == TRUE){ PropertyFind = FALSE; } else if (PropertyFind == TRUE){ wxSProperty.Append(ContactLine.Mid(i, 1)); } if (ContactLine.Mid(i, 1) == wxT("\"")){ if (QuoteMode == TRUE){ QuoteMode = FALSE; } else { QuoteMode = TRUE; } } if (ContactLine.Mid(i, 1) == wxT(":") && ContactLine.Mid((i - 1), 1) != wxT("\\") && QuoteMode == FALSE){ QuoteBreakPoint = i; break; } } // Split that line at the point into two variables (ignore the colon). wxSPropertySeg1 = ContactLine.Mid(0, QuoteBreakPoint); wxSPropertySeg2 = ContactLine.Mid((QuoteBreakPoint + 1)); // Insert both into the vCard data file. Person.AddRaw(wxSPropertySeg1, wxSPropertySeg2); QuoteMode = FALSE; PropertyFind = TRUE; ExtraLineSeek = TRUE; ContactLineLen = 0; QuoteBreakPoint = 0; ContactLine.Clear(); wxSProperty.Clear(); } OldSessionID = SessionID; SessionID = wxString::Format(wxT("%i"), rand() % 32768); LoadContactData(&Person, htmContactData, SessionID, OldSessionID, &MemoryFileList); ActiveFilename = ContactsFileIndex[ContactSeekNum]; } void frmMain::ShowContactEditorNew( wxCommandEvent& event ) { // Open a contact editor window to write a new contact with. // Check if there is an account selected and if not // return immediately. if (ActiveAccount.IsEmpty()){ return; } // Check if the account type is a valid account type, otherwise // display an error message. if (ActiveAccountType != "CardDAV" && ActiveAccountType != "carddav" && ActiveAccountType != "Local" && ActiveAccountType != "local"){ wxMessageBox(_("Cannot add a new contact as the account type is unsupported."), _("Unsupported account type"), wxICON_ERROR); return; } // Add Pointer to SetupPointers for the ETagDB. wxMemoryInputStream istream(bigimgs_contactpersonicon48_png, sizeof(bigimgs_contactpersonicon48_png)); wxImage bigimgs_contactpersonicon48i(istream, wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG); wxBitmap contacticonbmp(bigimgs_contactpersonicon48i, -1); wxIcon contacticon; contacticon.CopyFromBitmap(contacticonbmp); frmContactEditor *ContactEditor = new frmContactEditor( this ); WindowMenuItemID++; ContactEditor->SetUID(WindowMenuItemID); WindowData *WData = new WindowData; WData->DataType = 1; WData->WindowPointer = (void*)ContactEditor; WData->WindowID = WindowMenuItemID; wxCommandEvent addevent(WINDOW_ADD); addevent.SetClientData(WData); wxPostEvent(this, addevent); frmActivityMgr *frameActMgr = static_cast(ActMgrPtr); ContactEditor->SetupHeaders(); ContactEditor->SetupContact(ActiveAccount); ContactEditor->SetIcon(contacticon); ContactEditor->SetupPointers(frameActMgr, &ETagProcTimer, this); ContactEditor->Show(true); } void frmMain::ShowContactEditorEdit( wxCommandEvent& event ) { // Open a contact editor window for editing an existing contact // with. // Check if there is an account selected and if not // return immediately. int DataCheck = event.GetInt(); if (ActiveAccount.IsEmpty() && DataCheck == 0){ return; } wxMemoryInputStream istream(bigimgs_contactpersonicon48_png, sizeof(bigimgs_contactpersonicon48_png)); wxImage bigimgs_contactpersonicon48i(istream, wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG); wxBitmap contacticonbmp(bigimgs_contactpersonicon48i, -1); wxIcon contacticon; contacticon.CopyFromBitmap(contacticonbmp); // Check if a contact has been selected. long intSelected = -1; long intContactSeekNum = -1; intSelected = lstContacts->GetNextItem(intSelected, wxLIST_NEXT_ALL, wxLIST_STATE_SELECTED); if (intSelected == -1){ return; } intContactSeekNum = lstContacts->GetItemData(intSelected); // Get the filename of the selected contact. frmActivityMgr *frameActMgr = static_cast(ActMgrPtr); frmContactEditor *ContactEditor = new frmContactEditor( this ); WindowMenuItemID++; ContactEditor->SetUID(WindowMenuItemID); WindowData *WData = new WindowData; WData->DataType = 1; WData->WindowPointer = (void*)ContactEditor; WData->WindowID = WindowMenuItemID; wxCommandEvent addevent(WINDOW_ADD); addevent.SetClientData(WData); wxPostEvent(this, addevent); ContactEditor->SetupPointers(frameActMgr, &ETagProcTimer, this); ContactEditor->SetupHeaders(); if (ActiveAccountType != "CardDAV" && ActiveAccountType != "carddav" && ActiveAccountType != "Local" && ActiveAccountType != "local"){ ContactEditor->SetupAccountData(true); } // Check if pointer is NULL (not from the search forms) or not. if (DataCheck == 0){ ContactEditor->LoadContact(ContactsFileIndex[intContactSeekNum]); ContactEditor->SetupContact(ActiveAccount); } else { UCNotif *uc = (UCNotif*)event.GetClientData(); if (!uc){ ContactEditor->SetupContact(ActiveAccount); ContactEditor->LoadContact(ContactsFileIndex[intContactSeekNum]); } else { ContactEditor->SetupContact(uc->ContactAccount); ContactEditor->LoadContact(uc->ContactFilename); delete uc; uc = NULL; } } ContactEditor->SetIcon(contacticon); ContactEditor->Show(true); } void frmMain::RefreshAddressBook( wxCommandEvent& event ){ // Refresh the address book data. // Check if ActiveAccount is empty. If not then check if // account type is not local otherwise continue. if (!ActiveAccount.IsEmpty()){ if (ActiveAccountType == wxT("CardDAV") || ActiveAccountType == wxT("carddav")){ // Account type is not local. frmActivityMgr *frameActMgr = static_cast(ActMgrPtr); frameActMgr->AddTask(3, wxT(""), ActiveAccount, wxT(""), wxT(""), wxT(""), wxT("")); } else { wxMessageBox(_("The refresh address book command is not supported with this type of account."), wxT("Not supported"), wxICON_ERROR); } } } void frmMain::OpenContactInfoList( wxListEvent& event ) { // Open the contact information window. wxStringTokenizer vcardfileline; std::string l; wxString lwxs; wxString setname, setvalue; vCard Person; wxString nextchar; long intSelected = -1; long intContactSeekNum = -1; intSelected = lstContacts->GetNextItem(intSelected, wxLIST_NEXT_ALL, wxLIST_STATE_SELECTED); intContactSeekNum = lstContacts->GetItemData(intSelected); if (intContactSeekNum == -1){ return; } Person.LoadFile(ContactsFileIndex[intContactSeekNum]); wxMemoryInputStream istream(bigimgs_contactpersonicon48_png, sizeof(bigimgs_contactpersonicon48_png)); wxImage bigimgs_contactpersonicon48i(istream, wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG); wxBitmap contacticonbmp(bigimgs_contactpersonicon48i, -1); wxIcon contacticon; contacticon.CopyFromBitmap(contacticonbmp); frmContact *Contact = new frmContact( this ); // Add to window list. WindowMenuItemID++; Contact->SetUID(WindowMenuItemID); WindowData *WData = new WindowData; WData->DataType = 0; WData->WindowPointer = (void*)Contact; WData->WindowID = WindowMenuItemID; wxCommandEvent addevent(WINDOW_ADD); addevent.SetClientData(WData); wxPostEvent(this, addevent); Contact->SetupPointers(&MemoryFileList); Contact->SetupContactData(&Person); Contact->SetIcon(contacticon); Contact->Show(true); } void frmMain::OpenContactInfoList( wxCommandEvent& event ){ // Open a list of contact information windows. wxListEvent pevent; OpenContactInfoList(pevent); } void frmMain::OpenContactInfo( wxCommandEvent& event ) { // Open the contact information window. UCNotif *uc = (UCNotif*)event.GetClientData(); wxStringTokenizer vcardfileline; std::string l; wxString lwxs; wxString setname, setvalue; vCard Person; wxString nextchar; Person.LoadFile(uc->ContactFilename); wxMemoryInputStream istream(bigimgs_contactpersonicon48_png, sizeof(bigimgs_contactpersonicon48_png)); wxImage bigimgs_contactpersonicon48i(istream, wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG); wxBitmap contacticonbmp(bigimgs_contactpersonicon48i, -1); wxIcon contacticon; contacticon.CopyFromBitmap(contacticonbmp); frmContact *Contact = new frmContact( this ); // Add to window list. WindowMenuItemID++; Contact->SetUID(WindowMenuItemID); WindowData *WData = new WindowData; WData->DataType = 0; WData->WindowPointer = (void*)Contact; WData->WindowID = WindowMenuItemID; wxCommandEvent addevent(WINDOW_ADD); addevent.SetClientData(WData); wxPostEvent(this, addevent); Contact->SetupPointers(&MemoryFileList); Contact->SetupContactData(&Person); Contact->SetIcon(contacticon); Contact->Show(true); } void frmMain::LoadPreferences( wxActivateEvent& event) { // Load the preferences. this->LoadPreferences(); } void frmMain::LoadPreferences(){ // Load the preferences. wxString preffilename = GetUserPrefDir(); XABPreferences preferences(preffilename); // Setup the main window position (if needed). bool SaveWindowPos = preferences.GetBoolData(wxT("SaveWindowPosition")); bool HideLocalABs = preferences.GetBoolData(wxT("HideLocalAddressBooks")); if (SaveWindowPos == TRUE){ this->SetSize(preferences.GetMainWindowData()); } treAccounts->DeleteAllItems(); wxTreeItemId RootNode = treAccounts->AddRoot(wxT("Root Item"), AccountNoneID); // Stop all account timers and remove the accounts. for (std::map::iterator iter = AccountSyncTimers.begin(); iter != AccountSyncTimers.end(); iter++){ wxAccountSyncTimer *AccTmrPtr = iter->second; AccTmrPtr->Stop(); delete AccTmrPtr; AccTmrPtr = NULL; } #if defined(__WIN32__) for (std::map::iterator CertificateIter = AccountCertificateData.begin(); CertificateIter != AccountCertificateData.end(); CertificateIter++){ CertFreeCertificateContext(CertificateIter->second); } AccountCertificateData.clear(); #endif AccountSyncTimers.clear(); wxString AccDir; wxString AccDirFull; wxString AccDirFullSfx; wxString AccName; wxString AccDirFinal; AccountAccDirList.clear(); AccountGroupList.clear(); AccountGroupFilename.clear(); AccountGroupTreeId.clear(); wxTreeItemId AccountTreeId; wxTreeItemId GroupTreeId; int intGroupID = 0; // Relaod the accounts for the ETagProcTimer. ETagProcTimer.ReloadAccounts(); for (int i = 0; i < preferences.accounts.GetCount(); i++){ if ((preferences.accounts.GetAccountType(i) == wxT("Local") || preferences.accounts.GetAccountType(i) == wxT("local")) && HideLocalABs == TRUE){ continue; } if (preferences.accounts.GetAccountDirectory(i).IsEmpty()){ continue; } AccDir = preferences.accounts.GetAccountDirectory(i); AccDirFull = preferences.accounts.GetAccountDirectory(i); AccDirFull.Trim(); AccDirFull.Append(wxT(".")); AccDirFullSfx.Append(preferences.accounts.GetAccountType(i)); AccDirFullSfx.LowerCase(); AccDirFullSfx.Trim(); AccDirFull.Append(AccDirFullSfx); AccName = preferences.accounts.GetAccountName(i); AccName.Trim(); AccountAccDirList.insert(std::make_pair(i, AccDirFull)); if (preferences.accounts.GetAccountType(i) == wxT("CardDAV") || preferences.accounts.GetAccountType(i) == wxT("carddav")){ // TODO: Check if the directory exists before doing anything. // Add a new timer using the existing account details. wxAccountSyncTimer *ActTmrPtr = new wxAccountSyncTimer; ActTmrPtr->SetupData(AccDirFull, AccName); ActTmrPtr->SetupPointers(this, ActMgrPtr, ETagProcTimer.GetPointer(AccDirFull)); ActTmrPtr->Start((int)(preferences.accounts.GetAccountRefresh(i) * 1000)); ActTmrPtr->SetOwner(this); ActTmrPtr->Notify(); // Add the timer to the list of timers. AccountSyncTimers.insert(std::make_pair(AccDirFull, ActTmrPtr)); AccountTreeId = treAccounts->AppendItem(RootNode, preferences.accounts.GetAccountName(i), AccountNetID, -1); } else if (preferences.accounts.GetAccountType(i) == wxT("Local") || preferences.accounts.GetAccountType(i) == wxT("local")) { AccountTreeId = treAccounts->AppendItem(RootNode, preferences.accounts.GetAccountName(i), AccountID, -1); } else { AccountTreeId = treAccounts->AppendItem(RootNode, preferences.accounts.GetAccountName(i), AccountUnsupportedID, -1); } // Go through the account directory and find contact files with // 'KIND:group' set and add them to the list of groups for the account. AccDirFinal = GetAccountDir(AccDirFull, FALSE); wxDir vcardaccdir(AccDirFinal); wxString vCardFilename; wxString vCardDataString; wxString vCardFilenameFull; bool ProcFiles = vcardaccdir.GetFirst(&vCardFilename, wxEmptyString, wxDIR_FILES); while(ProcFiles){ if (vCardFilename.Right(4) == wxT(".vcf") || vCardFilename.Right(4) == wxT(".VCF") || vCardFilename.Right(5) == wxT(".vcard") || vCardFilename.Right(5) == wxT(".VCARD")){ vCard Person; vCardFilenameFull.Append(AccDirFinal); vCardFilenameFull.Append(wxT("/")); vCardFilenameFull.Append(vCardFilename); Person.LoadFile(vCardFilenameFull); if (Person.MeetBaseSpecification()){ vCardDataString = Person.Get(wxT("KIND")); if (vCardDataString == wxT("group")){ // The vCard kind is a group. Add to the account's group list. GroupTreeId = treAccounts->AppendItem(AccountTreeId, Person.Get(wxT("FN")), AccountGrpID, -1); treAccounts->SetItemHasChildren(AccountTreeId, TRUE); AccountGroupList.insert(std::make_pair(intGroupID, i)); AccountGroupFilename.insert(std::make_pair(intGroupID, vCardFilenameFull)); AccountGroupTreeId.insert(std::make_pair(GroupTreeId, intGroupID)); } intGroupID++; } } vCardFilename.Clear(); vCardFilenameFull.Clear(); vCardDataString.Clear(); ProcFiles = vcardaccdir.GetNext(&vCardFilename); } // Clearup for next account. AccDir.clear(); AccDirFull.clear(); AccDirFullSfx.clear(); AccDirFinal.clear(); AccName.clear(); } // Load the account settings as they are needed for connecting // to the servers. prefaccounts = preferences.accounts; } void frmMain::ConflictResolution(wxCommandEvent& event){ // Display the conflict resolution window. frmConflictResolution *frameCR = new frmConflictResolution ( this ); vCardConflictObj *vCardConfObj = (vCardConflictObj*)event.GetClientData(); vCard *ClientDataPtr = vCardConfObj->vCardLocalData; vCard *ServerDataPtr = vCardConfObj->vCardServerData; frameCR->LoadData(ClientDataPtr, ServerDataPtr, &MemoryFileList); frameCR->ShowModal(); int FinalConflictResult = frameCR->GetResult(); wxCommandEvent event2(ACTMGR_RESUMEPROC); event2.SetClientData(vCardConfObj->QRNotifData); event2.SetInt(FinalConflictResult); delete frameCR; frameCR = NULL; frmActivityMgr *frameActMgr = static_cast(ActMgrPtr); wxPostEvent(frameActMgr, event2); } void frmMain::UpdateContactList(wxCommandEvent& event){ // Update the contact list in the main window. UCNotif *ucd = (UCNotif*)event.GetClientData(); // Check if the active account is being displayed in the // main window. If not, skip and delete the data. long longSelected = -1; int intSelectedData = 0; if (ActiveAccount == ucd->ContactAccount){ // Look at the list of contacts and if it matches the // filename then update the name. for (;;){ longSelected = lstContacts->GetNextItem(longSelected, wxLIST_NEXT_ALL, wxLIST_STATE_DONTCARE); if (longSelected == -1){ break; } intSelectedData = (int)lstContacts->GetItemData(longSelected); if (ucd->ContactFilename == ContactsFileIndex[intSelectedData]){ // Work out which sorting mode we are in. if (SortMode == 1){ // First Name, Last Name. lstContacts->SetItem(longSelected, 0, ucd->ContactNameArray.Forename + wxT(" ") + ucd->ContactNameArray.Surname); } else if (SortMode == 2){ // Last Name, First Name. lstContacts->SetItem(longSelected, 0, ucd->ContactNameArray.Surname + wxT(", ") + ucd->ContactNameArray.Forename); } else if (SortMode == 3){ // Nickname. lstContacts->SetItem(longSelected, 0, ucd->ContactNickname); } else if (SortMode == 4){ // Display As. lstContacts->SetItem(longSelected, 0, ucd->ContactName); } } // If the filename is the one loaded into the // browser control, then update this too. if (ActiveFilename == ContactsFileIndex[intSelectedData]){ wxListEvent nullevent; ShowContactInfo(nullevent); } } } for (std::map::iterator WindowIter = WindowListPointers.begin(); WindowIter != WindowListPointers.end(); WindowIter++){ if (WindowListType[WindowIter->first] != 0){ continue; } frmContact *frmContactPtr = static_cast(WindowIter->second); if (frmContactPtr->GetFilename() == ucd->ContactFilename){ vCard UpdatedPerson; UpdatedPerson.LoadFile(ucd->ContactFilename); frmContactPtr->SetupContactData(&UpdatedPerson); } } // Send message to search window controller subroutine and // pass that notification onto the search windows. // Setup the new pointer to use the existing UCNotif without // deleting it. UCNotif *ucd2 = ucd; wxCommandEvent sup(SE_UPDATECONTACTNOTIF); sup.SetClientData(ucd2); wxPostEvent(this, sup); // Clear up the unused pointer. ucd = NULL; } void frmMain::UpdateAccountList(wxCommandEvent& event){ // Update the account list (currently unimplemented). } void frmMain::SetupPointers(void *ActMgrPtrInc){ // Setup the pointers for the main window. ActMgrPtr = ActMgrPtrInc; } void frmMain::SetupForm(){ frmActivityMgr *frameActMgr = static_cast(ActMgrPtr); frameActMgr->SetupPointers(&ETagProcTimer, this); // Setup the contact information icons for later. wxFileSystem::AddHandler(new wxMemoryFSHandler); wxImage ciicon_png; //wxBitmap ciicon; wxMemoryInputStream ciptostream(icons_cipto_png, sizeof(icons_cipto_png)); ciicon_png.LoadFile(ciptostream, wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG); wxMemoryFSHandler::AddFile(wxT("cipto.png"), ciicon_png, wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG); wxMemoryInputStream cilogstream(icons_cilog_png, sizeof(icons_cilog_png)); ciicon_png.LoadFile(cilogstream, wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG); wxMemoryFSHandler::AddFile(wxT("cilog.png"), ciicon_png, wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG); wxMemoryInputStream cisndstream(icons_cisnd_png, sizeof(icons_cisnd_png)); ciicon_png.LoadFile(cisndstream, wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG); wxMemoryFSHandler::AddFile(wxT("cisnd.png"), ciicon_png, wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG); wxMemoryInputStream cikeystream(icons_cikey_png, sizeof(icons_cikey_png)); ciicon_png.LoadFile(cikeystream, wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG); wxMemoryFSHandler::AddFile(wxT("cikey.png"), ciicon_png, wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG); wxMemoryInputStream civenstream(icons_civen_png, sizeof(icons_civen_png)); ciicon_png.LoadFile(civenstream, wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG); wxMemoryFSHandler::AddFile(wxT("civen.png"), ciicon_png, wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG); wxMemoryInputStream ciextstream(icons_ciext_png, sizeof(icons_ciext_png)); ciicon_png.LoadFile(ciextstream, wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG); wxMemoryFSHandler::AddFile(wxT("ciext.png"), ciicon_png, wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG); LoadPreferences(); } void frmMain::UpdateSearchContactLists(wxCommandEvent& event){ // Update the contact lists in the search windows. // Go through each of the search windows and // send the required notification to update the // contact information. // Get the event notification data. UCNotif *ucd = (UCNotif*)event.GetClientData(); // Process each search window giving the new details. for (std::map::iterator switer = SearchWindowList.begin(); switer != SearchWindowList.end(); switer++){ // Duplicate the event notification data. UCNotif *ucd2 = new UCNotif; ucd2->ContactAccount = ucd->ContactAccount; ucd2->ContactFilename = ucd->ContactFilename; ucd2->ContactName = ucd->ContactName; ucd2->ContactNickname = ucd->ContactNickname; ucd2->ContactNameArray = ucd->ContactNameArray; // Pass the data to the search window for processing. frmSearch *frameSCH = static_cast(switer->first); wxCommandEvent schupdate(SE_UPDATERESULT); schupdate.SetClientData(ucd2); wxPostEvent(frameSCH, schupdate); // Clear up the pointer prior to variable deletion. frameSCH = NULL; } delete ucd; ucd = NULL; } void frmMain::OpenFindContactsWindow(wxCommandEvent& event){ // Open a new search window. WindowMenuItemID++; frmSearch *frameSCH = new frmSearch ( this ); frameSCH->SetUID(WindowMenuItemID); frameSCH->Show(true); WindowData *WData = new WindowData; WData->DataType = 2; WData->WindowPointer = (void*)frameSCH; WData->WindowID = WindowMenuItemID; wxCommandEvent addevent(WINDOW_ADD); addevent.SetClientData(WData); wxPostEvent(this, addevent); // Add pointer to the list of open search windows. SearchWindowList.insert(std::make_pair(frameSCH, wxT("Search"))); WData = NULL; } void frmMain::RemoveContactsWindowPointer(wxCommandEvent& event){ // Remove the pointer for a contact window from the // window list. void *frameSCH = (void*)event.GetClientData(); SearchWindowList.erase(frameSCH); frameSCH = NULL; } void frmMain::RemoveContactEditorWindowPointer(wxCommandEvent& event){ // Remove the pointer for a contact editor window from // the window list. void *frameSCH = (void*)event.GetClientData(); SearchWindowList.erase(frameSCH); frameSCH = NULL; } void frmMain::RevealContact(wxCommandEvent& event){ // Reveal a contact in the main window. UCNotif *uc = (UCNotif*)event.GetClientData(); // Switch the account to the one passed. wxTreeItemIdValue cookie; wxTreeItemId next = treAccounts->GetRootItem(); wxTreeItemId nextChild; for (int i = 0; i < prefaccounts.GetCount(); i++){ if (!nextChild){ nextChild = treAccounts->GetFirstChild(next, cookie); } else { nextChild = treAccounts->GetNextSibling(nextChild); } if (uc->ContactAccount == AccountAccDirList[i]){ treAccounts->SelectItem(nextChild, TRUE); AccCtrl->SetText(treAccounts->GetItemText(nextChild)); } } // Switch the contact to the one passed. long longSelected = -1; int intSelectedData = 0; for (;;){ longSelected = lstContacts->GetNextItem(longSelected, wxLIST_NEXT_ALL, wxLIST_STATE_DONTCARE); if (longSelected == -1){ break; } intSelectedData = (int)lstContacts->GetItemData(longSelected); // Compare the filename with the one received. // If they match then select it. if (ContactsFileIndex[intSelectedData] == uc->ContactFilename){ // Select. lstContacts->SetItemState(longSelected, wxLIST_STATE_SELECTED, wxLIST_STATE_SELECTED); lstContacts->EnsureVisible(longSelected); } else { lstContacts->SetItemState(longSelected, 0, wxLIST_STATE_SELECTED); } } } void frmMain::DeleteContact(wxCommandEvent& event){ // Delete a contact from the main window. // Check if a contact is selected. long intSelected = -1; long intContactSeekNum = -1; wxString wxSContactName; intSelected = lstContacts->GetNextItem(intSelected, wxLIST_NEXT_ALL, wxLIST_STATE_SELECTED); if (intSelected == -1){ return; } // Check if the account type is a valid account type, otherwise // display an error message. if (ActiveAccountType != "CardDAV" && ActiveAccountType != "carddav" && ActiveAccountType != "Local" && ActiveAccountType != "local"){ wxMessageBox(_("Cannot delete contact as the account type is unsupported."), _("Unsupported account type"), wxICON_ERROR); return; } frmActivityMgr *frameActMgr = static_cast(ActMgrPtr); // Get the item data of the contact. intContactSeekNum = lstContacts->GetItemData(intSelected); // Get the name of the contact. wxSContactName = lstContacts->GetItemText(intSelected); // Display a message confirming if the contact should // be deleted. int QuestionResponse; QuestionResponse = wxMessageBox(_("Are you sure you want to delete this contact?"), _("Delete contact"), wxYES_NO, this); if (QuestionResponse == wxNO){ // Exit the subroutine return; } // Delete the contact. if (!wxRemoveFile(ContactsFileIndex[intContactSeekNum])){ wxMessageBox(_("Unable to delete the contact."), _("Cannot delete contact"), wxOK, this); return; } // Remove the contact from the list. lstContacts->DeleteItem(intSelected); // Update the search windows, removing the deleted // contact. UCNotif *ucd = new UCNotif; ucd->ContactAccount = ActiveAccount; ucd->ContactFilename = ContactsFileIndex[intContactSeekNum]; for (std::map::iterator switer = SearchWindowList.begin(); switer != SearchWindowList.end(); switer++){ // Duplicate the event notification data. UCNotif *ucd2 = new UCNotif; ucd2->ContactAccount = ucd->ContactAccount; ucd2->ContactFilename = ucd->ContactFilename; // Pass the data to the search window for processing. frmSearch *frameSCH = static_cast(switer->first); wxCommandEvent schdelete(SE_DELETERESULT); schdelete.SetClientData(ucd2); wxPostEvent(frameSCH, schdelete); // Clear up the pointer prior to variable deletion. frameSCH = NULL; ucd2 = NULL; } // Clear the wxHTMLWindow. wxString EmptyPage = wxT(""); htmContactData->SetPage(EmptyPage); wxStringTokenizer wSTFilename(ContactsFileIndex[intContactSeekNum], wxT("/")); wxString wxSplitFilename; wxString wxSDataURL; while(wSTFilename.HasMoreTokens()){ wxSplitFilename = wSTFilename.GetNextToken(); } if (ActiveAccountType == wxT("CardDAV") || ActiveAccountType == wxT("carddav")){ // Update the ETagDB and mark it as deleted. ETagDB *ETagDBPtr = ETagProcTimer.GetPointer(ActiveAccount); ETagDBPtr->UpdateETag(wxSplitFilename, wxT("DELETED")); // Get the Data URL. wxTreeItemIdValue cookie; wxTreeItemId next = treAccounts->GetRootItem(); wxTreeItemId selectedChild = treAccounts->GetSelection(); wxTreeItemId nextChild; for (int i = 0; i < prefaccounts.GetCount(); i++){ if (!nextChild){ nextChild = treAccounts->GetFirstChild(next, cookie); } else { nextChild = treAccounts->GetNextSibling(nextChild); } if (nextChild == selectedChild){ wxSDataURL = prefaccounts.GetAccountDirPrefix(i) + wxT("/") + wxSplitFilename; break; } } // Add task to the activity monitor to delete the contact. frameActMgr->AddTask(2, wxSContactName, ActiveAccount, wxSDataURL, wxSplitFilename, ContactsFileIndex[intContactSeekNum], wxT("")); } // Clear the variable. Don't delete as it will mess things up. ContactsFileIndex[intContactSeekNum] = wxT(""); delete ucd; ucd = NULL; } void frmMain::EmptyServerDialog(wxCommandEvent& event){ // Display this message when the server information has changed // and it is empty. QRNotif *qrn = (QRNotif *)event.GetClientData(); int QResponse = wxMessageBox(_("The list of contacts on the server is empty. Upload all locally stored contacts for this account now?"), _("No contacts on server"), wxYES_NO, this); if (QResponse == wxNO){ return; } wxCommandEvent event2(ACTMGR_RESUMEPROC); event2.SetInt(*qrn->QResponse); event2.SetClientData(qrn->PausePtr); frmActivityMgr *frameActMgr = static_cast(ActMgrPtr); wxPostEvent(frameActMgr, event2); } void frmMain::DeleteContactSync(wxString &Account, wxString &Filename){ // Remove the contact from the window after syncronising. // Check which account is currently active in the window. // If it is different from the one passed to this subroutine then // exit from the subroutine. if (Account != ActiveAccount){ return; } long longSelected = -1; int intSelectedData = 0; for (;;){ longSelected = lstContacts->GetNextItem(longSelected, wxLIST_NEXT_ALL, wxLIST_STATE_DONTCARE); if (longSelected == -1){ break; } intSelectedData = (int)lstContacts->GetItemData(longSelected); // Compare the filename with the one received. // If they match then select it. if (ContactsFileIndex[intSelectedData] == Filename){ // Remove the contact from the window. lstContacts->DeleteItem(intSelectedData); // Check if contact is the selected contact in the HTML window and // if it is then clear the window. if (ActiveFilename == Filename){ wxString EmptyPage = wxT(""); htmContactData->SetPage(EmptyPage); } break; } } } void frmMain::SortFNLN( wxCommandEvent& event ) { // Sort first name then last name. wxTreeEvent NullEvent; SortMode = 1; LoadContactList(NullEvent); } void frmMain::SortLNFN( wxCommandEvent& event ) { // Sort last name then first name. wxTreeEvent NullEvent; SortMode = 2; LoadContactList(NullEvent); } void frmMain::SortNickname( wxCommandEvent& event ) { // Sort by nickname. wxTreeEvent NullEvent; SortMode = 3; LoadContactList(NullEvent); } void frmMain::SortDisplayAs( wxCommandEvent& event ) { // Sort by Display As name. wxTreeEvent NullEvent; SortMode = 4; LoadContactList(NullEvent); } void frmMain::SortAscending( wxCommandEvent& event ) { // Sort Ascending. wxTreeEvent NullEvent; AscendingMode = TRUE; LoadContactList(NullEvent); } void frmMain::SortDescending( wxCommandEvent& event ) { // Sort Descending. wxTreeEvent NullEvent; AscendingMode = FALSE; LoadContactList(NullEvent); } void frmMain::ToggleStatusBar( wxCommandEvent& event ) { // Toggle the appearance of the status bar. if (stbBottom->IsShown() == TRUE){ stbBottom->Hide(); } else { stbBottom->Show(); } this->Layout(); } void frmMain::ActivityIconStart( wxCommandEvent& event ){ // Display the activity icon. imgActivityStatus->SetBitmap(*imgActIcon1); ActivityIconStatus = 0; } void frmMain::ActivityIconShuffle( wxCommandEvent& event ){ // Shuffle through the activity icons. switch (ActivityIconStatus){ case 0: imgActivityStatus->SetBitmap(*imgActIcon1); ActivityIconStatus = 1; break; case 1: imgActivityStatus->SetBitmap(*imgActIcon2); ActivityIconStatus = 2; break; case 2: imgActivityStatus->SetBitmap(*imgActIcon3); ActivityIconStatus = 3; break; case 3: imgActivityStatus->SetBitmap(*imgActIcon4); ActivityIconStatus = 0; break; default: ActivityIconStatus = 0; } } void frmMain::ActivityIconStop( wxCommandEvent& event ){ // Display the sleep icon. imgActivityStatus->SetBitmap(*imgActIconSleep); } void frmMain::UpdateSBIconPlacement( wxSizeEvent& event ){ // Set the placement of the status bar icons. if (imgConnStatus == 0 || imgSSLStatus == 0 || imgActivityStatus == 0){ return; } wxRect rectOnline; wxRect rectSSL; wxRect rectActivity; stbBottom->GetFieldRect(1, rectOnline); stbBottom->GetFieldRect(2, rectSSL); stbBottom->GetFieldRect(3, rectActivity); imgConnStatus->Move(rectOnline.GetX(),rectOnline.GetY()); imgSSLStatus->Move(rectSSL.GetX(),rectSSL.GetY()); imgActivityStatus->Move(rectActivity.GetX(),rectActivity.GetY()); } XABViewMode frmMain::GetViewMode(){ // Set the view mode of the contact list. XABViewMode xvm; xvm.SortMode = SortMode; xvm.AscendingMode = AscendingMode; return xvm; } void frmMain::WindowAdd( wxCommandEvent &event ){ // Add a window to the window list. WindowData *WData = (WindowData*)event.GetClientData(); size_t pos; if (WData->DataType == 0){ // Contact Window int intID = mnuContactWindows->GetId(); mnuWindow->FindChildItem(intID, &pos); wxMenuItem *mnuNewItem = new wxMenuItem(NULL, WData->WindowID, wxT("Contact Window #") + wxString::Format(wxT("%i"), WData->WindowID), wxEmptyString, wxITEM_NORMAL, NULL); mnuNewItem->SetId(WData->WindowID); WindowListPointersMenu.insert(std::make_pair(WData->WindowID, mnuNewItem)); WindowListPointers.insert(std::make_pair(WData->WindowID, WData->WindowPointer)); WindowListType.insert(std::make_pair(WData->WindowID, 0)); mnuWindow->Insert((pos + 1), mnuNewItem); this->Connect(mnuNewItem->GetId(), wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, wxCommandEventHandler(frmMain::ShowContactWindow)); } else if (WData->DataType == 1){ // Contact Editor Window int intID = mnuContactEditorWindows->GetId(); mnuWindow->FindChildItem(intID, &pos); wxMenuItem *mnuNewItem = new wxMenuItem(NULL, WData->WindowID, wxT("Contact Editor Window #") + wxString::Format(wxT("%i"), WData->WindowID), wxEmptyString, wxITEM_NORMAL, NULL); mnuNewItem->SetId(WData->WindowID); WindowListPointersMenu.insert(std::make_pair(WData->WindowID, mnuNewItem)); WindowListPointers.insert(std::make_pair(WData->WindowID, WData->WindowPointer)); WindowListType.insert(std::make_pair(WData->WindowID, 1)); mnuWindow->Insert((pos + 1), mnuNewItem); this->Connect(mnuNewItem->GetId(), wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, wxCommandEventHandler(frmMain::ShowContactEditorWindow)); } else if (WData->DataType == 2){ // Search Window int intID = mnuSearchWindows->GetId(); mnuWindow->FindChildItem(intID, &pos); wxMenuItem *mnuNewItem = new wxMenuItem(NULL, WData->WindowID, wxT("Search Window #") + wxString::Format(wxT("%i"), WData->WindowID), wxEmptyString, wxITEM_NORMAL, NULL); mnuNewItem->SetId(WData->WindowID); WindowListPointersMenu.insert(std::make_pair(WData->WindowID, mnuNewItem)); WindowListPointers.insert(std::make_pair(WData->WindowID, WData->WindowPointer)); WindowListType.insert(std::make_pair(WData->WindowID, 2)); mnuWindow->Insert((pos + 1), mnuNewItem); this->Connect(mnuNewItem->GetId(), wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, wxCommandEventHandler(frmMain::ShowSearchWindow)); } delete WData; WData = NULL; } void frmMain::WindowEdit( wxCommandEvent &event ){ // Edit a window in the window list. WindowData *WData = (WindowData*)event.GetClientData(); if (WData->DataType == 0){ // Get the window title and use that. frmContact *frmContactPtr = static_cast(WData->WindowPointer); wxString WindowTitle = frmContactPtr->GetTitle(); std::map::iterator MenuIter = WindowListPointersMenu.find(WData->WindowID); MenuIter->second->SetItemLabel(WindowTitle); } else if (WData->DataType == 1){ // Get the window title and use that. frmContactEditor *frmCEPtr = static_cast(WData->WindowPointer); wxString WindowTitle = frmCEPtr->GetTitle(); std::map::iterator MenuIter = WindowListPointersMenu.find(WData->WindowID); if (WindowTitle.IsEmpty()){ MenuIter->second->SetItemLabel(_("Unnamed Contact")); } else { MenuIter->second->SetItemLabel(WindowTitle); } } delete WData; WData = NULL; } void frmMain::WindowDelete( wxCommandEvent &event ){ // Delete a window from the window list. WindowData *WData = (WindowData*)event.GetClientData(); std::map::iterator MenuIter = WindowListPointersMenu.find(WData->WindowID); mnuWindow->Remove(MenuIter->second); delete MenuIter->second; MenuIter->second = NULL; WindowListPointersMenu.erase(WData->WindowID); WindowListPointers.erase(WData->WindowID); WindowListType.erase(WData->WindowID); delete WData; WData = NULL; } void frmMain::ShowContactWindow( wxCommandEvent &event ){ // Show a contact window from the window list. std::map::iterator WindowIter = WindowListPointers.find(event.GetId()); frmContact *frmContactPtr = static_cast(WindowIter->second); frmContactPtr->Show(); frmContactPtr->Raise(); } void frmMain::ShowContactEditorWindow( wxCommandEvent &event ){ // Show a contact editor window from the window list. std::map::iterator WindowIter = WindowListPointers.find(event.GetId()); frmContactEditor *frmCEPtr = static_cast(WindowIter->second); frmCEPtr->Show(); frmCEPtr->Raise(); } void frmMain::ShowSearchWindow( wxCommandEvent &event ){ // Show a search window from the window list. std::map::iterator WindowIter = WindowListPointers.find(event.GetId()); frmSearch *frmSearchPtr = static_cast(WindowIter->second); frmSearchPtr->Show(); frmSearchPtr->Raise(); } void frmMain::ToggleConnectionStatus( wxCommandEvent &event ){ // Toggle the online/offline connection status. frmActivityMgr *frameActMgr = static_cast(ActMgrPtr); wxCommandEvent toggconn(ACTMGR_TOGGLECONN); wxPostEvent(frameActMgr, toggconn); } void frmMain::ShowSSLCertificates( wxCommandEvent &event ){ // Check the account type before continuing. wxString SeekAccount; wxString AccTypeLower; wxString AccType; bool AccountSSL; #if defined(__APPLE__) std::map::iterator SSLTrustIter; for (int i = 0; i < prefaccounts.GetCount(); i++){ SeekAccount.Append(prefaccounts.GetAccountDirectory(i)); AccType.Append(prefaccounts.GetAccountType(i)); AccountSSL = prefaccounts.GetAccountSSL(i); AccTypeLower = AccType.MakeLower(); SeekAccount.Append(wxT(".")); SeekAccount.Append(AccTypeLower); if (SeekAccount == ActiveAccount){ if (AccTypeLower == wxT("local")){ return; } if (AccountSSL == false){ return; } SSLTrustIter = AccountTrustData.find(i); // Setup and display the form. DisplayCertificate(SSLTrustIter->second); } SeekAccount.Clear(); AccTypeLower.Clear(); AccType.clear(); } #elif defined(__WIN32__) std::map::iterator SSLCertificateIter; for (int i = 0; i < prefaccounts.GetCount(); i++){ SeekAccount.Append(prefaccounts.GetAccountDirectory(i)); AccType.Append(prefaccounts.GetAccountType(i)); AccountSSL = prefaccounts.GetAccountSSL(i); AccTypeLower = AccType.MakeLower(); SeekAccount.Append(wxT(".")); SeekAccount.Append(AccTypeLower); if (SeekAccount == ActiveAccount){ if (AccTypeLower == wxT("local")){ return; } if (AccountSSL == false){ return; } SSLCertificateIter = AccountCertificateData.find(i); // Setup and display the form. if (SSLCertificateIter->second->pCertInfo == NULL){ wxMessageBox("No certificate information is available due to invalid connection details, connection being in progress or invalid certificate data received."); } else { BOOL ModifiedCertificateData; CRYPTUI_VIEWCERTIFICATE_STRUCTW CertificateData = BuildCertificateData(SSLCertificateIter->second, (HWND)this->GetHandle()); if (!CryptUIDlgViewCertificate(&CertificateData, &ModifiedCertificateData)){ wxMessageBox(_("An error occured while trying to open the certificate dialog."), _("Error opening Certificate Information dialog")); } } //DisplayCertificate(SSLTrustIter->second); } SeekAccount.Clear(); AccTypeLower.Clear(); AccType.clear(); } #else std::map::iterator SSLColIter; for (int i = 0; i < prefaccounts.GetCount(); i++){ SeekAccount.Append(prefaccounts.GetAccountDirectory(i)); AccType.Append(prefaccounts.GetAccountType(i)); AccountSSL = prefaccounts.GetAccountSSL(i); AccTypeLower = AccType.MakeLower(); SeekAccount.Append(wxT(".")); SeekAccount.Append(AccTypeLower); if (SeekAccount == ActiveAccount){ if (AccTypeLower == wxT("local")){ return; } if (AccountSSL == false){ return; } SSLColIter = AccountSSLData.find(i); SSLCertCollectionString SSLCertInfo = SSLColIter->second; frmSSLCertificate *frameSSLCert = new frmSSLCertificate ( this ); frameSSLCert->StartCertFrom(0); frameSSLCert->SetupCertsString(SSLCertInfo); frameSSLCert->ShowModal(); delete frameSSLCert; frameSSLCert = NULL; } SeekAccount.Clear(); AccTypeLower.Clear(); AccType.clear(); } #endif } void frmMain::ShowSSLInfo( wxCommandEvent &event ){ // Check the account type before continuing. } void frmMain::HideSSLInfo( wxCommandEvent &event ){ // Check the account type before continuing. } void frmMain::UpdateConnectionStatus( wxCommandEvent &event ){ if (event.GetInt() == 0){ imgConnStatus->SetBitmap(*imgOnline); } else { imgConnStatus->SetBitmap(*imgOffline); } } void frmMain::InvalidSSLCertificate( wxCommandEvent &event ){ // Display the form for showing an invalid SSL certificate. frmInvalidSSLCertificate *frameISC = new frmInvalidSSLCertificate ( this ); SSLInvalidCertNotifObj *SSLICNObj = (SSLInvalidCertNotifObj*)event.GetClientData(); SSLCertCollection SSLCCData = SSLICNObj->CertCollection; wxString AccountName = SSLICNObj->AccountName; frameISC->LoadData(SSLCCData, AccountName); frameISC->ShowModal(); int FinalConflictResult = frameISC->GetResult(); wxCommandEvent event2(ACTMGR_RESUMEPROC); event2.SetClientData(SSLICNObj->QRNotifData); event2.SetInt(FinalConflictResult); delete frameISC; frameISC = NULL; frmActivityMgr *frameActMgr = static_cast(ActMgrPtr); wxPostEvent(frameActMgr, event2); } void frmMain::InvalidSSLCertificateString( wxCommandEvent &event ){ // Display the form for showing an invalid SSL certificate. frmInvalidSSLCertificate *frameISC = new frmInvalidSSLCertificate ( this ); SSLInvalidCertNotifObjString *SSLICNObj = (SSLInvalidCertNotifObjString*)event.GetClientData(); SSLCertCollectionString SSLCCData = SSLICNObj->CertCollection; wxString AccountName = SSLICNObj->AccountName; frameISC->LoadData(SSLCCData, AccountName); frameISC->ShowModal(); int FinalConflictResult = frameISC->GetResult(); wxCommandEvent event2(ACTMGR_RESUMEPROC); event2.SetClientData(SSLICNObj->QRNotifData); event2.SetInt(FinalConflictResult); delete frameISC; frameISC = NULL; frmActivityMgr *frameActMgr = static_cast(ActMgrPtr); wxPostEvent(frameActMgr, event2); } void frmMain::PauseAllTimers(){ // Pause all the account timers. for (std::map::iterator ASTiter = AccountSyncTimers.begin(); ASTiter != AccountSyncTimers.end(); ASTiter++){ ASTiter->second->Stop(); } } void frmMain::ResumeAllTimers(){ // Resume all the account timers. for (std::map::iterator ASTiter = AccountSyncTimers.begin(); ASTiter != AccountSyncTimers.end(); ASTiter++){ ASTiter->second->Start(); } } #if defined(__APPLE__) #elif defined(__WIN32__) void frmMain::UpdateSSLAccountStatus(int AccountID, int SSLStatus, PCCERT_CONTEXT CertificateContext){ // Delete existing data. std::map::iterator CertificateIter = AccountCertificateData.find(AccountID); if (CertificateIter != AccountCertificateData.end()){ CertFreeCertificateContext(CertificateIter->second); } AccountCertificateData.erase(AccountID); AccountSSLResult.erase(AccountID); // Insert new data. AccountCertificateData.insert(std::make_pair(AccountID, CertificateContext)); AccountSSLResult.insert(std::make_pair(AccountID, SSLStatus)); } #else void frmMain::UpdateSSLAccountStatus(int AccountID, int SSLStatus, SSLCertCollectionString SSLCertInc){ // Delete existing data. AccountSSLData.erase(AccountID); AccountSSLResult.erase(AccountID); // Insert new data. AccountSSLData.insert(std::make_pair(AccountID, SSLCertInc)); AccountSSLResult.insert(std::make_pair(AccountID, SSLStatus)); } #endif void frmMain::SetupSSLStatus( int AccountID ){ // Check if account ID given is // the active account and if not, do nothing. wxString AccType; wxString AccTypeLower; AccType = prefaccounts.GetAccountType(AccountID); AccTypeLower = AccType.MakeLower(); wxString AccountIDName = prefaccounts.GetAccountDirectory(AccountID) + wxT(".") + AccTypeLower; if (AccountIDName != ActiveAccount){ return; } // Check the account type is a supported account type. if (AccType != "CardDAV" && AccType != "carddav" && AccType != "Local" && AccType != "local"){ SSLToolTip->SetTip(wxT("SSL is not enabled for this account")); imgSSLStatus->SetBitmap(*imgNoSSL); return; } // Check if the account has SSL enabled. bool SSLInUse = prefaccounts.GetAccountSSL(AccountID); if (SSLInUse == FALSE){ SSLToolTip->SetTip(wxT("SSL is not enabled for this account")); imgSSLStatus->SetBitmap(*imgNoSSL); } else { // Get the SSL Collection Data. std::map::iterator SSLResultIter = AccountSSLResult.find(AccountID); // Check if a result value has been set. if (SSLResultIter == AccountSSLResult.end()){ imgSSLStatus->SetBitmap(*imgSSLWarning); SSLToolTip->SetTip(wxT("Unable to determine SSL information for the '") + prefaccounts.GetAccountName(AccountID) + wxT("' account.")); return; } if (SSLResultIter->second == 1){ imgSSLStatus->SetBitmap(*imgSSLWarning); SSLToolTip->SetTip(wxT("Invalid certificate(s) received for '") + prefaccounts.GetAccountName(AccountID) + wxT("' (Connection denied by user)\n\nDouble click for more information.")); } else if (SSLResultIter->second == 0){ imgSSLStatus->SetBitmap(*imgSSL); SSLToolTip->SetTip(wxT("Account '") + prefaccounts.GetAccountName(AccountID) + wxT("' secured using SSL\n\nDouble click for more information.")); } } } void frmMain::CheckUpdates( wxCommandEvent& event ){ // Check for updates to Xestia Address Book. frmUpdate *frameUpdate = new frmUpdate ( this ); frameUpdate->FetchData(); frameUpdate->ShowModal(); } void frmMain::OpenImportDialog( wxCommandEvent& event ){ // Run the import contacts function. ImportRun(this); } void frmMain::OpenExportDialog( wxCommandEvent& event ){ // Check if an account and at least one contact is selected // before continuing. wxArrayString ArrData; if (ActiveAccount.IsEmpty()){ return; } int ContactSelected = 0; int ContactsCollected = 0; long longSelected = -1; for (;;){ longSelected = lstContacts->GetNextItem(longSelected, wxLIST_NEXT_ALL, wxLIST_STATE_SELECTED); if (longSelected == -1){ break; } int FileID = (int)lstContacts->GetItemData(longSelected); ArrData.Insert(ContactsFileIndex[FileID], ContactsCollected, 1); ContactSelected++; } if (ContactSelected == 0){ return; } // Run the export contacts system. ExportRun(this, &ArrData); } void frmMain::GetListControl(wxListCtrl *lstContactsPtr, wxArrayString *ContactsFileIndexPtr){ // Set the list control pointers. lstContactsPtr = lstContacts; ContactsFileIndexPtr = &ContactsFileIndex; } void frmMain::GetSelectedList( wxCommandEvent& event ){ // Get the array of contact filenames. wxArrayString *ArrData = (wxArrayString*)event.GetClientData(); // Process them into an array of files. long longSelected = -1; int ContactsCollected = 0; wxString ContactFilename; for (;;){ longSelected = lstContacts->GetNextItem(longSelected, wxLIST_NEXT_ALL, wxLIST_STATE_SELECTED); if (longSelected == -1){ break; } // Get the file information and add to the list. int FileID = (int)lstContacts->GetItemData(longSelected); ArrData->Insert(ContactsFileIndex[FileID], ContactsCollected, 1); ContactsCollected++; ContactFilename.Clear(); } event.SetInt(1); } void frmMain::SyncAccount( wxCommandEvent& event ){ // Syncronise the selected account. wxString AccNameInc = event.GetString(); frmActivityMgr *frameActMgr = static_cast(ActMgrPtr); frameActMgr->AddTask(3, wxT(""), AccNameInc, wxT(""), wxT(""), wxT(""), wxT("")); } void frmMain::ShowHelp( wxCommandEvent& event ){ // Based on the operating system, work out where // the documentation should be. //#ifdef __APPLE__ #if defined(__HAIKU__) #elif defined(__WIN32__) #else if (wxFileExists("/usr/share/doc/xestiaab/index.html")){ wxLaunchDefaultBrowser(wxT("file:///usr/share/doc/xestiaab/index.html")); return; #if XSDAB_RELEASE == 0 } else if (wxFileExists("/usr/local/share/doc/xestiaab/index.html")){ wxLaunchDefaultBrowser(wxT("file:///usr/local/share/doc/xestiaab/index.html")); return; #endif } #endif #if XSDAB_RELEASE == 0 wxMessageBox(_("The help documentation is not available.\n\nYou can view the documentation that came with your source package."), _("Help documentation missing!")); #else wxMessageBox(_("The help documentation is not available in the usual locations on the system. Please visit http://documentation.xestia.co.uk/xestiaab/ for documentation"), _("Help documentation missing!")); #endif } void frmMain::ShowImportResults( wxCommandEvent &event ){ // Show the results of importing contacts. std::map *ResultData = (std::map*)event.GetClientData(); frmImportResults *frmIR = new frmImportResults(this); frmIR->LoadData(ResultData, event.GetInt(), (int)event.GetExtraLong()); frmIR->ShowModal(); delete frmIR; frmIR = NULL; delete ResultData; ResultData = NULL; } void frmMain::ReloadContactList( wxCommandEvent &event ){ // Check if the account name given is the current // account selected. if (ActiveAccount == event.GetString()){ wxTreeEvent NullEvent; LoadContactList(NullEvent); } } void frmMain::ShowContactMenu( wxMouseEvent& event ){ // Show the contact menu when a right click occurs // in the contacts list. bool EnableRefresh = FALSE; if (!ActiveAccount.IsEmpty() && (ActiveAccountType == "CardDAV" || ActiveAccountType == "carddav")){ EnableRefresh = TRUE; } ContactMenu->SetupPointers(this, lstContacts, EnableRefresh); this->PopupMenu(ContactMenu->MenuPointer(), wxDefaultPosition); } void frmMain::ResetContactInfo(){ // Reset the contact information to an empty page. wxString EmptyPage = wxT(""); htmContactData->SetPage(EmptyPage); AccCtrl->SetValue(""); }