Version 0.08 ============ 10 February 2016 - Fixed issue with checks not being made on iterators when editing data which causes the application to crash. - Fixed issue which causes the application to assert on multiline text box controls (maxlength was set when it shouldn't have been). - Resized add and edit properties dialogs that are use with the contact editor so certain controls are not squashed. - Contact editor now has a minimum window size of 800x500 set. Version 0.07 ============ 22 January 2016 - Fixed right click menu in the Search window when the mode is Search Only. - New accounts now appear after creating an account through the new account window. They didn't appear before due to a bug involving a boolean that wasn't set as a pointer. - Added support to do contact format conversion on the command line using the -c switch. - Takes three or four command switches: -ifmt=: Input format to convert form. -ofmt=: Output format to convert to. -ifile: Input filename to read from. -ofile: Output filename to write to. (don't use to pipe to console). - Added unit tests for contact format conversion. - Added unit tests for loading vCard 4 data. - Moved loading of vCard 4 data when using frmContactEditor into ContactDataObject. Saving will also move into ContactDataObject in a later version. - vCard 3/4 conversion now supports CLIENTPIDMAP, XML and SOURCE. Version 0.06 ============ 01 December 2015 - Added right click menus for the contact list in the main window and the search results list in the search window. - Added feature to save photos, logos and sounds from contacts. - Fixed minor vCard version printing to console issue. - Added copyright and licence headers to the source and header files as needed. - Changed CardDAV into CardDAV* for the Activity Manager tasks which improves memory efficiency as CardDAV object is now deleted each time a task is completed. - Splitted some source files down to make them more manageable. Version 0.05 ============ 25 November 2015 - Click on the Close Window button on the main window on Win32 systems causes XAB to crash. This hopefully has now been fixed. - All tabbed forms now show the first page instead of the second page in some forms. - Initial unit testing application has been implemented. Additional unit tests will be added over time. Version 0.04 ============ 17 November 2015 - Added -e support for direct editing without having to start XAB fully. The direct editing process checks if the contact is in the user's settings/accounts directory and refuses to load it if it is. Another check is made where if the file is not a vCard 4.0 contact, it will refuse to load. - Cleaned up Bitmap Code Helper removing all commented out references to Boost and fixed the line tabbing. - Cancel button for the Preferences window now works. Version 0.03 ============ 03 November 2015 - Fixed assert issues when opening frmContactEditorTemplate and frmContactEditorAddress - Save Contact & Close within the contact editor is now implemented. - Fixed more issues with compiling when using other Linux-based OSes other than OpenSuSE. - Fixed issues when creating an account on a Win32 system. Version 0.02 ============ 20 October 2015 - Added -s support for direct searching without having to start XAB fully. - Fixed issues with compiling when using other Linux-based OSes other than OpenSuSE. Version 0.01 ============ 05 October 2015 - Initial Release