Xestia Address Book Installation Instructions ============================================= This document explains how to install Xestia Address Book. Requirements ============ (Minimum or later) wxWidgets 3.0.0 SFML 2.1 libxml2 2.9.2 iconv 1.14 file 5.03 curl 7.44 Configuration ============= After extracting from the archive, go into the source directory and type: ./configure Non-standard options available for configure are: --enable-debug Enable debugging features for the build. Building ======== After running configure, to compile Xestia Address Book type: make For reference, on a early-2010 high-range laptop this should take around 3-5 minutes to compile. Install ======= After compiling has completed, to install type: make install This will copy the Xestia Address Book application to the requested installation directory. Uninstall ========= To uninstall Xestia Address Book type: make uninstall This will remove the Xestia Address Book application from the requested installation directory.