#!/usr/bin/perl -Tw ################################################################################# # Kiriwrite (kiriwrite.pl/kiriwrite.cgi) # # Main program script # # # # Version: 0.4.0 # # mod_perl 2.x compatabile version # # # # Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Steve Brokenshire # # # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # # the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free # # Software Foundation; as version 2 of the License. # # # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.# # # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with # # this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 # # Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA # ################################################################################# use strict; use warnings; use utf8; use CGI::Lite; use Tie::IxHash; binmode STDOUT, ':utf8'; # This is commented out because it uses a fair bit of CPU usage. #use CGI::Carp('fatalsToBrowser'); # Output errors to the browser. # Declare global variables for Kiriwrite settings and languages. our ($kiriwrite_config, %kiriwrite_config, %kiriwrite_lang, $kiriwrite_lang, $kiriwrite_version, %kiriwrite_version, $kiriwrite_env, %kiriwrite_env, $kiriwrite_presmodule, $kiriwrite_dbmodule, $form_data, $kiriwrite_script_name, $kiriwrite_env_path); # If you are using mod_perl please change these settings to the correct # directory where this script is being run from. use lib '.'; chdir('.'); # Load the common functions module. use Modules::System::Common; # Setup the version information for Kiriwrite. %kiriwrite_version = ( "major" => 0, "minor" => 4, "revision" => 0 ); kiriwrite_initalise; # Initalise the Kiriwrite enviroment. kiriwrite_settings_load; # Load the configuration options. my $query_lite = new CGI::Lite; # Check if a mode has been specified and if a mode has been specified, continue # and work out what mode has been specified. $form_data = $query_lite->parse_form_data; if ($form_data->{'mode'}){ my $http_query_mode = $form_data->{'mode'}; if ($http_query_mode eq "db"){ use Modules::System::Database; if ($form_data->{'action'}){ # An action has been specified, so find out what action has been specified. my $http_query_action = $form_data->{'action'}; if ($http_query_action eq "edit"){ # The edit action (which mean edit the settings for the selected database) has been specified, # get the database name and check if the action to edit an database has been confirmed. if ($form_data->{'database'}){ # If there is a value in the database variable check if it is a valid database. Otherwise, # return an error. my $http_query_database = $form_data->{'database'}; # Check if a value for confirm has been specified, if there is, check if it is the correct # value, otherwise return an error. if ($form_data->{'confirm'}){ # A value for confirm has been specified, find out what value it is. If the value is correct # then edit the database settings, otherwise return an error. my $http_query_confirm = $form_data->{'confirm'}; if ($http_query_confirm eq 1){ # Value is correct, collect the variables to pass onto the database variable. # Get the variables from the HTTP query. my $newdatabasename = $form_data->{'databasename'}; my $newdatabasedescription = $form_data->{'databasedescription'}; my $newdatabasefilename = $form_data->{'databasefilename'}; my $databaseshortname = $form_data->{'database'}; my $databasenotes = $form_data->{'databasenotes'}; my $databasecategories = $form_data->{'databasecategories'}; # Pass the variables to the database editing subroutine. my $pagedata = kiriwrite_database_edit($databaseshortname, $newdatabasefilename, $newdatabasename, $newdatabasedescription, $databasenotes, $databasecategories, 1); kiriwrite_output_header; kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang{database}{editdatabasetitle}, $pagedata, "database"); exit; } else { # Value is incorrect, return and error. kiriwrite_error("invalidvariable"); } } # Display the form for editing an database. my $pagedata = kiriwrite_database_edit($http_query_database); kiriwrite_output_header; kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang{database}{editdatabasetitle}, $pagedata, "database"); exit; } else { # If there is no value in the database variable, then return an error. kiriwrite_error("invalidvariable"); } } elsif ($http_query_action eq "delete"){ # Action equested is to delete a database, find out if the user has already confirmed deletion of the database # and if the deletion of the database has been confirmed, delete the database. if ($form_data->{'confirm'}){ # User has confirmed to delete a database, pass the parameters to the kiriwrite_database_delete # subroutine. my $database_filename = $form_data->{'database'}; my $database_confirm = $form_data->{'confirm'}; my $pagedata = kiriwrite_database_delete($database_filename, $database_confirm); kiriwrite_output_header; kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang->{database}->{deleteddatabase}, $pagedata, "database"); exit; } # User has clicked on the delete link (thus hasn't confirmed the action to delete a database). my $database_filename = $form_data->{'database'}; my $pagedata = kiriwrite_database_delete($database_filename); kiriwrite_output_header; kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang->{database}->{deletedatabase}, $pagedata, "database"); exit; } elsif ($http_query_action eq "new"){ # Action requested is to create a new database, find out if the user has already entered the information needed # to create a database and see if the user has confirmed the action, otherwise printout a form for adding a # database. my $http_query_confirm = $form_data->{'confirm'}; # Check if the confirm value is correct. if ($http_query_confirm){ if ($http_query_confirm eq 1){ # User has confirmed to create a database, pass the parameters to the # kiriwrite_database_add subroutine. my $http_query_confirm = $form_data->{'confirm'}; my $database_name = $form_data->{'databasename'}; my $database_description = $form_data->{'databasedescription'}; my $database_filename = $form_data->{'databasefilename'}; my $database_notes = $form_data->{'databasenotes'}; my $database_categories = $form_data->{'databasecategories'}; my $pagedata = kiriwrite_database_add($database_filename, $database_name, $database_description, $database_notes, $database_categories, $http_query_confirm); kiriwrite_output_header; kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang{database}{adddatabase}, $pagedata, "database"); exit; } else { # The confirm value is something else other than 1 (which it shouldn't be), so # return an error. } } # User has clicked on the 'Add Database' link. my $pagedata = kiriwrite_database_add(); kiriwrite_output_header; kiriwrite_output_page($main::kiriwrite_lang{database}{adddatabase}, $pagedata, "database"); exit; } else { # Another option has been specified, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("invalidaction"); } } else { # No action has been specified, do the default action of displaying a list # of databases. my $pagedata = kiriwrite_database_list(); kiriwrite_output_header; # Output the header to browser/console/stdout. kiriwrite_output_page("", $pagedata, "database"); # Output the page to browser/console/stdout. exit; # End the script. } } elsif ($http_query_mode eq "page"){ use Modules::System::Page; if ($form_data->{'action'}){ my $http_query_action = $form_data->{'action'}; # Check if the action requested matches with one of the options below. If it does, # go to that section, otherwise return an error. if ($http_query_action eq "view"){ # The action selected was to view pages from a database, my $http_query_database = $form_data->{'database'}; my $http_query_browsenumber = $form_data->{'browsenumber'}; my $pagedata = kiriwrite_page_list($http_query_database, $http_query_browsenumber); kiriwrite_output_header; # Output the header to browser/console/stdout. kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{viewingdatabase}, $pagedata, "pages", $http_query_database); # Output the page to browser/console/stdout. exit; # End the script. } elsif ($http_query_action eq "add"){ # The action selected was to add a page to the selected database. my $http_query_confirm = $form_data->{'confirm'}; if (!$http_query_confirm){ $http_query_confirm = 0; } if ($http_query_confirm eq 1){ my $http_query_database = $form_data->{'database'}; my $http_query_filename = $form_data->{'pagefilename'}; my $http_query_name = $form_data->{'pagename'}; my $http_query_description = $form_data->{'pagedescription'}; my $http_query_section = $form_data->{'pagesection'}; my $http_query_template = $form_data->{'pagetemplate'}; my $http_query_settings = $form_data->{'pagesettings'}; my $http_query_content = $form_data->{'pagecontent'}; my $pagedata = kiriwrite_page_add($http_query_database, $http_query_filename, $http_query_name, $http_query_description, $http_query_section, $http_query_template, $http_query_settings, $http_query_content, $http_query_confirm); kiriwrite_output_header; # Output the header to browser/console/stdout. kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang{pages}{addpage}, $pagedata, "pages"); # Output the page to browser/console/stdout. exit; # End the script. } my $http_query_database = $form_data->{'database'}; my $pagedata = kiriwrite_page_add($http_query_database); kiriwrite_output_header; # Output the header to browser/console/stdout. kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang{pages}{addpage}, $pagedata, "pages"); # Output the page to browser/console/stdout. exit; # End the script. } elsif ($http_query_action eq "edit"){ # The action selected was to edit a page from a database. my $http_query_confirm = $form_data->{'confirm'}; if (!$http_query_confirm){ $http_query_confirm = 0; } if ($http_query_confirm eq 1){ # Get the needed values from the HTTP query. my $http_query_database = $form_data->{'database'}; my $http_query_filename = $form_data->{'page'}; my $http_query_newfilename = $form_data->{'pagefilename'}; my $http_query_name = $form_data->{'pagename'}; my $http_query_description = $form_data->{'pagedescription'}; my $http_query_section = $form_data->{'pagesection'}; my $http_query_template = $form_data->{'pagetemplate'}; my $http_query_settings = $form_data->{'pagesettings'}; my $http_query_content = $form_data->{'pagecontent'}; # Pass the values to the editing pages subroutine. my $pagedata = kiriwrite_page_edit($http_query_database, $http_query_filename, $http_query_newfilename, $http_query_name, $http_query_description, $http_query_section, $http_query_template, $http_query_settings, $http_query_content, $http_query_confirm); kiriwrite_output_header; # Output the header to browser/console/stdout. kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang{pages}{editpagetitle}, $pagedata, "pages"); # Output the page to browser/console/stdout. exit; # End the script. } # Get the needed values from the HTTP query. my $http_query_database = $form_data->{'database'}; my $http_query_filename = $form_data->{'page'}; # Pass the values to the editing pages subroutine. my $pagedata = kiriwrite_page_edit($http_query_database, $http_query_filename); kiriwrite_output_header; # Output the header to browser/console/stdout. kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang{pages}{editpagetitle}, $pagedata, "pages"); # Output the page to browser/console/stdout. exit; # End the script. } elsif ($http_query_action eq "delete"){ # The action selected was to delete a page from a database. my $http_query_database = $form_data->{'database'}; my $http_query_page = $form_data->{'page'}; my $http_query_confirm = $form_data->{'confirm'}; my $pagedata = ""; my $selectionlist = ""; if ($http_query_confirm){ # The action has been confirmed, so try to delete the selected page # from the database. $pagedata = kiriwrite_page_delete($http_query_database, $http_query_page, $http_query_confirm); kiriwrite_output_header; # Output the header to browser/console/stdout. kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang{pages}{deletepagetitle}, $pagedata, "pages"); # Output the page to browser/console/stdout. exit; # End the script. } $pagedata = kiriwrite_page_delete($http_query_database, $http_query_page); kiriwrite_output_header; # Output the header to browser/console/stdout. kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang{pages}{deletepagetitle}, $pagedata, "pages"); # Output the page to browser/console/stdout. exit; # End the script. } elsif ($http_query_action eq "multidelete"){ # The action selected was to delete multiple pages from a # database. my $http_query_database = $form_data->{'database'}; my $http_query_confirm = $form_data->{'confirm'}; my @filelist; my $pagedata; if ($http_query_confirm eq 1){ # The action to delete multiple pages from the selected # database has been confirmed. @filelist = kiriwrite_selectedlist($form_data); $pagedata = kiriwrite_page_multidelete($http_query_database, $http_query_confirm, @filelist); kiriwrite_output_header; # Output the header to browser/console/stdout. kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang{pages}{deletemultiplepages}, $pagedata, "pages"); # Output the page to browser/console/stdout. exit; # End the script. } # Get the list of selected pages and pass them to the # multiple page delete subroutine. @filelist = kiriwrite_selectedlist($form_data); $pagedata = kiriwrite_page_multidelete($http_query_database, $http_query_confirm, @filelist); kiriwrite_output_header; # Output the header to browser/console/stdout. kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang{pages}{deletemultiplepages}, $pagedata, "pages"); # Output the page to browser/console/stdout. exit; # End the script. } elsif ($http_query_action eq "multimove"){ # The action selected was to move multiple pages from a # database. my $http_query_database = $form_data->{'database'}; my $http_query_newdatabase = $form_data->{'newdatabase'}; my $http_query_confirm = $form_data->{'confirm'}; my @filelist; my $pagedata; if ($http_query_confirm){ # The action to move multiple pages from the selected # database has been confirmed. @filelist = kiriwrite_selectedlist($form_data); $pagedata = kiriwrite_page_multimove($http_query_database, $http_query_newdatabase, $http_query_confirm, @filelist); kiriwrite_output_header; # Output the header to browser/console/stdout. kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang{pages}{movepages}, $pagedata, "pages"); # Output the page to browser/console/stdout. exit; # End the script. } # Get the list of selected pages and pass them to the # multiple page move subroutine. @filelist = kiriwrite_selectedlist($form_data); $pagedata = kiriwrite_page_multimove($http_query_database, $http_query_newdatabase, $http_query_confirm, @filelist); kiriwrite_output_header; # Output the header to browser/console/stdout. kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang{pages}{movepages}, $pagedata, "pages"); # Output the page to browser/console/stdout. exit; # End the script. } elsif ($http_query_action eq "multicopy"){ # The action selected was to copy multiple pages from a # database. my $http_query_database = $form_data->{'database'}; my $http_query_newdatabase = $form_data->{'newdatabase'}; my $http_query_confirm = $form_data->{'confirm'}; my @filelist; my $pagedata; if ($http_query_confirm){ # The action to copy multiple pages from the selected # database has been confirmed. @filelist = kiriwrite_selectedlist($form_data); $pagedata = kiriwrite_page_multicopy($http_query_database, $http_query_newdatabase, $http_query_confirm, @filelist); kiriwrite_output_header; # Output the header to browser/console/stdout. kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang{pages}{copypages}, $pagedata, "pages"); # Output the page to browser/console/stdout. exit; # End the script. } # Get the list of selected pages and pass them to the # multiple page copy subroutine. @filelist = kiriwrite_selectedlist($form_data); $pagedata = kiriwrite_page_multicopy($http_query_database, $http_query_newdatabase, $http_query_confirm, @filelist); kiriwrite_output_header; # Output the header to browser/console/stdout. kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang{pages}{copypages}, $pagedata, "pages"); # Output the page to browser/console/stdout. exit; # End the script. } elsif ($http_query_action eq "multiedit"){ # The action selected was to edit multiple pages from a # database. my $http_query_database = $form_data->{'database'}; my $http_query_newsection = $form_data->{'newsection'}; my $http_query_altersection = $form_data->{'altersection'}; my $http_query_newtemplate = $form_data->{'newtemplate'}; my $http_query_altertemplate = $form_data->{'altertemplate'}; my $http_query_newsettings = $form_data->{'newsettings'}; my $http_query_altersettings = $form_data->{'altersettings'}; my $http_query_confirm = $form_data->{'confirm'}; my @filelist; my $pagedata; if (!$http_query_confirm){ @filelist = kiriwrite_selectedlist($form_data); $pagedata = kiriwrite_page_multiedit($http_query_database, $http_query_newsection, $http_query_altersection, $http_query_newtemplate, $http_query_altertemplate, $http_query_newsettings, $http_query_altersettings, $http_query_confirm, @filelist); kiriwrite_output_header; # Output the header to browser/console/stdout. kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang{pages}{multiedit}, $pagedata, "pages"); # Output the page to browser/console/stdout. exit; } # Get the list of selected pages and pass them to the # multiple page edit subroutine. @filelist = kiriwrite_selectedlist($form_data); $pagedata = kiriwrite_page_multiedit($http_query_database, $http_query_newsection, $http_query_altersection, $http_query_newtemplate, $http_query_altertemplate, $http_query_newsettings, $http_query_altersettings, $http_query_confirm, @filelist); kiriwrite_output_header; # Output the header to browser/console/stdout. kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang{pages}{multiedit}, $pagedata, "pages"); # Output the page to browser/console/stdout. exit; # End the script. } else { kiriwrite_error("invalidaction"); } } else { # If there the action option is left blank, then print out a form where the database # can be selected to view pages from. my $pagedata = kiriwrite_page_list(); kiriwrite_output_header; # Output the header to browser/console/stdout. kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang{pages}{databaseselecttitle}, $pagedata, ""); # Output the page to browser/console/stdout. exit; # End the script. } } elsif ($http_query_mode eq "template"){ use Modules::System::Template; if ($form_data->{'action'}){ # An action has been specified in the HTTP query. my $http_query_action = $form_data->{'action'}; if ($http_query_action eq "delete"){ # Get the required parameters from the HTTP query. my $http_query_template = $form_data->{'template'}; my $http_query_confirm = $form_data->{'confirm'}; # Check if a value for confirm has been specified (it shouldn't) # be blank. if (!$http_query_confirm){ # The confirm parameter of the HTTP query is blank, so # write out a form asking the user to confirm the deletion # of the selected template. my $pagedata = kiriwrite_template_delete($http_query_template); kiriwrite_output_header; # Output the header to browser/console/stdout. kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang{template}{deletetemplate}, $pagedata, "template"); # Output the page to browser/console/stdout. exit; # End the script. } else { my $pagedata = kiriwrite_template_delete($http_query_template, $http_query_confirm); kiriwrite_output_header; # Output the header to browser/console/stdout. kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang{template}{deletetemplate}, $pagedata, "template"); # Output the page to browser/console/stdout. exit; # End the script. } } elsif ($http_query_action eq "add") { # Get the variables from the HTTP query in preperation for processing. my $http_query_confirm = $form_data->{'confirm'}; my $http_query_templatelayout = $form_data->{'templatelayout'}; my $http_query_templatename = $form_data->{'templatename'}; my $http_query_templatedescription = $form_data->{'templatedescription'}; my $http_query_templatefilename = $form_data->{'templatefilename'}; # Check if there is a confirmed value in the http_query_confirm variable. if (!$http_query_confirm){ # Since there is no confirm value, print out a form for creating a new # template. my $pagedata = kiriwrite_template_add(); kiriwrite_output_header; # Output the header to browser/console/stdout. kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang{template}{addtemplate}, $pagedata, "template"); # Output the page to browser/console/stdout. exit; # End the script. } else { # A value in the http_query_confirm value is specified, so pass the # variables onto the kiriwrite_template_add subroutine. my $pagedata = kiriwrite_template_add($http_query_templatefilename, $http_query_templatename, $http_query_templatedescription, $http_query_templatelayout, $http_query_confirm); kiriwrite_output_header; # Output the header to browser/console/stdout. kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang{template}{addtemplate}, $pagedata, "template"); # Output the page to browser/console/stdout. exit; # End the script. } } elsif ($http_query_action eq "edit") { # Get the required parameters from the HTTP query. my $http_query_templatefile = $form_data->{'template'}; my $http_query_confirm = $form_data->{'confirm'}; # Check to see if http_query_confirm has a value of '1' in it and # if it does, edit the template using the settings providied. if (!$http_query_confirm){ # Since there is no confirm value, open the template configuration # file and the template file itself then print out the data on to # the form. my $pagedata = kiriwrite_template_edit($http_query_templatefile); kiriwrite_output_header; # Output the header to browser/console/stdout. kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang{template}{edittemplate}, $pagedata, "template"); # Output the page to browser/console/stdout. exit; # End the script. } elsif ($http_query_confirm eq 1) { # Since there is a confirm value of 1, the user has confirm the # action of editing of a template so get the other variables # that were also sent and pass the variables to the subroutine. my $http_query_newfilename = $form_data->{'newfilename'}; my $http_query_newname = $form_data->{'newname'}; my $http_query_newdescription = $form_data->{'newdescription'}; my $http_query_newlayout = $form_data->{'newlayout'}; my $pagedata = kiriwrite_template_edit($http_query_templatefile, $http_query_newfilename, $http_query_newname, $http_query_newdescription, $http_query_newlayout, $http_query_confirm); kiriwrite_output_header; # Output the header to browser/console/stdout. kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang{template}{edittemplate}, $pagedata, "template"); # Output the page to browser/console/stdout. exit; # End the script. } else { # Another confirm value is there instead of '0' or '1'. Return # an error saying it is invalid. kiriwrite_error("invalidvariable"); } } elsif ($http_query_action eq "view"){ # Get the required parameters from the HTTP query. my $http_query_browsenumber = $form_data->{'browsenumber'}; my $pagedata = kiriwrite_template_list($http_query_browsenumber); kiriwrite_output_header; # Output the header to browser/console/stdout. kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang{template}{viewtemplates}, $pagedata, "template"); # Output the page to browser/console/stdout. exit; # End the script. } else { # Another action was specified and was not one of the ones above, so # return an error. kiriwrite_error("invalidaction"); } } else { # If the action option is left blank, then print out a form where the list # of templates are available. my $pagedata = kiriwrite_template_list(); kiriwrite_output_header; # Output the header to browser/console/stdout. kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang{template}{viewtemplates}, $pagedata, "template"); # Output the page to browser/console/stdout. exit; # End the script. } } elsif ($http_query_mode eq "filter"){ use Modules::System::Filter; if ($form_data->{'action'}){ # There is a value for action in the HTTP query, # so get the value from it. my $http_query_action = $form_data->{'action'}; if ($http_query_action eq "add"){ # The action the user requested is to add a filter to the # filter database. # Check if there is a value in confirm and if there is # then pass it on to the new find and replace words # to add to the filter database. my $http_query_confirm = $form_data->{'confirm'}; if ($http_query_confirm){ # There is a value in http_query_confirm, so pass on the # new find and replace words so that they can be added # to the filter database. my $http_query_findwords = $form_data->{'findword'}; my $http_query_replacewords = $form_data->{'replaceword'}; my $http_query_priority = $form_data->{'priority'}; my $http_query_enabled = $form_data->{'enabled'}; my $http_query_notes = $form_data->{'notes'}; my $pagedata = kiriwrite_filter_add({ FindFilter => $http_query_findwords, ReplaceFilter => $http_query_replacewords, Priority => $http_query_priority, Enabled => $http_query_enabled, Notes => $http_query_notes, Confirm => $http_query_confirm }); #my $pagedata = kiriwrite_filter_add($http_query_findwords, $http_query_replacewords, $http_query_priority, $http_query_notes, $http_query_confirm); kiriwrite_output_header; # Output the header to browser/console/stdout. kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang{filter}{addfilter}, $pagedata, "filter"); # Output the page to browser/console/stdout. exit; # End the script. } my $pagedata = kiriwrite_filter_add(); kiriwrite_output_header; # Output the header to browser/console/stdout. kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang{filter}{addfilter}, $pagedata, "filter"); # Output the page to browser/console/stdout. exit; # End the script. } elsif ($http_query_action eq "edit"){ # The action the user requested is to edit an filter from # the filter database. my $http_query_number = $form_data->{'filter'}; my $http_query_confirm = $form_data->{'confirm'}; if ($http_query_confirm){ # There is a value in http_query_confirm, so pass on the # new find and replace words so that the filter database # can be edited. my $http_query_findwords = $form_data->{'filterfind'}; my $http_query_replacewords = $form_data->{'filterreplace'}; my $http_query_priority = $form_data->{'priority'}; my $http_query_notes = $form_data->{'notes'}; my $http_query_enabled = $form_data->{'enabled'}; my $pagedata = kiriwrite_filter_edit({ FilterID => $http_query_number, NewFindFilter => $http_query_findwords, NewReplaceFilter => $http_query_replacewords, NewPriority => $http_query_priority, NewEnabled => $http_query_enabled, NewFilterNotes => $http_query_notes, Confirm => $http_query_confirm }); kiriwrite_output_header; # Output the header to browser/console/stdout. kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang{filter}{editfilter}, $pagedata, "filter"); # Output the page to browser/console/stdout. exit; # End the script. } my $pagedata = kiriwrite_filter_edit({ FilterID => $http_query_number }); kiriwrite_output_header; # Output the header to browser/console/stdout. kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang{filter}{editfilter}, $pagedata, "filter"); # Output the page to browser/console/stdout. exit; # End the script. } elsif ($http_query_action eq "delete"){ # The action the user requested is to delete an filter # from the filter database. my $http_query_number = $form_data->{'filter'}; my $http_query_confirm = $form_data->{'confirm'}; if ($http_query_confirm){ my $pagedata = kiriwrite_filter_delete($http_query_number, $http_query_confirm); kiriwrite_output_header; # Output the header to browser/console/stdout. kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang{filter}{deletefilter}, $pagedata, "filter"); # Output the page to browser/console/stdout. exit; # End the script } my $pagedata = kiriwrite_filter_delete($http_query_number); kiriwrite_output_header; # Output the header to browser/console/stdout. kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang{filter}{deletefilter}, $pagedata, "filter"); # Output the page to browser/console/stdout. exit; # End the script. } elsif ($http_query_action eq "view"){ # The action the user requested is to view the list # filters on the filter database. my $http_query_browsenumber = $form_data->{'browsenumber'}; my $pagedata = kiriwrite_filter_list($http_query_browsenumber); kiriwrite_output_header; # Output the header to browser/console/stdout. kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang{filter}{viewfilters}, $pagedata, "filter"); # Output the page to browser/console/stdout. exit; # End the script. } else { # Another action was requested that was not one of # the ones prcedding this catch all, so return # an error saying that an invalid option was # specified. kiriwrite_error("invalidaction"); } } else { my $pagedata = kiriwrite_filter_list(); kiriwrite_output_header; # Output the header to browser/console/stdout. kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang{filter}{viewfilters}, $pagedata, "filter"); # Output the page to browser/console/stdout. exit; # End the script. } } elsif ($http_query_mode eq "compile"){ use Modules::System::Compile; if ($form_data->{'action'}){ my $http_query_action = $form_data->{'action'}; if ($http_query_action eq "compile"){ # The specified action is to compile the pages, check if the # action to compile the page has been confirmed. my $http_query_confirm = $form_data->{'confirm'}; my $http_query_type = $form_data->{'type'}; # If it is blank, set the confirm value to 0. if (!$http_query_confirm){ # The http_query_confirm variable is uninitalised, so place a # '0' (meaning an unconfirmed action). $http_query_confirm = 0; } # If the compile type is blank then return an error. if (!$http_query_type){ # Compile type is blank so return an error. kiriwrite_error("blankcompiletype"); } if ($http_query_type eq "multiple"){ if ($http_query_confirm eq 1){ # The action to compile the pages has been confirmed so # compile the pages. my $http_query_override = $form_data->{'enableoverride'}; my $http_query_overridetemplate = $form_data->{'overridetemplate'}; my @selectedlist = kiriwrite_selectedlist($form_data); my $pagedata = kiriwrite_compile_makepages($http_query_type, $http_query_confirm, $http_query_override, $http_query_overridetemplate, @selectedlist); kiriwrite_output_header; # Output the header to browser/console/stdout. kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang{compile}{compilepages}, $pagedata, "compile"); # Output the page to browser/console/stdout. exit; # End the script. } else { # The action to compile the pages has not been confirmed # so write a form asking the user to confirm the action # of compiling the pages. my @selectedlist = kiriwrite_selectedlist($form_data); my $pagedata = kiriwrite_compile_makepages($http_query_type, $http_query_confirm, "", "", @selectedlist); kiriwrite_output_header; # Output the header to browser/console/stdout. kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang{compile}{compileselecteddatabases}, $pagedata, "compile"); # Output the page to browser/console/stdout. exit; # End the script. } } elsif ($http_query_type eq "single"){ my $http_query_database = $form_data->{'database'}; my @selectedlist; $selectedlist[0] = $http_query_database; my $pagedata = kiriwrite_compile_makepages($http_query_type, $http_query_confirm, "", "", @selectedlist); kiriwrite_output_header; # Output the header to browser/console/stdout. kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang{compile}{compiledatabase}, $pagedata, "compile"); exit; # End the script. } else { kiriwrite_error("invalidcompiletype"); } } elsif ($http_query_action eq "all"){ # The selected action is to compile all of the databases # in the database directory. Check if the action to # compile all of the databases has been confirmed. my $http_query_confirm = $form_data->{'confirm'}; if (!$http_query_confirm){ # The http_query_confirm variable is uninitalised, so place a # '0' (meaning an unconfirmed action). $http_query_confirm = 0; } if ($http_query_confirm eq 1){ # The action to compile all the databases has been confirmed. } my $pagedata = kiriwrite_compile_all(); kiriwrite_output_header; # Output the header to browser/console/stdout. kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang{compile}{compilealldatabases}, $pagedata, "compile"); exit; } elsif ($http_query_action eq "clean") { # The selected action is to clean the output directory. # Check if the action to clean the output directory # has been confirmed. my $http_query_confirm = $form_data->{'confirm'}; if (!$http_query_confirm){ # The http_query_confirm variable is uninitalised, so place a # '0' (meaning an unconfirmed action). $http_query_confirm = 0; } if ($http_query_confirm eq 1){ # The action to clean the output directory has been confirmed. my $pagedata = kiriwrite_compile_clean($http_query_confirm); kiriwrite_output_header; # Output the header to browser/console/stdout. kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang{compile}{cleanoutputdirectory}, $pagedata, "compile"); # Output the page to browser/console/stdout. exit; # End the script. } # The action to clean the output directory is not # confirmed, so write a page asking the user # to confirm cleaning the output directory. my $pagedata = kiriwrite_compile_clean(); kiriwrite_output_header; # Output the header to browser/console/stdout. kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang{compile}{cleanoutputdirectory}, $pagedata, "compile"); # Output the page to browser/console/stdout. exit; # End the script. } else { # The action specified was something else other than those # above, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("invalidaction"); } } my $pagedata = kiriwrite_compile_list(); kiriwrite_output_header; # Output the header to browser/console/stdout. kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang{compile}{compilepages}, $pagedata, "compile"); # Output the page to browser/console/stdout. exit; # End the script. } elsif ($http_query_mode eq "settings"){ use Modules::System::Settings; if ($form_data->{'action'}){ my $http_query_action = $form_data->{'action'}; if ($http_query_action eq "edit"){ # The action specified is to edit the settings. Check if the action # to edit the settings has been confirmed. my $http_query_confirm = $form_data->{'confirm'}; if (!$http_query_confirm){ # The confirm value is blank, so set it to 0. $http_query_confirm = 0; } if ($http_query_confirm eq 1){ # The action to edit the settings has been confirmed. Get the # required settings from the HTTP query. my $http_query_database = $form_data->{'databasedir'}; my $http_query_output = $form_data->{'outputdir'}; my $http_query_imagesuri = $form_data->{'imagesuripath'}; my $http_query_datetimeformat = $form_data->{'datetime'}; my $http_query_systemlanguage = $form_data->{'language'}; my $http_query_presmodule = $form_data->{'presmodule'}; my $http_query_dbmodule = $form_data->{'dbmodule'}; my $http_query_textareacols = $form_data->{'textareacols'}; my $http_query_textarearows = $form_data->{'textarearows'}; my $http_query_pagecount = $form_data->{'pagecount'}; my $http_query_filtercount = $form_data->{'filtercount'}; my $http_query_templatecount = $form_data->{'templatecount'}; my $http_query_database_server = $form_data->{'database_server'}; my $http_query_database_port = $form_data->{'database_port'}; my $http_query_database_protocol = $form_data->{'database_protocol'}; my $http_query_database_sqldatabase = $form_data->{'database_sqldatabase'}; my $http_query_database_username = $form_data->{'database_username'}; my $http_query_database_passwordkeep = $form_data->{'database_password_keep'}; my $http_query_database_password = $form_data->{'database_password'}; my $http_query_database_tableprefix = $form_data->{'database_tableprefix'}; my $pagedata = kiriwrite_settings_edit({ DatabaseDirectory => $http_query_database, OutputDirectory => $http_query_output, ImagesURIPath => $http_query_imagesuri, DateTimeFormat => $http_query_datetimeformat, SystemLanguage => $http_query_systemlanguage, PresentationModule => $http_query_presmodule, TextAreaCols => $http_query_textareacols, TextAreaRows => $http_query_textarearows, PageCount => $http_query_pagecount, FilterCount => $http_query_filtercount, TemplateCount => $http_query_templatecount, DatabaseModule => $http_query_dbmodule, DatabaseServer => $http_query_database_server, DatabasePort => $http_query_database_port, DatabaseProtocol => $http_query_database_protocol, DatabaseSQLDatabase => $http_query_database_sqldatabase, DatabaseUsername => $http_query_database_username, DatabasePasswordKeep => $http_query_database_passwordkeep, DatabasePassword => $http_query_database_password, DatabaseTablePrefix => $http_query_database_tableprefix, Confirm => 1 }); kiriwrite_output_header; # Output the header to browser/console/stdout. kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang{setting}{editsettings}, $pagedata, "settings"); # Output the page to browser/console/stdout. exit; # End the script. } # The action to edit the settings has not been confirmed. my $pagedata = kiriwrite_settings_edit(); kiriwrite_output_header; # Output the header to browser/console/stdout. kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang{setting}{editsettings}, $pagedata, "settings"); # Output the page to browser/console/stdout. exit; # End the script. } else { # The action specified was something else other than those # above, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("invalidaction"); } } # No action has been specified, so print out the list of settings currently being used. my $pagedata = kiriwrite_settings_view(); kiriwrite_output_header; # Output the header to browser/console/stdout. kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang{setting}{viewsettings}, $pagedata, "settings"); # Output the page to browser/console/stdout. exit; # End the script. } else { # An invalid mode has been specified so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("invalidmode"); } } else { # No mode has been specified, so print the default "first-run" view of the # database list. use Modules::System::Database; my $pagedata = kiriwrite_database_list(); kiriwrite_output_header; # Output the header to browser/console/stdout. kiriwrite_output_page("", $pagedata, "database"); # Output the page to browser/console/stdout. exit; # End the script. } __END__