#!/usr/bin/perl -Tw ################################################################################# # Kiriwrite (kiriwrite.cgi) # # Main program script # # # # Version: 0.1.0 # # # # Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Steve Brokenshire # # # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # # the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free # # Software Foundation; as version 2 of the License. # # # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.# # # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with # # this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 # # Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA # ################################################################################# use strict; # Throw errors if there's something wrong. use warnings; # Write warnings to the HTTP Server Log file. use utf8; use CGI qw(header); use Tie::IxHash; # This is commented out because it uses a fair bit of CPU usage. #use CGI::Carp('fatalsToBrowser'); # Output errors to the browser. # Declare global variables for Kiriwrite settings and languages. my ($kiriwrite_config, %kiriwrite_config, $kiriwrite_lang, $kiriwrite_version, %kiriwrite_version, $kiriwrite_env, %kiriwrite_env, $kiriwrite_presmodule, $kiriwrite_dbmodule, $xsl); # Setup the version information for Kiriwrite. %kiriwrite_version = ( "major" => 0, "minor" => 1, "revision" => 0 ); sub BEGIN{ ################################################################################# # BEGIN: Get the enviroment stuff # ################################################################################# # Get the script filename. my $env_script_name = $ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'}; # Process the script filename until there is only the # filename itself. my $env_script_name_length = length($env_script_name); my $filename_seek = 0; my $filename_char = ""; my $filename_last = 0; do { $filename_char = substr($env_script_name, $filename_seek, 1); if ($filename_char eq "/"){ $filename_last = $filename_seek + 1; } $filename_seek++; } until ($filename_seek eq $env_script_name_length || $env_script_name_length eq 0); my $env_script_name_finallength = $env_script_name_length - $filename_last; my $script_filename = substr($env_script_name, $filename_last, $env_script_name_finallength); # Setup the needed enviroment variables for Kiriwrite. %kiriwrite_env = ( "script_filename" => $script_filename, ); $ENV{XML_SIMPLE_PREFERRED_PARSER} = "XML::Parser"; } ################################################################################# # Begin listing the functions needed. # ################################################################################# sub kiriwrite_page_add{ ################################################################################# # kiriwrite_page_add: Adds a page to a database # # # # Usage: # # # # kiriwrite_page_add(database, pagefilename, title, description, section, # # template, settings, info, confirm); # # # # database Specifies the database name. # # pagefilename Specifies the page filename. # # title Specifies the page title to be used. # # description Specifies the short description of the page. # # section Specifies the section assigned to the page. # # template Specifies the template to use. # # settings Specifies the settings to be used on the page. # # data Specifies the data which consists the page. # # confirm Confirms action to add an page. # ################################################################################# # Fetch the required variables that have been passed to the subroutine. my ($pagedatabase, $pagefilename, $pagetitle, $pagedescription, $pagesection, $pagetemplate, $pagesettings, $pagefiledata, $confirm) = @_; # Check if the action to add a new page has been confirmed (or not). if (!$confirm){ $confirm = 0; } kiriwrite_variablecheck($confirm, "maxlength", 1, 0); # Check if the database filename is valid and return an error if # it isn't. my $pagedatabase_filename_check = kiriwrite_variablecheck($pagedatabase, "filename", 0, 1); if ($pagedatabase_filename_check eq 1){ # The database filename is blank, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("blankdatabasepageadd"); } elsif ($pagedatabase_filename_check eq 2){ # The database filename is invalid, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("databasefilenameinvalid"); } # Check the length the database name and return an error if it's # too long. my $pagedatabase_length_check = kiriwrite_variablecheck($pagedatabase, "maxlength", 32, 1); if ($pagedatabase_length_check eq 1){ # The database name is too long, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("databasefilenametoolong"); } if ($confirm eq "1"){ # Check all the variables to see if they UTF8 valid. kiriwrite_variablecheck($pagefilename, "utf8", 0, 0); kiriwrite_variablecheck($pagetitle, "utf8", 0, 0); kiriwrite_variablecheck($pagedescription, "utf8", 0, 0); kiriwrite_variablecheck($pagesection, "utf8", 0, 0); kiriwrite_variablecheck($pagedatabase, "utf8", 0, 0); kiriwrite_variablecheck($pagesettings, "utf8", 0, 0); kiriwrite_variablecheck($pagetemplate, "utf8", 0, 0); kiriwrite_variablecheck($pagefiledata, "utf8", 0, 0); # Convert the values into proper UTF8 values. $pagefilename = kiriwrite_utf8convert($pagefilename); $pagetitle = kiriwrite_utf8convert($pagetitle); $pagedescription = kiriwrite_utf8convert($pagedescription); $pagesection = kiriwrite_utf8convert($pagesection); $pagedatabase = kiriwrite_utf8convert($pagedatabase); $pagesettings = kiriwrite_utf8convert($pagesettings); $pagetemplate = kiriwrite_utf8convert($pagetemplate); $pagefiledata = kiriwrite_utf8convert($pagefiledata); # Check all the variables (except for the page data, filename and settings # will be checked more specifically later if needed) that were passed to # the subroutine. my $pagefilename_maxlength_check = kiriwrite_variablecheck($pagefilename, "maxlength", 256, 1); my $pagetitle_maxlength_check = kiriwrite_variablecheck($pagetitle, "maxlength", 512, 1); my $pagedescription_maxlength_check = kiriwrite_variablecheck($pagedescription, "maxlength", 512, 1); my $pagesection_maxlength_check = kiriwrite_variablecheck($pagesection, "maxlength", 256, 1); my $pagedatabase_maxlength_check = kiriwrite_variablecheck($pagedatabase, "maxlength", 32, 1); my $pagesettings_maxlength_check = kiriwrite_variablecheck($pagesettings, "maxlength", 1, 1); my $pagetemplate_maxlength_check = kiriwrite_variablecheck($pagetemplate, "maxlength", 64, 1); # Check if an value returned is something else other than 0. if ($pagefilename_maxlength_check eq 1){ # The page filename given is too long, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("pagefilenametoolong"); } if ($pagetitle_maxlength_check eq 1){ # The page title given is too long, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("pagetitletoolong"); } if ($pagedescription_maxlength_check eq 1){ # The page description given is too long, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("pagedescriptiontoolong"); } if ($pagesection_maxlength_check eq 1){ # The page section given is too long, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("pagesectiontoolong"); } if ($pagedatabase_maxlength_check eq 1){ # The page database given is too long, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("pagedatabasefilenametoolong"); } if ($pagesettings_maxlength_check eq 1){ # The page settings given is too long, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("pagesettingstoolong"); } if ($pagetemplate_maxlength_check eq 1){ # The page template given is too long, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("pagetemplatefilenametoolong"); } # The action to create a new page has been confirmed, so add the page to the # selected database. if (!$pagefilename){ kiriwrite_error("pagefilenameblank"); } # Check the page filename and page settings. my $pagefilename_filename_check = kiriwrite_variablecheck($pagefilename, "page_filename", 0, 1); my $pagesettings_setting_check = kiriwrite_variablecheck($pagesettings, "pagesetting", 0, 1); my $pagetemplate_filename_check = 0; if ($pagetemplate ne "!none"){ # A template is being used so check the filename of the # template. $pagetemplate_filename_check = kiriwrite_variablecheck($pagetemplate, "page_filename", 0, 1); } if ($pagefilename_filename_check ne 0){ # The page filename given is invalid, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("pagefilenameinvalid"); } if ($pagesettings_setting_check eq 1){ # The page settings given is invalid, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("pagesettingsinvalid"); } if ($pagetemplate_filename_check eq 1){ # The template filename given is invalid, so return an error kiriwrite_error("templatefilenameinvalid"); } # Check if the database has write permissions. my $database_permissions = $kiriwrite_dbmodule->dbpermissions($pagedatabase, 1, 1); if ($database_permissions eq 1){ # The database permissions are invalid so return an error. kiriwrite_error("databaseinvalidpermissions"); } # Connect to the database server. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->connect(); # Check if any errors occured while connecting to the database server. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DatabaseConnectionError"){ # A database connection error has occured so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("databaseconnectionerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); } # Select the database to add the page to. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->selectdb({ DatabaseName => $pagedatabase }); # Check if any errors had occured while selecting the database. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DoesNotExist"){ # The database does not exist, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("databasemissingfile"); } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "InvalidPermissionsSet"){ # The database has invalid permissions set, so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("databaseinvalidpermissions"); } # Get information about the database. my %database_info = $kiriwrite_dbmodule->getdatabaseinfo(); # Check if any error occured while getting the database information. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DatabaseError"){ # A database error has occured so return an error and # also the extended error information. kiriwrite_error("databaseerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); }; # Add the page to the selected database. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->addpage({ PageFilename => $pagefilename, PageName => $pagetitle, PageDescription => $pagedescription, PageSection => $pagesection, PageTemplate => $pagetemplate, PageContent => $pagefiledata, PageSettings => $pagesettings }); # Check if any errors occured while adding the page. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "PageExists"){ # A page with the filename given already exists so # return an error. kiriwrite_error("pagefilenameexists"); } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DatabaseError"){ # A database error has occured so return an error # with extended error information. kiriwrite_error("databaseerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); } my $database_name = $database_info{"DatabaseName"}; # Disconnect from the database server. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->disconnect(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{addpage}, { Style => "pageheader" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext(kiriwrite_language($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{pageaddedmessage}, $pagetitle, $database_name)); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlink($kiriwrite_env{"script_filename"} . "?mode=page&action=view&database=" . $pagedatabase, { Text => kiriwrite_language($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{returnpagelist}, $database_name) }); return $kiriwrite_presmodule->grab(); } elsif ($confirm eq 0) { # The action to create a new page has not been confirmed, so print out a form # for adding a page to a database. my %template_list; my %template_info; my @templates_list; my %database_info; my $template_filename; my $template_name; my $template_data = ""; my $template_warningmessage; my $template_warning = 0; my $template_count = 0; my $template; tie(%template_list, 'Tie::IxHash'); # Connect to the database server. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->connect(); # Check if any errors occured while connecting to the database server. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DatabaseConnectionError"){ # A database connection error has occured so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("databaseconnectionerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); } # Select the database. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->selectdb({ DatabaseName => $pagedatabase }); # Check if any errors had occured while selecting the database. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DoesNotExist"){ # The database does not exist, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("databasemissingfile"); } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "InvalidPermissionsSet"){ # The database has invalid permissions set, so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("databaseinvalidpermissions"); } # Check if the database has write permissions. my $database_permissions = $kiriwrite_dbmodule->dbpermissions($pagedatabase, 1, 1); if ($database_permissions eq 1){ # The database permissions are invalid so return an error. kiriwrite_error("databaseinvalidpermissions"); } # Get information about the database. %database_info = $kiriwrite_dbmodule->getdatabaseinfo(); # Check if any error occured while getting the database information. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DatabaseError"){ # A database error has occured so return an error and # also the extended error information. kiriwrite_error("databaseerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); }; # Connect to the template database. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->connecttemplate(); # Check if any errors occured while connecting to the template database. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "TemplateDatabaseDoesNotExist"){ # The template database does not exist so set the template # warning message. $template_warningmessage = $kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{notemplatedatabase}; $template_warning = 1; } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "TemplateDatabaseInvalidPermissionsSet"){ # The template database has invalid permissions set so write # the template warning message. $template_warningmessage = $kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{templatepermissionserror}; $template_warning = 1; } if ($template_warning eq 0){ # Get the list of templates available. @templates_list = $kiriwrite_dbmodule->gettemplatelist(); # Check if any errors had occured. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "TemplateDatabaseError"){ # A database error occured while getting the list # of templates so return a warning message with the # extended error information. $template_warningmessage = kiriwrite_language($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{templatedatabaseerror}, $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); $template_warning = 1; } if ($template_warning eq 0){ # Check to see if there are any templates in the templates # list array. my $template_filename = ""; my $template_name = ""; foreach $template (@templates_list){ # Get information about the template. %template_info = $kiriwrite_dbmodule->gettemplateinfo({ TemplateFilename => $template }); # Check if any error occured while getting the template information. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "TemplateDatabaseError"){ # A database error has occured, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("templatedatabaseerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "TemplateDoesNotExist"){ # The template does not exist, so process the next template. next; } # Get the template filename and name. $template_filename = $template_info{"TemplateFilename"}; $template_name = $template_info{"TemplateName"}; $template_list{$template_count}{Filename} = $template_filename; $template_list{$template_count}{Name} = $template_name; $template_count++; } # Check if the final template list is blank. if (!%template_list){ # The template list is blank so write the template # warning message. $template_warningmessage = $kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{notemplatesavailable}; } } } my $database_name = $database_info{"DatabaseName"}; # Disconnect from the template database. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->disconnecttemplate(); # Disconnect from the database server. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->disconnect(); # write out the form for adding a page. $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{addpage}, { Style => "pageheader" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startform($kiriwrite_env{"script_filename"}, "POST");# $kiriwrite_presmodule->startbox(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("mode", "page"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("action", "add"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("database", $pagedatabase); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("confirm", "1"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endbox(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->starttable("", { CellPadding => 5, CellSpacing => 0 }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startheader(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecellheader"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{common}->{setting}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecellheader"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{common}->{value}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endheader(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell1"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{database}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell2"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($database_name); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell1"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{pagename}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell2"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addinputbox("pagename", { Size => 64, MaxLength => 512 }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell1"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{pagedescription}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell2"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addinputbox("pagedescription", { Size => 64, MaxLength => 512 }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell1"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{pagesection}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell2"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addinputbox("pagesection", { Size => 64, MaxLength => 256 }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell1"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{pagetemplate}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell2"); # Check if the template warning value has been set # and write the error message in place of the templates # list if it is. if ($template_warning eq 1){ $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("pagetemplate", "!none"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($template_warningmessage); } else { my $template_file; my $page_filename; my $page_name; $kiriwrite_presmodule->addselectbox("pagetemplate"); foreach $template_file (keys %template_list){ $page_filename = $template_list{$template_file}{Filename}; $page_name = $template_list{$template_file}{Name}; $kiriwrite_presmodule->addoption($page_name . " (" . $page_filename . ")", { Value => $page_filename }); $template_count++; $template_count = 0; } $kiriwrite_presmodule->addoption($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{usenotemplate}, { Value => "!none", Selected => 1 }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endselectbox(); } $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell1"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{pagefilename}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell2"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addinputbox("pagefilename", { Size => 64, MaxLength => 256 }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell1"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{pagecontent}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell2"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtextbox("pagecontent", { Columns => 50, Rows => 10 }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startbox("datalist"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addboldtext($kiriwrite_lang->{common}->{tags}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{common}->{pagetitle}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{common}->{pagename}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{common}->{pagedescription}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{common}->{pagesection}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{common}->{pageautosection}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{common}->{pageautotitle}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endbox(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell1"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{pagesettings}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell2"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addradiobox("pagesettings", { Description => $kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{usepageandsection}, Value => "1", Selected => 1, LineBreak => 1}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addradiobox("pagesettings", { Description => $kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{usepagename}, Value => "2", Selected => 0, LineBreak => 1}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addradiobox("pagesettings", { Description => $kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{usesectionname}, Value => "3", Selected => 0, LineBreak => 1}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addradiobox("pagesettings", { Description => $kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{nopagesection}, Value => "0", Selected => 0, LineBreak => 1}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endtable(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startbox(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addsubmit($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{addpagebutton}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext(" | "); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addreset($kiriwrite_lang->{common}->{clearvalues}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext(" | "); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlink($kiriwrite_env{"script_filename"} . "?mode=page&action=view&database=" . $pagedatabase, { Text => kiriwrite_language($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{returnpagelist}, $database_name) }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endbox(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endform(); return $kiriwrite_presmodule->grab(); } else { # The confirm value is something else than '1' or '0' so # return an error. kiriwrite_error("invalidvalue"); } } sub kiriwrite_page_delete{ ################################################################################# # kiriwrite_page_delete: Deletes a (single) page from a database. # # # # Usage: # # # # kiriwrite_page_delete(database, page, [confirm]); # # # # database Specifies the database to delete from. # # page Specifies the page to delete. # # confirm Confirms the action to delete the page. # ################################################################################# my ($database, $page, $confirm) = @_; # Check if the database filename is valid and return an error if # it isn't. my $pagedatabase_filename_check = kiriwrite_variablecheck($database, "filename", 0, 1); if ($pagedatabase_filename_check eq 1){ # The database filename is blank, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("blankdatabasepageadd"); } elsif ($pagedatabase_filename_check eq 2){ # The database filename is invalid, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("databasefilenameinvalid"); } # Check the length the database name and return an error if it's # too long. my $pagedatabase_length_check = kiriwrite_variablecheck($database, "maxlength", 32, 1); if ($pagedatabase_length_check eq 1){ # The database name is too long, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("databasefilenametoolong"); } # Check if the page name is specified is blank and return an error if # it is. if (!$page){ # The page name is blank, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("blankfilename"); } # If the confirm value is blank, then set the confirm value to 0. if (!$confirm){ $confirm = 0; } if ($confirm eq 1){ # The action to delete the selected page from the database # has been confirmed. # Connect to the database server. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->connect(); # Check if any errors occured while connecting to the database server. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DatabaseConnectionError"){ # A database connection error has occured so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("databaseconnectionerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); } # Select the database to delete the page from. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->selectdb({ DatabaseName => $database }); # Check if any errors had occured while selecting the database. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DoesNotExist"){ # The database does not exist, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("databasemissingfile"); } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "InvalidPermissionsSet"){ # The database has invalid permissions set, so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("databaseinvalidpermissions"); } # Check if the database has write permissions. my $database_permissions = $kiriwrite_dbmodule->dbpermissions($database, 1, 1); if ($database_permissions eq 1){ # The database permissions are invalid so return an error. kiriwrite_error("databaseinvalidpermissions"); } # Get the information about the database. my %database_info = $kiriwrite_dbmodule->getdatabaseinfo(); # Check if any error occured while getting the database information. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DatabaseError"){ # A database error has occured so return an error and # also the extended error information. kiriwrite_error("databaseerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); } # Get the information about the page that is going to be deleted. my %page_info = $kiriwrite_dbmodule->getpageinfo({ PageFilename => $page }); # Check if any errors occured while getting the page information. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DatabaseError"){ # A database error has occured so return an error and # also the extended error information. kiriwrite_error("databaseerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "PageDoesNotExist"){ # The page does not exist, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("pagefilenamedoesnotexist"); } # Delete the page from the database. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->deletepage({ PageFilename => $page }); # Check if any errors occured while deleting the page from the database. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DatabaseError"){ # A database error has occured so return an error and # also the extended error information. kiriwrite_error("databaseerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "PageDoesNotExist"){ # The page does not exist, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("pagefilenamedoesnotexist"); } # Get the database name and page name. my $database_name = $database_info{"DatabaseName"}; my $page_name = $page_info{"PageName"}; # Disconnect from the database server. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->disconnect(); # Write out a message saying that the selected page from # the database has been deleted. $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{pagedeleted}, { Style => "pageheader" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext(kiriwrite_language($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{pagedeletedmessage}, $page_name, $database_name)); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlink($kiriwrite_env{"script_filename"} . "?mode=page&action=view&database=" . $database, { Text => kiriwrite_language($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{returnpagelist}, $database_name)}); return $kiriwrite_presmodule->grab(); } elsif ($confirm eq 0){ # Connect to the database server. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->connect(); # Check if any errors occured while connecting to the database server. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DatabaseConnectionError"){ # A database connection error has occured so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("databaseconnectionerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); } # Select the database. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->selectdb({ DatabaseName => $database }); # Check if any errors had occured while selecting the database. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DoesNotExist"){ # The database does not exist, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("databasemissingfile"); } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "InvalidPermissionsSet"){ # The database has invalid permissions set, so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("databaseinvalidpermissions"); } # Get information about the database. my %database_info = $kiriwrite_dbmodule->getdatabaseinfo(); # Check if any errors occured while getting the database information. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DatabaseError"){ # A database error has occured so return an error and # also the extended error information. kiriwrite_error("databaseerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); } # Get information about the page that is going to be deleted. my %page_info = $kiriwrite_dbmodule->getpageinfo({ PageFilename => $page }); # Check if any errors occured while getting the page information. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DatabaseError"){ # A database error has occured so return an error and # also the extended error information. kiriwrite_error("databaseerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "PageDoesNotExist"){ # The page does not exist, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("pagefilenamedoesnotexist"); } my $database_name = $database_info{"DatabaseName"}; my $page_name = $page_info{"PageName"}; # Disconnect from the database server. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->disconnect(); # Write a message asking the user to confirm the deletion of the # page. $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext(kiriwrite_language($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{deletepage}, $page_name), { Style => "pageheader" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startform($kiriwrite_env{"script_filename"}, "POST"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startbox(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("mode", "page"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("action", "delete"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("database", $database); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("page", $page); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("confirm", "1"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext(kiriwrite_language($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{deletepagemessage}, $page_name, $database_name)); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addsubmit($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{deletepagebutton}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext(" | "); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlink($kiriwrite_env{"script_filename"} . "?mode=page&action=view&database=" . $database, { Text => kiriwrite_language($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{deletepagesreturnlink}, $database_name)}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endbox(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endform(); return $kiriwrite_presmodule->grab(); } else { # Another page deletion type was specified, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("invalidoption"); } } sub kiriwrite_page_edit{ ################################################################################# # kiriwrite_page_edit: Edits a page from a database. # # # # Usage: # # # # kiriwrite_page_edit(database, filename, newfilename, newname, newdescription, # # newsection, newtemplate, newsettings, newpagecontent # # confirm); # # # # database Specifies the database to edit from. # # filename Specifies the filename to use. # # newfilename Specifies the new page filename to use. # # newname Specifies the new page name to use. # # newdescription Specifies the new description for the page. # # newsection Specifies the new section name to use. # # newtemplate Specifies the new template filename to use. # # newsettings Specifies the new page settings to use. # # newpagecontent Specifies the new page content to use. # # confirm Confirms the action to edit the page. # ################################################################################# # Get the values that have been passed to the subroutine. my ($database, $pagefilename, $pagenewfilename, $pagenewtitle, $pagenewdescription, $pagenewsection, $pagenewtemplate, $pagenewsettings, $pagenewcontent, $confirm) = @_; # Check if the confirm value is blank and if it is, then set it to '0'. if (!$confirm){ $confirm = 0; } # Check if the confirm value is more than one character long and if it # is then return an error. kiriwrite_variablecheck($confirm, "maxlength", 1, 0); # Check if the database filename is valid and return an error if # it isn't. my $pagedatabase_filename_check = kiriwrite_variablecheck($database, "filename", 0, 1); if ($pagedatabase_filename_check eq 1){ # The database filename is blank, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("blankdatabasepageadd"); } elsif ($pagedatabase_filename_check eq 2){ # The database filename is invalid, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("databasefilenameinvalid"); } # Check the length the database name and return an error if it's # too long. my $pagedatabase_length_check = kiriwrite_variablecheck($database, "maxlength", 32, 1); if ($pagedatabase_length_check eq 1){ # The database name is too long, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("databasefilenametoolong"); } # Check if the page identification number is blank (which it shouldn't # be) and if it is, then return an error. if (!$pagefilename){ kiriwrite_error("blankfilename"); } # Check if the confirm value is '1' and if it is, edit the specified # page in the database. if ($confirm eq 1){ # Check if the new page filename is blank. if (!$pagenewfilename){ # The page filename is blank so return an error. kiriwrite_error("pagefilenameblank"); } # The action to edit a page has been confirmed so check the # variables recieved are UTF8 compiliant before converting. kiriwrite_variablecheck($database, "utf8", 0, 0); kiriwrite_variablecheck($pagefilename, "utf8", 0, 0); kiriwrite_variablecheck($pagenewfilename, "utf8", 0, 0); kiriwrite_variablecheck($pagenewtitle, "utf8", 0, 0); kiriwrite_variablecheck($pagenewdescription, "utf8", 0, 0); kiriwrite_variablecheck($pagenewsection, "utf8", 0, 0); kiriwrite_variablecheck($pagenewsettings, "utf8", 0, 0); kiriwrite_variablecheck($pagenewtemplate, "utf8", 0, 0); kiriwrite_variablecheck($pagenewcontent, "utf8", 0, 0); # Convert the variables into proper UTF8 variables. $database = kiriwrite_utf8convert($database); $pagefilename = kiriwrite_utf8convert($pagefilename); $pagenewfilename = kiriwrite_utf8convert($pagenewfilename); $pagenewtitle = kiriwrite_utf8convert($pagenewtitle); $pagenewdescription = kiriwrite_utf8convert($pagenewdescription); $pagenewsection = kiriwrite_utf8convert($pagenewsection); $pagenewsettings = kiriwrite_utf8convert($pagenewsettings); $pagenewtemplate = kiriwrite_utf8convert($pagenewtemplate); $pagenewcontent = kiriwrite_utf8convert($pagenewcontent); # Check the lengths of the variables. my $pagenewfilename_maxlength_check = kiriwrite_variablecheck($pagenewfilename, "maxlength", 256, 1); my $pagenewtitle_maxlength_check = kiriwrite_variablecheck($pagenewtitle, "maxlength", 512, 1); my $pagenewdescription_maxlength_check = kiriwrite_variablecheck($pagenewdescription, "maxlength", 512, 1); my $pagenewsection_maxlength_check = kiriwrite_variablecheck($pagenewsection, "maxlength", 256, 1); my $pagenewsettings_maxlength_check = kiriwrite_variablecheck($pagenewsettings, "maxlength", 1, 1); my $pagenewtemplate_maxlength_check = kiriwrite_variablecheck($pagenewtemplate, "maxlength", 64, 1); # Check each result to see if the length of the variable # is valid and return an error if it isn't. if ($pagenewfilename_maxlength_check eq 1){ # The new page filename given is too long, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("pagefilenametoolong"); } if ($pagenewtitle_maxlength_check eq 1){ # The new page title given is too long, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("pagetitletoolong"); } if ($pagenewdescription_maxlength_check eq 1){ # The new page description given is too long, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("pagedescriptiontoolong"); } if ($pagenewsection_maxlength_check eq 1){ # The new page section given is too long, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("pagesectiontoolong"); } if ($pagenewsettings_maxlength_check eq 1){ # The new page settings given is too long, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("pagesettingstoolong"); } if ($pagenewtemplate_maxlength_check eq 1){ # The new page template given is too long, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("pagetemplatefilenametoolong"); } # Check if the new page filename and new page settings # are valid. my $pagenewfilename_filename_check = kiriwrite_variablecheck($pagenewfilename, "page_filename", 0, 1); my $pagenewsettings_settings_check = kiriwrite_variablecheck($pagenewsettings, "pagesetting", 0, 1); my $pagetemplate_filename_check = 0; if ($pagenewtemplate ne "!none"){ # A template is being used so check the filename of the # template. $pagetemplate_filename_check = kiriwrite_variablecheck($pagenewtemplate, "page_filename", 0, 1); } # Check each result to see if the variables have passed # their tests and return an error if they haven't. if ($pagenewfilename_filename_check ne 0){ # The new page filename is invalid, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("pagefilenameinvalid"); } if ($pagenewsettings_settings_check eq 1){ # The new page settings is invalid, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("pagesettingsinvalid"); } if ($pagetemplate_filename_check eq 1){ # The template filename given is invalid, so return an error kiriwrite_error("templatefilenameinvalid"); } # Connect to the database server. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->connect(); # Check if any errors occured while connecting to the database server. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DatabaseConnectionError"){ # A database connection error has occured so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("databaseconnectionerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); } # Select the database. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->selectdb({ DatabaseName => $database }); # Check if any errors had occured while selecting the database. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DoesNotExist"){ # The database does not exist, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("databasemissingfile"); } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "InvalidPermissionsSet"){ # The database has invalid permissions set, so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("databaseinvalidpermissions"); } # Check if the database has write permissions. my $database_permissions = $kiriwrite_dbmodule->dbpermissions($database, 1, 1); if ($database_permissions eq 1){ # The database permissions are invalid so return an error. kiriwrite_error("databaseinvalidpermissions"); } # Get the database information. my %database_info = $kiriwrite_dbmodule->getdatabaseinfo(); # Check if any errors had occured while getting the database information. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DatabaseError"){ # A database error has occured so return an error and # also the extended error information. kiriwrite_error("databaseerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); }; my $database_name = $database_info{"DatabaseName"}; # Edit the selected page. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->editpage({ PageFilename => $pagefilename, PageNewFilename => $pagenewfilename, PageNewName => $pagenewtitle, PageNewDescription => $pagenewdescription, PageNewSection => $pagenewsection, PageNewTemplate => $pagenewtemplate, PageNewContent => $pagenewcontent, PageNewSettings => $pagenewsettings }); # Check if any errors occured while editing the page. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DatabaseError"){ # A database error has occured so return an error and # also the extended error information. kiriwrite_error("databaseerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "PageDoesNotExist"){ # The pages does not exist in the database. kiriwrite_error("pagefilenamedoesnotexist"); } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "PageExists"){ # A page already exists with the new filename. kiriwrite_error("pagefilenameexists"); } # Disconnect from the database server. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->disconnect(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{editedpage}, { Style => "pageheader" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext(kiriwrite_language($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{editedpagemessage}, $pagenewtitle)); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlink($kiriwrite_env{"script_filename"} . "?mode=page&action=view&database=" . $database, { Text => kiriwrite_language($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{returnpagelist}, $database_name) }); return $kiriwrite_presmodule->grab(); } elsif ($confirm eq 0) { # Connect to the database server. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->connect(); # Check if any errors occured while connecting to the database server. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DatabaseConnectionError"){ # A database connection error has occured so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("databaseconnectionerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); } # Select the database. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->selectdb({ DatabaseName => $database }); # Check if any errors had occured while selecting the database. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DoesNotExist"){ # The database does not exist, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("databasemissingfile"); } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "InvalidPermissionsSet"){ # The database has invalid permissions set, so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("databaseinvalidpermissions"); } # Get the information about the database. my %database_info = $kiriwrite_dbmodule->getdatabaseinfo(); # Check if any errors had occured while getting the database information. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DatabaseError"){ # A database error has occured so return an error and # also the extended error information. kiriwrite_error("databaseerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); }; my $database_name = $database_info{"DatabaseName"}; # Get the page info. my %page_info = $kiriwrite_dbmodule->getpageinfo({ PageFilename => $pagefilename }); # Check if any errors occured while getting the page information. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DatabaseError"){ # A database error has occured so return an error and # also the extended error information. kiriwrite_error("databaseerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "PageDoesNotExist"){ # The page does not exist, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("pagefilenamedoesnotexist"); } # Get the values from the hash. my $data_filename = $page_info{"PageFilename"}; my $data_name = $page_info{"PageName"}; my $data_description = $page_info{"PageDescription"}; my $data_section = $page_info{"PageSection"}; my $data_template = $page_info{"PageTemplate"}; my $data_content = $page_info{"PageContent"}; my $data_settings = $page_info{"PageSettings"}; my $data_lastmodified = $page_info{"PageLastModified"}; my $template_warning; my $page_count = 0; my %template_list; my %template_info; my @database_pages; my @database_info; my @database_templates; my @template_filenames; my $template_file; my $template_filename; my $template_name; my $template_count = 0; my $template_found = 0; tie(%template_list, 'Tie::IxHash'); # Connect to the template database. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->connecttemplate(); # Check if any errors occured while connecting to the template database. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "TemplateDatabaseDoesNotExist"){ # The template database does not exist so set the template # warning message. $template_warning = $kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{notemplatedatabasekeep}; } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "TemplateDatabaseInvalidPermissionsSet"){ # The template database has invalid permissions set so write # the template warning message. $template_warning = $kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{templatepermissionserrorkeep}; } if (!$template_warning){ # Get the list of available templates. @template_filenames = $kiriwrite_dbmodule->gettemplatelist(); # Check if any errors had occured. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "TemplateDatabaseError"){ # A database error occured while getting the list # of templates so return an error with the # extended error information. $template_warning = kiriwrite_language($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{templatedatabaseerrorkeep} , $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); } if (!$template_warning){ foreach $template_filename (@template_filenames){ # Get the information about each template. %template_info = $kiriwrite_dbmodule->gettemplateinfo({ TemplateFilename => $template_filename }); # Check if any errors occured while getting the template information. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "TemplateDatabaseError"){ # A template database error has occured so return a warning message # with the extended error information. $template_warning = kiriwrite_language($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{templatedatabaseerrorkeep} , $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); last; } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "TemplateDoesNotExist"){ # The template does not exist so process the next template. next; } # Append the template name and filename to the list of available templates. $template_list{$template_count}{Filename} = $template_info{"TemplateFilename"}; $template_list{$template_count}{Name} = $template_info{"TemplateName"}; # Append the template filename and name and make it the selected # template if that is the template the page is using. if ($data_template eq $template_filename && !$template_found){ $template_list{$template_count}{Selected} = 1; $template_found = 1; } else { $template_list{$template_count}{Selected} = 0; } $template_count++; } } } # Check if certain values are undefined and if they # are then set them blank (defined). if (!$data_name){ $data_name = ""; } if (!$data_description){ $data_description = ""; } if (!$data_section){ $data_section = ""; } if (!$data_template){ $data_template = ""; } if (!$data_content){ $data_content = ""; } if (!$data_settings){ $data_settings = ""; } if (!$data_lastmodified){ $data_lastmodified = ""; } # Begin writing out the form for editing the selected page. $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext(kiriwrite_language($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{editpage}, $data_name), { Style => "pageheader" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startform($kiriwrite_env{"script_filename"}, "POST"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startbox(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("mode", "page"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("action", "edit"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("database", $database); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("page", $pagefilename); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("confirm", 1); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endbox(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->starttable("", { CellPadding => 5, CellSpacing => 0 }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startheader(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addheader($kiriwrite_lang->{common}->{setting}, { Style => "tablecellheader" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addheader($kiriwrite_lang->{common}->{value}, { Style => "tablecellheader" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endheader(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell1"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{database}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell2"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($database_name); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell1"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{pagename}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell2"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addinputbox("pagename", { Size => 64, MaxLength => 256, Value => $data_name }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell1"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{pagedescription}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell2"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addinputbox("pagedescription", { Size => 64, MaxLength => 256, Value => $data_description }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell1"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{pagesection}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell2"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addinputbox("pagesection", { Size => 64, MaxLength => 256, Value => $data_section }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell1"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{pagetemplate}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell2"); # Check if any template warnings have occured. if ($template_warning){ $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($template_warning); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); } $kiriwrite_presmodule->addselectbox("pagetemplate"); # Process the list of templates, select one if the # template filename for the page matches, else give # an option for the user to keep the current template # filename. $template_count = 0; foreach $template_file (keys %template_list){ if ($template_list{$template_count}{Selected}){ $kiriwrite_presmodule->addoption($template_list{$template_count}{Name} . " (" . $template_list{$template_count}{Filename} . ")", { Value => $template_list{$template_count}{Filename}, Selected => 1 }); } else { $kiriwrite_presmodule->addoption($template_list{$template_count}{Name} . " (" . $template_list{$template_count}{Filename} . ")", { Value => $template_list{$template_count}{Filename} }); } $template_count++; } if ($data_template eq "!none"){ $kiriwrite_presmodule->addoption($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{usenotemplate}, { Value => "!none", Selected => 1 }); $template_found = 1; } else { $kiriwrite_presmodule->addoption($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{usenotemplate}, { Value => "!none" }); } if ($template_found eq 0 && $data_template ne "!none"){ # The template with the filename given was not found. $kiriwrite_presmodule->addoption(kiriwrite_language($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{keeptemplatefilename}, $data_template), { Value => $data_template, Selected => 1, Style => "warningoption" }); } # Disconnect from the template database. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->disconnecttemplate(); # Disconnect from the database server. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->disconnect(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endselectbox(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell1"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{pagefilename}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell2"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addinputbox("pagefilename", { Size => 64, MaxLength => 256, Value => $data_filename }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell1"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{pagecontent}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell2"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtextbox("pagecontent", { Columns => 50, Rows => 10, Value => $data_content }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startbox("datalist"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addboldtext($kiriwrite_lang->{common}->{tags}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{common}->{pagetitle}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{common}->{pagename}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{common}->{pagedescription}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{common}->{pagesection}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{common}->{pageautosection}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{common}->{pageautotitle}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endbox(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell1"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{pagesettings}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell2"); # Check if the page settings value is set to a # certain number and select that option based # on the number else set the value to 0. if ($data_settings eq 1){ $kiriwrite_presmodule->addradiobox("pagesettings", { Description => $kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{usepageandsection}, Value => "1", Selected => 1, LineBreak => 1}); } else { $kiriwrite_presmodule->addradiobox("pagesettings", { Description => $kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{usepageandsection}, Value => "1", LineBreak => 1}); } if ($data_settings eq 2){ $kiriwrite_presmodule->addradiobox("pagesettings", { Description => $kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{usepagename}, Value => "2", Selected => 1, LineBreak => 1}); } else { $kiriwrite_presmodule->addradiobox("pagesettings", { Description => $kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{usepagename}, Value => "2", LineBreak => 1}); } if ($data_settings eq 3){ $kiriwrite_presmodule->addradiobox("pagesettings", { Description => $kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{usesectionname}, Value => "3", Selected => 1, LineBreak => 1}); } else { $kiriwrite_presmodule->addradiobox("pagesettings", { Description => $kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{usesectionname}, Value => "3", LineBreak => 1}); } if ($data_settings eq 0 || ($data_settings ne 1 && $data_settings ne 2 && $data_settings ne 3)){ $kiriwrite_presmodule->addradiobox("pagesettings", { Description => $kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{nopagesection}, Value => "0", Selected => 1, LineBreak => 1}); } else { $kiriwrite_presmodule->addradiobox("pagesettings", { Description => $kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{nopagesection}, Value => "0", LineBreak => 1}); } $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endtable(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startbox(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addsubmit($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{editpagebutton}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext(" | "); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addreset($kiriwrite_lang->{common}->{restorecurrent}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext(" | "); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlink($kiriwrite_env{"script_filename"} . "?mode=page&action=view&database=" . $database, { Text => kiriwrite_language($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{returnpagelist}, $database_name) } ); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endbox(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endform(); return $kiriwrite_presmodule->grab(); } else { # The confirm value is a value other than '0' and '1' so # return an error. kiriwrite_error("invalidvalue"); } } sub kiriwrite_page_multidelete{ ################################################################################# # kiriwrite_page_multidelete: Delete mulitple pages from the database. # # # # Usage: # # # # kiriwrite_page_multidelete(database, confirm, filelist); # # # # database Specifies the database to delete multiple pages from. # # confirm Confirms the action to delete the selected pages from the # # database. # # filelist The list of files to delete from the selected database. # ################################################################################# # Get the information passed to the subroutine. my ($database, $confirm, @filelist) = @_; # Check if the database name is blank and return an error if # it is. if (!$database){ # The database name is blank so return an error. kiriwrite_error("databasenameblank"); } # Check if the file list array has any values and return # an error if it doesn't. if (!@filelist){ # The page list really is blank so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("nopagesselected"); } # Check if the database filename is valid and return an error if # it isn't. my $pagedatabase_filename_check = kiriwrite_variablecheck($database, "filename", 0, 1); if ($pagedatabase_filename_check eq 1){ # The database filename is blank, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("blankdatabasepageadd"); } elsif ($pagedatabase_filename_check eq 2){ # The database filename is invalid, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("databasefilenameinvalid"); } # Check the length the database name and return an error if it's # too long. my $pagedatabase_length_check = kiriwrite_variablecheck($database, "maxlength", 32, 1); if ($pagedatabase_length_check eq 1){ # The database name is too long, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("databasefilenametoolong"); } # Check if the confirm value is blank and if it is, then # set it to 0. if (!$confirm){ # The confirm value is blank so set the confirm value # to 0. $confirm = 0; } if ($confirm eq 1){ # The action to delete multiple pages from the database has # been confirmed. # Connect to the database server. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->connect(); # Check if any errors occured while connecting to the database server. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DatabaseConnectionError"){ # A database connection error has occured so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("databaseconnectionerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); } # Select the database. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->selectdb({ DatabaseName => $database }); # Check if any errors occured while selecting the database. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DoesNotExist"){ # The database does not exist, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("databasemissingfile"); } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "InvalidPermissionsSet"){ # The database has invalid permissions set, so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("databaseinvalidpermissions"); } # Check if the database has read and write permissions. my $database_permissions = $kiriwrite_dbmodule->dbpermissions($database, 1, 1); if ($database_permissions eq 1){ # The database permissions are invalid so return an error. kiriwrite_error("databaseinvalidpermissions"); } # Get information about the database. my %database_info = $kiriwrite_dbmodule->getdatabaseinfo(); # Check if any errors had occured while getting the database # information. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DatabaseError"){ # A database error has occured so return an error and # also the extended error information. kiriwrite_error("databaseerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); }; my $database_name = $database_info{"DatabaseName"}; # Define some variables for later. my @database_page; my %page_info; my $filelist_filename; my %deleted_list; my $page; my $page_name; my $page_found = 0; my $page_count = 0; tie (%deleted_list, 'Tie::IxHash'); my $deleted_list = ""; foreach $filelist_filename (@filelist){ # Get the page information. %page_info = $kiriwrite_dbmodule->getpageinfo({ PageFilename => $filelist_filename }); # Check if any errors occured. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DatabaseError"){ # A database error has occured so return an error and # also the extended error information. kiriwrite_error("databaseerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "PageDoesNotExist"){ # The page does not exist, so process the next page. next; } # Add the page to the list of deleted pages. $deleted_list{$page_count}{Filename} = $page_info{"PageFilename"}; $deleted_list{$page_count}{Name} = $page_info{"PageName"}; # Delete the page. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->deletepage({ PageFilename => $filelist_filename }); # Check if any errors occured while deleting the page from the database. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DatabaseError"){ # A database error has occured so return an error and # also the extended error information. kiriwrite_error("databaseerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "PageDoesNotExist"){ # The page does not exist, so process the next page. next; } $page_found = 0; $page_count++; } # Disconnect from the database server. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->disconnect(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{selectedpagesdeleted}, { Style => "pageheader" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext(kiriwrite_language($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{selectedpagesdeletedmessage}, $database_name)); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startbox("datalist"); foreach $page (keys %deleted_list){ if (!$deleted_list{$page}{Name}){ $kiriwrite_presmodule->additalictext($kiriwrite_lang->{blank}->{noname}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext(" (" . $deleted_list{$page}{Filename} . ")"); } else { $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($deleted_list{$page}{Name} . " (" . $deleted_list{$page}{Filename} . ")"); } $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); } $kiriwrite_presmodule->endbox(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlink($kiriwrite_env{"script_filename"} . "?mode=page&action=view&database=" . $database, { Text => kiriwrite_language($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{returnpagelist}, $database_name)}); return $kiriwrite_presmodule->grab(); } elsif ($confirm eq 0){ # The action to delete multiple pages from the database has # not been confirmed, so write a form asking the user to confirm # the deletion of those pages. # Connect to the database server. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->connect(); # Check if any errors occured while connecting to the database server. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DatabaseConnectionError"){ # A database connection error has occured so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("databaseconnectionerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); } # Select the database. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->selectdb({ DatabaseName => $database }); # Check if any errors occured while selecting the database. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DoesNotExist"){ # The database does not exist, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("databasemissingfile"); } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "InvalidPermissionsSet"){ # The database has invalid permissions set, so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("databaseinvalidpermissions"); } # Check if the database has read and write permissions. my $database_permissions = $kiriwrite_dbmodule->dbpermissions($database, 1, 1); if ($database_permissions eq 1){ # The database permissions are invalid so return an error. kiriwrite_error("databaseinvalidpermissions"); } # Get information about the database. my %database_info = $kiriwrite_dbmodule->getdatabaseinfo(); # Check if any errors had occured while getting the database # information. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DatabaseError"){ # A database error has occured so return an error and # also the extended error information. kiriwrite_error("databaseerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); }; my $database_name = $database_info{"DatabaseName"}; # Define some variables for later. my %page_info; my %delete_list; my $pagename; my $page = ""; my $filelist_filename; my $filelist_filename_sql; my $pageseek = 0; tie(%delete_list, 'Tie::IxHash'); # Process each filename given. foreach $filelist_filename (@filelist){ # Get the page information. %page_info = $kiriwrite_dbmodule->getpageinfo({ PageFilename => $filelist_filename }); # Check if any errors occured. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DatabaseError"){ # A database error has occured so return an error and # also the extended error information. kiriwrite_error("databaseerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "PageDoesNotExist"){ # The page does not exist, so process the next page. next; } # Add the page file name and name to the list # of pages to delete. $delete_list{$pageseek}{Filename} = $page_info{"PageFilename"}; $delete_list{$pageseek}{Name} = $page_info{"PageName"}; # Increment the page seek counter and reset the # page found value. $pageseek++; } # Disconnect from the database server. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->disconnect(); # Check if any files were selected and return # an error if there wasn't. if ($pageseek eq 0){ # No pages were selected so return an error. kiriwrite_error("nopagesselected"); } # Write the form for displaying pages. $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{deletemultiplepages}, { Style => "pageheader" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startform($kiriwrite_env{"script_filename"}, "POST"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startbox(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("mode", "page"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("action", "multidelete"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("database", $database); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("confirm", "1"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("count", $pageseek); $pageseek = 1; foreach $page (keys %delete_list){ $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("name[" . $pageseek . "]", "on"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("id[" . $pageseek . "]", $delete_list{$page}{Filename}); $pageseek++; } $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext(kiriwrite_language($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{deletemultiplemessage}, $database_name)); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startbox("datalist"); foreach $page (keys %delete_list){ if (!$delete_list{$page}{Name}){ $kiriwrite_presmodule->additalictext($kiriwrite_lang->{blank}->{noname}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext(" (" . $delete_list{$page}{Filename} . ")"); } else { $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($delete_list{$page}{Name} . " (" . $delete_list{$page}{Filename} . ")"); } $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); } $kiriwrite_presmodule->endbox(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addsubmit($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{deletepagesbutton}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext(" | "); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlink($kiriwrite_env{"script_filename"} . "?mode=page&action=view&database=" . $database, { Text => kiriwrite_language($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{deletepagesreturnlink}, $database_name)}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endbox(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endform(); return $kiriwrite_presmodule->grab(); } else { # A confirm value other than 0 or 1 is given, so # return an error. kiriwrite_error("invaildvalue"); } } sub kiriwrite_page_multimove{ ################################################################################# # kiriwrite_page_multimove: Move several pages from one database to another # # database. # # # # Usage: # # # # kiriwrite_page_multimove(database, newdatabase, confirm, filelist); # # # # database Specifies the database to move the selected pages from. # # newdatabase Specifies the database to move the selected pages to. # # confirm Confirms the action to move the pages from one database to # # another. # # filelist Specifies the list of pages to move. # ################################################################################# # Get the values that were passed to the subroutine. my ($database, $newdatabase, $confirm, @filelist) = @_; # Check if the database filename is valid and return # an error if it isn't. my $newpagedatabase_filename_check = kiriwrite_variablecheck($database, "filename", 0, 1); if ($newpagedatabase_filename_check eq 1){ # The database filename is blank, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("blankdatabasepageadd"); } elsif ($newpagedatabase_filename_check eq 2){ # The database filename is invalid, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("databasefilenameinvalid"); } # Check if the file list is blank and return an error # if it is. if (!@filelist){ # The file list really is blank so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("nopagesselected"); } # Check if the confirm value is blank and if it is then # set the confirm value to 0. if (!$confirm){ $confirm = 0; } if ($confirm eq 1){ # The action to move several pages from one database # to another has been confirmed. # Check if the database that the pages are moving from # is the same as the database the pages are moving to. # Return an error if it is. if ($database eq $newdatabase){ # The database that the pages are moving from # and the database the pages are moving to # is the same, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("databasemovesame"); } # Check if the new database filename is valid and return an error if # it isn't. my $newpagedatabase_filename_check = kiriwrite_variablecheck($newdatabase, "filename", 0, 1); if ($newpagedatabase_filename_check eq 1){ # The database filename is blank, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("blankdatabasepageadd"); } elsif ($newpagedatabase_filename_check eq 2){ # The database filename is invalid, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("databasefilenameinvalid"); } # Connect to the database server. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->connect(); # Check if any errors occured while connecting to the database server. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DatabaseConnectionError"){ # A database connection error has occured so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("databaseconnectionerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); } # Select the database the pages are going to be moved from. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->selectdb({ DatabaseName => $database }); # Check if any errors had occured while selecting the database. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DoesNotExist"){ # The database does not exist, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("oldmovedatabasedoesnotexist"); } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "InvalidPermissionsSet"){ # The database has invalid permissions set, so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("oldmovedatabasefileinvalidpermissions"); } # Check if the database has read and write permissions. my $database_permissions = $kiriwrite_dbmodule->dbpermissions($database, 1, 1); if ($database_permissions eq 1){ # The database permissions are invalid so return an error. kiriwrite_error("databaseinvalidpermissions"); } # Select the database the pages are going to be moved to. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->selectseconddb({ DatabaseName => $newdatabase }); # Check if any errors had occured while selecting the database. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DoesNotExist"){ # The database does not exist, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("newmovedatabasedoesnotexist"); } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "InvalidPermissionsSet"){ # The database has invalid permissions set, so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("newmovedatabasefileinvalidpermissions"); } # Check if the database has read and write permissions. $database_permissions = $kiriwrite_dbmodule->dbpermissions($newdatabase, 1, 1); if ($database_permissions eq 1){ # The database permissions are invalid so return an error. kiriwrite_error("databaseinvalidpermissions"); } # Define some values for later. my %moved_list; my %warning_list; my %page_info; my $filename; my $olddatabase_name; my $newdatabase_name; my $page; my $warning; my $page_found = 0; my $move_count = 0; my $warning_count = 0; tie(%moved_list, 'Tie::IxHash'); tie(%warning_list, 'Tie::IxHash'); # Get information about the database that the selected pages are moving from. my %olddatabase_info = $kiriwrite_dbmodule->getdatabaseinfo(); # Check if any errors had occured while getting the database # information. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DatabaseError"){ # A database error has occured so return an error and # also the extended error information. kiriwrite_error("oldmovedatabasedatabaseerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); }; $olddatabase_name = $olddatabase_info{"DatabaseName"}; # Get information about the database that the selected pages are moving to. my %newdatabase_info = $kiriwrite_dbmodule->getseconddatabaseinfo(); # Check if any errors had occured while getting the database # information. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DatabaseError"){ # A database error has occured so return an error and # also the extended error information. kiriwrite_error("newmovedatabasedatabaseerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); }; $newdatabase_name = $newdatabase_info{"DatabaseName"}; # Get each file in the old database, get the page values, # put them into the new database and delete the pages # from the old database. foreach $filename (@filelist){ # Get the page information. %page_info = $kiriwrite_dbmodule->getpageinfo({ PageFilename => $filename }); # Check if any errors occured. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DatabaseError"){ # A database error has occured so write a warning message and # also the extended error information. $warning_list{$warning_count}{Message} = kiriwrite_language($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{databasepageerror}, $filename, $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); $warning_count++; next; } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "PageDoesNotExist"){ # The page does not exist, so process the next page. $warning_list{$warning_count}{Message} = kiriwrite_language($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{pagedoesnotexist}, $filename); $warning_count++; next; } # Move the selected page. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->movepage({ PageFilename => $filename }); # Check if any errors occured while moving the page. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "OldDatabaseError"){ # A database error has occured while moving the pages from # the old database, so write a warning message. $warning_list{$warning_count}{Message} = kiriwrite_language($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{databasemovefrompageerror}, $filename, $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); $warning_count++; next; } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "NewDatabaseError"){ # A database error has occured while moving the pages to # the new database, so write a warning message. $warning_list{$warning_count}{Message} = kiriwrite_language($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{databasemovetopageerror}, $filename, $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); $warning_count++; next; } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "PageDoesNotExist"){ # The page with the filename given in the database that # the page is to be moved from doesn't exist so write # a warning message. $warning_list{$warning_count}{Message} = kiriwrite_language($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{databasemovefrompagenotexist}, $filename); $warning_count++; next; } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "PageAlreadyExists"){ # The page with the filename given in the database that # the page is to be moved to already exists so write a # warning message. $warning_list{$warning_count}{Message} = kiriwrite_language($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{databasemovetopageexists}, $filename); $warning_count++; next; } $moved_list{$move_count}{Filename} = $page_info{"PageFilename"}; $moved_list{$move_count}{Name} = $page_info{"PageName"}; $move_count++; } # Disconnect from the database server. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->disconnect(); # Write out a message saying that the pages were moved (if any) # to the new database (and any warnings given). $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{movepages}, { Style => "pageheader" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); if (%moved_list){ $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext(kiriwrite_language($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{movedpagesmessage}, $olddatabase_name, $newdatabase_name)); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startbox("datalist"); foreach $page (keys %moved_list){ if (!$moved_list{$page}{Name}){ $kiriwrite_presmodule->additalictext($kiriwrite_lang->{blank}->{noname}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext(" (" . $moved_list{$page}{Filename} . ")"); } else { $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($moved_list{$page}{Name} . " (" . $moved_list{$page}{Filename} . ")"); } $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); } $kiriwrite_presmodule->endbox(); } else { $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext(kiriwrite_language($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{nopagesmoved}, $olddatabase_name, $newdatabase_name)); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); } if (%warning_list){ $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{errormessages}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startbox("datalist"); foreach $warning (keys %warning_list){ $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($warning_list{$warning}{Message}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); } $kiriwrite_presmodule->endbox(); } $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlink($kiriwrite_env{"script_filename"} . "?mode=page&action=view&database=" . $database, { Text => kiriwrite_language($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{returnpagelist}, $olddatabase_name)}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext(" | "); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlink($kiriwrite_env{"script_filename"} . "?mode=page&action=view&database=" . $newdatabase, { Text => kiriwrite_language($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{viewpagelist}, $newdatabase_name)}); return $kiriwrite_presmodule->grab(); } elsif ($confirm eq 0) { # The action to move several pages from one database # to another has not been confirmed so write a form. # Connect to the database server. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->connect(); # Check if any errors occured while connecting to the database server. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DatabaseConnectionError"){ # A database connection error has occured so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("databaseconnectionerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); } # Select the database. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->selectdb({ DatabaseName => $database }); # Check if any errors occured while selecting the database. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DoesNotExist"){ # The database does not exist, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("databasemissingfile"); } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "InvalidPermissionsSet"){ # The database has invalid permissions set, so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("databaseinvalidpermissions"); } # Check if the database has read and write permissions. my $database_permissions = $kiriwrite_dbmodule->dbpermissions($database, 1, 1); if ($database_permissions eq 1){ # The database permissions are invalid so return an error. kiriwrite_error("databaseinvalidpermissions"); } # Get information about the database. my %database_info = $kiriwrite_dbmodule->getdatabaseinfo(); # Check if any errors had occured while getting the database # information. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DatabaseError"){ # A database error has occured so return an error and # also the extended error information. kiriwrite_error("databaseerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); }; my $database_name = $database_info{"DatabaseName"}; # Define some values for later. my %db_list; my %move_list; my %page_info; my $page; my $data_file; my $db_name; my $filename; my $filelist_filename; my $pagename; my $pageseek = 0; my $dbseek = 0; # Process each filename given. tie (%move_list, 'Tie::IxHash'); tie (%db_list, 'Tie::IxHash'); foreach $filelist_filename (@filelist){ # Get the page information. %page_info = $kiriwrite_dbmodule->getpageinfo({ PageFilename => $filelist_filename }); # Check if any errors occured. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DatabaseError"){ # A database error has occured so return an error and # also the extended error information. kiriwrite_error("databaseerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "PageDoesNotExist"){ # The page does not exist, so process the next page. next; } # Add the page name and file name to the list of # pages to move. $move_list{$pageseek}{Filename} = $page_info{"PageFilename"}; $move_list{$pageseek}{Name} = $page_info{"PageName"}; # Increment the page seek counter and reset the # page found value. $pageseek++; } # Check if any pages exust and return an error if # there wasn't. if ($pageseek eq 0){ # None of the selected pages exist, so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("nopagesselected"); } # Get the list of databases. my @database_list = $kiriwrite_dbmodule->getdblist(); # Check if any errors occured while trying to get the list of databases. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DataDirMissing"){ # The database directory is missing so return an error. kiriwrite_error("datadirectorymissing"); } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DataDirInvalidPermissions"){ # The database directory has invalid permissions set so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("datadirectoryinvalidpermissions"); } # Get the information about each database (the short name and friendly name). foreach $data_file (@database_list){ $kiriwrite_dbmodule->selectdb({ DatabaseName => $data_file }); # Check if any errors occured while selecting the database. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DoesNotExist"){ # The database does not exist, so process the next # database. next; } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "InvalidPermissionsSet"){ # The database has invalid permissions set, so process # the next database. next; } # Get the database information. %database_info = $kiriwrite_dbmodule->getdatabaseinfo(); # Check if any errors had occured while getting the database # information. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DatabaseError"){ # A database error has occured so process the next # database. next; }; # Check if the database name is undefined and if it is # then set it blank. if (!$database_name){ $database_name = ""; } # Append the database to the list of databases available. $db_list{$dbseek}{Filename} = $data_file; $db_list{$dbseek}{Name} = $database_info{"DatabaseName"}; $dbseek++; } # Disconnect from the database server. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->disconnect(); # Write out the form. $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{movepages}, { Style => "pageheader" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startform($kiriwrite_env{"script_filename"}, "POST"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startbox(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("mode", "page"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("action", "multimove"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("database", $database); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("count", $pageseek); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("confirm", "1"); # Write the page form data. $pageseek = 1; foreach $page (keys %move_list){ $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("name[" . $pageseek . "]", "on"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("id[" . $pageseek . "]", $move_list{$page}{Filename}); $pageseek++; } $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext(kiriwrite_language($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{movepagesmessage}, $database_name)); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startbox("datalist"); foreach $page (keys %move_list){ if (!$move_list{$page}{Name}){ $kiriwrite_presmodule->additalictext($kiriwrite_lang->{blank}->{noname}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext(" (" . $move_list{$page}{Filename} . ")"); } else { $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($move_list{$page}{Name} . " (" . $move_list{$page}{Filename} . ")"); } $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); } $kiriwrite_presmodule->endbox(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{movepagesto}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addselectbox("newdatabase"); foreach $db_name (keys %db_list){ $kiriwrite_presmodule->addoption($db_list{$db_name}{Name} . " (" . $db_list{$db_name}{Filename} . ")", { Value => $db_list{$db_name}{Filename}}); } $kiriwrite_presmodule->endselectbox(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addsubmit($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{movepagesbutton}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext(" | "); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlink($kiriwrite_env{"script_filename"} . "?mode=page&action=view&database=" . $database, { Text => kiriwrite_language($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{returnpagelist}, $database_name)}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endbox(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endform(); return $kiriwrite_presmodule->grab(); } else { # The confirm value is other than 0 or 1, so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("invalidvariable"); } } sub kiriwrite_page_multicopy{ ################################################################################# # kiriwrite_page_multicopy: Copy several pages from one database to another # # database. # # # # Usage: # # # # kiriwrite_page_multicopy(database, newdatabase, confirm, filelist); # # # # database Specifies the database to copy the selected pages from. # # newdatabase Specifies the database to copy the selected page to. # # confirm Confirms the action to copy the pages. # # filelist A list of filenames to copy in an array. # ################################################################################# # Get the values that were passed to the subroutine. my ($database, $newdatabase, $confirm, @filelist) = @_; # Check if the file list is blank and return an error # if it is. if (!@filelist){ # The file list really is blank so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("nopagesselected"); } # Check if the confirm value is blank and if it is then # set the confirm value to 0. if (!$confirm){ $confirm = 0; } # Check if the database filename is valid and return an error if # it isn't. my $pagedatabase_filename_check = kiriwrite_variablecheck($database, "filename", 0, 1); if ($pagedatabase_filename_check eq 1){ # The database filename is blank, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("blankdatabasepageadd"); } elsif ($pagedatabase_filename_check eq 2){ # The database filename is invalid, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("databasefilenameinvalid"); } if ($confirm eq 1){ # The action to copy several pages from one database # to another has been confirmed. # Check if the database that the pages are copied from # is the same as the database the pages are copied to. # Return an error if it is. if ($database eq $newdatabase){ # The database that the pages are being copied from # and the database that the pages are copied to # is the same, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("databasecopysame"); } # Check if the new database filename is valid and return an error if # it isn't. my $pagedatabase_filename_check = kiriwrite_variablecheck($newdatabase, "filename", 0, 1); if ($pagedatabase_filename_check eq 1){ # The database filename is blank, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("blankdatabasepageadd"); } elsif ($pagedatabase_filename_check eq 2){ # The database filename is invalid, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("databasefilenameinvalid"); } # Connect to the database server. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->connect(); # Check if any errors occured while connecting to the database server. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DatabaseConnectionError"){ # A database connection error has occured so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("databaseconnectionerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); } # Select the database the pages are going to be copied from. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->selectdb({ DatabaseName => $database }); # Check if any errors had occured while selecting the database. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DoesNotExist"){ # The database does not exist, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("oldcopydatabasedoesnotexist"); } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "InvalidPermissionsSet"){ # The database has invalid permissions set, so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("oldcopydatabasefileinvalidpermissions"); } # Select the database the pages are going to be copied to. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->selectseconddb({ DatabaseName => $newdatabase }); # Check if any errors had occured while selecting the database. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DoesNotExist"){ # The database does not exist, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("newcopydatabasedoesnotexist"); } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "InvalidPermissionsSet"){ # The database has invalid permissions set, so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("newcopydatabasefileinvalidpermissions"); } # Check if the database has read and write permissions. my $database_permissions = $kiriwrite_dbmodule->dbpermissions($newdatabase, 1, 1); if ($database_permissions eq 1){ # The database permissions are invalid so return an error. kiriwrite_error("databaseinvalidpermissions"); } # Define some values for later. my %copied_list; my %warning_list; my %page_info; my @olddatabase_info; my @olddatabase_page; my @newdatabase_info; my @newdatabase_page; my $filename; my $filename_sql; my $filename_out; my $olddatabase_database_handle; my $olddatabase_string_handle; my $olddatabase_name; my $newdatabase_database_handle; my $newdatabase_string_handle; my $newdatabase_name; my $page; my $warning; my $page_filename; my $page_filename_sql; my $page_name; my $page_name_sql; my $page_description; my $page_description_sql; my $page_section; my $page_section_sql; my $page_template; my $page_template_sql; my $page_data; my $page_data_sql; my $page_settings; my $page_settings_sql; my $page_lastmodified; my $page_lastmodified_sql; my $page_seek = 0; my $warning_count = 0; my $page_found = 0; tie(%copied_list, 'Tie::IxHash'); tie(%warning_list, 'Tie::IxHash'); # Get information about the database that the selected pages are moving from. my %olddatabase_info = $kiriwrite_dbmodule->getdatabaseinfo(); # Check if any errors had occured while getting the database # information. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DatabaseError"){ # A database error has occured so return an error and # also the extended error information. kiriwrite_error("oldcopydatabasedatabaseerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); }; $olddatabase_name = $olddatabase_info{"DatabaseName"}; # Get information about the database that the selected pages are moving to. my %newdatabase_info = $kiriwrite_dbmodule->getseconddatabaseinfo(); # Check if any errors had occured while getting the database # information. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DatabaseError"){ # A database error has occured so return an error and # also the extended error information. kiriwrite_error("newcopydatabasedatabaseerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); }; $newdatabase_name = $newdatabase_info{"DatabaseName"}; # Check if the database filename is valid and return an error if # it isn't. my $newpagedatabase_filename_check = kiriwrite_variablecheck($newdatabase, "filename", 0, 1); if ($newpagedatabase_filename_check eq 1){ # The database filename is blank, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("blankdatabasepageadd"); } elsif ($newpagedatabase_filename_check eq 2){ # The database filename is invalid, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("databasefilenameinvalid"); } foreach $filename (@filelist){ # Get the page information. %page_info = $kiriwrite_dbmodule->getpageinfo({ PageFilename => $filename }); # Check if any errors occured. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DatabaseError"){ # A database error has occured so return an error and # also the extended error information. $warning_list{$warning_count}{Message} = kiriwrite_language($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{databasepageerror}, $filename, $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); $warning_count++; next; } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "PageDoesNotExist"){ # The page does not exist, so process the next page. $warning_list{$warning_count}{Message} = kiriwrite_language($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{databasecopyfrompageerror}, $filename); $warning_count++; next; } $kiriwrite_dbmodule->copypage({ PageFilename => $filename }); # Check if any errors occured while copying the page. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "OldDatabaseError"){ # A database error has occured while copying the pages from # the old database, so write a warning message. $warning_list{$warning_count}{Message} = kiriwrite_language($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{databasecopyfromdatabaseerror}, $filename, $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); $warning_count++; next; } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "NewDatabaseError"){ # A database error has occured while copying the pages to # the new database, so write a warning message. $warning_list{$warning_count}{Message} = kiriwrite_language($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{databasecopytodatabaseerror}, $filename, $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); $warning_count++; next; } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "PageDoesNotExist"){ # The page with the filename given in the database that # the page is to be copied from doesn't exist so write # a warning message. $warning_list{$warning_count}{Message} = kiriwrite_language($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{databasecopyfrompagenotexist}, $filename); $warning_count++; next; } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "PageAlreadyExists"){ # The page with the filename given in the database that # the page is to be copied to already exists so write a # warning message. $warning_list{$warning_count}{Message} = kiriwrite_language($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{databasecopytopageexists}, $filename); $warning_count++; next; } # Append the copied page (filename and name) to the list of # copied pages. $copied_list{$page_seek}{Filename} = $filename; $copied_list{$page_seek}{Name} = $page_info{"PageName"}; $page_seek++; } # Disconnect from the database server. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->disconnect(); # Write out a message saying that the pages were moved (if any) # to the new database (and any warnings given). $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{copypages}, { Style => "pageheader" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); if (%copied_list){ $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext(kiriwrite_language($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{copypagesresultmessage}, $olddatabase_name, $newdatabase_name)); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startbox("datalist"); foreach $page (keys %copied_list){ if (!$copied_list{$page}{Name}){ $kiriwrite_presmodule->additalictext($kiriwrite_lang->{blank}->{noname}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext(" (" . $copied_list{$page}{Filename} . ")"); } else { $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($copied_list{$page}{Name} . " (" . $copied_list{$page}{Filename} . ")"); } $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); } $kiriwrite_presmodule->endbox(); } else { $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext(kiriwrite_language($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{nopagescopied}, $olddatabase_name, $newdatabase_name)); } if (%warning_list){ $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{copypageswarnings}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startbox("datalist"); foreach $warning (keys %warning_list){ $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($warning_list{$warning}{Message}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); } $kiriwrite_presmodule->endbox(); } $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlink($kiriwrite_env{"script_filename"} . "?mode=page&action=view&database=" . $database, { Text => kiriwrite_language($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{returnpagelist}, $olddatabase_name)}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext(" | "); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlink($kiriwrite_env{"script_filename"} . "?mode=page&action=view&database=" . $newdatabase, { Text => kiriwrite_language($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{viewpagelist}, $newdatabase_name)}); return $kiriwrite_presmodule->grab(); } elsif ($confirm eq 0) { # The action to copy several pages from one database # to another has not been confirmed so write a form. # Connect to the database server. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->connect(); # Check if any errors occured while connecting to the database server. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DatabaseConnectionError"){ # A database connection error has occured so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("databaseconnectionerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); } # Select the database to copy the pages from. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->selectdb({ DatabaseName => $database }); # Check if any errors occured while selecting the database. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DoesNotExist"){ # The database does not exist, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("databasemissingfile"); } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "InvalidPermissionsSet"){ # The database has invalid permissions set, so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("databaseinvalidpermissions"); } # Get information about the database. my %database_info = $kiriwrite_dbmodule->getdatabaseinfo(); # Check if any errors had occured while getting the database # information. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DatabaseError"){ # A database error has occured so return an error and # also the extended error information. kiriwrite_error("databaseerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); }; my $database_name = $database_info{"DatabaseName"}; # Define some values for later. my %page_info; my %copy_list; my %db_list; my @page_info; my $page; my $data_file; my $dbname; my $filename; my $pageseek = 0; my $dbseek = 0; my $pagefound = 0; tie(%copy_list, 'Tie::IxHash'); tie(%db_list, 'Tie::IxHash'); # Process each filename given. foreach $filename (@filelist){ # Get the page information. %page_info = $kiriwrite_dbmodule->getpageinfo({ PageFilename => $filename }); # Check if any errors occured. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DatabaseError"){ # A database error has occured so return an error and # also the extended error information. kiriwrite_error("databaseerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "PageDoesNotExist"){ # The page does not exist, so process the next page. next; } # Add the page name and file name to the list of # pages to move. $copy_list{$pageseek}{Filename} = $page_info{"PageFilename"}; $copy_list{$pageseek}{Name} = $page_info{"PageName"}; # Increment the page seek counter. $pageseek++; } # Check if any pages exust and return an error if # there wasn't. if ($pageseek eq 0){ # None of the selected pages exist, so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("nopagesselected"); } # Get the database filenames and names. my @database_list = $kiriwrite_dbmodule->getdblist(); # Check if any errors occured while trying to get the list of databases. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DataDirMissing"){ # The database directory is missing so return an error. kiriwrite_error("datadirectorymissing"); } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DataDirInvalidPermissions"){ # The database directory has invalid permissions set so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("datadirectoryinvalidpermissions"); } # Process each database to get the database name. foreach $data_file (@database_list){ $kiriwrite_dbmodule->selectdb({ DatabaseName => $data_file }); # Check if any errors occured while selecting the database. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DoesNotExist"){ # The database does not exist, so process the next # database. next; } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "InvalidPermissionsSet"){ # The database has invalid permissions set, so process # the next database. next; } # Get the database information. %database_info = $kiriwrite_dbmodule->getdatabaseinfo(); # Check if any errors had occured while getting the database # information. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DatabaseError"){ # A database error has occured so process the next # database. next; }; # Check if the database name is undefined and if it is # then set it blank. if (!$database_name){ $database_name = ""; } # Append the database filename and name to the list of databases # to move the pages to. $db_list{$dbseek}{Filename} = $data_file; $db_list{$dbseek}{Name} = $database_info{"DatabaseName"}; $dbseek++; } # Disconnect from the database server. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->disconnect(); # Write out the form. $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{copypages}, { Style => "pageheader" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startform($kiriwrite_env{"script_filename"}, "POST"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startbox(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("mode", "page"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("action", "multicopy"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("database", $database); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("count", $pageseek); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("confirm", 1); $pageseek = 1; foreach $page (keys %copy_list){ $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("name[" . $pageseek . "]", "on"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("id[" . $pageseek . "]", $copy_list{$page}{Filename}); $pageseek++; } $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext(kiriwrite_language($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{copypagesmessage}, $database_name)); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startbox("datalist"); foreach $page (keys %copy_list){ if (!$copy_list{$page}{Name}){ $kiriwrite_presmodule->additalictext($kiriwrite_lang->{blank}->{noname}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext(" (" . $copy_list{$page}{Filename} . ")"); } else { $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($copy_list{$page}{Name} . " (" . $copy_list{$page}{Filename} . ")"); } $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); } $kiriwrite_presmodule->endbox(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{copypagesto}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addselectbox("newdatabase"); foreach $dbname (keys %db_list){ $kiriwrite_presmodule->addoption($db_list{$dbname}{Name} . " (" . $db_list{$dbname}{Filename} . ")", { Value => $db_list{$dbname}{Filename}}); } $kiriwrite_presmodule->endselectbox(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addsubmit($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{copypagesbutton}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext(" | "); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlink($kiriwrite_env{"script_filename"} . "?mode=page&action=view&database=" . $database, { Text => kiriwrite_language($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{returnpagelist}, $database_name) }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endbox(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endform(); return $kiriwrite_presmodule->grab(); } else { # The confirm value is other than 0 or 1, so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("invalidvariable"); } } sub kiriwrite_page_multiedit{ ################################################################################# # kiriwrite_page_multiedit: Edit several pages from a database. # # # # Usage: # # # # kiriwrite_page_multiedit(database, newsection, altersection, newtemplate, # # altertemplate, newsettings, altersettings # # confirm, filelist); # # # # database Specifies the database to edit the pages from. # # newsection Specifies the new section name to use on the selected pages. # # altersection Specifies if the section name should be altered. # # newtemplate Specifies the new template filename to use on the selected # # pages. # # altertemplate Specifies if the template filename should be altered. # # newsettings Specifies the new settings to use on the selected pages. # # altersettings Specifies if the settings should be altered. # # confirm Confirms the action to edit the selected pages. # # filelist The list of file names to edit. # ################################################################################# # Get the values that were passed to the subroutine. my ($database, $newsection, $altersection, $newtemplate, $altertemplate, $newsettings, $altersettings, $confirm, @filelist) = @_; # Check if the file list is blank and return an error # if it is. if (!@filelist){ # The file list really is blank so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("nopagesselected"); } # Check if certain values are undefined and define them if # they are. if (!$altersection){ # The alter section value is blank, so set it to # off. $altersection = "off"; } if (!$altertemplate){ # The alter template value is blank, so set it to # off. $altertemplate = "off"; } if (!$altersettings){ # The alter settings value is blank, so set it to # off. $altersettings = "off"; } # Check if the database filename is valid and return an error if # it isn't. my $pagedatabase_filename_check = kiriwrite_variablecheck($database, "filename", 0, 1); if ($pagedatabase_filename_check eq 1){ # The database filename is blank, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("blankdatabasepageadd"); } elsif ($pagedatabase_filename_check eq 2){ # The database filename is invalid, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("databasefilenameinvalid"); } # Check if the confirm value is blank and if it is then # set the confirm value to 0. if (!$confirm){ $confirm = 0; } if ($confirm eq 1){ # The action to edit the template has been confirmed so # edit the selected pages. # Check the values recieved at UTF8 compliant before # converting. kiriwrite_variablecheck($newsection, "utf8", 0, 0); kiriwrite_variablecheck($newtemplate, "utf8", 0, 0); kiriwrite_variablecheck($newsettings, "utf8", 0, 0); # Convert the values into proper UTF8 values. $newsection = kiriwrite_utf8convert($newsection); $newtemplate = kiriwrite_utf8convert($newtemplate); $newsettings = kiriwrite_utf8convert($newsettings); # Check the length of the variables. kiriwrite_variablecheck($altersection, "maxlength", 3, 0); kiriwrite_variablecheck($altertemplate, "maxlength", 3, 0); kiriwrite_variablecheck($altersettings, "maxlength", 3, 0); my $newsection_maxlength_check = kiriwrite_variablecheck($newsection, "maxlength", 256, 1); my $newtemplate_maxlength_check = kiriwrite_variablecheck($newtemplate, "maxlength", 256, 1); my $newtemplate_filename_check = kiriwrite_variablecheck($newtemplate, "filename", 0, 1); my $newsettings_maxlength_check = kiriwrite_variablecheck($newsettings, "maxlength", 1, 1); my $newsettings_settings_check = kiriwrite_variablecheck($newsettings, "pagesetting", 0, 1); # Check the values and return an error if needed. if ($newsection_maxlength_check eq 1 && $altersection eq "on"){ # The new section name is too long, so return an # error. kiriwrite_error("pagesectiontoolong"); } if ($newtemplate_maxlength_check eq 1 && $altertemplate eq "on"){ # The new template name is too long, so return an # error. kiriwrite_error("templatefilenametoolong"); } # Check if the template filename is set to !skip or !none # and skip this check if it is. if ($newtemplate eq "!skip" || $newtemplate eq "!none"){ # Skip this check as the template filename is # !skip or !none. } else { if ($newtemplate_filename_check eq 1 && $altertemplate eq "on" || $newtemplate_filename_check eq 2 && $altertemplate eq "on"){ # The new template filename is invalid, so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("templatefilenameinvalid"); } } if ($newsettings_maxlength_check eq 1 && $altertemplate eq "on"){ # The new settings value is too long, so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("pagesettingstoolong"); } if ($newsettings_settings_check eq 1 && $altersettings eq "on"){ # The new settings value is invalid, so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("pagesettingsinvalid"); } # Define some values for later. my %database_info; my %edited_list; my %warning_list; my %page_info; my $page; my $warning; my $filename; my $page_name; my $pagefound = 0; my $pageedited = 0; my $warning_count = 0; tie(%edited_list, 'Tie::IxHash'); tie(%warning_list, 'Tie::IxHash'); # Check if the template filename is !skip and # set the alter template value to off if it # is. if ($newtemplate eq "!skip"){ $altertemplate = "off"; } # Check if all values are not selected and return # an error if they are. if ($altersection ne "on" && $altertemplate ne "on" && $altersettings ne "on"){ # All values are not selected so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("noeditvaluesselected"); } # Connect to the database server. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->connect(); # Check if any errors occured while connecting to the database server. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DatabaseConnectionError"){ # A database connection error has occured so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("databaseconnectionerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); } # Select the database. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->selectdb({ DatabaseName => $database }); # Check if any errors occured while selecting the database. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DoesNotExist"){ # The database does not exist, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("databasemissingfile"); } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "InvalidPermissionsSet"){ # The database has invalid permissions set, so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("databaseinvalidpermissions"); } # Check if the database has read and write permissions. my $database_permissions = $kiriwrite_dbmodule->dbpermissions($database, 1, 1); if ($database_permissions eq 1){ # The database permissions are invalid so return an error. kiriwrite_error("databaseinvalidpermissions"); } # Get information about the database. %database_info = $kiriwrite_dbmodule->getdatabaseinfo(); # Check if any errors had occured while getting the database # information. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DatabaseError"){ # A database error has occured so return an error and # also the extended error information. kiriwrite_error("databaseerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); }; my $database_name = $database_info{"DatabaseName"}; # Edit the selected pages. foreach $filename (@filelist){ # Get the page information. %page_info = $kiriwrite_dbmodule->getpageinfo({ PageFilename => $filename }); # Check if any errors occured. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DatabaseError"){ # A database error has occured so write a warning message. $warning_list{$warning_count}{Message} = kiriwrite_language($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{databasepageerror}, $filename, $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "PageDoesNotExist"){ # The page does not exist, so write a warning message. $warning_list{$warning_count}{Message} = kiriwrite_language($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{databasepagedoesnotexist}, $filename); $warning_count++; next; } # Check if the page section should be altered. if ($altersection eq "on"){ # Change the section name. $page_info{"PageSection"} = $newsection; } # Check if the page template should be altered. if ($altertemplate eq "on"){ # Change the page template filename. $page_info{"PageTemplate"} = $newtemplate; } # Check if the page settings should be altered. if ($altersettings eq "on"){ # Change the page settings value. $page_info{"PageSettings"} = $newsettings; } # Edit the selected page. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->editpage({ PageFilename => $page_info{"PageFilename"}, PageNewFilename => $page_info{"PageFilename"}, PageNewName => $page_info{"PageName"}, PageNewDescription => $page_info{"PageDescription"}, PageNewSection => $page_info{"PageSection"}, PageNewTemplate => $page_info{"PageTemplate"}, PageNewContent => $page_info{"PageContent"}, PageNewSettings => $page_info{"PageSettings"} }); # Check if any errors occured while editing the page. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DatabaseError"){ # A database error has occured so write a warning message # with the extended error information. $warning_list{$warning_count}{Message} = kiriwrite_language($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{databasepageerror}, $filename, $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); $warning_count++; next; } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "PageDoesNotExist"){ # The pages does not exist in the database. $warning_list{$warning_count}{Message} = kiriwrite_language($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{databasepagedoesnotexist}, $filename); $warning_count++; next; } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "PageExists"){ # A page already exists with the new filename. kiriwrite_error("pagefilenameexists"); } # The page has been edited so write a message saying that the page # has been edited. $edited_list{$pageedited}{Filename} = $page_info{"PageFilename"}; $edited_list{$pageedited}{Name} = $page_info{"PageName"}; # Increment the counter of edited pages. $pageedited++; } # Disconnect from the database server. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->disconnect(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{multiedit}, { Style => "pageheader" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); # Check if the counter of edited pages is 0 and if it is # then write a message saying that no pages were edited # else write a message listing all of the pages edited. if ($pageedited eq 0){ $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext(kiriwrite_language($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{nopagesedited}, $database_name)); } else { # Write out the message saying that the selected pages # were edited. $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext(kiriwrite_language($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{pagesedited}, $database_name)); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startbox("datalist"); foreach $page (keys %edited_list){ # Check if the page name is not blank. if (!$edited_list{$page}{Name}){ $kiriwrite_presmodule->additalictext($kiriwrite_lang->{blank}->{noname}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext(" (" . $edited_list{$page}{Filename} . ")"); } else { $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($edited_list{$page}{Name}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext(" (" . $edited_list{$page}{Filename} . ")"); } $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); } $kiriwrite_presmodule->endbox(); } # Check if any warnings have occured and write a message # if any warnings did occur. if (%warning_list){ # One or several warnings have occured so # write a message. $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{editedpageswarnings}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startbox("datalist"); foreach $warning (keys %warning_list) { $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($warning_list{$warning}{Message}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); } $kiriwrite_presmodule->endbox(); } # Write a link going back to the page list for # the selected database. $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlink($kiriwrite_env{"script_filename"} . "?mode=page&action=view&database=" . $database, { Text => kiriwrite_language($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{returnpagelist}, $database_name) }); return $kiriwrite_presmodule->grab(); } elsif ($confirm eq 0){ # The action to edit the template has not been confirmed # so write a form out instead. # Connect to the database server. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->connect(); # Check if any errors occured while connecting to the database server. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DatabaseConnectionError"){ # A database connection error has occured so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("databaseconnectionerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); } # Select the database. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->selectdb({ DatabaseName => $database }); # Check if any errors occured while selecting the database. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DoesNotExist"){ # The database does not exist, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("databasemissingfile"); } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "InvalidPermissionsSet"){ # The database has invalid permissions set, so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("databaseinvalidpermissions"); } # Check if the database has read and write permissions. my $database_permissions = $kiriwrite_dbmodule->dbpermissions($database, 1, 1); if ($database_permissions eq 1){ # The database permissions are invalid so return an error. kiriwrite_error("databaseinvalidpermissions"); } # Get information about the database. my %database_info = $kiriwrite_dbmodule->getdatabaseinfo(); # Check if any errors had occured while getting the database # information. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DatabaseError"){ # A database error has occured so return an error and # also the extended error information. kiriwrite_error("databaseerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); }; my $database_name = $database_info{"DatabaseName"}; # Define some variables for later. my %edit_list; my %template_list; my %template_info; my %page_info; my @templates_list; my @filenames; my $filelist_filename; my $filename; my $page; my $pageseek = 0; my $page_name; my $page_filename; my $template; my $template_filename; my $template_warning; my $templateseek = 0; tie(%edit_list, 'Tie::IxHash'); tie(%template_list, 'Tie::IxHash'); # Get the information about each page that is going # to be edited. foreach $filelist_filename (@filelist){ %page_info = $kiriwrite_dbmodule->getpageinfo({ PageFilename => $filelist_filename }); # Check if any errors occured. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DatabaseError"){ # A database error has occured so return an error and # also the extended error information. kiriwrite_error("databaseerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "PageDoesNotExist"){ # The page does not exist, so process the next page. next; } # Add the page name and file name to the list of # pages to edit. $edit_list{$pageseek}{Filename} = $page_info{"PageFilename"}; $edit_list{$pageseek}{Name} = $page_info{"PageName"}; # Increment the page seek counter and reset the # page found value. $pageseek++; } # Check if any pages were found in the database and return # an error if not. if ($pageseek eq 0){ # No pages were found so return an error. kiriwrite_error("nopagesselected"); } # Connect to the template database. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->connecttemplate(); # Check if any errors had occured. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "TemplateDatabaseDoesNotExist"){ # The template database does not exist so write a warning # message. $template_warning = $kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{templatedatabasenotexistmultieditkeep}; } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "TemplateDatabaseInvalidPermissionsSet"){ # The template database has invalid permissions set so # return an error. $template_warning = $kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{templatedatabasepermissionsinvalidmultieditkeep}; } if (!$template_warning){ # Get the list of templates available. @templates_list = $kiriwrite_dbmodule->gettemplatelist(); # Check if any errors had occured. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "TemplateDatabaseError"){ # A database error occured while getting the list # of templates so write a warning message with the # extended error information. $template_warning = kiriwrite_language($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{templatedatabaseerrormultieditkeep}, $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); } if (!$template_warning){ foreach $template_filename (@templates_list){ # Get the template data. %template_info = $kiriwrite_dbmodule->gettemplateinfo({ TemplateFilename => $template_filename }); # Check if any error occured while getting the template information. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "TemplateDatabaseError"){ # A database error has occured, so write a warning message with # the extended error information. $template_warning = kiriwrite_language($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{templatedatabaseerrormultieditkeep}, $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "TemplateDoesNotExist"){ # The template does not exist, so process the next page. next; } # Add the template to the list of templates. $template_list{$templateseek}{Filename} = $template_info{"TemplateFilename"}; $template_list{$templateseek}{Name} = $template_info{"TemplateName"}; $templateseek++; } } } # Disconnect from the template database. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->disconnecttemplate(); # Disconnect from the database server. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->disconnect(); # Write a form for editing the selected pages. $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{multiedit}, { Style => "pageheader" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startform($kiriwrite_env{"script_filename"}, "POST"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startbox(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("mode", "page"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("action", "multiedit"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("database", $database); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("count", $pageseek); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("confirm", 1); $pageseek = 1; foreach $page (keys %edit_list){ $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("name[" . $pageseek . "]", "on"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("id[" . $pageseek . "]", $edit_list{$page}{Filename}); $pageseek++; } $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext(kiriwrite_language($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{multieditmessage}, $database_name)); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startbox("datalist"); foreach $page (keys %edit_list){ if (!$edit_list{$page}{Name}){ $kiriwrite_presmodule->additalictext("No Name"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext(" (" . $edit_list{$page}{Filename} . ")"); } else { $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($edit_list{$page}{Name} . " (" . $edit_list{$page}{Filename} . ")"); } $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); } $kiriwrite_presmodule->endbox(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{multieditmessagevalues}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->starttable("", { CellPadding => 5, CellSpacing => 0 }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startheader(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addheader($kiriwrite_lang->{common}->{alter}, { Style => "tablecellheader" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addheader($kiriwrite_lang->{common}->{setting}, { Style => "tablecellheader" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addheader($kiriwrite_lang->{common}->{value}, { Style => "tablecellheader" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endheader(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell1"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcheckbox("altersection"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell1"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{pagesection}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell1"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addinputbox("newsection", { Size => 64, MaxLength => 256 }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell2"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcheckbox("altertemplate"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell2"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{pagetemplate}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell2"); if ($template_warning){ $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("newtemplate", "!skip"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($template_warning); } else { $kiriwrite_presmodule->addselectbox("newtemplate"); foreach $template (keys %template_list){ $kiriwrite_presmodule->addoption($template_list{$template}{Name} . " (" . $template_list{$template}{Filename} . ")", { Value => $template_list{$template}{Filename}}); } $kiriwrite_presmodule->addoption($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{usenotemplate}, { Value => "!none", Selected => 1 }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endselectbox(); } $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell1"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcheckbox("altersettings"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell1"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{pagesettings}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell1"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addradiobox("newsettings", { Description => $kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{usepageandsection}, Value => 1 , Selected => 1}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addradiobox("newsettings", { Description => $kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{usepagename}, Value => 2 }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addradiobox("newsettings", { Description => $kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{usesectionname}, Value => 3 }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addradiobox("newsettings", { Description => $kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{nopagesection}, Value => 0 }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endtable(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addsubmit($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{editpagesbutton}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext(" | "); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addreset($kiriwrite_lang->{common}->{clearvalues}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext(" | "); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlink($kiriwrite_env{"script_filename"} . "?mode=page&action=view&database=" . $database, { Text => kiriwrite_language($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{returnpagelist}, $database_name) }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endbox(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endform(); return $kiriwrite_presmodule->grab(); } else { # The confirm value is something else other than # 1 or 0, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("invalidvariable"); } } sub kiriwrite_page_list{ ################################################################################# # kiriwrite_page_list: Lists pages from an database. # # # # Usage: # # # # kiriwrite_page_list([database]); # # # # database Specifies the database to retrieve the pages from. # ################################################################################# # Get the database file name from what was passed to the subroutine. my ($database_file) = @_; # Check if the database_file variable is empty, if it is then print out a # select box asking the user to select a database from the list. if (!$database_file) { # Define the variables required for this section. my %database_info; my @database_list; my @databasefilenames; my @databasenames; my $dbseek = 0; my $dbfilename = ""; my $dbname = ""; my $data_file = ""; my $data_file_length = 0; my $data_file_friendly = ""; my $database_name = ""; my $file_permissions = ""; # Connect to the database server. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->connect(); # Check if any errors occured while connecting to the database server. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DatabaseConnectionError"){ # A database connection error has occured so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("databaseconnectionerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); } # Open the data directory and get all of the databases. @database_list = $kiriwrite_dbmodule->getdblist(); # Check if any errors occured while trying to get the list of databases. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DataDirMissing"){ # The database directory is missing so return an error. kiriwrite_error("datadirectorymissing"); } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DataDirInvalidPermissions"){ # The database directory has invalid permissions set so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("datadirectoryinvalidpermissions"); } # Get the information about each database (the short name and friendly name). foreach $data_file (@database_list){ $kiriwrite_dbmodule->selectdb({ DatabaseName => $data_file }); # Check if any errors occured while selecting the database. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DoesNotExist"){ # The database does not exist, so process the next # database. next; } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "InvalidPermissionsSet"){ # The database has invalid permissions set, so process # the next database. next; } # Get the database information. %database_info = $kiriwrite_dbmodule->getdatabaseinfo(); # Check if any errors had occured while getting the database # information. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DatabaseError"){ # A database error has occured, so process the next # database. next; }; # Set the database name. $database_name = $database_info{"DatabaseName"}; # Check if the database name is undefined and if it is # then set it blank. if (!$database_name){ $database_name = ""; } # Append the database to the list of databases available. push(@databasefilenames, $data_file); push(@databasenames, $database_name); } # Disconnect from the database server. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->disconnect(); # Write the page data. $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{viewpages}, { Style => "pageheader" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{nodatabaseselected}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startform($kiriwrite_env{"script_filename"}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startbox(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("mode", "page"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("action", "view"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addselectbox("database"); foreach $dbfilename (@databasefilenames){ $dbname = $databasenames[$dbseek]; $dbseek++; $kiriwrite_presmodule->addoption($dbname . " (" . $dbfilename . ")", { Value => $dbfilename }); } $kiriwrite_presmodule->endselectbox(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext(" | "); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addsubmit($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{viewbutton}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endbox(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endform(); return $kiriwrite_presmodule->grab(); } else { my %database_info; my %page_info; my @database_pages; my $pagemultioptions = ""; my $db_name = ""; my $tablestyle = ""; my $page_filename = ""; my $page_name = ""; my $page_description = ""; my $page_modified = ""; my $tablestyletype = 0; my $page_count = 0; my $db_file_notblank = 0; tie(%database_info, 'Tie::IxHash'); tie(%page_info, 'Tie::IxHash'); # The database_file variable is not blank, so print out a list of pages from # the selected database. # Preform a variable check on the database filename to make sure that it is # valid before using it. kiriwrite_variablecheck($database_file, "filename", "", 0); kiriwrite_variablecheck($database_file, "maxlength", 32, 0); # Connect to the database server. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->connect(); # Check if any errors occured while connecting to the database server. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DatabaseConnectionError"){ # A database connection error has occured so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("databaseconnectionerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); } # Select the database. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->selectdb({ DatabaseName => $database_file }); # Check if any errors had occured while selecting the database. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DoesNotExist"){ # The database does not exist, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("databasemissingfile"); } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "InvalidPermissionsSet"){ # The database has invalid permissions set, so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("databaseinvalidpermissions"); } # Get information about the database. %database_info = $kiriwrite_dbmodule->getdatabaseinfo(); $db_name = $database_info{"DatabaseName"}; # Check if any errors had occured while getting the database # information. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DatabaseError"){ # A database error has occured so return an error and # also the extended error information. kiriwrite_error("databaseerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); } # Get the list of pages. @database_pages = $kiriwrite_dbmodule->getpagelist(); # Check if any errors had occured while getting the list of pages. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DatabaseError"){ # A database error has occured so return an error and # also the extended error information. kiriwrite_error("databaseerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); } # Check if there are any page names in the database array. if (@database_pages){ # Write the start of the page. $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext(kiriwrite_language($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{pagelist}, $db_name), { Style => "pageheader" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startform($kiriwrite_env{"script_filename"}, "POST"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startbox(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("mode", "page"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("database", $database_file); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("type", "multiple"); # Write the list of multiple selection options. $kiriwrite_presmodule->addreset($kiriwrite_lang->{common}->{selectnone}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext(" | "); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addbutton("action", { Value => "multidelete", Description => $kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{deleteselectedbutton} }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext(" | "); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addbutton("action", { Value => "multimove", Description => $kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{moveselectedbutton} }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext(" | "); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addbutton("action", { Value => "multicopy", Description => $kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{copyselectedbutton} }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext(" | "); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addbutton("action", { Value => "multiedit", Description => $kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{editselectedbutton} }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endbox(); # Write the table header. $kiriwrite_presmodule->starttable("", { CellPadding => 5, CellSpacing => 0 }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startheader(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addheader("", { Style => "tablecellheader" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addheader($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{pagefilename}, { Style => "tablecellheader" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addheader($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{pagename}, { Style => "tablecellheader" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addheader($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{pagedescription}, { Style => "tablecellheader" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addheader($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{lastmodified}, { Style => "tablecellheader" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addheader($kiriwrite_lang->{common}->{options}, { Style => "tablecellheader" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endheader(); # Process each page filename and get the page information. foreach $page_filename (@database_pages){ %page_info = $kiriwrite_dbmodule->getpageinfo({ PageFilename => $page_filename, Reduced => 1 }); # Check if any errors have occured. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DatabaseError"){ # A database error has occured so return an error and # also the extended error information. kiriwrite_error("databaseerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "PageDoesNotExist"){ # The page does not exist, so process the next page. next; } $page_count++; $page_filename = $page_info{"PageFilename"}; $page_name = $page_info{"PageName"}; $page_description = $page_info{"PageDescription"}; $page_modified = $page_info{"PageLastModified"}; # Set the table cell style. if ($tablestyletype eq 0){ $tablestyle = "tablecell1"; $tablestyletype = 1; } else { $tablestyle = "tablecell2"; $tablestyletype = 0; } # Write out the row of data. $kiriwrite_presmodule->startrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell($tablestyle); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("id[" . $page_count . "]", $page_filename); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcheckbox("name[" . $page_count . "]"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell($tablestyle); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($page_filename); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell($tablestyle); if (!$page_name){ $kiriwrite_presmodule->additalictext($kiriwrite_lang->{blank}->{noname}); } else { $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($page_name); } $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell($tablestyle); if (!$page_description){ $kiriwrite_presmodule->additalictext($kiriwrite_lang->{blank}->{nodescription}); } else { $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($page_description); } $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell($tablestyle); if (!$page_modified){ $kiriwrite_presmodule->additalictext("No Date"); } else { $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($page_modified); } $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell($tablestyle); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlink($kiriwrite_env{"script_filename"} . "?mode=page&action=edit&database=" . $database_file . "&page=" . $page_filename, { Text => $kiriwrite_lang->{options}->{edit} }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlink($kiriwrite_env{"script_filename"} . "?mode=page&action=delete&database=" . $database_file . "&page=" . $page_filename, { Text => $kiriwrite_lang->{options}->{delete} }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endrow(); # Increment the counter. } } # Disconnect from the database server. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->disconnect(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endtable(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startbox(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("count", $page_count); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endbox(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endform(); if (!@database_pages || !$page_count){ # There were no values in the database pages array and # the page count had not been incremented so write a # message saying that there were no pages in the # database. $kiriwrite_presmodule->clear(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext(kiriwrite_language($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{pagelist}, $db_name), { Style => "pageheader" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startbox("errorbox"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->enterdata($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{nopagesindatabase}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endbox(); } return $kiriwrite_presmodule->grab(); } } sub kiriwrite_template_add{ ################################################################################# # kiriwrite_template_add: Add a template to the template folder # # # # Usage: # # # # kiriwrite_template_add(filename, name, description, layout, confirm); # # # # filename The filename of the new template. # # name The name of the template. # # description The description of the template. # # layout The layout of the new template. # # confirm Confirm the action of creating a new template. # ################################################################################# # Get the variables that were passed to the subroutine. my ($templatefilename, $templatename, $templatedescription, $templatelayout, $confirm) = @_; # Check if the confirm value is blank and if it is then set confirm to 0. if (!$confirm){ # The confirm value is blank, so set the value of confirm to 0. $confirm = 0; } if ($confirm eq 1){ # Check (validate) each of the values. kiriwrite_variablecheck($templatename, "utf8", 0, 0); kiriwrite_variablecheck($templatedescription, "utf8", 0, 0); kiriwrite_variablecheck($templatelayout, "utf8", 0, 0); # Convert the values into proper UTF8 strings that can be used. $templatename = kiriwrite_utf8convert($templatename); $templatedescription = kiriwrite_utf8convert($templatedescription); $templatelayout = kiriwrite_utf8convert($templatelayout); # Check the length of the converted UTF8 strings. my $templatefilename_length_check = kiriwrite_variablecheck($templatefilename, "maxlength", 64, 1); my $templatename_length_check = kiriwrite_variablecheck($templatename, "maxlength", 512, 1); my $templatedescription_length_check = kiriwrite_variablecheck($templatedescription, "maxlength", 512, 1); kiriwrite_variablecheck($confirm, "maxlength", 1, 0); if ($templatefilename_length_check eq 1){ # The template filename length is too long, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("templatefilenametoolong"); } if ($templatename_length_check eq 1){ # The template name length is too long, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("templatenametoolong"); } if ($templatedescription_length_check eq 1){ # The template description length is too long, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("templatedescriptiontoolong"); } # Check if the filename specified is a valid filename. kiriwrite_variablecheck($templatefilename, "filename", "", 0); # Connect to the template server. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->connect(); # Connect to the template database. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->connecttemplate(1); # Check if any errors had occured. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "TemplateDatabaseInvalidPermissionsSet"){ # The template database has invalid permissions set so # return an error. kiriwrite_error("templatedatabaseinvalidpermissions"); } $kiriwrite_dbmodule->addtemplate({ TemplateFilename => $templatefilename, TemplateName => $templatename, TemplateDescription => $templatedescription, TemplateLayout => $templatelayout }); if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "TemplateDatabaseError"){ # A database error has occured so return an error along # with the extended error information. kiriwrite_error("templatedatabaseerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "TemplateDatabaseInvalidPermissionsSet"){ # The template database has invalid permissions set so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("templatedatabaseinvalidpermissions"); } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "TemplatePageExists"){ # The template page already exists so return an error. kiriwrite_error("templatefilenameexists"); } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "TemplateDatabaseUncreateable"){ # The template databases is uncreatable so return an error. kiriwrite_error("templatedatabasenotcreated"); } $kiriwrite_dbmodule->disconnecttemplate(); # Disconnect from the template server. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->disconnect(); # Print out the confirmation message. $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{template}->{addedtemplate}, { Style => "pageheader" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext(kiriwrite_language($kiriwrite_lang->{template}->{addedtemplatemessage}, $templatename)); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlink($kiriwrite_env{"script_filename"} . "?mode=template", { Text => $kiriwrite_lang->{template}->{returntemplatelist} }); return $kiriwrite_presmodule->grab(); } else { # No confirmation was made, so print out a form for adding a template. $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{template}->{addtemplate}, { Style => "pageheader" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startform($kiriwrite_env{"script_filename"}, "POST"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startbox(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("mode", "template"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("action", "add"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("confirm", 1); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->starttable("", { CellSpacing => 0, CellPadding => 5 }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startheader(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addheader($kiriwrite_lang->{common}->{setting}, { Style => "tablecellheader" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addheader($kiriwrite_lang->{common}->{value}, { Style => "tablecellheader" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endheader(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell1"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{template}->{templatename}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell2"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addinputbox("templatename", { Size => 64, MaxLength => 512 }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell1"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{template}->{templatedescription}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell2"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addinputbox("templatedescription", { Size => 64, MaxLength => 512 }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell1"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{template}->{templatefilename}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell2"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addinputbox("templatefilename", { Size => 32, MaxLength => 64 }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell1"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{template}->{templatelayout}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell2"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtextbox("templatelayout", { Columns => 50, Rows => 10 }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startbox("datalist"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addboldtext($kiriwrite_lang->{common}->{tags}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{common}->{pagecontent}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{common}->{pagetitle}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{common}->{pagename}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{common}->{pagedescription}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{common}->{pagesection}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{common}->{pageautosection}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{common}->{pageautotitle}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endbox(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endtable(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addsubmit($kiriwrite_lang->{template}->{addtemplatebutton}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext(" | "); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addreset($kiriwrite_lang->{common}->{clearvalues}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext(" | "); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlink($kiriwrite_env{"script_filename"} . "?mode=template" , { Text => $kiriwrite_lang->{template}->{returntemplatelist} }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endbox(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endform(); return $kiriwrite_presmodule->grab(); } } sub kiriwrite_template_edit{ ################################################################################# # kiriwrite_template_edit: Edit a template from the template folder. # # # # Usage: # # # # kiriwrite_template_edit(filename, [newfilename], [newname], [newdescription], # # [templatelayout], [confirm]); # # # # filename The current filename of the template to edit. # # newfilename The new filename of the template to edit. # # newname The new name of the template being edited. # # newdescription The new description of the template being edited. # # templatelayout The modified/altered template layout. # # confirm Confirms the action to edit a template and its # # settings. # ################################################################################# # Get all the variables that have been passed to the subroutine. my ($templatefilename, $templatenewfilename, $templatenewname, $templatenewdescription, $templatelayout, $confirm) = @_; # Check if the confirm variable is blank, if it is then # set confirm to '0' if (!$confirm){ # confirm is uninitalised/blank, so set the value of confirm # to '0' $confirm = 0; } # Check if the template filename is blank and if it is, then return # an error. if (!$templatefilename){ kiriwrite_error("templatefilenameblank"); } # Connect to the database server. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->connect(); # Check if any errors occured while connecting to the database server. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DatabaseConnectionError"){ # A database connection error has occured so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("databaseconnectionerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); } if ($confirm eq 1){ # Check certain strings to see if they UTF8 compiliant. kiriwrite_variablecheck($templatenewname, "utf8", 0, 0); kiriwrite_variablecheck($templatenewdescription, "utf8", 0, 0); kiriwrite_variablecheck($templatelayout, "utf8", 0, 0); # Convert the values into proper UTF8 strings. $templatenewname = kiriwrite_utf8convert($templatenewname); $templatenewdescription = kiriwrite_utf8convert($templatenewdescription); $templatelayout = kiriwrite_utf8convert($templatelayout); # Check if the filenames recieved are valid filenames. kiriwrite_variablecheck($templatenewfilename, "maxlength", 64, 0); kiriwrite_variablecheck($templatenewdescription, "maxlength", 512, 0); kiriwrite_variablecheck($templatenewname, "maxlength", 512, 0); kiriwrite_variablecheck($templatefilename, "maxlength", 64, 0); kiriwrite_variablecheck($confirm, "maxlength", 1, 0); kiriwrite_variablecheck($templatefilename, "filename", "", 0); kiriwrite_variablecheck($templatenewfilename, "filename", "", 0); # Connect to the template database. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->connecttemplate(); # Check if any errors had occured. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "TemplateDatabaseInvalidPermissionsSet"){ # The template database has invalid permissions set so # return an error. kiriwrite_error("templatedatabaseinvalidpermissions"); } # Edit the template. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->edittemplate({ TemplateFilename => $templatefilename, NewTemplateFilename => $templatenewfilename, NewTemplateName => $templatenewname, NewTemplateDescription => $templatenewdescription, NewTemplateLayout => $templatelayout }); # Check if any error occured while editing the template. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "TemplateDatabaseError"){ # A database error has occured, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("templatedatabaseerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "TemplateDatabaseInvalidPermissionsSet"){ # The template database has invalid permissions set so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("templatedatabaseinvalidpermissions"); } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "TemplateDoesNotExist"){ # The template does not exist, so process the next template. kiriwrite_error("templatedoesnotexist"); } # Disconnect from the database server. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->disconnect(); # Disconnect from the template database. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->disconnecttemplate(); # Append a link so that the user can return to the templates list. $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{template}->{editedtemplate}, { Style => "pageheader" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext(kiriwrite_language($kiriwrite_lang->{template}->{editedtemplatemessage}, $templatenewname)); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlink($kiriwrite_env{"script_filename"} . "?mode=template", { Text => $kiriwrite_lang->{template}->{returntemplatelist} }); } else { # Connect to the template database. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->connecttemplate(); # Check if any errors had occured. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "TemplateDatabaseInvalidPermissionsSet"){ # The template database has invalid permissions set so # return an error. kiriwrite_error("templatedatabaseinvalidpermissions"); } # Get the template information. my %template_info = $kiriwrite_dbmodule->gettemplateinfo({ TemplateFilename => $templatefilename }); # Check if any error occured while getting the template information. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "TemplateDatabaseError"){ # A database error has occured, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("templatedatabaseerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "TemplateDoesNotExist"){ # The template does not exist, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("templatedoesnotexist"); } # Disconnect from the template database. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->disconnecttemplate(); # Get the values from the query results. my $template_filename = $template_info{"TemplateFilename"}; my $template_name = $template_info{"TemplateName"}; my $template_description = $template_info{"TemplateDescription"}; my $template_layout = $template_info{"TemplateLayout"}; my $template_modified = $template_info{"TemplateLastModified"}; # Check if the values are undefined and set them blank # if they are. if (!$template_name){ $template_name = ""; } if (!$template_description){ $template_description = ""; } if (!$template_layout){ $template_layout = ""; } # Write out the form for editing an template with the current template # settings put into the correct place. $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{template}->{edittemplate}, { Style => "pageheader" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startform($kiriwrite_env{"script_filename"}, "POST"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startbox(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("mode", "template"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("action", "edit"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("confirm", 1); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("template", $template_filename); $kiriwrite_presmodule->starttable("", { CellSpacing => 0, CellPadding => 5}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startheader(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addheader($kiriwrite_lang->{common}->{setting}, { Style => "tablecellheader" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addheader($kiriwrite_lang->{common}->{value}, { Style => "tablecellheader" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endheader(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell1"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{template}->{templatename}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell2"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addinputbox("newname", { Size => 64, MaxLength => 512, Value => $template_name }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell1"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{template}->{templatedescription}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell2"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addinputbox("newdescription", { Size => 64, MaxLength => 512, Value => $template_description }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell1"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{template}->{templatefilename}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell2"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addinputbox("newfilename", { Size => 32, MaxLength => 64, Value => $template_filename }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell1"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{template}->{templatelayout}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell2"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtextbox("newlayout", { Rows => 10, Columns => 50, Value => $template_layout}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startbox("datalist"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addboldtext($kiriwrite_lang->{common}->{tags}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{common}->{pagecontent}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{common}->{pagetitle}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{common}->{pagename}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{common}->{pagedescription}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{common}->{pagesection}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{common}->{pageautosection}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{common}->{pageautotitle}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endbox(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endtable(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addsubmit($kiriwrite_lang->{template}->{edittemplatebutton}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext(" | "); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addreset($kiriwrite_lang->{common}->{restorecurrent}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext(" | "); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlink($kiriwrite_env{"script_filename"} . "?mode=template", { Text => $kiriwrite_lang->{template}->{returntemplatelist} }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endbox(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endform(); } # Disconnect from the database server. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->disconnect(); return $kiriwrite_presmodule->grab(); } sub kiriwrite_template_delete{ ################################################################################# # kiriwrite_template_delete: Delete a template from the template folder. # # # # Usage: # # # # kiriwrite_template_delete(filename, confirm); # # # # filename Specifies the filename of the database to delete. # # confirm Confirms the action to delete a template. # ################################################################################# # Get the parameters that were passed to the subroutine. my ($template_filename, $template_confirm) = @_; if (!$template_confirm){ $template_confirm = 0; } # Check the length of the variables. kiriwrite_variablecheck($template_filename, "maxlength", 64, 0); kiriwrite_variablecheck($template_confirm, "maxlength", 1, 0); # Check if the template_name string is blank and if it is then # return an error (as the template_name string should not be # blank. if (!$template_filename){ # The template_filename string really is blank, # so return an error saying that an empty # filename was passed (to the subroutine). kiriwrite_error("templatefilenameblank"); } # Check if the template_confirm string is blank and if it is, write # out a form asking the user to confirm the deletion. if ($template_confirm eq 1){ # The action to delete the template from the template database has # been confirmed so delete the template. # Connect to the database server. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->connect(); # Check if any errors occured while connecting to the database server. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DatabaseConnectionError"){ # A database connection error has occured so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("databaseconnectionerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); } # Check if the template database exists and the file permissions # are valid and return an error if they aren't. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->connecttemplate(); if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "TemplateDatabaseDoesNotExist"){ # The template database does not exist so write a warning # message. kiriwrite_error("templatedatabasemissing"); } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "TemplateDatabaseInvalidPermissionsSet"){ # The template database has invalid permissions set so # return an error. kiriwrite_error("templatedatabaseinvalidpermissions"); } my %template_info = $kiriwrite_dbmodule->gettemplateinfo({ TemplateFilename => $template_filename }); # Check if any error occured while getting the template information. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "TemplateDatabaseError"){ # A database error has occured, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("templatedatabaseerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "TemplateDoesNotExist"){ # The template does not exist, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("templatedoesnotexist"); } # Delete the selected template. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->deletetemplate({ TemplateFilename => $template_filename }); # Check if any error occured while deleting the template. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "TemplateDatabaseError"){ # A database error has occured, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("templatedatabaseerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "TemplateDoesNotExist"){ # The template does not exist, so process the next template. kiriwrite_error("templatedoesnotexist"); } $kiriwrite_dbmodule->disconnecttemplate(); # Get the deleted database name. my $database_template_name = $template_info{"TemplateName"}; # Disconnect from the database server. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->disconnect(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{template}->{deletedtemplate}, { Style => "pageheader" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext(kiriwrite_language($kiriwrite_lang->{template}->{deletedtemplatemessage}, $database_template_name) ); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlink($kiriwrite_env{"script_filename"} . "?mode=template", { Text => $kiriwrite_lang->{template}->{returntemplatelist} }); return $kiriwrite_presmodule->grab(); } elsif ($template_confirm eq 0) { # The template confirm value is 0 (previously blank and then set to 0), so # write out a form asking the user to confirm the deletion of the template. # Connect to the database server. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->connect(); # Check if any errors occured while connecting to the database server. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DatabaseConnectionError"){ # A database connection error has occured so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("databaseconnectionerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); } # Connect to the template database. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->connecttemplate(); if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "TemplateDatabaseDoesNotExist"){ # The template database does not exist so write a warning # message. kiriwrite_error("templatedatabasemissing"); } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "TemplateDatabaseInvalidPermissionsSet"){ # The template database has invalid permissions set so # return an error. kiriwrite_error("templatedatabaseinvalidpermissions"); } my %template_info = $kiriwrite_dbmodule->gettemplateinfo({ TemplateFilename => $template_filename }); if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "TemplateDatabaseError"){ # A database error has occured, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("templatedatabaseerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "TemplateDoesNotExist"){ # The template does not exist, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("templatedoesnotexist"); } my $template_data_filename = $template_info{"TemplateFilename"}; my $template_data_name = $template_info{"TemplateName"}; $kiriwrite_dbmodule->disconnecttemplate(); # Disconnect from the database server. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->disconnect(); # Write out the confirmation form. $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{template}->{deletetemplate}, { Style => "pageheader" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startform($kiriwrite_env{"script_filename"}, "POST"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startbox(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("mode", "template"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("template", $template_filename); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("action", "delete"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("confirm", 1); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext(kiriwrite_language($kiriwrite_lang->{template}->{deletetemplatemessage}, $template_data_name, $template_data_filename)); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addsubmit($kiriwrite_lang->{template}->{deletetemplatebutton}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext(" | "); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlink($kiriwrite_env{"script_filename"} . "?mode=template", { Text => $kiriwrite_lang->{template}->{deletetemplatereturntolist} }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endbox(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endform(); return $kiriwrite_presmodule->grab(); } else { kiriwrite_error("invalidvariable"); } } sub kiriwrite_template_list{ ################################################################################# # kiriwrite_template_list: List the templates in the template folder. # # # # Usage: # # # # kiriwrite_template_list(); # ################################################################################# # Define certain values for later. my %template_info; my @templates_list; my $template; my $template_filename = ""; my $template_filename_list = ""; my $template_name = ""; my $template_description = ""; my $template_data = ""; my $template_count = 0; my $template_style = 0; my $template_stylename = ""; my $templatewarning = ""; # Connect to the database server. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->connect(); # Check if any errors occured while connecting to the database server. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DatabaseConnectionError"){ # A database connection error has occured so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("databaseconnectionerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); } # Connect to the template database. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->connecttemplate(); # Check if any errors had occured. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "TemplateDatabaseDoesNotExist"){ # The template database does not exist so write a warning # message. $templatewarning = $kiriwrite_lang->{template}->{templatedatabasedoesnotexist}; } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "TemplateDatabaseInvalidPermissionsSet"){ # The template database has invalid permissions set so # return an error. kiriwrite_error("templatedatabaseinvalidpermissions"); } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "TemplateDatabaseError"){ # A database error occured while getting the list of # templates so return an error with the extended # error information. kiriwrite_error("templatedatabaseerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); } # Get the list of template databases. if (!$templatewarning){ @templates_list = $kiriwrite_dbmodule->gettemplatelist(); } # Check if any errors had occured. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "TemplateDatabaseError"){ # A database error occured while getting the list # of templates so return an error with the # extended error information. kiriwrite_error("templatedatabaseerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); } # Check if any templates are in the database and if there isn't # then write a message saying that there are no templates in the # database. if (!@templates_list && !$templatewarning){ $templatewarning = $kiriwrite_lang->{template}->{notemplatesavailable}; } # Process the templates into a template list. $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{template}->{viewtemplates}, { Style => "pageheader" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); if ($templatewarning){ $kiriwrite_presmodule->startbox("errorbox"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($templatewarning); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endbox(); } else { $kiriwrite_presmodule->starttable("", { CellPadding => 5, CellSpacing => 0 }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startheader(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addheader($kiriwrite_lang->{template}->{templatefilename}, { Style => "tablecellheader" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addheader($kiriwrite_lang->{template}->{templatename}, { Style => "tablecellheader" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addheader($kiriwrite_lang->{template}->{templatedescription}, { Style => "tablecellheader" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addheader($kiriwrite_lang->{common}->{options}, { Style => "tablecellheader" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endheader(); foreach $template (@templates_list){ # Get the template data. %template_info = $kiriwrite_dbmodule->gettemplateinfo({ TemplateFilename => $template }); # Check if any errors occured while trying to get the template # data. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "TemplateDatabaseError"){ # A database error has occured, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("templatedatabaseerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "TemplateDoesNotExist"){ # The template does not exist, so process the next template. next; } $template_filename = $template_info{"TemplateFileName"}; $template_name = $template_info{"TemplateName"}; $template_description = $template_info{"TemplateDescription"}; # Check what style the row of table cells should be. if ($template_style eq 0){ $template_stylename = "tablecell1"; $template_style = 1; } else { $template_stylename = "tablecell2"; $template_style = 0; } $kiriwrite_presmodule->startrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell($template_stylename); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($template_info{"TemplateFilename"}); # Check if the blank template value was set. if (!$template_info{"TemplateLayout"}){ $kiriwrite_presmodule->additalictext(" " . "[Blank Template]"); } $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell($template_stylename); # Check if the template name is blank and if it is # write a message to say there's no name for the # template. if (!$template_info{"TemplateName"}){ $kiriwrite_presmodule->additalictext($kiriwrite_lang->{blank}->{noname}); } else { $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($template_info{"TemplateName"}); } $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell($template_stylename); # Check if the template description is blank and if # it is then write a message to say there's no # description for the template. if (!$template_info{"TemplateDescription"}){ $kiriwrite_presmodule->additalictext($kiriwrite_lang->{blank}->{nodescription}); } else { $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($template_info{"TemplateDescription"}); } $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell($template_stylename); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlink($kiriwrite_env{"script_filename"} . "?mode=template&action=edit&template=" . $template_info{"TemplateFilename"}, { Text => $kiriwrite_lang->{options}->{edit} }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlink($kiriwrite_env{"script_filename"} . "?mode=template&action=delete&template=" . $template_info{"TemplateFilename"}, { Text => $kiriwrite_lang->{options}->{delete} }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endrow(); } $kiriwrite_presmodule->endtable(); } # Disconnect from the database server. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->disconnect(); $kiriwrite_dbmodule->disconnecttemplate(); return $kiriwrite_presmodule->grab(); } sub kiriwrite_database_add{ ################################################################################# # kiriwrite_database_add: Creates a new database. # # # # Usage: # # # # kiriwrite_database_add(filename, name, description, notes, categories, # # [confirm]); # # # # filename Specifies the filename for the database. # # name Specifies a (friendly) name for the database. # # description Specifies a description for the database. # # notes Specifies the notes for the database. # # categories Specifies the categories for the database. # # confirm Confirms the action to create a database. # ################################################################################# # Get the variables passed from the subroutine. my ($database_filename, $database_name, $database_description, $database_notes, $database_categories, $database_confirm) = @_; # Check if the confirm value is blank and if it is then # set the confirm value to 0. if (!$database_confirm){ # The confirm value was blank so set the value to 0. $database_confirm = 0; } if ($database_confirm eq 1){ # The action to create a new database is confirmed. # Validate the database name and database descriptions. my $database_name_check_utf8 = kiriwrite_variablecheck($database_name, "utf8", 0, 0); my $database_description_check_utf8 = kiriwrite_variablecheck($database_description, "utf8", 0, 0); my $database_notes_check_utf8 = kiriwrite_variablecheck($database_notes, "utf8", 0, 0); my $database_categories_check_utf8 = kiriwrite_variablecheck($database_categories, "utf8", 0, 0); # Convert the UTF8 strings before checking the length of the strings. $database_name = kiriwrite_utf8convert($database_name); $database_description = kiriwrite_utf8convert($database_description); $database_notes = kiriwrite_utf8convert($database_notes); $database_categories = kiriwrite_utf8convert($database_categories); my $database_name_check_blank = kiriwrite_variablecheck($database_name, "blank", 0, 1); my $database_name_check_length = kiriwrite_variablecheck($database_name, "maxlength", 256, 1); my $database_description_check_length = kiriwrite_variablecheck($database_description, "maxlength", 512, 1); my $database_filename_check_length = kiriwrite_variablecheck($database_filename, "maxlength", 32, 1); my $database_categories_check_length = kiriwrite_variablecheck($database_categories, "maxlength", 512, 1); # Check if values returned contains any values that would # result in a specific error message being returned. if ($database_name_check_length eq 1){ # The length of the database name is too long, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("databasenametoolong"); } if ($database_description_check_length eq 1){ # The database description length is too long, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("databasedescriptiontoolong"); } if ($database_name_check_blank eq 1){ # The database name is blank, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("databasenameblank"); } if ($database_filename_check_length eq 1){ # The database filename is to long, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("databasefilenametoolong"); } if ($database_categories_check_length eq 1){ # The database categories is too long, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("databasecategoriestoolong"); } # Check if the database filename is blank and if it is then # generate a filename. if ($database_filename eq ""){ # Filename is blank so generate a file name from # the database name. $database_filename = kiriwrite_processfilename($database_name); } else { # Filename is not blank so don't generate a filename. } kiriwrite_variablecheck($database_filename, "filename", "", 0); kiriwrite_variablecheck($database_filename, "maxlength", 32, 0); # Connect to the database server. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->connect(); # Check if any errors occured while connecting to the database server. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DatabaseConnectionError"){ # A database connection error has occured so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("databaseconnectionerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); } my $database_name_final = $database_name; # Create the database. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->adddatabase({ DatabaseFilename => $database_filename, DatabaseName => $database_name, DatabaseDescription => $database_description, DatabaseNotes => $database_notes, DatabaseCategories => $database_categories, VersionMajor => $kiriwrite_version{"major"}, VersionMinor => $kiriwrite_version{"minor"}, VersionRevision => $kiriwrite_version{"revision"} }); # Check if any errors have occured. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DatabaseExists"){ # A database with the filename given already exists, so # return an error. kiriwrite_error("fileexists"); } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DatabaseError"){ # A database error has occured so return an error with # the extended error information. kiriwrite_error("databaseerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); } # Disconnect from the database server. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->disconnect(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{database}->{adddatabase}, { Style => "pageheader" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext(kiriwrite_language($kiriwrite_lang->{database}->{databaseadded} , $database_name_final)); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlink($kiriwrite_env{"script_filename"} . "?mode=db", { Text => $kiriwrite_lang->{database}->{databaselistreturnlink} }); return $kiriwrite_presmodule->grab(); } # There is confirm value is not 1, so write a form for creating a database to # store pages in. $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{database}->{adddatabase}, { Style => "pageheader" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startform($kiriwrite_env{"script_filename"}, "POST"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startbox(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("mode", "db"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("action", "new"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("confirm", "1"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endbox(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->starttable("", { CellPadding => 5, CellSpacing => 0 }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startheader(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addheader($kiriwrite_lang->{common}->{setting}, { Style => "tablecellheader"}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addheader($kiriwrite_lang->{common}->{value}, { Style => "tablecellheader"}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endheader(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell1"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{database}->{databasename}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell2"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addinputbox("databasename", { Size => 64, MaxLength => 256 }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell1"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{database}->{databasedescription}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell2"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addinputbox("databasedescription", { Size => 64, MaxLength => 512 }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell1"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{database}->{databasecategories}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell2"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addinputbox("databasecategories", { Size => 64, MaxLength => 512 }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell1"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{database}->{databasenotes}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell2"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtextbox("databasenotes", { Columns => 50, Rows => 10, WordWrap => 0 }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell1"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{database}->{databasefilename}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell2"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addinputbox("databasefilename", { Size => 32, MaxLength => 32 }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startlist(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->additem($kiriwrite_lang->{database}->{adddatabaseautogenerate}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->additem($kiriwrite_lang->{database}->{adddatabasenoextensions}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->additem($kiriwrite_lang->{database}->{adddatabasecharacterlength}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->additem($kiriwrite_lang->{database}->{adddatabasecharacters}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endlist(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endtable(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startbox(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addsubmit($kiriwrite_lang->{database}->{adddatabasebutton}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext("|"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addreset($kiriwrite_lang->{database}->{clearvaluesbutton}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext("| "); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlink($kiriwrite_env{"script_filename"} . "?mode=db", { Text => $kiriwrite_lang->{database}->{databaselistreturnlink} }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endbox(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endform(); # Exit the subroutine taking the data in the pagadata variable with it. return $kiriwrite_presmodule->grab(); } sub kiriwrite_database_edit{ ################################################################################# # kiriwrite_database_edit: Edits an database. # # # # Usage: # # # # kiriwrite_database_edit(filename, newfilename, newname, newdescription, # # notes, categories, [confirm]); # # # # filename Specifies the filename of the database. # # newfilename Specifies the new filename of the database. # # newname Specifies the new name of the database. # # newdescription Specifies the new description of the database. # # notes Specifies the new notes of the database. # # categories Specifies the new categories of the database. # # confirm Confirms the action to edit a database. # ################################################################################# # First, get all the variables passed to the subroutine. my ($database_shortname, $database_newfilename, $database_newname, $database_newdescription, $database_notes, $database_categories, $database_confirm) = @_; # Check if the database confirm value is blank and if it is # set the confirm value to 0. if (!$database_confirm){ $database_confirm = 0; } # Check if the database filename given is valid and return an error # if it isn't. kiriwrite_variablecheck($database_shortname, "filename", "", 0); # Check if the confirm variable has a value in it, if it has, check again to make sure it really is the correct value (Perl moans # if $database_confirm was used directly). if ($database_confirm eq 1){ # Check if the new data passes the validation tests below. First, check the length of the variables. my $database_name_check_utf8 = kiriwrite_variablecheck($database_newname, "utf8", 0, 0); my $database_description_check_utf8 = kiriwrite_variablecheck($database_newdescription, "utf8", 0, 0); my $database_notes_check_utf8 = kiriwrite_variablecheck($database_notes, "utf8", 0, 0); my $database_categories_check_utf8 = kiriwrite_variablecheck($database_categories, "utf8", 0, 0); # Convert the UTF8 strings to make sure their length is accurate. $database_newname = kiriwrite_utf8convert($database_newname); $database_newdescription = kiriwrite_utf8convert($database_newdescription); $database_notes = kiriwrite_utf8convert($database_notes); $database_categories = kiriwrite_utf8convert($database_categories); # Preform the following tests. my $database_filename_check_length = kiriwrite_variablecheck($database_newfilename, "maxlength", 32, 1); my $database_filename_letnum = kiriwrite_variablecheck($database_newfilename, "filename", 0, 0); my $database_name_check_length = kiriwrite_variablecheck($database_newname, "maxlength", 256, 1); my $database_description_check_length = kiriwrite_variablecheck($database_newdescription, "maxlength", 512, 1); my $database_categories_check_length = kiriwrite_variablecheck($database_categories, "maxlength", 512, 1); my $database_name_check_blank = kiriwrite_variablecheck($database_newname, "blank", 0, 1); # Check if the data is valid and return a specific error if it doesn't. if ($database_name_check_length eq 1){ # The length of the database name is too long, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("databasenametoolong"); } if ($database_description_check_length eq 1){ # The database description length is too long, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("databasedescriptiontoolong"); } if ($database_name_check_blank eq 1){ # The database name is blank, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("databasenameblank"); } if ($database_filename_check_length eq 1){ # The database filename is too long, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("databasefilenametoolong"); } if ($database_categories_check_length eq 1){ # The database categories is too long, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("databasecategoriestoolong"); } # Connect to the database server. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->connect(); # Check if any errors occured while connecting to the database server. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DatabaseConnectionError"){ # A database connection error has occured so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("databaseconnectionerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); } # Get the database. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->selectdb({ DatabaseName => $database_shortname }); # Check if any errors had occured while selecting the database. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DoesNotExist"){ # The database does not exist, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("databasemissingfile"); } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "InvalidPermissionsSet"){ # The database has invalid permissions set, so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("databaseinvalidpermissions"); } # FIX THIS!! >O $kiriwrite_dbmodule->editdatabase({ DatabaseNewFilename => $database_newfilename, DatabaseName => $database_newname , DatabaseDescription => $database_newdescription , DatabaseNotes => $database_notes, DatabaseCategories => $database_categories }); # Check if any errors had occured while using the database. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DoesNotExist"){ # The database does not exist, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("databasemissingfile"); } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "InvalidPermissionsSet"){ # The database has invalid permissions set, so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("databaseinvalidpermissions"); } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DataDirInvalidPermissions"){ # The database directory has invalid permissions set, so # return an error. kiriwrite_error("datadirectoryinvalidpermissions"); } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DatabaseExists"){ # A database already exists with the new filename, so # return an error. kiriwrite_error("databasealreadyexists"); } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DatabaseError"){ # A database error has occured so return an error with # the extended error information. kiriwrite_error("databaseerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); } # Disconnect from the server. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->disconnect(); # Write out a message saying that the database has been updated. $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{database}->{editeddatabase}, { Style => "pageheader" } ); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext(kiriwrite_language($kiriwrite_lang->{database}->{databaseupdated}, $database_newname)); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlink($kiriwrite_env{"script_filename"} . "?mode=db", { Text => $kiriwrite_lang->{database}->{databaselistreturnlink} }); return $kiriwrite_presmodule->grab(); } else { my (%database_info); # Check if the database filename given is valid and return an error # if it isn't. # Connect to the database server. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->connect(); # Check if any errors occured while connecting to the database server. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DatabaseConnectionError"){ # A database connection error has occured so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("databaseconnectionerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); } # Select the database. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->selectdb({ DatabaseName => $database_shortname }); # Check if any errors had occured while setting the database. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DoesNotExist"){ # The database does not exist, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("databasemissingfile"); } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "InvalidPermissionsSet"){ # The database has invalid permissions set, so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("databaseinvalidpermissions"); } # Get the database information. %database_info = $kiriwrite_dbmodule->getdatabaseinfo(); # Check if any errors had occured while getting the database # information. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DatabaseError"){ # A database error has occured so return an error and # also the extended error information. kiriwrite_error("databaseerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); } # Get the values needed from the kiriwrite_database_info table. my $database_oldname = $database_info{"DatabaseName"}; my $database_olddescription = $database_info{"Description"}; my $database_notes = $database_info{"Notes"}; my $database_categories = $database_info{"Categories"}; # Disconnect from the database server. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->disconnect(); # Print out the form for editing a database's settings. $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext(kiriwrite_language($kiriwrite_lang->{database}->{editdatabase}, $database_oldname), { Style => "pageheader" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startform($kiriwrite_env{"script_filename"}, "POST"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startbox(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("mode", "db"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("action", "edit"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("database", $database_shortname); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("confirm", "1"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endbox(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->starttable("", { CellPadding => 5, CellSpacing => 0 }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startheader(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addheader("Setting", { Style => "tablecellheader" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addheader("Value", { Style => "tablecellheader" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endheader(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell1"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{database}->{databasename}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell2"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addinputbox("databasename", { Size => 64, MaxLength => 256, Value => $database_oldname } ); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell1"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{database}->{databasedescription}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell2"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addinputbox("databasedescription", { Size => 64, MaxLength => 512, Value => $database_olddescription } ); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell1"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{database}->{databasecategories}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell2"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addinputbox("databasecategories", { Size => 64, MaxLength => 512, Value => $database_categories } ); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell1"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{database}->{databasenotes}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell2"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtextbox("databasenotes", { Columns => 50, Rows => 10, Value => $database_notes } ); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell1"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{database}->{databasefilename}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell2"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addinputbox("databasefilename", { Size => 32, MaxLength => 32, Value => $database_shortname } ); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endtable(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startbox(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addsubmit($kiriwrite_lang->{database}->{editdatabasebutton}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext(" | "); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addreset($kiriwrite_lang->{common}->{restorecurrent}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext(" | "); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlink($kiriwrite_env{"script_filename"} . "?mode=db", { Text => $kiriwrite_lang->{database}->{databaselistreturnlink} }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endbox(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endform(); return $kiriwrite_presmodule->grab(); } # The interpreter should not be here. So return an error saying invalid variable. kiriwrite_error("invalidvariable"); } sub kiriwrite_database_delete{ ################################################################################# # kiriwrite_database_delete: Deletes an database. # # # # Usage: # # # # kiriwrite_database_delete(filename, [confirm]); # # # # filename Specifies the filename for the database to be deleted. # # confirm Confirms the action to delete a database. # ################################################################################# my ($database_filename, $database_confirm) = @_; # Check if the confirm value is blank and if it is then set the # confirm value to 0. if (!$database_confirm){ $database_confirm = 0; } # Connect to the database server. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->connect(); # Check if any errors occured while connecting to the database server. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DatabaseConnectionError"){ # A database connection error has occured so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("databaseconnectionerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); } # Check if the database filename given is valid and return an error # if it isn't. kiriwrite_variablecheck($database_filename, "filename", "", 0); # Check if the request to delete a database has been confirmed. If it has, # then delete the database itself. if ($database_confirm eq 1){ # There is a value in the confirm variable of the HTTP query. # Select the database to delete and get the database name. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->selectdb({ DatabaseName => $database_filename }); # Check if any error occured while selecting the database. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DoesNotExist"){ # The database does not exist so return an error. kiriwrite_error("databasemissingfile"); } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "InvalidPermissionsSet") { # The database has invalid permissions set so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("databaseinvalidpermissions"); } my %database_info = $kiriwrite_dbmodule->getdatabaseinfo(); # Check if any errors have occured while getting the database # name. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DatabaseError"){ # A database error has occured so return an error with # the extended error information. kiriwrite_error("databaseerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); } my $database_name = $database_info{"DatabaseName"}; # Delete the selected database. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->deletedatabase({ DatabaseName => $database_filename }); # Check if any error occured while deleting the database. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DoesNotExist"){ # The database does not exist so return an error. kiriwrite_error("databasemissingfile"); } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "InvalidPermissionsSet") { # The database has invalid permissions set so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("databaseinvalidpermissions"); } # Disconnect from the database server. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->disconnect(); # Write a message saying that the database has been deleted. $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{database}->{deleteddatabase}, { Style => "pageheader" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext(kiriwrite_language($kiriwrite_lang->{database}->{deleteddatabasemessage}, $database_name)); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlink($kiriwrite_env{"script_filename"} . "?mode=db", { Text => $kiriwrite_lang->{database}->{databaselistreturnlink} }); return $kiriwrite_presmodule->grab(); } # The action has not been confirmed, so write out a form asking the # user to confirm. # Get the database name. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->selectdb({ DatabaseName => $database_filename }); # Check if any error occured while selecting the database. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DoesNotExist"){ # The database does not exist so return an error. kiriwrite_error("databasemissingfile"); } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "InvalidPermissionsSet") { # The database has invalid permissions set so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("databaseinvalidpermissions"); } # Check if any errors have occured. my %database_info = $kiriwrite_dbmodule->getdatabaseinfo(); if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DatabaseError"){ # A database error has occured so return an error with # the extended error information. kiriwrite_error("databaseerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); } my $database_name = $database_info{"DatabaseName"}; # Disconnect from the database server. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->disconnect(); # Write out the form to ask the user to confirm the deletion of the # selected database. $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{database}->{deletedatabase}, { Style => "pageheader" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startform($kiriwrite_env{"script_filename"}, "POST"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startbox(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("mode", "db"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("action", "delete"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("database", $database_filename); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("confirm", "1"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext(kiriwrite_language($kiriwrite_lang->{database}->{deletedatabasemessage}, $database_name)); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addsubmit($kiriwrite_lang->{database}->{deletedatabasebutton}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext(" | "); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlink($kiriwrite_env{"script_filename"} . "?mode=db", { Text => $kiriwrite_lang->{database}->{deletedatabasereturn} }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endbox(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endform(); return $kiriwrite_presmodule->grab(); } sub kiriwrite_database_list{ ################################################################################# # kiriwrite_database_list: Lists the databases available. # # # # Usage: # # # # kiriwrite_database_list(); # ################################################################################# # Connect to the database server. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->connect(); # Check if any errors occured while connecting to the database server. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DatabaseConnectionError"){ # A database connection error has occured so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("databaseconnectionerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); } # Get the list of available databases and process any errors that # might have occured. my @database_list = $kiriwrite_dbmodule->getdblist(); if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DataDirMissing"){ # The database directory is missing so return an error. kiriwrite_error("datadirectorymissing"); } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DataDirInvalidPermissions"){ # The database directory has invalid permissions set so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("datadirectoryinvalidpermissions"); } # Declare the following variables that are going to be used before using # the foreach function. my ($database_info, %database_info); my @error_list; my @permissions_list; my $database_count = 0; my $database_filename = ""; my $database_filename_friendly = ""; my $database_filename_length = 0; my $database_name = ""; my $database_description = ""; my $database_permissions = ""; my $nodescription = 0; my $noname = 0; my $data_file = ""; my $table_style = 0; my $table_style_name = ""; # Begin creating the table for the list of databases. $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{database}->{databaselist}, { Style => "pageheader" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->starttable("", { CellPadding => "5", CellSpacing => "0" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startheader(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addheader($kiriwrite_lang->{database}->{databasename}, { Style => "tablecellheader" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addheader($kiriwrite_lang->{database}->{databasedescription}, { Style => "tablecellheader" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addheader($kiriwrite_lang->{database}->{databaseoptions}, { Style => "tablecellheader" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endheader(); foreach $data_file (@database_list){ # Select the database. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->selectdb({ DatabaseName => $data_file }); # Check if any error occured while selecting the database. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DoesNotExist"){ # The database does not exist, so process the next # database. next; } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "InvalidPermissionsSet") { # The database has invalid permissions settings, so # add the database to the list of databases with # invalid permissions set and process the next # database. push(@permissions_list, $data_file); next; } # Get information about the database. %database_info = $kiriwrite_dbmodule->getdatabaseinfo(); # Check if any error occured while getting information from the # database. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DatabaseError"){ # A database error has occured, add the database and specific # error message to the list of databases with errors and # process the next database. push(@error_list, $data_file . ": " . $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); next; } $database_name = $database_info{"DatabaseName"}; $database_description = $database_info{"Description"}; # Check the style to be used with. if ($table_style eq 0){ # Use the first style and set the style value # to use the next style, the next time the # if statement is checked. $table_style_name = "tablecell1"; $table_style = 1; } else { # Use the second style and set the style # value to use the first style, the next # time if statement is checked. $table_style_name = "tablecell2"; $table_style = 0; } # Create a friendly name for the database. $database_filename_friendly = $data_file; # Append the database information to the table. $kiriwrite_presmodule->startrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell($table_style_name); if (!$database_name){ $kiriwrite_presmodule->additalictext($kiriwrite_lang->{blank}->{noname}); } else { $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlink($kiriwrite_env{"script_filename"} . "?mode=page&action=view&database=" . $database_filename_friendly, { Text => $database_name }); } $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell($table_style_name); if (!$database_description){ $kiriwrite_presmodule->additalictext($kiriwrite_lang->{blank}->{nodescription}); } else { $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($database_description); } $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell($table_style_name); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlink($kiriwrite_env{'script_filename'} . "?mode=db&action=edit&database=" . $database_filename_friendly, { Text => $kiriwrite_lang->{options}->{edit} }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlink($kiriwrite_env{'script_filename'} . "?mode=compile&action=compile&type=single&database=" . $database_filename_friendly, { Text => $kiriwrite_lang->{options}->{compile} }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlink($kiriwrite_env{'script_filename'} . "?mode=db&action=delete&database=" . $database_filename_friendly, { Text => $kiriwrite_lang->{options}->{delete} }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endrow(); $database_count++; $nodescription = 0; $noname = 0; } $kiriwrite_presmodule->endtable(); # Disconnect from the database server. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->disconnect(); # Check if there are no valid databases are if there is no # valid databases then write a message saying that no # valid databases are available. if ($database_count eq 0){ $kiriwrite_presmodule->clear(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{database}->{databaselist}, { Style => "pageheader" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startbox("errorbox"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{database}->{nodatabasesavailable}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endbox(); } # Check if any databases with problems have appeared and if they # have, print out a message saying which databases have problems. if (@permissions_list){ $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{database}->{databaseinvalidpermissions}, { Style => "smallpageheader" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{database}->{databaseinvalidpermissionstext}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); foreach $data_file (@permissions_list){ $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($data_file); } $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); } if (@error_list){ $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{database}->{databaseerrors}, { Style => "smallpageheader" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{database}->{databaseerrorstext}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); foreach $data_file (@error_list){ $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($data_file); } $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); } return $kiriwrite_presmodule->grab(); # Return to the main part of the script with the processed information. } sub kiriwrite_filter_list{ ################################################################################# # kiriwrite_filter_list: Lists the filters that will be used when compiling a # # webpage. # # # # Usage: # # # # kiriwrite_filter_list(); # ################################################################################# my $filtersdb_notexist = 0; # Connect to the database server. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->connect(); # Check if any errors occured while connecting to the database server. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DatabaseConnectionError"){ # A database connection error has occured so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("databaseconnectionerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); } # Connect to the filter database. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->connectfilter(); # Check if any error has occured while connecting to the filter # database. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "FilterDatabaseDoesNotExist"){ # The filter database does not exist. $filtersdb_notexist = 1; } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "FilterDatabaseInvalidPermissionsSet"){ # The filter database has invalid permissions set so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("filtersdbpermissions"); } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "FilterDatabaseError"){ # A database error has occured with the filter database. kiriwrite_error("filtersdbdatabaseerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); } # Define some variables required for processing the filters list. my %filter_list; my %filter_info; my @database_filters; my $blankfindfilter = 0; my $filterswarning = ""; my $filter; my $filter_count = 0; my $filter_style = 0; my $filter_style_name = ""; tie(%filter_list, 'Tie::IxHash'); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{filter}->{viewfilters}, { Style => "pageheader" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); # If the filter database exists then get the list of filters, # otherwise write a message saying that the filter database # does not exist and will be created when a filter is added. if ($filtersdb_notexist eq 0){ # Get the list of available filters. @database_filters = $kiriwrite_dbmodule->getfilterlist(); # Check if any errors occured while getting the list of filters. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "FilterDatabaseError"){ # A database error has occured with the filter database. kiriwrite_error("filtersdbdatabaseerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); } # Process each filter getting the priority, find setting and # replace setting. foreach $filter (@database_filters){ # Get the information about the filter. %filter_info = $kiriwrite_dbmodule->getfilterinfo({ FilterID => $filter }); # Check if any errors occured while getting the filter information. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "FilterDatabaseError"){ # A database error occured while using the filter database. kiriwrite_error("filtersdbdatabaseerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "FilterDoesNotExist"){ # The filter does not exist so process the next filter. next; } # Check if the find filter is blank. if (!$filter_info{"FilterFind"}){ # The find filter is blank, so set the value to write a warning # message saying that a find filter given is blank. $blankfindfilter = 1; } $filter_list{$filter_count}{ID} = $filter_info{"FilterID"}; $filter_list{$filter_count}{Priority} = $filter_info{"FilterPriority"}; $filter_list{$filter_count}{Find} = $filter_info{"FilterFind"}; $filter_list{$filter_count}{Replace} = $filter_info{"FilterReplace"}; $filter_list{$filter_count}{Notes} = $filter_info{"FilterNotes"}; $filter_count++; } # Check if there are filters in the filter database and # write a message if there isn't. if ($filter_count eq 0){ # There are no filters in the filter database. $filterswarning = $kiriwrite_lang->{filter}->{nofiltersavailable}; } } # Check if the database wasn't found and if it # wasn't then write a message saying that the # database will be created when a filter is # added. if ($filtersdb_notexist eq 1){ # The filter database doesn't exist so write # a message. $filterswarning = $kiriwrite_lang->{filter}->{filterdatabasedoesnotexist}; } # Check if there is a warning message and if # there is then write that warning message # else write the list of filters. if ($filterswarning){ $kiriwrite_presmodule->startbox("errorbox"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($filterswarning); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endbox(); } else { # The filter database exists so write out the # list of filters. if ($blankfindfilter eq 1){ $kiriwrite_presmodule->addboldtext($kiriwrite_lang->{filter}->{warningtitle}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{filter}->{blankfindfilters}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); } $kiriwrite_presmodule->starttable("", { CellPadding => 5, CellSpacing => 0 }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startheader(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addheader($kiriwrite_lang->{filter}->{priority}, { Style => "tablecellheader" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addheader($kiriwrite_lang->{filter}->{findsetting}, { Style => "tablecellheader" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addheader($kiriwrite_lang->{filter}->{replacesetting}, { Style => "tablecellheader" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addheader($kiriwrite_lang->{common}->{options}, { Style => "tablecellheader" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endheader(); foreach $filter (keys %filter_list){ # Check which style should be used. if ($filter_style eq 0){ $filter_style_name = "tablecell1"; $filter_style = 1; } else { $filter_style_name = "tablecell2"; $filter_style = 0; } $kiriwrite_presmodule->startrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell($filter_style_name); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($filter_list{$filter}{Priority}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell($filter_style_name); # Check if the find filter is blank. if (!$filter_list{$filter}{Find}){ # The find filter is blank. $kiriwrite_presmodule->additalictext($kiriwrite_lang->{filter}->{blankfindsetting}); } else { # The find filter is not blank. $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($filter_list{$filter}{Find}); } $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell($filter_style_name); # Check if the replace filter is blank. if (!$filter_list{$filter}{Replace}){ # The replace filter is blank. $kiriwrite_presmodule->additalictext($kiriwrite_lang->{filter}->{blankreplacesetting}); } else { # The replace filter is not blank. $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($filter_list{$filter}{Replace}); } $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell($filter_style_name); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlink("?mode=filter&action=edit&filter=" . $filter_list{$filter}{ID}, { Text => $kiriwrite_lang->{options}->{edit} }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlink("?mode=filter&action=delete&filter=" . $filter_list{$filter}{ID}, { Text => $kiriwrite_lang->{options}->{delete} }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endrow(); } $kiriwrite_presmodule->endtable(); } # Disconnect from the filter database. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->disconnectfilter(); # Disconnect from the database server. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->disconnect(); return $kiriwrite_presmodule->grab(); } sub kiriwrite_filter_add{ ################################################################################# # kiriwrite_filter_add: Adds a filter to the filter list. # # # # Usage: # # # # kiriwrite_filter_add(filterfind, filterreplace, filterpriority, # # filternotes, [confirm]); # # # # filterfind Specifies the new word(s) to find. # # filterreplace Specifies the new word(s) to replace. # # filterpriority Specifies the new priority to use. # # filternotes Specifies the new notes to use. # # confirm Confirms the action to add a filter. # ################################################################################# # Get the values that have been passed to the subroutine. my ($filter_new_find, $filter_new_replace, $filter_new_priority, $filter_new_notes, $confirm) = @_; # Check the confirm value to make sure it is no more than # one character long. kiriwrite_variablecheck($confirm, "maxlength", 1, 0); if (!$confirm){ # The confirm value is undefined, so set the # value of the confirm integer to '0'. $confirm = 0; } if ($confirm eq 1){ # The confirm integer is '1', so add the word # to the filter list. # First, check the variables recieved are UTF8 # copliant. kiriwrite_variablecheck($filter_new_find, "utf8", 0, 0); kiriwrite_variablecheck($filter_new_replace, "utf8", 0, 0); kiriwrite_variablecheck($filter_new_priority, "utf8", 0, 0); kiriwrite_variablecheck($filter_new_notes, "utf8", 0, 0); # Convert the UTF8 values so that the length can # checked properly. $filter_new_find = kiriwrite_utf8convert($filter_new_find); $filter_new_replace = kiriwrite_utf8convert($filter_new_replace); $filter_new_priority = kiriwrite_utf8convert($filter_new_priority); $filter_new_notes = kiriwrite_utf8convert($filter_new_notes); # Check if the find filter is blank and return an error # if it is. if (!$filter_new_find){ # The find filter given is blank so return an # error. kiriwrite_error("blankfindfilter"); } if (!$filter_new_priority){ # The filter priority is blank so set it # to 1. $filter_new_priority = 1; } # Check the length and contents of the values given # to make sure they are valid. my $filterfind_maxlength_check = kiriwrite_variablecheck($filter_new_find, "maxlength", 1024, 1); my $filterreplace_maxlength_check = kiriwrite_variablecheck($filter_new_replace, "maxlength", 1024, 1); my $filterpriority_maxlength_check = kiriwrite_variablecheck($filter_new_priority, "maxlength", 5, 1); my $filterpriority_numbers_check = kiriwrite_variablecheck($filter_new_priority, "numbers", 0, 1); # Check if the result of the tests to see if they # are valid. if ($filterfind_maxlength_check eq 1){ # The find filter is too long, so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("findfiltertoolong"); } if ($filterreplace_maxlength_check eq 1){ # The replace filter is too long, so # return an error. kiriwrite_error("replacefiltertoolong"); } if ($filterpriority_maxlength_check eq 1){ # The length of the filter priority # given is too long, so return an # error. kiriwrite_error("filterprioritytoolong"); } if ($filterpriority_numbers_check eq 1){ # The priority of the filter given # contains characters other than # numbers. kiriwrite_error("filterpriorityinvalidchars"); } # Check if the filter priority is less than 1 # and more than 10000 and return an error # if it is. if ($filter_new_priority < 1 || $filter_new_priority > 50000){ # The filter priority is less than 1 and # more than 10000, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("filterpriorityinvalid"); } # Connect to the database server. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->connect(); # Check if any errors occured while connecting to the database server. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DatabaseConnectionError"){ # A database connection error has occured so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("databaseconnectionerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); } # Connect to the filter database. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->connectfilter(1); # Check if any error has occured while connecting to the filter # database. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "FilterDatabaseDoesNotExist"){ # The filter database does not exist. kiriwrite_error("filtersdbmissing"); } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "FilterDatabaseInvalidPermissionsSet"){ # The filter database has invalid permissions set so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("filtersdbpermissions"); } # Add the filter to the filter database. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->addfilter({ FindFilter => $filter_new_find, ReplaceFilter => $filter_new_replace, Priority => $filter_new_priority, Notes => $filter_new_notes}); # Check if any errors have occured while adding the filter. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "FilterDatabaseInvalidPermissionsSet"){ # The filter database has invalid permissions set so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("filtersdbpermissions"); } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "FilterDatabaseUncreatable"){ # The filter database is uncreatable so return an error. kiriwrite_error("filterdatabase"); } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "FilterDatabaseError"){ # A database error with the filter database has occured so return # an error with the extended error information. kiriwrite_error("filtersdbdatabaseerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); } # Disconnect from the filter database. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->disconnectfilter(); # Disconnect from the database server. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->disconnect(); # Write out a message saying that the filter was added to the # filter database. $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{filter}->{filteradded}, { Style => "pageheader" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{filter}->{filteraddedmessage}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlink($kiriwrite_env{"script_filename"} . "?mode=filter", { Text => $kiriwrite_lang->{filter}->{returnfilterlist} }); return $kiriwrite_presmodule->grab(); } elsif ($confirm ne 0) { # The confirm integer is another value (which # it shouldn't be) so return an error. kiriwrite_error("invalidvalue"); } # The confirm integer was blank so print out a form # for adding a new filter. $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{filter}->{addfilter}, { Style => "pageheader" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startform($kiriwrite_env{"script_filename"}, "POST"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startbox(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("mode", "filter"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("action", "add"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("confirm", 1); $kiriwrite_presmodule->starttable("", { CellPadding => 5, CellSpacing => 0 }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startheader(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addheader($kiriwrite_lang->{common}->{setting}, { Style => "tablecellheader" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addheader($kiriwrite_lang->{common}->{value}, { Style => "tablecellheader" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endheader(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell1"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{filter}->{findfilter}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell2"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addinputbox("findword", { Size => 64, MaxLength => 1024 }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell1"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{filter}->{replacefilter}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell2"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addinputbox("replaceword", { Size => 64, MaxLength => 1024 }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell1"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{filter}->{priority}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell2"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addinputbox("priority", { Size => 5, MaxLength => 5 }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startlist(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->additem($kiriwrite_lang->{filter}->{noprioritygiven}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endlist(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell1"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{filter}->{notes}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell2"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtextbox("notes", { Columns => 50, Rows => 10 }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endtable(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addsubmit($kiriwrite_lang->{filter}->{addfilterbutton}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext(" | "); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addreset($kiriwrite_lang->{common}->{clearvalues}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext(" | "); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlink($kiriwrite_env{"script_filename"} . "?mode=filter", { Text => $kiriwrite_lang->{filter}->{returnfilterlist} }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endbox(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endform(); return $kiriwrite_presmodule->grab(); } sub kiriwrite_filter_edit{ ################################################################################# # kiriwrite_filter_edit: Edits a filter from the filter list. # # # # Usage: # # # # kiriwrite_filter_edit(filternumber, newfilterfind, newfilterreplace, # # newfilterpriority, newfilternotes, confirm); # # # # filterid Specifies the filter number (line number) in the # # filter database. # # newfilterfind Specifies the new word to find. # # newfilterreplace Specifies the new word to replace. # # newfilterpriority Specifies the new filter priority. # # newfilternotes Specifies the new filter notes. # # confirm Confirms the action to edit a filter. # ################################################################################# # Get the values that have been passed to the subroutine. my ($filter_id, $filter_new_find, $filter_new_replace, $filter_new_priority, $filter_new_notes, $confirm) = @_; # Check the confirm value to make sure it is no more than # one character long. kiriwrite_variablecheck($confirm, "maxlength", 1, 0); # Check if the confirm value is blank and if it is # srt the confirm value to 0. if (!$confirm){ # The confirm value does not have any value # set so set it to 0. $confirm = 0; } # Check if the filter identification number is blank, # contains characters other than numbers and is more # than seven characters long. if (!$filter_id){ # The filter identification number is blank, # so return an error. kiriwrite_error("filteridblank"); } my $filter_id_numbers_check = kiriwrite_variablecheck($filter_id, "numbers", 0, 1); if ($filter_id_numbers_check eq 1){ # The filter identification number contains # characters other than numbers, so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("filteridinvalid"); } my $filter_id_maxlength_check = kiriwrite_variablecheck($filter_id, "maxlength", 7, 1); if ($filter_id_maxlength_check eq 1){ # The filter identification number given # is more than seven characters long, so # return an error. kiriwrite_error("filteridtoolong"); } my $filter_priority; my $filter_find; my $filter_replace; my $filter_notes; # Check if the action to edit a filter has been # confirmed. if ($confirm eq 1){ # The action to edit a filter has been confirmed so # edit the selected filter. # First, check the variables recieved are UTF8 # copliant. kiriwrite_variablecheck($filter_new_find, "utf8", 0, 0); kiriwrite_variablecheck($filter_new_replace, "utf8", 0, 0); kiriwrite_variablecheck($filter_new_priority, "utf8", 0, 0); kiriwrite_variablecheck($filter_new_notes, "utf8", 0, 0); # Convert the UTF8 values so that the length can # checked properly. $filter_find = kiriwrite_utf8convert($filter_new_find); $filter_replace = kiriwrite_utf8convert($filter_new_replace); $filter_priority = kiriwrite_utf8convert($filter_new_priority); $filter_notes = kiriwrite_utf8convert($filter_new_notes); # Check if the find filter is blank and return an error # if it is. if (!$filter_new_find){ # The find filter given is blank so return an # error. kiriwrite_error("blankfindfilter"); } if (!$filter_new_priority){ # The filter priority is blank so set it # to 1. $filter_new_priority = 1; } # Check the length and contents of the values given # to make sure they are valid. my $filterfind_maxlength_check = kiriwrite_variablecheck($filter_new_find, "maxlength", 1024, 1); my $filterreplace_maxlength_check = kiriwrite_variablecheck($filter_new_replace, "maxlength", 1024, 1); my $filterpriority_maxlength_check = kiriwrite_variablecheck($filter_new_priority, "maxlength", 5, 1); my $filterpriority_numbers_check = kiriwrite_variablecheck($filter_new_priority, "numbers", 0, 1); # Check if the result of the tests to see if they # are valid. if ($filterfind_maxlength_check eq 1){ # The find filter is too long, so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("findfiltertoolong"); } if ($filterreplace_maxlength_check eq 1){ # The replace filter is too long, so # return an error. kiriwrite_error("replacefiltertoolong"); } if ($filterpriority_maxlength_check eq 1){ # The length of the filter priority # given is too long, so return an # error. kiriwrite_error("filterprioritytoolong"); } if ($filterpriority_numbers_check eq 1){ # The priority of the filter given # contains characters other than # numbers. kiriwrite_error("filterpriorityinvalidchars"); } # Check if the filter priority is less than 1 # and more than 10000 and return an error # if it is. if ($filter_new_priority < 1 || $filter_new_priority > 50000){ # The filter priority is less than 1 and # more than 10000, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("filterpriorityinvalid"); } # Connect to the database server. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->connect(); # Check if any errors occured while connecting to the database server. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DatabaseConnectionError"){ # A database connection error has occured so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("databaseconnectionerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); } # Connect to the filter database. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->connectfilter(); # Check if any error has occured while connecting to the filter # database. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "FilterDatabaseDoesNotExist"){ # The filter database does not exist. kiriwrite_error("filtersdbmissing"); } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "FilterDatabaseInvalidPermissionsSet"){ # The filter database has invalid permissions set so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("filtersdbpermissions"); } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "FilterDatabaseError"){ # A database error has occured with the filter database. kiriwrite_error("filtersdbdatabaseerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); } # Edit the selected filter in the filter database. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->editfilter({ FilterID => $filter_id, NewFindFilter => $filter_new_find, NewReplaceFilter => $filter_new_replace, NewFilterPriority => $filter_new_priority, NewFilterNotes => $filter_new_notes }); # Check if any errors occured while editing the filter. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "FilterDatabaseInvalidPermissionsSet"){ # The filter database has invalid permissions set so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("filtersdbpermissions"); } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "FilterDatabaseError"){ # A database error has occured while using the filter database # so return an error. kiriwrite_error("filtersdbdatabaseerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "FilterDoesNotExist"){ # The specified filter does not exist so return an error. kiriwrite_error("filterdoesnotexist"); } # Disconnect from the filter database. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->disconnectfilter(); # Disconnect from the database server. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->disconnect(); # Write a message saying that the filter was edited. $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{filter}->{editedfilter}, { Style => "pageheader" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{filter}->{editedfiltermessage}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlink($kiriwrite_env{"script_filename"} . "?mode=filter", { Text => $kiriwrite_lang->{filter}->{returnfilterlist}}); return $kiriwrite_presmodule->grab(); } elsif ($confirm eq 0){ # The action to edit a filter has not been confirmed # so write a form for editing the filter with. # Connect to the database server. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->connect(); # Check if any errors occured while connecting to the database server. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DatabaseConnectionError"){ # A database connection error has occured so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("databaseconnectionerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); } # Connect to the database server. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->connect(); # Check if any errors occured while connecting to the database server. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DatabaseConnectionError"){ # A database connection error has occured so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("databaseconnectionerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); } # Connect to the filter database. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->connectfilter(); # Check if any error has occured while connecting to the filter # database. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "FilterDatabaseDoesNotExist"){ # The filter database does not exist. kiriwrite_error("filtersdbmissing"); } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "FilterDatabaseInvalidPermissionsSet"){ # The filter database has invalid permissions set so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("filtersdbpermissions"); } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "FilterDatabaseError"){ # A database error has occured with the filter database. kiriwrite_error("filtersdbdatabaseerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); } # Get information about the filter. my %filter_info = $kiriwrite_dbmodule->getfilterinfo({ FilterID => $filter_id }); # Check if any errors occured while getting information about the filter. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "FilterDatabaseError"){ # A database error occured while using the filter database so # return an error. kiriwrite_error("filtersdbdatabaseerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "FilterDoesNotExist"){ # The filter does not exist so return an error. kiriwrite_error("filterdoesnotexist"); } # Get the required information. $filter_priority = $filter_info{"FilterPriority"}; $filter_find = $filter_info{"FilterFind"}; $filter_replace = $filter_info{"FilterReplace"}; $filter_notes = $filter_info{"FilterNotes"}; # Disconnect from the filter database. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->disconnectfilter(); # Disconnect from the database server. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->disconnect(); # Write out the form. $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{filter}->{editfilter}, { Style => "pageheader" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startform($kiriwrite_env{"script_filename"}, "POST"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startbox(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("mode", "filter"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("action", "edit"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("filter", $filter_id); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("confirm", 1); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->starttable("", { CellPadding => 5, CellSpacing => 0 }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startheader(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addheader($kiriwrite_lang->{common}->{setting}, { Style => "tablecellheader" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addheader($kiriwrite_lang->{common}->{value}, { Style => "tablecellheader" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endheader(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell1"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{filter}->{findfilter}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell2"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addinputbox("filterfind", { Size => 64, MaxLength => 1024, Value => $filter_find }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell1"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{filter}->{replacefilter}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell2"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addinputbox("filterreplace", { Size => 64, MaxLength => 1024, Value => $filter_replace }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell1"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{filter}->{priority}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell2"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addinputbox("priority", { Size => 5, MaxLength => 5, Value => $filter_priority }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startlist(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->additem($kiriwrite_lang->{filter}->{noprioritygiven}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endlist(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell1"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{filter}->{notes}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell2"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtextbox("notes", { Columns => 50, Rows => 10}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endtable(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addsubmit($kiriwrite_lang->{filter}->{editfilterbutton}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext(" | "); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addreset($kiriwrite_lang->{common}->{restorecurrent}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext(" | "); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlink($kiriwrite_env{"script_filename"} . "?mode=filter", { Text => $kiriwrite_lang->{filter}->{returnfilterlist} }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endbox(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endform(); return $kiriwrite_presmodule->grab(); } else { # A confirm value other than 0 or 1 has been # specified, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("invalidvalue"); } } sub kiriwrite_filter_delete{ ################################################################################# # kiriwrite_filter_delete: Deletes a filter from the filter list. # # # # Usage: # # # # kiriwrite_filter_delete(filterid, confirm); # # # # filterid Specifies the filter line number to delete. # # confirm Confirms the deletion of the selected filter. # ################################################################################# # Get the values that were passed to this subroutine. my ($filter_id, $confirm) = @_; # Check the confirm value to make sure it is no more than # one character long. kiriwrite_variablecheck($confirm, "maxlength", 1, 0); # Check if the confirm value is blank and if it is # srt the confirm value to 0. if (!$confirm){ # The confirm value does not have any value # set so set it to 0. $confirm = 0; } # Check if the filter identification number is blank, # contains characters other than numbers and is more # than seven characters long. if (!$filter_id){ # The filter identification number is blank, # so return an error. kiriwrite_error("filteridblank"); } my $filter_id_numbers_check = kiriwrite_variablecheck($filter_id, "numbers", 0, 1); if ($filter_id_numbers_check eq 1){ # The filter identification number contains # characters other than numbers, so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("filteridinvalid"); } my $filter_id_maxlength_check = kiriwrite_variablecheck($filter_id, "maxlength", 7, 1); if ($filter_id_maxlength_check eq 1){ # The filter identification number given # is more than seven characters long, so # return an error. kiriwrite_error("filteridtoolong"); } # Define some values for later. my @database_filter; my $filter_exists = 0; # Check if the confirm integer has a value of '1'. if ($confirm eq 1){ # The action to delete a filter has been confirmed. # Connect to the database server. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->connect(); # Check if any errors occured while connecting to the database server. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DatabaseConnectionError"){ # A database connection error has occured so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("databaseconnectionerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); } # Connect to the filter database. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->connectfilter(); # Check if any error has occured while connecting to the filter # database. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "FilterDatabaseDoesNotExist"){ # The filter database does not exist. kiriwrite_error("filtersdbmissing"); } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "FilterDatabaseInvalidPermissionsSet"){ # The filter database has invalid permissions set so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("filtersdbpermissions"); } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "FilterDatabaseError"){ # A database error has occured with the filter database. kiriwrite_error("filtersdbdatabaseerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); } # Delete the filter from the filter database. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->deletefilter({ FilterID => $filter_id }); # Check if any errors occured while deleting the filter. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "FilterDatabaseError"){ # A database error has occured while trying to delete a filter so # return an error. kiriwrite_error("filtersdbdatabaseerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "FilterDoesNotExist"){ # The filter does not exist so return an error. kiriwrite_error("filterdoesnotexist"); } # Disconnect from the filter database. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->disconnectfilter(); # Disconnect from the database server. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->disconnect(); # Write a message saying that the filter was deleted # from the filter database. $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{filter}->{deletedfilter}, { Style => "pageheader" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{filter}->{deletedfiltermessage}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlink($kiriwrite_env{"script_filename"} . "?mode=filter", { Text => $kiriwrite_lang->{filter}->{returnfilterlist} }); } elsif ($confirm eq 0) { # Connect to the database server. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->connect(); # Check if any errors occured while connecting to the database server. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DatabaseConnectionError"){ # A database connection error has occured so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("databaseconnectionerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); } # Connect to the filter database. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->connectfilter(); # Check if any error has occured while connecting to the filter # database. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "FilterDatabaseDoesNotExist"){ # The filter database does not exist. kiriwrite_error("filtersdbmissing"); } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "FilterDatabaseInvalidPermissionsSet"){ # The filter database has invalid permissions set so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("filtersdbpermissions"); } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "FilterDatabaseError"){ # A database error has occured with the filter database. kiriwrite_error("filtersdbdatabaseerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); } # Get information about the filter (to check if it exists). my %filter_info = $kiriwrite_dbmodule->getfilterinfo({ FilterID => $filter_id }); # Check if any errors occured while getting information about the filter. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "FilterDatabaseError"){ # A database error occured while using the filter database so # return an error. kiriwrite_error("filtersdbdatabaseerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "FilterDoesNotExist"){ # The filter does not exist so return an error. kiriwrite_error("filterdoesnotexist"); } # Disconnect from the filter database. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->disconnectfilter(); # Disconnect from the database # The confirm integer is '0', so continue write out # a form asking the user to confirm the deletion # pf the filter. $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{filter}->{deletefilter}, { Style => "pageheader" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{filter}->{deletefiltermessage}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startform($kiriwrite_env{"script_filename"}, "POST"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startbox(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("mode", "filter"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("action", "delete"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("filter", $filter_id); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("confirm", 1); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addsubmit($kiriwrite_lang->{filter}->{deletefilterbutton}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext(" | "); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlink($kiriwrite_env{"script_filename"} . "?mode=filter", { Text => $kiriwrite_lang->{filter}->{deletefilterreturn} }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endbox(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endform(); } else { kiriwrite_error("invalidvalue"); } return $kiriwrite_presmodule->grab(); } sub kiriwrite_compile_makepages{ ################################################################################# # kiriwrite_compile_makepages: Compile the selected pages and place them in the # # specified output directory. # # # # Usage: # # # # kiriwrite_compile_makepages(type, selectedlist, confirm); # # # # type Specifies if single or multiple databases are to be compiled. # # confirm Specifies if the action to compile the databases should really # # be done. # # selectedlist Specifies the databases to compile from as an array. # ################################################################################# # Get the values that have been passed to the subroutine. my ($type, $confirm, @selectedlist) = @_; # Check if the confirm value is more than one # character long. kiriwrite_variablecheck($confirm, "maxlength", 1, 0); # Check if the confirm value is blank and if it # is then set the confirm value to 0. if (!$confirm){ # The confirm value is blank, so set the # confirm value to 0. $confirm = 0; } # Check if there are any databases selected # and return an error if there isn't. if (!@selectedlist){ # There are no databases in the array # so return an error. kiriwrite_error("nodatabaseselected"); } # Check if the type given is no more than # 7 characters long. my $type_maxlength_check = kiriwrite_variablecheck($type, "maxlength", 8, 1); if ($type_maxlength_check eq 1){ # The type length given is too long so # return an error. kiriwrite_error("variabletoolong"); } # Check if the action to compile the databases # has been confirmed. if ($confirm eq 1){ # The action to compile the datavases has # been confirmed. # Define some variables for later. my %database_info; my %filter_info; my %template_info; my %page_info; my %templatefiles; my @page_filenames; my @databaseinfo; my @databasepages; my @filterslist; my @findfilter; my @replacefilter; my @templateslist; my @pagedirectories; my @database_filters; my $warning_count = 0; my $error_count = 0; my $pages_count = 0; my $filter; my $filters_count = 0; my $filters_find_blank_warning = 0; my $filter_find; my $filter_replace; my $database; my $database_name; my $page_filename; my $page_filename_check; my $page_filename_char = ""; my $page_filename_directory; my $page_filename_length = 0; my $page_filename_seek = 0; my $page_filename_dircount = 0; my $page_filename_exists = 0; my $page_filename_permissions = 0; my $page_directory_name; my $page_directory_path; my $page_name; my $page_description; my $page_section; my $page_template; my $page_content; my $page_settings; my $page_lastmodified; my $page_title; my $page_final; my $page_autosection; my $page_autotitle; my $page; my $database_filename_check = 0; my $database_maxlength_check = 0; my $output_exists = 0; my $output_permissions = 0; my $filters_exists = 0; my $filters_permissions = 0; my $filters_skip = 0; my $template; my $templates_skip = 0; my $information_prefix = $kiriwrite_lang->{compile}->{informationprefix}; my $error_prefix = $kiriwrite_lang->{compile}->{errorprefix}; my $warning_prefix = $kiriwrite_lang->{compile}->{warningprefix}; my $filehandle_page; $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{compile}->{compiledatabases}, { Style => "pageheader" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startbox("datalist"); # Check if the output directory exists and has # valid permissions set. $output_exists = kiriwrite_fileexists($kiriwrite_config{'directory_data_output'}); if ($output_exists ne 0){ # The output directory does not exist so # return an error. kiriwrite_error("outputdirectorymissing"); } $output_permissions = kiriwrite_filepermissions($kiriwrite_config{'directory_data_output'}, 1, 1); if ($output_permissions ne 0){ # The output directory has invalid # permissions set so return an error. kiriwrite_error("outputdirectoryinvalidpermissions"); } # Connect to the database server. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->connect(); # Check if any errors occured while connecting to the database server. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DatabaseConnectionError"){ # A database connection error has occured so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("databaseconnectionerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); } # Connect to the filter database. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->connectfilter(); # Check if any error has occured while connecting to the filter # database. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "FilterDatabaseDoesNotExist"){ # The filter database does not exist so write a warning message. $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($warning_prefix . $kiriwrite_lang->{compile}->{filterdatabasemissing}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $filters_skip = 1; $warning_count++; } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "FilterDatabaseInvalidPermissionsSet"){ # The filter database has invalid permissions set so write a # an error message. $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($error_prefix . $kiriwrite_lang->{compile}->{filterdatabasepermissions}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $filters_skip = 1; $error_count++; } # Load the filter database (if the filters skip # value isn't set to 1). if ($filters_skip eq 0){ # Get the list of available filters. @database_filters = $kiriwrite_dbmodule->getfilterlist(); # Check if any errors occured while getting the list of filters. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "FilterDatabaseError"){ # A database error has occured with the filter database. $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($error_prefix . kiriwrite_language($kiriwrite_lang->{compile}->{filterdatabaseerror}, $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1))); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $error_count++; } # Check if the filters skip value is set to 0 # before executing the query. if ($filters_skip eq 0){ foreach $filter (@database_filters){ # Get the filter information. %filter_info = $kiriwrite_dbmodule->getfilterinfo({ FilterID => $filter }); # Check if any errors occured while getting the filter information. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "FilterDatabaseError"){ # A database error occured while using the filter database. $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($error_prefix . kiriwrite_language($kiriwrite_lang->{compile}->{filterdatabaseerror}, $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1))); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $error_count++; next; } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "FilterDoesNotExist"){ # The filter does not exist so process the next filter. next; } # Check if the find filter is blank and # if it is then write a warning message. if (!$filter_info{"FilterFind"}){ if ($filters_find_blank_warning ne 1){ $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($warning_prefix . $kiriwrite_lang->{compile}->{findfilterblank}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $filters_find_blank_warning = 1; } next; } else { # Add each find and replace filter. $findfilter[$filters_count] = $filter_info{"FilterFind"}; $replacefilter[$filters_count] = $filter_info{"FilterReplace"}; } $filters_count++; } $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($information_prefix . $kiriwrite_lang->{compile}->{finishfilterdatabase}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); } } # Disconnect from the filter database. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->disconnectfilter(); # Connect to the template database. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->connecttemplate(); # Check if any errors occured while connecting to the template database. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "TemplateDatabaseDoesNotExist"){ # The template database does not exist so set the template # warning message. $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($warning_prefix . $kiriwrite_lang->{compile}->{templatedatabasemissing}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $templates_skip = 1; $warning_count++; } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "TemplateDatabaseInvalidPermissionsSet"){ # The template database has invalid permissions set so write # the template warning message. $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($error_prefix . $kiriwrite_lang->{compile}->{templatedatabasepermissions}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $templates_skip = 1; $error_count++; } # Check if the template skip value isn't set and if it isn't # then get the list of templates. if (!$templates_skip){ @templateslist = $kiriwrite_dbmodule->gettemplatelist(); # Check if any errors had occured. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "TemplateDatabaseError"){ # A database error occured while getting the list # of templates so return a warning message with the # extended error information. $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($error_prefix . kiriwrite_language($kiriwrite_lang->{compile}->{templatedatabaseerror}, $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1))); $templates_skip = 1; $error_count++; } # Check if the template skip value isn't set and if it isn't # then process each template. if (!$templates_skip){ # Process each template. foreach $template (@templateslist){ # Get information about the template. %template_info = $kiriwrite_dbmodule->gettemplateinfo({ TemplateFilename => $template }); # Check if any error occured while getting the template information. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "TemplateDatabaseError"){ # A database error has occured, so return an error. $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($error_prefix . kiriwrite_language($kiriwrite_lang->{compile}->{templatedatabaseerror}, $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1))); $error_count++; } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "TemplateDoesNotExist"){ # The template does not exist, so process the next template. next; } # Place each template file into the hash. $templatefiles{$template_info{"TemplateFilename"}}{template} = $template_info{"TemplateLayout"}; $templatefiles{$template_info{"TemplateFilename"}}{valid} = 1; } $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($information_prefix . $kiriwrite_lang->{compile}->{finishtemplatedatabase}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); } } # Disconnect from the template database. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->disconnecttemplate(); # Process each database. foreach $database (@selectedlist){ # Check if the database filename and length # are valid. $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhorizontalline(); $database_filename_check = kiriwrite_variablecheck($database, "page_filename", "", 1); $database_maxlength_check = kiriwrite_variablecheck($database, "maxlength", 32, 1); if ($database_filename_check ne 0){ # The database filename is invalid, so process # the next database. $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($error_prefix . kiriwrite_language($kiriwrite_lang->{compile}->{databasefilenameinvalidcharacters}, $database)); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $error_count++; next; } if ($database_maxlength_check ne 0){ # The database file is too long, so process the # next database. $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($error_prefix . kiriwrite_language($kiriwrite_lang->{compile}->{databasefilenametoolong}, $database)); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $error_count++; next; } # Select the database. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->selectdb({ DatabaseName => $database }); # Check if any errors had occured while selecting the database. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DoesNotExist"){ # The database does not exist, so write a warning message. $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($warning_prefix . kiriwrite_language($kiriwrite_lang->{compile}->{databasemissing}, $database)); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $warning_count++; next; } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "InvalidPermissionsSet"){ # The database has invalid permissions set, so write # an error message. $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($error_prefix . kiriwrite_language($kiriwrite_lang->{compile}->{databaseinvalidpermissions}, $database)); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $error_count++; next; } # Get information about the database. my %database_info = $kiriwrite_dbmodule->getdatabaseinfo(); # Check if any error occured while getting the database information. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DatabaseError"){ # A database error has occured so write an error. $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($error_prefix . kiriwrite_language($kiriwrite_lang->{compile}->{databaseerror}, $database, $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1))); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $error_count++; next; }; # Get the database name. $database_name = $database_info{"DatabaseName"}; $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($information_prefix . kiriwrite_language($kiriwrite_lang->{compile}->{compilingpages}, $database_name)); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); # Get the list of pages in the database. @databasepages = $kiriwrite_dbmodule->getpagelist(); # Check if any errors occured while getting the list of pages. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DatabaseError"){ # A database error has occured so return an error and # also the extended error information. $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($error_prefix . kiriwrite_language($kiriwrite_lang->{compile}->{databasepageerror}, $database, $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1))); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $error_count++; next; } foreach $page (@databasepages) { # Get information about the page. %page_info = $kiriwrite_dbmodule->getpageinfo({ PageFilename => $page }); $page_filename = $page_info{"PageFilename"}; $page_name = $page_info{"PageName"}; $page_description = $page_info{"PageDescription"}; $page_section = $page_info{"PageSection"}; $page_template = $page_info{"PageTemplate"}; $page_content = $page_info{"PageContent"}; $page_settings = $page_info{"PageSettings"}; $page_lastmodified = $page_info{"PageLastModified"}; # Check if the filename is valid. $page_filename_check = kiriwrite_variablecheck($page_filename, "page_filename", 0, 1); if ($page_filename_check ne 0){ # The file name is not valid so write a # error and process the next page. $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($error_prefix . kiriwrite_language($kiriwrite_lang->{compile}->{invalidpagefilename}, $page_name)); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $error_count++; next; } # Check if the template with the filename does not exist # in the template files hash and write a message and # process the next page. if (!$templatefiles{$page_template}{valid} && $page_template ne "!none" && $templates_skip eq 0){ $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($error_prefix . kiriwrite_language($kiriwrite_lang->{compile}->{templatefilemissing}, $page_template, $page_name, $page_filename)); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $error_count++; next; $page_final = $page_content; } elsif ($page_template eq "!none"){ $page_final = $page_content; } else { $page_final = $templatefiles{$page_template}{template}; if (!$page_final){ $page_final = ""; } $page_final =~ s//$page_content/g; } # Create the combined page title (if needed). if ($page_settings eq 0 || $page_settings > 3){ # Don't use page name or section name. $page_final =~ s///g; } elsif ($page_settings eq 1){ # Use the page name and section name. $page_autotitle = "(" . $page_section . " - " . $page_name . ")"; $page_title = $page_section . " - " . $page_name; $page_final =~ s//$page_title/g; } elsif ($page_settings eq 2){ # Use the page name only. $page_autotitle = "(" . $page_name . ")"; $page_final =~ s//$page_name/g; } elsif ($page_settings eq 3){ # Use the section name only. if ($page_section){ $page_autotitle = "(" . $page_section . ")"; } $page_final =~ s//$page_section/g; } # Check if the section name is not blank and # place brackets inbetween if it is. if ($page_section){ $page_autosection = "(" . $page_section . ")"; } # Replace each value with the apporiate page # values. $page_final =~ s//$page_name/g; $page_final =~ s//$page_description/g; $page_final =~ s//$page_section/g; $page_final =~ s//$page_autosection/g; $page_final =~ s//$page_autotitle/g; # Process the filters on the page data. if ($filters_skip eq 0){ $filters_count = 0; foreach $filter_find (@findfilter){ # Get the replace filter and process each # filter on the page. $filter_replace = $replacefilter[$filters_count]; $page_final =~ s/$filter_find/$filter_replace/g; $filters_count++; } } # Process the page filename and check what directories # need to be created. $page_filename_length = int(length($page_filename)); do { $page_filename_char = substr($page_filename, $page_filename_seek, 1); # Check if a forward slash appears and add it to # the list of directories array. if ($page_filename_char eq '/'){ # Append the directory name to the list of # directories array. $pagedirectories[$page_filename_dircount] = $page_filename_directory; $page_filename_directory = ""; $page_filename_char = ""; $page_filename_dircount++; } else { # Append the character to the directory/filename. $page_filename_directory = $page_filename_directory . $page_filename_char; } $page_filename_seek++; } until ($page_filename_length eq $page_filename_seek); foreach $page_directory_name (@pagedirectories){ # Check if the directory name is undefined and if it # is then set it blank. if (!$page_directory_name){ $page_directory_name = ""; } if (!$page_directory_path){ $page_directory_path = ""; } # Check if the directory exists and create # the directory if it doesn't exist. $page_directory_path = $page_directory_path . '/' . $page_directory_name; mkdir($kiriwrite_config{"directory_data_output"} . '/' . $page_directory_path); } # Check if the file already exists and if it does then check # the permissions of the file and return an error if the # permissions set are invalid. $page_filename_exists = kiriwrite_fileexists($kiriwrite_config{"directory_data_output"} . '/' . $page_filename); if ($page_filename_exists eq 0){ # The page filename exists, so check if the permissions given are # valid. $page_filename_permissions = kiriwrite_filepermissions($kiriwrite_config{"directory_data_output"} . '/' . $page_filename, 1, 1); if ($page_filename_permissions eq 1){ # The file has invalid permissions set. $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($error_prefix . kiriwrite_language($kiriwrite_lang->{compile}->{pageinvalidpermissions}, $page_filename)); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $error_count++; # Reset certain values. $page_autotitle = ""; $page_autosection = ""; $page_filename_seek = 0; $page_filename_dircount = 0; $page_filename_directory = ""; $page_directory_path = ""; $page_directory_name = ""; @pagedirectories = (); next; } } # Reset certain values. $page_autotitle = ""; $page_autosection = ""; $page_filename_seek = 0; $page_filename_dircount = 0; $page_filename_directory = ""; $page_directory_path = ""; $page_directory_name = ""; @pagedirectories = (); # Write the file to the output directory. ($page_filename) = $page_filename =~ m/^(.*)$/g; ($kiriwrite_config{"directory_data_output"}) = $kiriwrite_config{"directory_data_output"} =~ m/^(.*)$/g; open($filehandle_page, "> ", $kiriwrite_config{"directory_data_output"} . '/' . $page_filename) or ($kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($error_prefix . kiriwrite_language($kiriwrite_lang->{compile}->{pagenotwritten}, $page_filename, $!)), $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(), $error_count++, next); if (!$page_final){ $page_final = ""; } binmode $filehandle_page, ':utf8'; print $filehandle_page $page_final; close($filehandle_page); # Write a message saying the page has been compiled. Check # to see if the page name is blank and write a message # saying there's no page name. if (!$page_name){ $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($information_prefix . ' '); $kiriwrite_presmodule->additalictext($kiriwrite_lang->{blank}->{noname}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext(kiriwrite_language($kiriwrite_lang->{compile}->{compiledpageblankname}, $page_filename)); } else { $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($information_prefix . kiriwrite_language($kiriwrite_lang->{compile}->{compiledpage}, $page_name, $page_filename)); } $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $pages_count++; } # Write a message saying that the database has # been processed. $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($information_prefix . kiriwrite_language($kiriwrite_lang->{compile}->{databasefinish}, $database_name)); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); } # Disconnect from the database server. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->disconnect(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhorizontalline(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext(kiriwrite_language($kiriwrite_lang->{compile}->{compileresults}, $pages_count, $error_count, $warning_count)); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endbox(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlink($kiriwrite_env{"script_filename"} . "?mode=compile", { Text => $kiriwrite_lang->{compile}->{returncompilelist} }); return $kiriwrite_presmodule->grab(); } elsif ($confirm eq 0){ # The action to compile the databases has # not been confirmed so check what type # is being used. if ($type eq "single"){ # The type is a single database selected so # process that database. # Define some variables for later. my %database_info; my $database_filename_check; my $database_maxlength_check; my $databasefilename; my $database_name; # Check that the database name and length are # valid and return an error if they aren't. $databasefilename = $selectedlist[0]; # Connect to the database server. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->connect(); # Check if any errors occured while connecting to the database server. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DatabaseConnectionError"){ # A database connection error has occured so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("databaseconnectionerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); } # Select the database. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->selectdb({ DatabaseName => $databasefilename }); # Check if any errors had occured while selecting the database. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DoesNotExist"){ # The database does not exist, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("databasemissingfile"); } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "InvalidPermissionsSet"){ # The database has invalid permissions set, so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("databaseinvalidpermissions"); } # Get information about the database. %database_info = $kiriwrite_dbmodule->getdatabaseinfo(); # Check if any error occured while getting the database information. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DatabaseError"){ # A database error has occured so return an error and # also the extended error information. kiriwrite_error("databaseerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); }; $database_name = $database_info{"DatabaseName"}; # Disconnect from the database server. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->disconnect(); # Write out a form asking the user to confirm if the # user wants to compile the selected database. $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{compile}->{compiledatabase}, { Style => "pageheader" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startform($kiriwrite_env{"script_filename"}, "POST"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startbox(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("mode", "compile"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("action", "compile"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("type", "multiple"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("id[1]", $databasefilename); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("name[1]", "on"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("confirm", 1); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext(kiriwrite_language($kiriwrite_lang->{compile}->{compiledatabasemessage}, $database_name)); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addsubmit($kiriwrite_lang->{compile}->{compiledatabasebutton}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext(" | "); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlink($kiriwrite_env{"script_filename"} . "?mode=compile", { Text => $kiriwrite_lang->{compile}->{returncompilelist} }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endbox(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endform(); return $kiriwrite_presmodule->grab(); } elsif ($type eq "multiple"){ # The type is multiple databases selected # so process each database. # Define some variables for later. my %database_list; my $databasename; my $database; my $database_filename_check; my $database_maxlength_check; my $database_count = 0; my $database_info_name; # Connect to the database server. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->connect(); # Check if any errors occured while connecting to the database server. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DatabaseConnectionError"){ # A database connection error has occured so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("databaseconnectionerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); } foreach $databasename (@selectedlist){ # Check if the database is in the database # directory and skip it if it isn't. $database_filename_check = kiriwrite_variablecheck($databasename, "filename", "", 1); $database_maxlength_check = kiriwrite_variablecheck($databasename, "maxlength", 32, 1); if ($database_filename_check ne 0 || $database_maxlength_check ne 0){ # The database filename given is invalid or # the database filename given is too long # so process the next database. next; } # Select the database to add the page to. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->selectdb({ DatabaseName => $databasename }); # Check if any errors had occured while selecting the database. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DoesNotExist"){ # The database does not exist, so process the next database. next; } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "InvalidPermissionsSet"){ # The database has invalid permissions set, so process # the next database. next; } # Get information about the database. my %database_info = $kiriwrite_dbmodule->getdatabaseinfo(); # Check if any error occured while getting the database information. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DatabaseError"){ # A database error has occured so process the next # database. next; }; $database_list{$database_count}{Name} = $database_info{"DatabaseName"}; $database_list{$database_count}{Filename} = $databasename; $database_count++; } # Check if any databases are available to be compiled. if ($database_count eq 0){ # No databases are available to be compiled. kiriwrite_error("nodatabaseselected"); } # Write out the form for compiling the database. $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{compile}->{compileselecteddatabases}, { Style => "pageheader" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startform($kiriwrite_env{"script_filename"}, "POST"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startbox(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("mode", "compile"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("action", "compile"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("type", "multiple"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("count", $database_count); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("confirm", 1); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{compile}->{compileselecteddatabasesmessage}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startbox("datalist"); $database_count = 0; # write out the list of databases to compile. foreach $database (keys %database_list){ $database_count++; $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("id[" . $database_count . "]", $database_list{$database}{Filename}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("name[" . $database_count . "]", "on"); # Check if the database name is undefined and if it is # then write a message saying the database name is blank. if (!$database_list{$database}{Name}){ $kiriwrite_presmodule->additalictext($kiriwrite_lang->{compile}->{blankdatabasename}); } else { $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($database_list{$database}{Name}); } $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); } $kiriwrite_presmodule->endbox(); # Disconnect from the database server. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->disconnect(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addsubmit($kiriwrite_lang->{compile}->{compileselecteddatabasesbutton}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext(" | "); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlink($kiriwrite_env{"script_filename"} . "?mode=compile", { Text => $kiriwrite_lang->{compile}->{returncompilelist} }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endbox(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endform(); return $kiriwrite_presmodule->grab(); } else { # The type is something else other than # single or multiple, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("invalidvariable"); } } else { # The confirm value is neither 0 or 1, so # return an error. kiriwrite_error("invalidvariable"); } } sub kiriwrite_compile_all{ ################################################################################# # kiriwrite_compile_all: Compile all of the databases in the database # # directory. # # # # Usage: # # # # kiriwrite_compile_all(); # ################################################################################# # Connect to the database server. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->connect(); # Check if any errors occured while connecting to the database server. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DatabaseConnectionError"){ # A database connection error has occured so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("databaseconnectionerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); } # Get the list of available databases. my @database_list = $kiriwrite_dbmodule->getdblist(); # Check if any errors occured while getting the databases. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DataDirMissing"){ # The database directory is missing so return an error. kiriwrite_error("datadirectorymissing"); } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DataDirInvalidPermissions"){ # The database directory has invalid permissions set so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("datadirectoryinvalidpermissions"); } # Define some variables for later. my $database; my $database_name_filename_check; my $database_count = 0; # Check the list of databases to compile to see if it is blank, # if it is then return an error. if (!@database_list){ # The list of database is blank so return an error. kiriwrite_error("nodatabasesavailable"); } # Write out a form for confirming the action to compile all of the databases. $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{compile}->{compilealldatabases}, { Style => "pageheader" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startform($kiriwrite_env{"script_filename"}, "POST"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startbox(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("mode", "compile"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("action", "compile"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("type", "multiple"); foreach $database (@database_list){ # Check if the database filename is blank. if ($database eq ""){ # The database filename is blank so process # the next database. next; } # Check if the database filename is valid before # using the database. $database_name_filename_check = kiriwrite_variablecheck($database, "filename", 0, 1); if ($database_name_filename_check ne 0){ # The database filename is invalid so process # the next database. next; } $database_count++; $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("id[" . $database_count . "]", $database); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("name[" . $database_count . "]", "on"); } $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("count", $database_count); # Disconnect from the database server. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->disconnect(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{compile}->{compilealldatabasesmessage}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("confirm", 1); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addsubmit($kiriwrite_lang->{compile}->{compilealldatabasesbutton}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext(" | "); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlink($kiriwrite_env{"script_filename"} . "?mode=compile", { Text => $kiriwrite_lang->{compile}->{returncompilelist} }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endbox(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endform(); return $kiriwrite_presmodule->grab(); } sub kiriwrite_selectedlist{ ################################################################################# # kiriwrite_page_selectedlist: Get the list of selected pages to use. # # # # Usage: # # # # kiriwrite_page_selectedlist(); # ################################################################################# # Load the required Perl modules. my $query = new CGI; my $count = $query->param('count'); # Check if the list of files has a value and if not set it 0. if (!$count){ $count = 0; } # Define some values for later. my @filename_list; my @selected_list; my @final_list; my $filename; my $selected; my $final_count = 0; my $seek = 0; # Get the list of filenames. do { # Get the values from id[] $seek++; $filename = $query->param('id[' . $seek . ']'); $filename_list[$seek] = $filename; } until ($seek eq $count || $count eq 0); # Get the list of selected filenames. $seek = 0; do { # Get the values from name[] $seek++; $selected = $query->param('name[' . $seek . ']'); if (!$selected){ $selected = 'off'; } $selected_list[$seek] = $selected; } until ($seek eq $count || $count eq 0); # Create a final list of filenames to be used for # processing. $seek = 0; do { # Check if the selected value is on and include # the filename in the final list. $seek++; $selected = $selected_list[$seek]; if ($selected eq "on"){ $filename = $filename_list[$seek]; $final_list[$final_count] = $filename; $final_count++; } } until ($seek eq $count || $count eq 0); return @final_list; } sub kiriwrite_compile_list{ ################################################################################# # kiriwrite_compile_list: Shows a list of databases that can be compiled. # # # # Usage: # # # # kiriwrite_compile_list(); # ################################################################################# # Define the following variables that are going to be used before using # the foreach function. my %database_info; my %database_list; my $database_count = 0; my $database_filename = ""; my $database_filename_friendly = ""; my $database_permissions = ""; my $database_name = ""; my $database_description = ""; my $data_file = ""; my @permissions_list; my @error_list; my $table_style = 0; my $table_style_name = ""; my $database; tie(%database_list, 'Tie::IxHash'); # Connect to the database server. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->connect(); # Check if any errors occured while connecting to the database server. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DatabaseConnectionError"){ # A database connection error has occured so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("databaseconnectionerror", $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); } # Get the list of available databases and process any errors that # might have occured. my @database_list = $kiriwrite_dbmodule->getdblist(); if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DataDirMissing"){ # The database directory is missing so return an error. kiriwrite_error("datadirectorymissing"); } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DataDirInvalidPermissions"){ # The database directory has invalid permissions set so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("datadirectoryinvalidpermissions"); } # Begin creating the table for the list of databases. foreach $data_file (@database_list){ # Select the database. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->selectdb({ DatabaseName => $data_file }); # Check if any error occured while selecting the database. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DoesNotExist"){ # The database does not exist, so process the next # database. next; } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "InvalidPermissionsSet") { # The database has invalid permissions settings, so # add the database to the list of databases with # invalid permissions set and process the next # database. push(@permissions_list, $data_file); next; } # Get information about the database. %database_info = $kiriwrite_dbmodule->getdatabaseinfo(); # Check if any error occured while getting information from the # database. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror eq "DatabaseError"){ # A database error has occured, add the database and specific # error message to the list of databases with errors and # process the next database. push(@error_list, $data_file . ": " . $kiriwrite_dbmodule->geterror(1)); next; } $database_name = $database_info{"DatabaseName"}; $database_description = $database_info{"Description"}; # Create a friendly name for the database. $database_filename_friendly = $data_file; # Append the database information to the table. $database_list{$database_count}{Filename} = $database_filename_friendly; $database_list{$database_count}{Name} = $database_name; $database_list{$database_count}{Description} = $database_description; $database_count++; } # Check if there are no valid databases are if there is no # valid databases then write a message saying that no # valid databases are available. $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{compile}->{compilepages}, { Style => "pageheader" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); if ($database_count eq 0){ # There are no databases available for compiling so # write a message instead. $kiriwrite_presmodule->startbox("errorbox"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{compile}->{nodatabasesavailable}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endbox(); } else { $kiriwrite_presmodule->startform($kiriwrite_env{"script_filename"}, "POST"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startbox(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("mode", "compile"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("action", "compile"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("type", "multiple"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addreset($kiriwrite_lang->{common}->{selectnone}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext(" | "); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addsubmit($kiriwrite_lang->{compile}->{compileselectedbutton}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("count", $database_count); $kiriwrite_presmodule->starttable("", { CellPadding => 5, CellSpacing => 0 }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startheader(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addheader("", { Style => "tablecellheader" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addheader($kiriwrite_lang->{database}->{databasename}, { Style => "tablecellheader" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addheader($kiriwrite_lang->{database}->{databasedescription}, { Style => "tablecellheader" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addheader($kiriwrite_lang->{common}->{options}, { Style => "tablecellheader" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endheader(); $database_count = 1; foreach $database (keys %database_list){ # Check the style to be used with. if ($table_style eq 0){ # Use the first style and set the style value # to use the next style, the next time the # if statement is checked. $table_style_name = "tablecell1"; $table_style = 1; } else { # Use the second style and set the style # value to use the first style, the next # time if statement is checked. $table_style_name = "tablecell2"; $table_style = 0; } # Add the template to the list of available # templates to compile. $kiriwrite_presmodule->startrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell($table_style_name); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("id[" . $database_count . "]", $database_list{$database}{Filename}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcheckbox("name[" . $database_count . "]"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell($table_style_name); if (!$database_list{$database}{Name}){ $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlink($kiriwrite_env{"script_filename"} . "?mode=compile&action=compile&type=single&database=" . $database_list{$database}{Filename}, { Text => $kiriwrite_presmodule->additalictext($kiriwrite_lang->{blank}->{noname}) }); } else { $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlink($kiriwrite_env{"script_filename"} . "?mode=page&action=view&database=" . $database_list{$database}{Filename}, { Text => $database_list{$database}{Name} }); } $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell($table_style_name); if (!$database_list{$database}{Description}){ $kiriwrite_presmodule->additalictext($kiriwrite_lang->{blank}->{nodescription}); } else { $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($database_list{$database}{Description}); } $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell($table_style_name); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlink($kiriwrite_env{"script_filename"} . "?mode=compile&action=compile&type=single&database=" . $database_list{$database}{Filename}, { Text => $kiriwrite_lang->{options}->{compile} }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endrow(); $database_count++; } $kiriwrite_presmodule->endtable(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endbox(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endform(); } # Disconnect from the database server. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->disconnect(); # Check if any databases with problems have appeared and if they # have, print out a message saying which databases have problems. if (@permissions_list){ $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{database}->{databaseinvalidpermissions}, { Style => "smallpageheader" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{database}->{databaseinvalidpermissionstext}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); foreach $database (@permissions_list){ $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($database); } $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); } if (@error_list){ $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{database}->{databaseerrors}, { Style => "smallpageheader" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{database}->{databaseerrorstext}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); foreach $database (@error_list){ $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($database); } } return $kiriwrite_presmodule->grab(); } sub kiriwrite_compile_clean{ ################################################################################# # kiriwrite_compile_clean: Deletes the contents of the output directory. # # # # Usage: # # # # kiriwrite_compile_clean(confirm); # # # # confirm Confirms the deletion of files from the output directory. # ################################################################################# # Get the values passed to the subroutine. my ($confirm) = @_; # Define some variables for later. my $file_permissions; my $output_directory_exists; my $output_directory_permissions; my $warning_message; # Check if the output directory exists. $output_directory_exists = kiriwrite_fileexists($kiriwrite_config{"directory_data_output"}); if ($output_directory_exists eq 1){ # The output directory does not exist so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("outputdirectorymissing"); } # Check if the output directory has invalid # permissions set. $output_directory_permissions = kiriwrite_filepermissions($kiriwrite_config{"directory_data_output"}); if ($output_directory_permissions eq 1){ # The output directory has invalid permissions # set, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("outputdirectoryinvalidpermissions"); } if ($confirm) { if ($confirm eq 1){ # The action to clean the output directory has been # confirmed. # Remove the list of files and directories from the # output directory. $file_permissions = kiriwrite_compile_clean_helper($kiriwrite_config{"directory_data_output"}, 1); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{compile}->{cleanoutputdirectory}, { Style => "pageheader" }); if ($file_permissions eq 1){ $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{compile}->{somecontentnotremoved}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); } else { $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{compile}->{contentremoved}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); } $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlink($kiriwrite_env{"script_filename"} . "?mode=compile", { Text => $kiriwrite_lang->{compile}->{returncompilelist} }); return $kiriwrite_presmodule->grab(); } else { # A value other than 1 is set for the confirm value # (which it shouldn't be) so return an error. kiriwrite_error("invalidvariable"); } } # Print out a form for cleaning the output directory. $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{compile}->{cleanoutputdirectory}, { Style => "pageheader" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startform($kiriwrite_env{"script_filename"}, "POST"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startbox(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("mode", "compile"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("action", "clean"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("confirm", 1); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{compile}->{cleanoutputdirectorymessage}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addsubmit($kiriwrite_lang->{compile}->{cleanoutputdirectorybutton}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext(" | "); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlink($kiriwrite_env{"script_filename"} . "?mode=compile", { Text => $kiriwrite_lang->{compile}->{returncompilelist}}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endbox(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endform(); return $kiriwrite_presmodule->grab(); } sub kiriwrite_compile_clean_helper{ ################################################################################# # kiriwrite_compile_clean_helper: Helper for cleaning out the output directory. # # This command sometimes is called recursively (when a directory is found). # # # # Usage: # # # # kiriwrite_compile_clean_helper(directory, removedirectory, [permissions]); # # # # directory Specifies the directory to remove files (and # # sub-directories) from. # # keepdirectory Keeps the directory itself after all files have been # # removed. # # permissions Used recursively for error checking. # ################################################################################# # Get the values passed to the subroutine. my ($directory, $directory_keep, $permissions) = @_; # Check if the directory_keep is only one charater long. my $directory_file = ""; my @directory_list; my $file_permissions = 0; my $debug = 0; # Check if the file permissions value is blank. if (!$permissions){ # The file permissions value is blank. $permissions = 0; } # Open the directory specified, read the contents of # the directory and then close the directory. opendir(DIRECTORY, $directory); @directory_list = readdir(DIRECTORY); closedir(DIRECTORY); # Remove each file and directory. foreach $directory_file (@directory_list){ # Check if the filename is '.' or '..' and if it # is skip those files. if ($directory_file eq "." || $directory_file eq ".."){ # The filename is '.' or '..' so skip processing # these files. } else { # Check if the permissions on the file or directory has # valid permissions set. $file_permissions = kiriwrite_filepermissions($directory . '/' . $directory_file, 1, 1); if ($file_permissions eq 1){ # The file or directory has invalid permissions set. $permissions = 1; next; } # Check if the filename is a directory. if (-d $directory . '/' . $directory_file){ # The filename is a directory so send the directory name # and this subroutine again (recursively). kiriwrite_compile_clean_helper($directory . '/' . $directory_file, 0, $permissions); } else { # The file is not a directory but an actual file so # remove as normal (in terms of the Perl language). ($directory) = $directory =~ m/^(.*)$/g; ($directory_file) = $directory_file =~ m/^(.*)$/g; # Check if the directory is undefined and if it is then # set it to blank. if (!$directory){ $directory = ""; } if (!$directory_file){ $directory_file = ""; } unlink($directory . '/' . $directory_file); } } } # Check if the directory should be kept. if ($directory_keep eq 1){ # The directory_keep value is set as 1 so the directory # specified should be kept. } elsif ($directory_keep eq 0) { # The directory_keep value is set as 0 so remove the # directory specified. ($directory) = $directory =~ m/^(.*)$/g; rmdir($directory); } else { # A value other than 0 or 1 was specified so return # an error, kiriwrite_error('invalidvalue'); } return $permissions; } sub kiriwrite_settings_view{ ################################################################################# # kiriwrite_options_view: Writes out the list of options and variables. # # # # Usage: # # # # kiriwrite_settings_view(); # ################################################################################# # Get the settings. my $settings_directory_db = $kiriwrite_config{"directory_data_db"}; my $settings_directory_output = $kiriwrite_config{"directory_data_output"}; my $settings_noncgi_images = $kiriwrite_config{"directory_noncgi_images"}; my $settings_system_datetime = $kiriwrite_config{"system_datetime"}; my $settings_system_language = $kiriwrite_config{"system_language"}; my $settings_system_presentation = $kiriwrite_config{"system_presmodule"}; my $settings_system_database = $kiriwrite_config{"system_dbmodule"}; $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{setting}->{viewsettings}, { Style => "pageheader" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{setting}->{currentsettings}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->starttable("", { CellPadding => 5, CellSpacing => 0 }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startheader(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addheader($kiriwrite_lang->{common}->{setting}, { Style => "tablecellheader" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addheader($kiriwrite_lang->{common}->{value}, { Style => "tablecellheader" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endheader(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecellheader"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{setting}->{directories}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecellheader"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell1"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{setting}->{databasedirectory}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell2"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($settings_directory_db); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell1"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{setting}->{outputdirectory}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell2"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($settings_directory_output); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell1"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{setting}->{imagesuripath}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell2"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($settings_noncgi_images); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecellheader"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{setting}->{date}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecellheader"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell1"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{setting}->{dateformat}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell2"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($settings_system_datetime); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecellheader"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{setting}->{language}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecellheader"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell1"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{setting}->{systemlanguage}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell2"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($settings_system_language); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecellheader"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{setting}->{modules}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecellheader"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell1"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{setting}->{presentationmodule}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell2"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($settings_system_presentation); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell1"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{setting}->{databasemodule}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell2"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($settings_system_database); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endtable(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{setting}->{altersettings}); return $kiriwrite_presmodule->grab(); } sub kiriwrite_settings_edit{ ################################################################################# # kiriwrite_settings_edit: Edits the options. # # # # Usage: # # # # kiriwrite_settings_edit(options); # # # # options Specifies the following options in any order. # # # # DatabaseDirectory Specifies the new database directory to use. # # OutputDirectory Specifies the new output directory to use. # # ImagesURIPath Specifies the new URI path for images. # # DateTimeFormat Specifies the new date and time format. # # SystemLanguage Specifies the new language to use for Kiriwrite. # # PrsentationModule Specifies the new presentation module to use for # # Kiriwrite. # # DatabaseModule Specifies the new database module to use for Kiriwrite. # # # # Options for server-based database modules. # # # # DatabaseServer Specifies the database server to use. # # DaravasePort Specifies the port the database server is running on. # # DatabaseProtocol Specifies the protocol the database server is using. # # DatabaseSQLDatabase Specifies the SQL database name to use. # # DatabaseUsername Specifies the database server username. # # DatabasePasswordKeep Keeps the current password in the configuration file. # # DatabasePassword Specifies the password for the database server username.# # DatabaseTablePrefix Specifies the prefix used for tables. # ################################################################################# # Get the values that have been passed to the subroutine. my ($passedoptions) = @_; # Get the values from the hash. my $settings_dbdirectory = $passedoptions->{"DatabaseDirectory"}; my $settings_outputdirectory = $passedoptions->{"OutputDirectory"}; my $settings_imagesuri = $passedoptions->{"ImagesURIPath"}; my $settings_datetimeformat = $passedoptions->{"DateTimeFormat"}; my $settings_languagesystem = $passedoptions->{"SystemLanguage"}; my $settings_presmodule = $passedoptions->{"PresentationModule"}; my $settings_dbmodule = $passedoptions->{"DatabaseModule"}; my $settings_database_server = $passedoptions->{"DatabaseServer"}; my $settings_database_port = $passedoptions->{"DatabasePort"}; my $settings_database_protocol = $passedoptions->{"DatabaseProtocol"}; my $settings_database_sqldatabase = $passedoptions->{"DatabaseSQLDatabase"}; my $settings_database_username = $passedoptions->{"DatabaseUsername"}; my $settings_database_passwordkeep = $passedoptions->{"DatabasePasswordKeep"}; my $settings_database_password = $passedoptions->{"DatabasePassword"}; my $settings_database_tableprefix = $passedoptions->{"DatabaseTablePrefix"}; my $confirm = $passedoptions->{"Confirm"}; if (!$confirm){ # If the confirm value is blank, then set the confirm # value to 0. $confirm = 0; } if ($confirm eq "1"){ # The action to edit the settings has been confirmed. # Start by checking each variable about to be placed # in the settings file is valid. # Deinfe some variables for later. my @kiriwrite_new_settings; # Check the length of the directory names. kiriwrite_variablecheck($settings_dbdirectory, "maxlength", 64, 0); kiriwrite_variablecheck($settings_outputdirectory, "maxlength", 64, 0); kiriwrite_variablecheck($settings_imagesuri, "maxlength", 512, 0); kiriwrite_variablecheck($settings_datetimeformat, "maxlength", 32, 0); kiriwrite_variablecheck($settings_languagesystem, "language_filename", "", 0); # Check the module names to see if they're valid. my $kiriwrite_presmodule_modulename_check = kiriwrite_variablecheck($settings_presmodule, "module", 0, 1); my $kiriwrite_dbmodule_modulename_check = kiriwrite_variablecheck($settings_dbmodule, "module", 0, 1); if ($kiriwrite_presmodule_modulename_check eq 1){ # The presentation module name is blank, so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("presmoduleblank"); } if ($kiriwrite_presmodule_modulename_check eq 2){ # The presentation module name is invalid, so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("presmoduleinvalid"); } if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule_modulename_check eq 1){ # The database module name is blank, so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("dbmoduleblank"); } if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule_modulename_check eq 2){ # The database module name is invalid, so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("dbmoduleinvalid"); } # Check if the directory names only contain letters and numbers and # return a specific error if they don't. my $kiriwrite_dbdirectory_check = kiriwrite_variablecheck($settings_dbdirectory, "directory", 0, 1); my $kiriwrite_outputdirectory_check = kiriwrite_variablecheck($settings_outputdirectory, "directory", 0, 1); kiriwrite_variablecheck($settings_datetimeformat, "datetime", 0, 0); if ($kiriwrite_dbdirectory_check eq 1){ # The database directory name is blank, so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("dbdirectoryblank"); } elsif ($kiriwrite_dbdirectory_check eq 2){ # The database directory name is invalid, so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("dbdirectoryinvalid"); } if ($kiriwrite_outputdirectory_check eq 1){ # The output directory name is blank, so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("outputdirectoryblank"); } elsif ($kiriwrite_outputdirectory_check eq 2){ # The output directory name is invalid, so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("outputdirectoryinvalid"); } # Check if the presentation module with the filename given exists. my $presmodule_exists = kiriwrite_fileexists("Modules/Presentation/" . $settings_presmodule . ".pm"); if ($presmodule_exists eq 1){ # The presentation module does not exist so return an error. kiriwrite_error("presmodulemissing"); } # Check if the database module with the filename given exists. my $dbmodule_exists = kiriwrite_fileexists("Modules/Database/" . $settings_dbmodule . ".pm"); if ($dbmodule_exists eq 1){ # The database module does not exist so return an error. kiriwrite_error("dbmodulemissing"); } # Check if the language filename given exists. my $languagefile_exists = kiriwrite_fileexists("lang/" . $settings_languagesystem . ".xml"); if ($languagefile_exists eq 1){ # The language filename given does not exist so return an error. kiriwrite_error("languagefilenamemissing"); } # Check the database server options to see if they are valid. my $kiriwrite_databaseserver_length_check = kiriwrite_variablecheck($settings_database_server, "maxlength", 128, 1); my $kiriwrite_databaseserver_lettersnumbers_check = kiriwrite_variablecheck($settings_database_server, "lettersnumbers", 0, 1); my $kiriwrite_databaseport_length_check = kiriwrite_variablecheck($settings_database_port, "maxlength", 5, 1); my $kiriwrite_databaseport_numbers_check = kiriwrite_variablecheck($settings_database_port, "numbers", 0, 1); my $kiriwrite_databaseport_port_check = kiriwrite_variablecheck($settings_database_port, "port", 0, 1); my $kiriwrite_databaseprotocol_length_check = kiriwrite_variablecheck($settings_database_protocol, "maxlength", 5, 1); my $kiriwrite_databaseprotocol_protocol_check = kiriwrite_variablecheck($settings_database_protocol, "serverprotocol", 0, 1); my $kiriwrite_databasename_length_check = kiriwrite_variablecheck($settings_database_sqldatabase, "maxlength", 32, 1); my $kiriwrite_databasename_lettersnumbers_check = kiriwrite_variablecheck($settings_database_sqldatabase, "lettersnumbers", 0, 1); my $kiriwrite_databaseusername_length_check = kiriwrite_variablecheck($settings_database_username, "maxlength", 16, 1); my $kiriwrite_databaseusername_lettersnumbers_check = kiriwrite_variablecheck($settings_database_username, "lettersnumbers", 0, 1); my $kiriwrite_databasepassword_length_check = kiriwrite_variablecheck($settings_database_password, "maxlength", 64, 1); my $kiriwrite_databasetableprefix_length_check = kiriwrite_variablecheck($settings_database_tableprefix, "maxlength", 16, 1); my $kiriwrite_databasetableprefix_lettersnumbers_check = kiriwrite_variablecheck($settings_database_tableprefix, "lettersnumbers", 0, 1); if ($kiriwrite_databaseserver_length_check eq 1){ # The length of the database server name is too long so # return an error. kiriwrite_error("servernametoolong"); } if ($kiriwrite_databaseserver_lettersnumbers_check eq 1){ # The database server name contains characters other # than letters and numbers, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("servernameinvalid"); } if ($kiriwrite_databaseport_length_check eq 1){ # The database port number length is too long so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("serverportnumbertoolong"); } if ($kiriwrite_databaseport_numbers_check eq 1){ # The database port number contains characters other # than numbers so return an error. kiriwrite_error("serverportnumberinvalidcharacters"); } if ($kiriwrite_databaseport_port_check eq 1){ # The database port number given is invalid so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("serverportnumberinvalid"); } if ($kiriwrite_databaseprotocol_length_check eq 1){ # The database protocol name given is too long so # return an error. kiriwrite_error("serverprotocolnametoolong"); } if ($kiriwrite_databaseprotocol_protocol_check eq 1){ # The server protcol given is invalid so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("serverprotocolinvalid"); } if ($kiriwrite_databasename_length_check eq 1){ # The SQL database name is too long so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("serverdatabasenametoolong"); } if ($kiriwrite_databasename_lettersnumbers_check eq 1){ # The database name contains invalid characters # so return an error. kiriwrite_error("serverdatabasenameinvalid"); } if ($kiriwrite_databaseusername_length_check eq 1){ # The database username given is too long so # return an error. kiriwrite_error("serverdatabaseusernametoolong"); } if ($kiriwrite_databaseusername_lettersnumbers_check eq 1){ # The database username contains invalid characters # so return an error. kiriwrite_error("serverdatabaseusernameinvalid"); } if ($kiriwrite_databasepassword_length_check eq 1){ # The database password given is too long so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("serverdatabasepasswordtoolong"); } if ($kiriwrite_databasetableprefix_length_check eq 1){ # The database table prefix given is too long so # return an error. kiriwrite_error("serverdatabasetableprefixtoolong"); } if ($kiriwrite_databasetableprefix_lettersnumbers_check eq 1){ # The database table prefix given contains invalid # characters so return an error. kiriwrite_error("serverdatabasetableprefixinvalid"); } # Check if the current password should be kept. if ($settings_database_passwordkeep eq "on"){ # The current password in the configuration file should be used. $settings_database_password = $kiriwrite_config{"database_password"}; } # Write the new settings to the XML file. kiriwrite_output_xml("kiriwrite.xml", "config", { DatabaseDirectory => $settings_dbdirectory, OutputDirectory => $settings_outputdirectory, ImagesURIPath => $settings_imagesuri, DateTimeFormat => $settings_datetimeformat, SystemLanguage => $settings_languagesystem, PresentationModule => $settings_presmodule, DatabaseModule => $settings_dbmodule, DatabaseServer => $settings_database_server, DatabasePort => $settings_database_port, DatabaseProtocol => $settings_database_protocol, DatabaseSQLDatabase => $settings_database_sqldatabase, DatabaseUsername => $settings_database_username, DatabasePassword => $settings_database_password, DatabaseTablePrefix => $settings_database_tableprefix }); # Write a confirmation message. $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{setting}->{settingsedited}, { Style => "pageheader" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{setting}->{settingseditedmessage}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlink($kiriwrite_env{"script_filename"} . "?mode=settings", { Text => $kiriwrite_lang->{setting}->{returnsettingslist} }); return $kiriwrite_presmodule->grab(); } # Get the list of languages available. my %language_list; my @language_directory = ""; my $language; my $language_filename = ""; my $language_file_xml = ""; my $language_file_systemname = ""; my $language_file_localname = ""; my $language_file_seek = 0; my $language_flie_dot = 0; my $language_file_length = 0; my $language_file_count = 0; my $language_file_char = ""; my $language_file_friendly = ""; my $language_config = $kiriwrite_config{"system_language"}; tie(%language_list, 'Tie::IxHash'); opendir(LANGUAGEDIR, "lang"); @language_directory = grep /m*\.xml$/, readdir(LANGUAGEDIR); closedir(LANGUAGEDIR); # Process each language by loading the XML configuration file # used for each language and then get the System name and # the local name of the language. foreach $language_filename (@language_directory){ # Load the language file currently selected. $language_file_xml = $xsl->XMLin("lang" . '/' . $language_filename, SuppressEmpty => 1); # Get the system name and the local name of the language. $language_file_localname = $language_file_xml -> {about} -> {name}; # Check if either the system name or the local name of the language # is blank and if it is, then don't add the language to the list. if ($language_file_localname eq ""){ # The system name or the local name is blank so don't add # the language to the list. } else { # Get the 'friendly' name of the language file name (basically # remove the .xml part from the filename. $language_file_length = length($language_filename); do { # Get a character from the language filename and currently # set by the seek counter. $language_file_char = substr($language_filename, $language_file_seek, 1); # Check if the character is a dot and if it is then set the # last dot value to the seek counter value. if ($language_file_char eq "."){ # Current chatacter is a dot so set the last dot value # to what is currently the seek counter. $language_flie_dot = $language_file_seek; } else { # Current character is not a dot, so do nothing. } # Increment the seek counter. $language_file_seek++; } until ($language_file_seek eq $language_file_length); # Reset the seek counter. $language_file_seek = 0; # Process the file name again and this time process the file # name until it reaches the last dot found. do { # Get the character the seek counter is currently set at. $language_file_char = substr($language_filename, $language_file_seek, 1); # Append the character to the friendly file name. $language_file_friendly = $language_file_friendly . $language_file_char; # Increment the seek counter. $language_file_seek++; } until ($language_file_seek eq $language_flie_dot); # Append the language to the available languages list. $language_list{$language_file_count}{Filename} = $language_file_friendly; $language_list{$language_file_count}{Name} = $language_file_localname; $language_file_count++; # Reset certain counters and values before continuing. $language_file_seek = 0; $language_flie_dot = 0; $language_file_length = 0; $language_file_char = ""; $language_file_friendly = ""; } } # Get the list of presentation modules available. my %presmodule_list; my @presmodule_directory; my $presmodule; my $presmodule_file = ""; my $presmodule_char = ""; my $presmodule_dot = 0; my $presmodule_firstdot = 0; my $presmodule_firstdotfound = ""; my $presmodule_seek = 0; my $presmodule_length = 0; my $presmodule_count = 0; my $presmodule_friendly = ""; my $presmodule_selectlist = ""; my $presmodule_config = $kiriwrite_config{"system_presmodule"}; # Open and get the list of presentation modules (perl modules) by filtering # out the opendir(OUTPUTSYSTEMDIR, "Modules/Presentation"); @presmodule_directory = grep /m*\.pm$/, readdir(OUTPUTSYSTEMDIR); closedir(OUTPUTSYSTEMDIR); # Process each presentation module and add them to the list of available # presentation modules. foreach $presmodule_file (@presmodule_directory){ # Get the length of the presentation module (perl module) filename. $presmodule_length = length($presmodule_file); # Get the friendly name of the Perl module (by getting rid of the # .pm part of the filename). do { $presmodule_char = substr($presmodule_file, $presmodule_seek, 1); # Check if the current character is a dot and if it is then # set the last dot found number to the current seek number. if ($presmodule_char eq "."){ # Put the seek value as the last dot found number. $presmodule_dot = $presmodule_seek; } # Increment the seek counter. $presmodule_seek++; } until ($presmodule_seek eq $presmodule_length); # Reset the seek counter as it is going to be used again. $presmodule_seek = 0; # Get the friendly name of the Perl module by the processing the file # name to the last dot the previous 'do' tried to find. do { # Get the character the seek counter is currently set at. $presmodule_char = substr($presmodule_file, $presmodule_seek, 1); # Append the character to the friendly name of the presentation module. $presmodule_friendly = $presmodule_friendly . $presmodule_char; # Increment the seek counter. $presmodule_seek++; } until ($presmodule_seek eq $presmodule_dot); # Append the option to tbe list of available presentation modules. $presmodule_list{$presmodule_count}{Filename} = $presmodule_friendly; # Reset the following values. $presmodule_seek = 0; $presmodule_length = 0; $presmodule_char = ""; $presmodule_friendly = ""; $presmodule_count++; } # Get the list of database modules available. my %dbmodule_list; my @dbmodule_directory; my $dbmodule; my $dbmodule_file = ""; my $dbmodule_char = ""; my $dbmodule_dot = 0; my $dbmodule_firstdot = 0; my $dbmodule_firstdotfound = ""; my $dbmodule_seek = 0; my $dbmodule_length = 0; my $dbmodule_count = 0; my $dbmodule_friendly = ""; my $dbmodule_selectlist = ""; my $dbmodule_config = $kiriwrite_config{"system_dbmodule"}; # Open and get the list of presentation modules (perl modules) by filtering # out the opendir(DATABASEDIR, "Modules/Database"); @dbmodule_directory = grep /m*\.pm$/, readdir(DATABASEDIR); closedir(DATABASEDIR); # Process each presentation module and add them to the list of available # presentation modules. foreach $dbmodule_file (@dbmodule_directory){ # Get the length of the database module (perl module) filename. $dbmodule_length = length($dbmodule_file); # Get the friendly name of the Perl module (by getting rid of the # .pm part of the filename). do { $dbmodule_char = substr($dbmodule_file, $dbmodule_seek, 1); # Check if the current character is a dot and if it is then # set the last dot found number to the current seek number. if ($dbmodule_char eq "."){ # Put the seek value as the last dot found number. $dbmodule_dot = $dbmodule_seek; } # Increment the seek counter. $dbmodule_seek++; } until ($dbmodule_seek eq $dbmodule_length); # Reset the seek counter as it is going to be used again. $dbmodule_seek = 0; # Get the friendly name of the Perl module by the processing the file # name to the last dot the previous 'do' tried to find. do { # Get the character the seek counter is currently set at. $dbmodule_char = substr($dbmodule_file, $dbmodule_seek, 1); # Append the character to the friendly name of the presentation module. $dbmodule_friendly = $dbmodule_friendly . $dbmodule_char; # Increment the seek counter. $dbmodule_seek++; } until ($dbmodule_seek eq $dbmodule_dot); # Append the option to tbe list of available database modules. $dbmodule_list{$dbmodule_count}{Filename} = $dbmodule_friendly; # Reset the following values. $dbmodule_seek = 0; $dbmodule_length = 0; $dbmodule_char = ""; $dbmodule_friendly = ""; $dbmodule_count++; } # Get the directory settings. my $directory_settings_database = $kiriwrite_config{"directory_data_db"}; my $directory_settings_output = $kiriwrite_config{"directory_data_output"}; my $directory_settings_imagesuri = $kiriwrite_config{"directory_noncgi_images"}; my $datetime_setting = $kiriwrite_config{"system_datetime"}; my $database_server = $kiriwrite_config{"database_server"}; my $database_port = $kiriwrite_config{"database_port"}; my $database_protocol = $kiriwrite_config{"database_protocol"}; my $database_sqldatabase = $kiriwrite_config{"database_sqldatabase"}; my $database_username = $kiriwrite_config{"database_username"}; my $database_passwordhash = $kiriwrite_config{"database_passwordhash"}; my $database_password = $kiriwrite_config{"database_password"}; my $database_prefix = $kiriwrite_config{"database_tableprefix"}; # Print out a form for editing the settings. $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{setting}->{editsettings}, { Style => "pageheader" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addboldtext($kiriwrite_lang->{setting}->{warning}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{setting}->{warningmessage}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startform($kiriwrite_env{"script_filename"}, "POST"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startbox(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("mode", "settings"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("action", "edit"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addhiddendata("confirm", 1); $kiriwrite_presmodule->starttable("", { CellPadding => 5, CellSpacing => 0 }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startheader(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addheader($kiriwrite_lang->{common}->{setting}, { Style => "tablecellheader" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addheader($kiriwrite_lang->{common}->{value}, { Style => "tablecellheader" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endheader(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecellheader"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{setting}->{directories}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecellheader"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell1"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{setting}->{databasedirectory}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell2"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addinputbox("databasedir", { Size => 32, MaxLength => 64, Value => $directory_settings_database }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell1"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{setting}->{outputdirectory}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell2"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addinputbox("outputdir", { Size => 32, MaxLength => 64, Value => $directory_settings_output }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell1"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{setting}->{imagesuripath}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell2"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addinputbox("imagesuripath", { Size => 32, MaxLength => 64, Value => $directory_settings_imagesuri }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecellheader"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{setting}->{date}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecellheader"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell1"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{setting}->{dateformat}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell2"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addinputbox("datetime", { Size => 32, MaxLength => 64, Value => $datetime_setting }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startbox("datalist"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{setting}->{singleday}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{setting}->{doubleday}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{setting}->{singlemonth}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{setting}->{doublemonth}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{setting}->{singleyear}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{setting}->{doubleyear}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{setting}->{singlehour}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{setting}->{doublehour}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{setting}->{singleminute}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{setting}->{doubleminute}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{setting}->{singlesecond}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{setting}->{doublesecond}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{setting}->{othercharacters}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endbox(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecellheader"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{setting}->{language}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecellheader"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell1"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{setting}->{systemlanguage}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell2"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addselectbox("language"); # Process the list of available languages. foreach $language (keys %language_list){ # Check if the language filename matches the filename in the configuration # file. if ($language_list{$language}{Filename} eq $language_config){ $kiriwrite_presmodule->addoption($language_list{$language}{Name}, { Value => $language_list{$language}{Filename} , Selected => 1 }); } else { $kiriwrite_presmodule->addoption($language_list{$language}{Name}, { Value => $language_list{$language}{Filename} }); } } $kiriwrite_presmodule->endselectbox(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecellheader"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{setting}->{modules}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecellheader"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell1"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{setting}->{presentationmodule}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell2"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addselectbox("presmodule"); # Process the list of available presentation modules. foreach $presmodule (keys %presmodule_list){ # Check if the presentation module fileanme matches the filename in the # configuration file. if ($presmodule_list{$presmodule}{Filename} eq $presmodule_config){ $kiriwrite_presmodule->addoption($presmodule_list{$presmodule}{Filename}, { Value => $presmodule_list{$presmodule}{Filename} , Selected => 1 }); } else { $kiriwrite_presmodule->addoption($presmodule_list{$presmodule}{Filename}, { Value => $presmodule_list{$presmodule}{Filename} }); } } $kiriwrite_presmodule->endselectbox(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell1"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{setting}->{databasemodule}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell2"); # Process the list of available database modules. $kiriwrite_presmodule->addselectbox("dbmodule"); foreach $dbmodule (keys %dbmodule_list){ # Check if the database module fileanme matches the filename in the # configuration file. if ($dbmodule_list{$dbmodule}{Filename} eq $dbmodule_config){ $kiriwrite_presmodule->addoption($dbmodule_list{$dbmodule}{Filename}, { Value => $dbmodule_list{$dbmodule}{Filename} , Selected => 1 }); } else { $kiriwrite_presmodule->addoption($dbmodule_list{$dbmodule}{Filename}, { Value => $dbmodule_list{$dbmodule}{Filename} }); } } $kiriwrite_presmodule->endselectbox(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell1"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{setting}->{databaseserver}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell2"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addinputbox("database_server", { Size => 32, MaxLength => 128, Value => $database_server }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell1"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{setting}->{databaseport}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell2"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addinputbox("database_port", { Size => 5, MaxLength => 5, Value => $database_port }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell1"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{setting}->{databaseprotocol}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell2"); # Check if TCP is being used. $kiriwrite_presmodule->addselectbox("database_protocol"); if ($database_protocol eq "tcp"){ # The TCP protocol is selected so have the TCP option selected. $kiriwrite_presmodule->addoption("TCP", { Value => "tcp", Selected => 1}); } else { # The TCP protocol is not selected. $kiriwrite_presmodule->addoption("TCP", { Value => "tcp"}); } # Check if UDP is being used. if ($database_protocol eq "udp"){ # The UDP protocol is selected so have the UDP option selected. $kiriwrite_presmodule->addoption("UDP", { Value => "udp", Selected => 1}); } else { # The UDP protocol is not selected. $kiriwrite_presmodule->addoption("UDP", { Value => "udp"}); } $kiriwrite_presmodule->endselectbox(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell1"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{setting}->{databasename}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell2"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addinputbox("database_sqldatabase", { Size => 32, MaxLength => 32, Value => $database_sqldatabase }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell1"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{setting}->{databaseusername}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell2"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addinputbox("database_username", { Size => 16, MaxLength => 16, Value => $database_username }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell1"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{setting}->{databasepassword}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell2"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addinputbox("database_password", { Size => 16, MaxLength => 64, Password => 1 }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext(" "); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcheckbox("database_password_keep", { OptionDescription => "Keep the current password", Checked => 1 }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell1"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{setting}->{tableprefix}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addcell("tablecell2"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addinputbox("database_tableprefix", { Size => 16, MaxLength => 16, Value => $database_prefix }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endcell(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endrow(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endtable(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addsubmit($kiriwrite_lang->{setting}->{changesettingsbutton}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext(" | "); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addreset($kiriwrite_lang->{common}->{restorecurrent}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext(" | "); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlink($kiriwrite_env{"script_filename"} . "?mode=settings", { Text => $kiriwrite_lang->{setting}->{returnsettingslist} }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endbox(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endform(); return $kiriwrite_presmodule->grab(); } sub kiriwrite_settings_load{ ################################################################################# # kiriwrite_settings_load: Load the configuration settings into the global # # variables. # # # # Usage: # # # # kiriwrite_settings_load(); # ################################################################################# # Load the required Perl modules. use XML::Simple qw(XMLin); $xsl = XML::Simple->new(); # Check if the Kiriwrite configuration file exists before using it and # return an critical error if it doesn't exist. my $kiriwrite_conf_exist = kiriwrite_fileexists("kiriwrite.xml"); if ($kiriwrite_conf_exist eq 1){ # The configuration really does not exist so return an critical error. kiriwrite_critical("configfilemissing"); } # Check if the Kiriwrite configuration file has valid permission settings # before using it and return an critical error if it doesn't have the # valid permission settings. my $kiriwrite_conf_permissions = kiriwrite_filepermissions("kiriwrite.xml", 1, 0); if ($kiriwrite_conf_permissions eq 1){ # The permission settings for the Kiriwrite configuration file are # invalid, so return an critical error. kiriwrite_critical("configfileinvalidpermissions"); } # Converts the XML file into meaningful data for later on in this subroutine. my $kiriwrite_conf_file = 'kiriwrite.xml'; my $kiriwrite_conf_data = $xsl->XMLin($kiriwrite_conf_file, SuppressEmpty => 1); # Go and fetch the settings and place them into a hash (that is global). %kiriwrite_config = ( "directory_data_db" => $kiriwrite_conf_data->{settings}->{directories}->{database}, "directory_data_output" => $kiriwrite_conf_data->{settings}->{directories}->{output}, "directory_noncgi_images" => $kiriwrite_conf_data->{settings}->{directories}->{images}, "system_language" => $kiriwrite_conf_data->{settings}->{language}->{lang}, "system_presmodule" => $kiriwrite_conf_data->{settings}->{system}->{presentation}, "system_dbmodule" => $kiriwrite_conf_data->{settings}->{system}->{database}, "system_datetime" => $kiriwrite_conf_data->{settings}->{system}->{datetime}, "database_server" => $kiriwrite_conf_data->{settings}->{database}->{server}, "database_port" => $kiriwrite_conf_data->{settings}->{database}->{port}, "database_protocol" => $kiriwrite_conf_data->{settings}->{database}->{protocol}, "database_sqldatabase" => $kiriwrite_conf_data->{settings}->{database}->{database}, "database_username" => $kiriwrite_conf_data->{settings}->{database}->{username}, "database_password" => $kiriwrite_conf_data->{settings}->{database}->{password}, "database_tableprefix" => $kiriwrite_conf_data->{settings}->{database}->{prefix} ); # Do a validation check on all of the variables that were loaded into the global configuration hash. kiriwrite_variablecheck($kiriwrite_config{"directory_data_db"}, "maxlength", 64, 0); kiriwrite_variablecheck($kiriwrite_config{"directory_data_output"}, "maxlength", 64, 0); kiriwrite_variablecheck($kiriwrite_config{"directory_noncgi_images"}, "maxlength", 512, 0); kiriwrite_variablecheck($kiriwrite_config{"directory_data_template"}, "maxlength", 64, 0); my $kiriwrite_config_language_filename = kiriwrite_variablecheck($kiriwrite_config{"system_language"}, "language_filename", "", 1); my $kiriwrite_config_presmodule_filename = kiriwrite_variablecheck($kiriwrite_config{"system_presmodule"}, "module", 0, 1); my $kiriwrite_config_dbmodule_filename = kiriwrite_variablecheck($kiriwrite_config{"system_dbmodule"}, "module", 0, 1); # Check if the language filename is valid and return an critical error if # they aren't. if ($kiriwrite_config_language_filename eq 1){ # The language filename is blank so return an critical error. kiriwrite_critical("languagefilenameblank"); } elsif ($kiriwrite_config_language_filename eq 2){ # The language filename is invalid so return an critical error. kiriwrite_critical("languagefilenameinvalid"); } # Check if the presentation and database module names are valid and return a critical # error if they aren't. if ($kiriwrite_config_presmodule_filename eq 1){ # The presentation module filename given is blank so return an # critical error. kiriwrite_critical("presmoduleblank"); } if ($kiriwrite_config_presmodule_filename eq 2){ # The presentation module filename is invalid so return an # critical error. kiriwrite_critical("presmoduleinvalid"); } if ($kiriwrite_config_dbmodule_filename eq 1){ # The database module filename given is blank so return an # critical error. kiriwrite_critical("dbmoduleblank"); } if ($kiriwrite_config_dbmodule_filename eq 2){ # The database module filename given is invalid so return # an critical error. kiriwrite_critical("dbmoduleinvalid"); } # Check if the language file does exist before loading it and return an critical error # if it does not exist. my $kiriwrite_config_language_fileexists = kiriwrite_fileexists("lang/" . $kiriwrite_config{"system_language"} . ".xml"); if ($kiriwrite_config_language_fileexists eq 1){ # Language file does not exist so return an critical error. kiriwrite_critical("languagefilemissing"); } # Check if the language file has valid permission settings and return an critical error if # the language file has invalid permissions settings. my $kiriwrite_config_language_filepermissions = kiriwrite_filepermissions("lang/" . $kiriwrite_config{"system_language"} . ".xml", 1, 0); if ($kiriwrite_config_language_filepermissions eq 1){ # Language file contains invalid permissions so return an critical error. kiriwrite_critical("languagefilepermissions"); } # Load the language file. $kiriwrite_lang = $xsl->XMLin("lang/" . $kiriwrite_config{"system_language"} . ".xml", SuppressEmpty => 1); # Check if the presentation module does exist before loading it and return an critical error # if the presentation module does not exist. my $kiriwrite_config_presmodule_fileexists = kiriwrite_fileexists("Modules/Presentation/" . $kiriwrite_config{"system_presmodule"} . ".pm"); if ($kiriwrite_config_presmodule_fileexists eq 1){ # Presentation module does not exist so return an critical error. kiriwrite_critical("presmodulemissing"); } # Check if the presentation module does have the valid permission settings and return a # critical error if the presentation module contains invalid permission settings. my $kiriwrite_config_presmodule_permissions = kiriwrite_filepermissions("Modules/Presentation/" . $kiriwrite_config{"system_presmodule"} . ".pm", 1, 0); if ($kiriwrite_config_presmodule_permissions eq 1){ # Presentation module contains invalid permissions so return an critical error. kiriwrite_critical("presmoduleinvalidpermissions"); } # Check if the database module does exist before loading it and return an critical error # if the database module does not exist. my $kiriwrite_config_dbmodule_fileexists = kiriwrite_fileexists("Modules/Database/" . $kiriwrite_config{"system_dbmodule"} . ".pm"); if ($kiriwrite_config_dbmodule_fileexists eq 1){ # Database module does not exist so return an critical error. kiriwrite_critical("dbmodulemissing"); } # Check if the database module does have the valid permission settings and return an # critical error if the database module contains invalid permission settings. my $kiriwrite_config_dbmodule_permissions = kiriwrite_filepermissions("Modules/Database/" . $kiriwrite_config{"system_dbmodule"} . ".pm", 1, 0); if ($kiriwrite_config_dbmodule_permissions eq 1){ # Presentation module contains invalid permissions so return an critical error. kiriwrite_critical("dbmoduleinvalidpermissions"); } # Include the Modules directory. use lib "Modules/"; # Load the presentation module. my $presmodulename = "Presentation::" . $kiriwrite_config{"system_presmodule"}; ($presmodulename) = $presmodulename =~ m/^(.*)$/g; eval "use " . $presmodulename; $presmodulename = "Kiriwrite::Presentation::" . $kiriwrite_config{"system_presmodule"}; $kiriwrite_presmodule = $presmodulename->new(); # Load the database module. my $dbmodulename = "Database::" . $kiriwrite_config{"system_dbmodule"}; ($dbmodulename) = $dbmodulename =~ m/^(.*)$/g; eval "use " . $dbmodulename; $dbmodulename = "Kiriwrite::Database::" . $kiriwrite_config{"system_dbmodule"}; $kiriwrite_dbmodule = $dbmodulename->new(); # Load the following settings to the database module. $kiriwrite_dbmodule->loadsettings({ Directory => $kiriwrite_config{"directory_data_db"}, DateTime => $kiriwrite_config{"system_datetime"}, Server => $kiriwrite_config{"database_server"}, Port => $kiriwrite_config{"database_port"}, Protocol => $kiriwrite_config{"database_protocol"}, Database => $kiriwrite_config{"database_sqldatabase"}, Username => $kiriwrite_config{"database_username"}, Password => $kiriwrite_config{"database_password"}, TablePrefix => $kiriwrite_config{"database_tableprefix"} }); return; } sub kiriwrite_variablecheck{ ################################################################################# # kiriwrite_variablecheck: Checks the variables for any invalid characters. # # # # Usage: # # # # kiriwrite_variablecheck(variable, type, length, noerror); # # # # variable Specifies the variable to be checked. # # type Specifies what type the variable is. # # option Specifies the maximum/minimum length of the variable # # (if minlength/maxlength is used) or if the filename should be # # checked to see if it is blank. # # noerror Specifies if Kiriwrite should return an error or not on # # certain values. # ################################################################################# # Get the values that were passed to the subroutine. my ($variable_data, $variable_type, $variable_option, $variable_noerror) = @_; if ($variable_type eq "numbers"){ # Check for numbers and return an error if there is anything else than numebrs. my $variable_data_validated = $variable_data; # Copy the variable_data to variable_data_validated. $variable_data_validated =~ tr/0-9//d; # Take away all of the numbers and from the variable. # If it only contains numbers then it should be blank. if ($variable_data_validated eq ""){ # The validated variable is blank. So continue to the end of this section where the return function should be. } else { # The variable is not blank, so check if the no error value is set # to 1 or not. if ($variable_noerror eq 1){ # The validated variable is not blank and the noerror # value is set to 1. So return an value of 1. # (meaning that the data is invalid). return 1; } elsif ($variable_noerror eq 0) { # The validated variable is not blank and the noerror # value is set to 0. kiriwrite_error("invalidvariable"); } else { # The variable noerror value is something else # pther than 1 or 0. So return an error. kiriwrite_error("invalidvariable"); } } return 0; } elsif ($variable_type eq "lettersnumbers"){ # Check for letters and numbers and return an error if there is anything else other # than letters and numbers. my $variable_data_validated = $variable_data; # Copy the variable_data to variable_data_validated $variable_data_validated =~ tr/a-zA-Z0-9.//d; $variable_data_validated =~ s/\s//g; if ($variable_data_validated eq ""){ # The validated variable is blank. So continue to the end of this section where the return function should be. } else { # The variable is not blank, so check if the no error value is set # to 1 or not. if ($variable_noerror eq 1){ # The validated variable is not blank and the noerror # value is set to 1. So return an value of 1. # (meaning that the data is invalid). return 1; } elsif ($variable_noerror eq 0) { # The validated variable is not blank and the noerror # value is set to 0. kiriwrite_error("invalidvariable"); } else { # The variable noerror value is something else # pther than 1 or 0. So return an error. kiriwrite_error("invalidvariable"); } } return 0; } elsif ($variable_type eq "maxlength"){ # Check for the length of the variable, return an error if it is longer than the length specified. # Check if the variable_data string is blank, if it is then set the variable_data_length # to '0'. my $variable_data_length = 0; if (!$variable_data){ # Set variable_data_length to '0'. $variable_data_length = 0; } else { # Get the length of the variable recieved. $variable_data_length = length($variable_data); } if ($variable_data_length > $variable_option){ # The variable length is longer than it should be so check if # the no error value is set 1. if ($variable_noerror eq 1){ # The no error value is set to 1, so return an # value of 1 (meaning tha the variable is # too long to be used). return 1; } elsif ($variable_noerror eq 0){ # The no error value is set to 0, so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("variabletoolong"); } else { # The no error value is something else other # than 0 or 1, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("variabletoolong"); } } else { # The variable length is exactly or shorter than specified, so continue to end of this section where # the return function should be. } return 0; } elsif ($variable_type eq "blank"){ # Check if the variable is blank and if it is blank, then return an error. if (!$variable_data){ # The variable data really is blank, so check what # the no error value is set. if ($variable_noerror eq 1){ # The no error value is set to 1, so return # a value of 1 (saying that the variable was # blank). return 1; } elsif ($variable_noerror eq 0){ # The no error value is set to 0, so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("blankvariable"); } else { # The no error value is something else other # than 0 or 1, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("invalidvariable"); } } return 0; } elsif ($variable_type eq "filename"){ # Check for letters and numbers, if anything else than letters and numbers is there (including spaces) return # an error. # Check if the filename passed is blank, if it is then return with an error. if ($variable_data eq ""){ # The filename specified is blank, so check what the # noerror value is set. if ($variable_noerror eq 1){ # The no error value is set to 1 so return # a value of 1 (meaning that the filename # was blank). return 1; } elsif ($variable_noerror eq 0){ # The no error value is set to 1 so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("blankfilename"); } else { # The no error value is something else other # than 0 or 1, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("invalidvariable"); } } else { } my $variable_data_validated = $variable_data; $variable_data_validated =~ tr/a-zA-Z0-9\.//d; # Check if the validated data variable is blank, if it is # then continue to the end of this section where the return # function should be, otherwise return an error. if ($variable_data_validated eq ""){ # The validated data variable is blank, meaning that # it only contained letters and numbers. } else { # The validated data variable is not blank, meaning # that it contains something else, so return an error # (or a value). if ($variable_noerror eq 1){ # The no error value is set to 1 so return # an value of 2. (meaning that the filename # is invalid). return 2; } elsif ($variable_noerror eq 0){ # The no error value is set to 0 so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("invalidfilename"); } else { # The no error value is something else other # than 0 or 1 so return an error. kiriwrite_error("invalidvariable"); } } return 0; } elsif ($variable_type eq "filenameindir"){ # Check if the filename is in the directory and return an # error if it isn't. if ($variable_data eq ""){ # The filename specified is blank, so check what the # noerror value is set. if ($variable_noerror eq 1){ # The no error value is set to 1 so return # a value of 1 (meaning that the filename # was blank). return 1; } elsif ($variable_noerror eq 0){ # The no error value is set to 1 so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("blankfilename"); } else { # The no error value is something else other # than 0 or 1, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("invalidvariable"); } } else { } # Set the following variables for later on. my $variable_data_length = 0; my $variable_data_char = ""; my $variable_data_validated = ""; my $variable_data_seek = 0; my $variable_database_list = ""; my $variable_database_listcurrent = ""; my $variable_data_firstlevel = 1; # Get the length of the variable recieved. $variable_data_length = length($variable_data); # Check if the database filename contains the directory command # for up a directory level and if it is, return an error # or return with a number. do { # Get a character from the filename passed to this subroutine. $variable_data_char = substr($variable_data, $variable_data_seek, 1); # Check if the current character is the forward slash character. if ($variable_data_char eq "/"){ # Check if the current directory is blank (and on the first level), or if the # current directory contains two dots or one dot, if it does return an error. if ($variable_database_listcurrent eq "" && $variable_data_firstlevel eq 1 || $variable_database_listcurrent eq ".." || $variable_database_listcurrent eq "."){ # Check if the noerror value is set to 1, if it is return an # number, else return an proper error. if ($variable_noerror eq 1){ # Page filename contains invalid characters and # the no error value is set to 1 so return a # value of 2 (meaning that the page filename # is invalid). return 2; } elsif ($variable_noerror eq 0) { # Page filename contains invalid characters and # the no error value is set to 0 so return an # error. kiriwrite_error("invalidfilename"); } else { # The no error value is something else other # than 0 or 1 so return an error. kiriwrite_error("invalidvariable"); } } # Append the forward slash, clear the current directory name and set # the first directory level value to 0. $variable_database_list = $variable_database_list . $variable_data_char; $variable_database_listcurrent = ""; $variable_data_firstlevel = 0; } else { # Append the current character to the directory name and to the current # directory name. $variable_database_list = $variable_database_list . $variable_data_char; $variable_database_listcurrent = $variable_database_listcurrent . $variable_data_char; } # Increment the seek counter. $variable_data_seek++; } until ($variable_data_seek eq $variable_data_length); return 0; } elsif ($variable_type eq "datetime"){ # Check if the date and time setting format is valid. if ($variable_data eq ""){ if ($variable_noerror eq 1){ # The no error value is set to 1 so return # a value of 1 (meaning that the date and # time format was blank). return 1; } elsif ($variable_noerror eq 0){ # The no error value is set to 1 so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("blankdatetimeformat"); } else { # The no error value is something else other # than 0 or 1, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("invalidvariable"); } } my $variable_data_validated = $variable_data; $variable_data_validated =~ tr|dDmMyYhms/():[ ]||d; if ($variable_data_validated eq ""){ # The date and time format is valid. So # skip this bit. } else { # The validated data variable is not blank, meaning # that it contains something else, so return an error # (or a value). if ($variable_noerror eq 1){ # The no error value is set to 1 so return # an value of 2. (meaning that the date and # time format was invalid). return 2; } elsif ($variable_noerror eq 0){ # The no error value is set to 0 so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("invaliddatetimeformat"); } else { # The no error value is something else other # than 0 or 1 so return an error. kiriwrite_error("invalidvariable"); } } return 0; } elsif ($variable_type eq "directory"){ # Check if the directory only contains letters and numbers and # return an error if anything else appears. my $variable_data_validated = $variable_data; $variable_data_validated =~ tr/a-zA-Z0-9//d; if ($variable_data eq ""){ if ($variable_noerror eq 1){ # The no error value is set to 1 so return # a value of 1 (meaning that the directory # name was blank). return 1; } elsif ($variable_noerror eq 0){ # The no error value is set to 1 so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("blankdirectory"); } else { # The no error value is something else other # than 0 or 1, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("invalidvariable"); } } if ($variable_data_validated eq ""){ # The validated data variable is blank, meaning that # it only contains letters and numbers. } else { # The validated data variable is not blank, meaning # that it contains something else, so return an error # (or a value). if ($variable_noerror eq 1){ # The no error value is set to 1 so return # an value of 2. (meaning that the directory # name is invalid). return 2; } elsif ($variable_noerror eq 0){ # The no error value is set to 0 so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("invaliddirectory"); } else { # The no error value is something else other # than 0 or 1 so return an error. kiriwrite_error("invalidvariable"); } } return 0; } elsif ($variable_type eq "language_filename"){ # The variable type is a language filename type. # Check if the language file name is blank and # if it is then return an error (or value). if ($variable_data eq ""){ # The language filename is blank so check the # no error value and return an error (or value). if ($variable_noerror eq 1){ # Language filename is blank and the no error value # is set as 1, so return a value of 1 (saying that # the language filename is blank). return 1; } elsif ($variable_noerror eq 0) { # Language filename is blank and the no error value # is not set as 1, so return an error. kiriwrite_critical("languagefilenameblank"); } else { # The noerror value is something else other # than 0 or 1 so return an error. kiriwrite_error("invalidvariable"); } } # Set the following variables for later on. my $variable_data_length = 0; my $variable_data_char = ""; my $variable_data_seek = 0; # Get the length of the language file name. $variable_data_length = length($variable_data); do { # Get a character from the language filename passed to this # subroutine and the character the seek counter value is set # to. $variable_data_char = substr($variable_data, $variable_data_seek, 1); # Check if the language filename contains a forward slash or a dot, # if the selected character is a forward slash then return an error # (or value). if ($variable_data_char eq "/" || $variable_data_char eq "."){ # The language filename contains a forward slash or # a dot so depending on the no error value, return # an error or a value. if ($variable_noerror eq 1){ # Language filename contains a forward slash or a dot # and the no error value has been set to 1, so return # an value of 2 (saying that the language file name is # invalid). return 2; } elsif ($variable_noerror eq 0) { # Language filename contains a forward slash and the no # error value has not been set to 1, so return an error. kiriwrite_critical("languagefilenameinvalid"); } else { # The noerror value is something else other than # 1 or 0 so return an error. kiriwrite_error("invalidvariable"); } } # Increment the seek counter. $variable_data_seek++; } until ($variable_data_seek eq $variable_data_length); return 0; } elsif ($variable_type eq "pagesetting"){ # The variable type is a page setting, so check if the page # setting has one of the valid options. if ($variable_data eq 0 || $variable_data eq 1 || $variable_data eq 2 || $variable_data eq 3){ # The variable is one of the options above, so continue # to the end of this section. } else { # The variable is not one of the options above, so check # and see if a error or a value should be returned. if ($variable_noerror eq 1){ # The page setting is invalid and the no error # value is set 1, so return a value of 1 # (saying that the page setting value is # invalid). return 1; } elsif ($variable_noerror eq 0) { # Page setting is invalid and the no error value # is not 1, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("invalidvariable"); } else { # The no error value is something else other # than 0 or 1 so return an error. kiriwrite_error("invalidvariable"); } } return 0; } elsif ($variable_type eq "page_filename"){ # The variable type is a page filename type. Check # if the data is empty and if it is then return an # error (or value). if ($variable_data eq ""){ # The filename is blank so check the no error # value and depending on it return an value # or an error. if ($variable_noerror eq 1){ # Page filename is blank and the no error value # is set as 1, so return a value of 1 (saying # the filename is blank). return 1; } elsif ($variable_noerror eq 0) { # Page filename is blank and the no error value # is not 1, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("emptypagefilename"); } else { # The no error value is something else other # than 0 or 1 so return an error. kiriwrite_error("invalidvariable"); } } # Set the following variables for later on. my $variable_data_length = 0; my $variable_data_slash = 0; my $variable_data_char = ""; my $variable_data_validated = ""; my $variable_data_seek = 0; my $variable_database_list = ""; my $variable_database_listcurrent = ""; my $variable_data_firstlevel = 1; # Get the length of the filename. $variable_data_length = length($variable_data); # Check that only valid characters should be appearing in # the filename. $variable_data_validated = $variable_data; $variable_data_validated =~ tr|a-zA-Z0-9\.\/\-_||d; if ($variable_data_validated ne ""){ # The validated variable is not blank, meaning the # variable contains invalid characters, so return # an error. if ($variable_noerror eq 1){ # Page filename contains invalid characters and # the no error value is set to 1 so return a # value of 2 (meaning that the page filename # is invalid). return 2; } elsif ($variable_noerror eq 0) { # Page filename contains invalid characters and # the no error value is set to 0 so return an # error. kiriwrite_error("invalidfilename"); } else { # The no error value is something else other # than 0 or 1 so return an error. kiriwrite_error("invalidvariable"); } } # Check if the page filename contains the directory command # for up a directory level and if it is, return an error # or return with a number. do { # Get a character from the filename passed to this subroutine. $variable_data_char = substr($variable_data, $variable_data_seek, 1); # Check if the current character is the forward slash character. if ($variable_data_char eq "/"){ # Check if the current directory is blank (and on the first level), or if the # current directory contains two dots or one dot, if it does return an error. $variable_data_slash = 1; if ($variable_database_listcurrent eq "" && $variable_data_firstlevel eq 1 || $variable_database_listcurrent eq ".." || $variable_database_listcurrent eq "."){ # Check if the noerror value is set to 1, if it is return an # number, else return an proper error. if ($variable_noerror eq 1){ # Page filename contains invalid characters and # the no error value is set to 1 so return a # value of 2 (meaning that the page filename # is invalid). return 2; } elsif ($variable_noerror eq 0) { # Page filename contains invalid characters and # the no error value is set to 0 so return an # error. kiriwrite_error("invalidfilename"); } else { # The no error value is something else other # than 0 or 1 so return an error. kiriwrite_error("invalidvariable"); } } # Append the forward slash, clear the current directory name and set # the first directory level value to 0. $variable_database_list = $variable_database_list . $variable_data_char; $variable_database_listcurrent = ""; $variable_data_firstlevel = 0; } else { # Append the current character to the directory name and to the current # directory name. $variable_data_slash = 0; $variable_database_list = $variable_database_list . $variable_data_char; $variable_database_listcurrent = $variable_database_listcurrent . $variable_data_char; } # Increment the seek counter. $variable_data_seek++; } until ($variable_data_seek eq $variable_data_length); # Check if the last character is a slash and return an # error if it is. if ($variable_data_slash eq 1){ if ($variable_noerror eq 1){ # Last character is a slash and the no error # value is set to 1 so return a value of 2 # (meaning that the page filename is invalid). return 2; } elsif ($variable_noerror eq 0) { # Page filename contains a slash for the last # character and the no error value is set to 0 # so return an error. kiriwrite_error("invalidfilename"); } else { # The no error value is something else other # than 0 or 1 so return an error. kiriwrite_error("invalidvariable"); } } return 0; } elsif ($variable_type eq "module"){ # The variable type is a presentation module filename. # Check if the variable_data is blank and if it is # return an error. if ($variable_data eq ""){ # The presentation module is blank so check if an error # value should be returned or a number should be # returned. if ($variable_noerror eq 1){ # Module name is blank and the no error value # is set to 1 so return a value of 2 (meaning # that the page filename is blank). return 1; } elsif ($variable_noerror eq 0) { # Module name contains is blank and the no error # value is set to 0 so return an error. kiriwrite_critical("moduleblank"); } else { # The no error value is something else other # than 0 or 1 so return an error. kiriwrite_critical("invalidvalue"); } } else { } my $variable_data_validated = $variable_data; $variable_data_validated =~ tr/a-zA-Z0-9//d; if ($variable_data_validated eq ""){ } else { if ($variable_noerror eq 1){ # Module name contains invalid characters and # the no error value is set to 1 so return a # value of 2 (meaning that the page filename # is invalid). return 2; } elsif ($variable_noerror eq 0) { # Module name contains invalid characters and # the no error value is set to 0 so return an # error. kiriwrite_critical("moduleinvalid"); } else { # The no error value is something else other # than 0 or 1 so return an error. kiriwrite_error("invalidvalue"); } } return 0; } elsif ($variable_type eq "utf8"){ # The variable type is a UTF8 string. if (!$variable_data){ $variable_data = ""; } # Check if the string is a valid UTF8 string. if ($variable_data =~ m/^( [\x09\x0A\x0D\x20-\x7E] # ASCII | [\xC2-\xDF][\x80-\xBF] # non-overlong 2-byte | \xE0[\xA0-\xBF][\x80-\xBF] # excluding overlongs | [\xE1-\xEC\xEE\xEF][\x80-\xBF]{2} # straight 3-byte | \xED[\x80-\x9F][\x80-\xBF] # excluding surrogates | \xF0[\x90-\xBF][\x80-\xBF]{2} # planes 1-3 | [\xF1-\xF3][\x80-\xBF]{3} # planes 4-15 | \xF4[\x80-\x8F][\x80-\xBF]{2} # plane 16 )*$/x){ # The UTF-8 string is valid. } else { # The UTF-8 string is not valid, check if the no error # value is set to 1 and return an error if it isn't. if ($variable_noerror eq 1){ # The no error value has been set to 1, so return # a value of 1 (meaning that the UTF-8 string is # invalid). return 1; } elsif ($variable_noerror eq 0) { # The no error value has been set to 0, so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("invalidutf8"); } else { # The no error value is something else other than 0 # or 1, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("invalidoption"); } } return 0; } elsif ($variable_type eq "serverprotocol"){ # Check if the server protocol is TCP or UDP and return # an error if it isn't. if ($variable_data ne "tcp" && $variable_data ne "udp"){ # The protocol given is not valid, check if the no # error value is set to 1 and return an error if it isn't. if ($variable_noerror eq 1){ # The no error value has been set to 1, so return a # value of 1 (meaning that the server protocol is # invalid). return 1; } elsif ($variable_noerror eq 0){ # The no error value has been set to 0, so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("serverprotocolinvalid"); } else { # The no error value is something else other than 0 # or 1, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("invalidoption"); } } return 0; } elsif ($variable_type eq "port"){ # Check if the port number given is less than 0 or more than 65535 # and return an error if it is. if ($variable_data < 0 || $variable_data > 65535){ # The port number is less than 0 and more than 65535 so # check if the no error value is set to 1 and return an # error if it isn't. if ($variable_noerror eq 1){ # The no error value has been set to 1, so return a # value of 1 (meaning that the port number is invalid). return 1; } elsif ($variable_noerror eq 0){ # The no error value has been set to 0, so return # an error. kiriwrite_error("serverportnumberinvalid"); } else { # The no error value is something else other than 0 # or 1, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("invalidoption"); } } return 0; } # Another type than the valid ones above has been specified so return an error specifying an invalid option. kiriwrite_error("invalidoption"); } sub kiriwrite_output_header{ ################################################################################# # kiriwrite_output_header: Outputs the header to the browser/stdout/console. # # # # Usage: # # # # kiriwrite_output_header(); # ################################################################################# # Print a header saying that the page expires immediately since the # date is set in the past. print header(-Expires=>'Sunday, 01-Jan-06 00:00:00 GMT', -charset=>'utf-8'); return; } sub kiriwrite_processfilename{ ################################################################################# # kiriwrite_processfilename: Processes a name and turns it into a filename that # # can be used by Kiriwrite. # # # # Usage: # # # # kiriwrite_processfilename(text); # # # # text Specifies the text to be used in the process for creating a new # # filename. # ################################################################################# # Get the values that have been passed to the subroutine. my ($process_text) = @_; # Define some variables that will be used later on. my $processed_stageone = ""; my $processed_stagetwo = ""; my $processed_length = ""; my $processed_char = ""; my $processed_seek = 0; my $processed_filename = ""; # Set the first stage value of the processed filename to the # process filename and then filter it out to only contain # numbers and letters (no spaces) and then convert the # capitals to small letters. $processed_stageone = $process_text; $processed_stageone =~ tr#a-zA-Z0-9##cd; $processed_stageone =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; # Now set the second stage value of the processed filename # to the first stage value of the processed filename and # then limit the filename down to 32 characters. $processed_stagetwo = $processed_stageone; $processed_length = length($processed_stagetwo); # Process the second stage filename into the final # filename and do so until the seek counter is 32 # or reaches the length of the second stage filename. do { # Get the character that is the seek counter # is set at. $processed_char = substr($processed_stagetwo, $processed_seek, 1); # Append to the final processed filename. $processed_filename = $processed_filename . $processed_char; # Increment the seek counter. $processed_seek++; } until ($processed_seek eq 32 || $processed_seek eq $processed_length); return $processed_filename; } sub kiriwrite_language{ ################################################################################# # kiriwrite_language: Process language strings that needs certain text inserted.# # # # Usage: # # # # kiriwrite_language(string, [text, text, ...]); # # # # string Specifies the string to process. # # text Specifies the text to pass to the string (can be repeated many # # times). # ################################################################################# my $string = shift; my $item; foreach $item (@_){ $string =~ s/%s/$item/; } return $string; } sub kiriwrite_error{ ################################################################################# # kiriwrite_error: Prints out an error message. # # # # Usage: # # # # kiriwrite_error(errortype, errorext); # # # # errortype Specifies the type of error that occured. # # errorext Specifies the extended error information. # ################################################################################# # Get the error type from the subroutine. my ($error_type, $error_extended) = @_; # Disconnect from the database server. if ($kiriwrite_dbmodule){ $kiriwrite_dbmodule->disconnect(); } # Load the list of error messages. my ($kiriwrite_error, %kiriwrite_error); %kiriwrite_error = ( # Catch all error message. "generic" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{generic}, # Standard error messages. "blankfilename" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{blankfilename}, "blankvariable" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{blankvariable}, "fileexists" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{fileexists}, "internalerror" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{internalerror}, "invalidoption" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{invalidoption}, "invalidaction" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{invalidaction}, "invalidfilename" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{invalidfilename}, "invalidmode" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{invalidmode}, "invalidutf8" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{invalidutf8}, "invalidvariable" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{invalidvariable}, "variabletoolong" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{variabletoolong}, # Specific error messages. "blankcompiletype" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{blankcompiletype}, "blankdatabasepageadd" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{blankdatabasepageadd}, "blankdirectory" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{blankdirectory}, "blankfindfilter" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{blankfindfilter}, "blankdatetimeformat" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{blankdatetimeformat}, "databaseconnectionerror" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{databaseconnectionerror}, "databasecategoriestoolong" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{databasecategoriestoolong}, "databasecopysame" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{databasecopysame}, "databasealreadyexists" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{databasealreadyexists}, "datadirectorymissing" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{datadirectorymissing}, "datadirectoryinvalidpermissions" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{datadirectoryinvalidpermissions}, "databasedescriptiontoolong" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{databasedescriptiontoolong}, "databasefilenameinvalid" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{databasefilenameinvalid}, "databasefilenametoolong" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{databasefilenametoolong}, "databaseerror" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{databaseerror}, "databaseinvalidpermissions" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{databaseinvalidpermissions}, "databasenameinvalid" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{databasenameinvalid}, "databasenametoolong" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{databasenametoolong}, "databasenameblank" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{databasenameblank}, "databasemissingfile" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{databasemissingfile}, "databasemovemissingfile" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{databasemovemissingfile}, "databasenorename" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{databasenorename}, "databasemovesame" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{databasemovesame}, "dbmoduleblank" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{dbmoduleblank}, "dbmoduleinvalid" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{dbmoduleinvalid}, "dbdirectoryblank" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{dbdirectoryblank}, "dbdirectoryinvalid" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{dbdirectoryinvalid}, "dbmodulemissing" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{dbmodulemissing}, "filtersdatabasenotcreated" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{filtersdatabasenotcreated}, "filtersdbdatabaseerror" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{filtersdbdatabaseerror}, "filtersdbpermissions" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{filtersdbpermissions}, "filtersdbmissing" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{filtersdbmissing}, "filteridblank" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{filteridblank}, "filterdoesnotexist" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{filterdoesnotexist}, "filteridinvalid" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{filteridinvalid}, "filteridtoolong" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{filteridtoolong}, "findfiltertoolong" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{findfiltertoolong}, "filterpriorityinvalid" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{filterpriorityinvalid}, "filterpriorityinvalidchars" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{filterpriorityinvalidchars}, "filterprioritytoolong" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{filterprioritytoolong}, "invalidcompiletype" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{invalidcompiletype}, "invalidpagenumber" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{invalidpagenumber}, "nopagesselected" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{nopagesselected}, "invaliddirectory" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{invaliddirectory}, "invaliddatetimeformat" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{invaliddatetimeformat}, "invalidlanguagefilename" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{invalidlanguagefilename}, "languagefilenamemissing" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{languagefilenamemissing}, "moduleblank" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{moduleblank}, "moduleinvalid" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{moduleinvalid}, "newcopydatabasedatabaseerror" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{newcopydatabasedatabaseerror}, "newcopydatabasedoesnotexist" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{newcopydatabasedoesnotexist}, "newcopydatabasefileinvalidpermissions" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{newcopydatabasefileinvalidpermissions}, "newmovedatabasedatabaseerror" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{newmovedatabasedatabaseerror}, "newmovedatabasedoesnotexist" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{newmovedatabasedoesnotexist}, "newmovedatabasefileinvalidpermissions" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{newmovedatabasefileinvalidpermissions}, "nodatabasesavailable" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{nodatabasesavailable}, "nodatabaseselected" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{nodatabaseselected}, "noeditvaluesselected" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{noeditvaluesselected}, "oldcopydatabasedatabaseerror" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{oldcopydatabasedatabaseerror}, "oldcopydatabasedoesnotexist" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{oldcopydatabasedoesnotexist}, "oldcopydatabasefileinvalidpermissions" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{oldcopydatabasefileinvalidpermissions}, "oldmovedatabasedatabaseerror" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{oldmovedatabasedatabaseerror}, "oldmovedatabasedoesnotexist" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{oldmovedatabasedoesnotexist}, "oldmovedatabasefileinvalidpermissions" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{oldmovedatabasefileinvalidpermissions}, "outputdirectoryblank" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{outputdirectoryblank}, "outputdirectoryinvalid" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{outputdirectoryinvalid}, "outputdirectorymissing" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{outputdirectorymissing}, "outputdirectoryinvalidpermissions" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{outputdirectoryinvalidpermissions}, "presmoduleblank" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{presmoduleblank}, "presmoduleinvalid" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{presmoduleinvalid}, "presmodulemissing" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{presmodulemissing}, "pagefilenamedoesnotexist" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{pagefilenamedoesnotexist}, "pagefilenameexists" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{pagefilenameexists}, "pagefilenameinvalid" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{pagefilenameinvalid}, "pagefilenametoolong" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{pagefilenametoolong}, "pagefilenameblank" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{pagefilenameblank}, "pagetitletoolong" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{pagetitletoolong}, "pagedescriptiontoolong" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{pagedescriptiontoolong}, "pagesectiontoolong" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{pagesectiontoolong}, "pagedatabasefilenametoolong" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{pagedatabasefilenametoolong}, "pagesettingstoolong" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{pagesettingstoolong}, "pagesettingsinvalid" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{pagesettingsinvalid}, "pagetemplatefilenametoolong" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{pagetemplatefilenametoolong}, "replacefiltertoolong" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{replacefiltertoolong}, "servernameinvalid" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{servernameinvalid}, "servernametoolong" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{servernametoolong}, "serverdatabasenameinvalid" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{serverdatabasenameinvalid}, "serverdatabasenametoolong" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{serverdatabasenametoolong}, "serverdatabaseusernameinvalid" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{serverdatabaseusernameinvalid}, "serverdatabaseusernametoolong" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{serverdatabaseusernametoolong}, "serverdatabasepasswordtoolong" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{serverdatabasepasswordtoolong}, "serverdatabasetableprefixinvalid" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{serverdatabasetableprefixinvalid}, "serverdatabasetableprefixtoolong" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{serverdatabasetableprefixtoolong}, "serverportnumberinvalid" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{serverportnumberinvalid}, "serverportnumberinvalidcharacters" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{serverportnumberinvalidcharacters}, "serverportnumbertoolong" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{serverportnumbertoolong}, "serverprotocolnametoolong" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{serverprotocolnametoolong}, "serverprotocolinvalid" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{serverprotocolinvalid}, "templatenameblank" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{templatenameblank}, "templatefilenameexists" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{templatefilenameexists}, "templatefilenameinvalid" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{templatefilenameinvalid}, "templatedatabaseerror" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{templatedatabaseerror}, "templatedatabaseinvalidpermissions" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{templatedatabaseinvalidpermissions}, "templatedatabaseinvalidformat" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{templatedatabaseinvalidformat}, "templatedirectoryblank" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{templatedirectoryblank}, "templatedirectoryinvalid" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{templatedirectoryinvalid}, "templatedatabasenotcreated" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{templatedatabasenotcreated}, "templatefilenametoolong" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{templatefilenametoolong}, "templatenametoolong" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{templatenametoolong}, "templatedescriptiontoolong" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{templatedescriptiontoolong}, "templatedatabasemissing" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{templatedatabasemissing}, "templatedoesnotexist" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{templatedoesnotexist}, "templatefilenameblank" => $kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{templatefilenameblank}, ); # Check if the specified error is blank and if it is # use the generic error messsage. if (!$kiriwrite_error{$error_type}){ $error_type = "generic"; } $kiriwrite_presmodule->clear(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startbox("errorbox"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{error}, { Style => "errorheader" }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_error{$error_type}, { Style => "errortext" }); # Check to see if extended error information was passed. if ($error_extended){ # Write the extended error information. $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{extendederror}); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); $kiriwrite_presmodule->startbox("datalist"); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext($error_extended); $kiriwrite_presmodule->endbox(); } $kiriwrite_presmodule->endbox(); kiriwrite_output_header; kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang->{error}->{error}, $kiriwrite_presmodule->grab(), "none"); exit; } sub kiriwrite_fileexists{ ################################################################################# # kiriwrite_fileexists: Check if a file exists and returns a value depending on # # if the file exists or not. # # # # Usage: # # # # kiriwrite_fileexists(filename); # # # # filename Specifies the file name to check if it exists or not. # ################################################################################# # Get the value that was passed to the subroutine. my ($filename) = @_; # Check if the filename exists, if it does, return a value of 0, else # return a value of 1, meaning that the file was not found. if (-e $filename){ # Specified file does exist so return a value of 0. return 0; } else { # Specified file does not exist so return a value of 1. return 1; } } sub kiriwrite_filepermissions{ ################################################################################# # kiriwrite_filepermissions: Check if the file permissions of a file and return # # either a 1 saying that the permissions are valid or return a 0 saying that # # the permissions are invalid. # # # # Usage: # # # # kiriwrite_filepermissions(filename, [read], [write], [filemissingskip]); # # # # filename Specifies the filename to check for permissions. # # read Preform check that the file is readable. # # write Preform check that the file is writeable. # # filemissingskip Skip the check of seeing if it can read or write if the # # file is missing. # ################################################################################# # Get the values that was passed to the subroutine. my ($filename, $readpermission, $writepermission, $ignorechecks) = @_; # Check to make sure that the read permission and write permission values # are only 1 character long. kiriwrite_variablecheck($readpermission, "maxlength", 1, 0); kiriwrite_variablecheck($writepermission, "maxlength", 1, 0); kiriwrite_variablecheck($ignorechecks, "maxlength", 1, 0); my $ignorechecks_result = 0; # Check if the file should be ignored for read and write checking if # it doesn't exist. if ($ignorechecks){ if (-e $filename){ # The file exists so the checks are to be done. $ignorechecks_result = 0; } else { # The file does not exist so the checks don't need to # be done to prevent false positives. $ignorechecks_result = 1; } } else { $ignorechecks_result = 0; } # Check if the file should be checked to see if it can be read. if ($readpermission && $ignorechecks_result eq 0){ # The file should be checked to see if it does contain read permissions # and return a 0 if it is invalid. if (-r $filename){ # The file is readable, so do nothing. } else { # The file is not readable, so return 1. return 1; } } # Check if the file should be checked to see if it can be written. if ($writepermission && $ignorechecks_result eq 0){ # The file should be checked to see if it does contain write permissions # and return a 0 if it is invalid. if (-w $filename){ # The file is writeable, so do nothing. } else { # The file is not writeable, so return 1. return 1; } } # No problems have occured, so return 0. return 0; } sub kiriwrite_utf8convert{ ################################################################################# # kiriwrite_utf8convert: Properly converts values into UTF-8 values. # # # # Usage: # # # # utfstring # The UTF-8 string to convert. # ################################################################################# # Get the values passed to the subroutine. my ($utfstring) = @_; # Load the Encode perl module. use Encode qw(decode_utf8); # Convert the string. my $finalutf8 = Encode::decode_utf8( $utfstring ); return $finalutf8; } sub kiriwrite_critical{ ################################################################################# # kiriwrite_critical: Displays an critical error message that cannot be # # normally by the kiriwrite_error subroutine. # # # # Usage: # # # # errortype Specifies the type of critical error that has occured. # ################################################################################# # Get the value that was passed to the subroutine. my ($error_type) = @_; my %error_list; # Get the error type from the errortype string. %error_list = ( # Generic critical error message. "generic" => "A critical error has occured but the error is not known to Kiriwrite.", # Specific critical error messages. "configfilemissing" => "The Kiriwrite configuration file is missing! Running the installer script for Kiriwrite is recommended.", "configfileinvalidpermissions" => "The Kiriwrite configuration file has invalid permission settings set! Please set the valid permission settings for the configuration file.", "dbmodulemissing" => "The database module is missing! Running the installer script for Kiriwrite is recommended.", "dbmoduleinvalidpermissions" => "The database module cannot be used as it has invalid permission settings set! Please set the valid permission settings for the configuration file.", "dbmoduleinvalid" => "The database module name given is invalid. Running the installer script for Kiriwrite is recommended.", "invalidvalue" => "An invalid value was passed.", "languagefilenameblank" => "The language filename given is blank! Running the installer script for Kiriwrite is recommended.", "languagefilenameinvalid" => "The language filename given is invalid! Running the installer script for Kiriwrite is recommended.", "languagefilemissing" => "The language filename given does not exist. Running the installer script for Kiriwrite is recommended.", "languagefilenameinvalidpermissions" => "The language file with the filename given has invalid permissions set. Please set the valid permission settings for the language file.", "presmodulemissing" => "The presentation module is missing! Running the installer script for Kiriwrite is recommended.", "presmoduleinvalidpermissions" => "The presentation module cannot be used as it has invalid permission settings set! Please set the valid permission settings for the presentation module.", "presmoduleinvalid" => "The presentation module name given is invalid. Running the installer script for Kiriwrite is recommended.", ); if (!$error_list{$error_type}){ $error_type = "generic"; } print header(); print "Critical Error: " . $error_list{$error_type}; exit; } sub kiriwrite_output_page{ ################################################################################# # kiriwrite_output_page: Outputs the page to the browser/stdout/console. # # # # Usage: # # # # kiriwrite_output_page(pagetitle, pagedata, menutype); # # # # pagetitle Specifies the page title. # # pagedata Specifies the page data. # # menutype Prints out which menu to use. # ################################################################################# my ($pagetitle, $pagedata, $menutype) = @_; # Open the script page template and load it into the scriptpage variable, # while declaring the variable. open (my $filehandle_scriptpage, "<:utf8", 'page.html'); my @scriptpage = <$filehandle_scriptpage>; binmode $filehandle_scriptpage, ':utf8'; close ($filehandle_scriptpage); # Define the variables required. my $scriptpageline = ""; my $pageoutput = ""; my $menuoutput = ""; $kiriwrite_presmodule->clear(); # Print out the main menu for Kiriwrite. $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlink($kiriwrite_env{'script_filename'} . "?mode=db", { Text => $kiriwrite_lang->{menu}->{viewdatabases} }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext(" | "); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlink($kiriwrite_env{'script_filename'} . "?mode=page", { Text => $kiriwrite_lang->{menu}->{viewpages} }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext(" | "); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlink($kiriwrite_env{'script_filename'} . "?mode=filter", { Text => $kiriwrite_lang->{menu}->{viewfilters} }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext(" | "); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlink($kiriwrite_env{'script_filename'} . "?mode=template", { Text => $kiriwrite_lang->{menu}->{viewtemplates} }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext(" | "); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlink($kiriwrite_env{'script_filename'} . "?mode=compile", { Text => $kiriwrite_lang->{menu}->{compilepages} }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext(" | "); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlink($kiriwrite_env{'script_filename'} . "?mode=settings", { Text => $kiriwrite_lang->{menu}->{viewsettings} }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlinebreak(); # Check what menu is going to be printed along with the default 'top' menu. if ($menutype eq "database"){ # If the menu type is database then print out the database sub-menu. $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlink($kiriwrite_env{'script_filename'} . "?mode=db", { Text => $kiriwrite_lang->{database}->{submenu}->{viewdatabases} }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext(" | "); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlink($kiriwrite_env{'script_filename'} . "?mode=db&action=new", { Text => $kiriwrite_lang->{database}->{submenu}->{adddatabase} }); } elsif ($menutype eq "pages"){ # If the menu type is pages then print out the pages sub-menu. # First, fetch the database name from the HTTP query string. my $query = new CGI; my $db_filename = $query->param('database'); # Check if a value has been placed in the db_filename string. if (!$db_filename){ # As the database filename is blank, don't add an option to add a page. } else { # A database file has been specified so add an option to add a page to # the selected database. $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlink($kiriwrite_env{'script_filename'} . "?mode=page&action=add&database=" . $db_filename, { Text => $kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{submenu}->{addpage} }); } } elsif ($menutype eq "filter"){ # If the menu type is filters then print out the filter sub-menu. $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlink($kiriwrite_env{'script_filename'} . "?mode=filter", { Text => $kiriwrite_lang->{filter}->{submenu}->{showfilters} }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext(" | "); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlink($kiriwrite_env{'script_filename'} . "?mode=filter&action=add", { Text => $kiriwrite_lang->{filter}->{submenu}->{addfilter} }); } elsif ($menutype eq "settings"){ # If the menu type is options then print out the options sub-menu. $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlink($kiriwrite_env{'script_filename'} . "?mode=settings", { Text => $kiriwrite_lang->{setting}->{submenu}->{viewsettings} }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext(" | "); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlink($kiriwrite_env{'script_filename'} . "?mode=settings&action=edit", { Text => $kiriwrite_lang->{setting}->{submenu}->{editsettings} }); } elsif ($menutype eq "template"){ # If the menu type is template then print out the template sub-menu. $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlink($kiriwrite_env{'script_filename'} . "?mode=template", { Text => $kiriwrite_lang->{template}->{submenu}->{showtemplates} }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext(" | "); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlink($kiriwrite_env{'script_filename'} . "?mode=template&action=add", { Text => $kiriwrite_lang->{template}->{submenu}->{addtemplate} }); } elsif ($menutype eq "compile"){ # If the menu type is compile then print out the compile sub-menu. $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlink($kiriwrite_env{'script_filename'} . "?mode=compile", { Text => $kiriwrite_lang->{compile}->{submenu}->{listdatabases} }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext(" | "); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlink($kiriwrite_env{'script_filename'} . "?mode=compile&action=all", { Text => $kiriwrite_lang->{compile}->{submenu}->{compileall} }); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addtext(" | "); $kiriwrite_presmodule->addlink($kiriwrite_env{'script_filename'} . "?mode=compile&action=clean", { Text => $kiriwrite_lang->{compile}->{submenu}->{cleanoutputdirectory} }); } $menuoutput = $kiriwrite_presmodule->grab(); # Find tages and replace with the apporiate variables. foreach $scriptpageline (@scriptpage){ $scriptpageline =~ s//$menuoutput/g; $scriptpageline =~ s//$kiriwrite_config{"directory_noncgi_images"}/g; $scriptpageline =~ s//$pagedata/g; # Check if page title specified is blank, otherwise add a page title # to the title. if ($pagetitle eq ""){ $scriptpageline =~ s///g; } else { $scriptpageline =~ s// ($pagetitle)/g; } # Append processed line to the pageoutput variable. $pageoutput = $pageoutput . $scriptpageline; } binmode STDOUT, ':utf8'; print $pageoutput; return; } sub kiriwrite_output_xml{ ################################################################################# # kiriwrite_output_xml: Outputs several types of data to an XML file # # # # Usage: # # # # kiriwrite_output_xml(filename, type, settings); # # # # filename Specifies the filename of the XML file. # # type Specifies the type of the XML file to be written. # # settings Specifies the following settings in any order. # # # # Settings for Kiriwrite configuration files: # # # # DatabaseDirectory Specifies the new database directory to use. # # OutputDirectory Specifies the new output directory to use. # # ImagesURIPath Specifies the new URI path for images. # # DateTimeFormat Specifies the new date and time format. # # SystemLanguage Specifies the new language to use for Kiriwrite. # # PrsentationModule Specifies the new presentation module to use for # # Kiriwrite. # # DatabaseModule Specifies the new database module to use for Kiriwrite. # # DatabaseServer Specifies the database server to use. # # DaravasePort Specifies the port the database server is running on. # # DatabaseProtocol Specifies the protocol the database server is using. # # DatabaseSQLDatabase Specifies the SQL database name to use. # # DatabaseUsername Specifies the database server username. # # DatabasePassword Specifies the password for the database server username.# # DatabaseTablePrefix Specifies the table prefix to use. # ################################################################################# # Get the variables passed from the subroutine. my $xml_filename = shift; my $xml_type = shift; my ($passedsettings) = @_; # Check if filename is blank, if it is then return an error. if ($xml_filename eq ""){ # Filename is blank, return an error. kiriwrite_error("blankfilename"); } # Validate the XML filename to make sure nothing supicious is being passed. kiriwrite_variablecheck($xml_filename, "maxlength", 64, 0); kiriwrite_variablecheck($xml_filename, "filename", "", 0); # Check what type of XML data to output. if ($xml_type eq "config") { # The type of XML data to output is a Kiriwrite configuration file. # Get the data from the hash. my $settings_databasedir = $passedsettings->{"DatabaseDirectory"}; my $settings_outputdir = $passedsettings->{"OutputDirectory"}; my $settings_imagesuri = $passedsettings->{"ImagesURIPath"}; my $settings_datetime = $passedsettings->{"DateTimeFormat"}; my $settings_systemlanguage = $passedsettings->{"SystemLanguage"}; my $settings_presmodule = $passedsettings->{"PresentationModule"}; my $settings_dbmodule = $passedsettings->{"DatabaseModule"}; my $settings_database_server = $passedsettings->{"DatabaseServer"}; my $settings_database_port = $passedsettings->{"DatabasePort"}; my $settings_database_protocol = $passedsettings->{"DatabaseProtocol"}; my $settings_database_sqldatabase = $passedsettings->{"DatabaseSQLDatabase"}; my $settings_database_username = $passedsettings->{"DatabaseUsername"}; my $settings_database_password = $passedsettings->{"DatabasePassword"}; my $settings_database_tableprefix = $passedsettings->{"DatabaseTablePrefix"}; # Convert the password to make sure it can be read properly. $settings_database_password =~ s/\0//g; $settings_database_password =~ s//>/g; # Convert the less than and greater than characters are there and # convert them. $settings_imagesuri =~ s//>/g; # Create the XML data layout. my $xmldata = "\r\n\r\n\r\n"; $xmldata = $xmldata . "\r\n"; $xmldata = $xmldata . "\t\r\n\t\t\r\n"; $xmldata = $xmldata . "\t\t\t" . $settings_databasedir . "\r\n"; $xmldata = $xmldata . "\t\t\t" . $settings_outputdir . "\r\n"; $xmldata = $xmldata . "\t\t\t" . $settings_imagesuri . "\r\n"; $xmldata = $xmldata . "\t\t\r\n"; $xmldata = $xmldata . "\t\t\r\n"; $xmldata = $xmldata . "\t\t\t" . $settings_systemlanguage . "\r\n"; $xmldata = $xmldata . "\t\t\r\n"; $xmldata = $xmldata . "\t\t\r\n"; $xmldata = $xmldata . "\t\t\t" . $settings_presmodule . "\r\n"; $xmldata = $xmldata . "\t\t\t" . $settings_dbmodule . "\r\n"; $xmldata = $xmldata . "\t\t\t" . $settings_datetime . "\r\n"; $xmldata = $xmldata . "\t\t\r\n"; $xmldata = $xmldata . "\t\t\r\n"; $xmldata = $xmldata . "\t\t\t" . $settings_database_server . "\r\n"; $xmldata = $xmldata . "\t\t\t" . $settings_database_port . "\r\n"; $xmldata = $xmldata . "\t\t\t" . $settings_database_protocol . "\r\n"; $xmldata = $xmldata . "\t\t\t" . $settings_database_sqldatabase . "\r\n"; $xmldata = $xmldata . "\t\t\t" . $settings_database_username . "\r\n"; $xmldata = $xmldata . "\t\t\t" . $settings_database_password . "\r\n"; $xmldata = $xmldata . "\t\t\t" . $settings_database_tableprefix . "\r\n"; $xmldata = $xmldata . "\t\t\r\n"; $xmldata = $xmldata . "\t\r\n"; $xmldata = $xmldata . ""; # Open the Kiriwrite XML configuration file and write the new settings to the # configuration file. open(my $filehandle_xmlconfig, "> ", "kiriwrite.xml"); print $filehandle_xmlconfig $xmldata; close($filehandle_xmlconfig); } else { # The type of XML data is something else that is not supported by # Kiriwrite, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("invalidoption"); } return; } ################################################################################# # End listing the functions needed. # ################################################################################# ################################################################################# # Begin proper script execution. # ################################################################################# kiriwrite_settings_load; # Load the configuration options. my $query = new CGI; # Easily fetch variables from the HTTP string. # Check if a mode has been specified and if a mode has been specified, continue # and work out what mode has been specified. if ($query->param('mode')){ my $http_query_mode = $query->param('mode'); if ($http_query_mode eq "db"){ # If mode is 'db' (database), then check what action is required. if ($query->param('action')){ # An action has been specified, so find out what action has been specified. my $http_query_action = $query->param('action'); if ($http_query_action eq "edit"){ # The edit action (which mean edit the settings for the selected database) has been specified, # get the database name and check if the action to edit an database has been confirmed. if ($query->param('database')){ # If there is a value in the database variable check if it is a valid database. Otherwise, # return an error. my $http_query_database = $query->param('database'); # Check if a value for confirm has been specified, if there is, check if it is the correct # value, otherwise return an error. if ($query->param('confirm')){ # A value for confirm has been specified, find out what value it is. If the value is correct # then edit the database settings, otherwise return an error. my $http_query_confirm = $query->param('confirm'); if ($http_query_confirm eq 1){ # Value is correct, collect the variables to pass onto the database variable. # Get the variables from the HTTP query. my $newdatabasename = $query->param('databasename'); my $newdatabasedescription = $query->param('databasedescription'); my $newdatabasefilename = $query->param('databasefilename'); my $databaseshortname = $query->param('database'); my $databasenotes = $query->param('databasenotes'); my $databasecategories = $query->param('databasecategories'); # Check the permissions of the database configuration file and return # an error if the database permissions are invalid. # Pass the variables to the database editing subroutine. my $pagedata = kiriwrite_database_edit($databaseshortname, $newdatabasefilename, $newdatabasename, $newdatabasedescription, $databasenotes, $databasecategories, 1); kiriwrite_output_header; kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang->{database}->{editdatabasetitle}, $pagedata, "database"); exit; } else { # Value is incorrect, return and error. kiriwrite_error("invalidvariable"); } } # Display the form for editing an database. my $pagedata = kiriwrite_database_edit($http_query_database); kiriwrite_output_header; kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang->{database}->{editdatabasetitle}, $pagedata, "database"); exit; } else { # If there is no value in the database variable, then return an error. kiriwrite_error("invalidvariable"); } } elsif ($http_query_action eq "delete"){ # Action equested is to delete a database, find out if the user has already confirmed deletion of the database # and if the deletion of the database has been confirmed, delete the database. if ($query->param('confirm')){ # User has confirmed to delete a database, pass the parameters to the kiriwrite_database_delete # subroutine. my $database_filename = $query->param('database'); my $database_confirm = $query->param('confirm'); my $pagedata = kiriwrite_database_delete($database_filename, $database_confirm); kiriwrite_output_header; kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang->{database}->{deleteddatabase}, $pagedata, "database"); exit; } # User has clicked on the delete link (thus hasn't confirmed the action to delete a database). my $database_filename = $query->param('database'); my $pagedata = kiriwrite_database_delete($database_filename); kiriwrite_output_header; kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang->{database}->{deletedatabase}, $pagedata, "database"); exit; } elsif ($http_query_action eq "new"){ # Action requested is to create a new database, find out if the user has already entered the information needed # to create a database and see if the user has confirmed the action, otherwise printout a form for adding a # database. my $http_query_confirm = $query->param('confirm'); # Check if the confirm value is correct. if ($http_query_confirm){ if ($http_query_confirm eq 1){ # User has confirmed to create a database, pass the parameters to the # kiriwrite_database_add subroutine. my $http_query_confirm = $query->param('confirm'); my $database_name = $query->param('databasename'); my $database_description = $query->param('databasedescription'); my $database_filename = $query->param('databasefilename'); my $database_notes = $query->param('databasenotes'); my $database_categories = $query->param('databasecategories'); my $pagedata = kiriwrite_database_add($database_filename, $database_name, $database_description, $database_notes, $database_categories, $http_query_confirm); kiriwrite_output_header; kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang->{database}->{adddatabase}, $pagedata, "database"); exit; } else { # The confirm value is something else other than 1 (which it shouldn't be), so # return an error. } } # User has clicked on the 'Add Database' link. my $pagedata = kiriwrite_database_add; kiriwrite_output_header; kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang->{database}->{adddatabase}, $pagedata, "database"); exit; } else { # Another option has been specified, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("invalidaction"); } } # No action has been specified, do the default action of displaying a list # of databases. my $pagedata = kiriwrite_database_list; kiriwrite_output_header; # Output the header to browser/console/stdout. kiriwrite_output_page("", $pagedata, "database"); # Output the page to browser/console/stdout. exit; # End the script. } elsif ($http_query_mode eq "page"){ # If mode is 'page', then check what action is required. if ($query->param('action')){ my $http_query_action = $query->param('action'); # Check if the action requested matches with one of the options below. If it does, # go to that section, otherwise return an error. if ($http_query_action eq "view"){ # The action selected was to view pages from a database, my $database_name = $query->param('database'); my $pagedata = kiriwrite_page_list($database_name); kiriwrite_output_header; # Output the header to browser/console/stdout. kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{viewingdatabase}, $pagedata, "pages"); # Output the page to browser/console/stdout. exit; # End the script. } elsif ($http_query_action eq "add"){ # The action selected was to add a page to the selected database. my $http_query_confirm = $query->param('confirm'); if (!$http_query_confirm){ $http_query_confirm = 0; } if ($http_query_confirm eq 1){ my $http_query_database = $query->param('database'); my $http_query_filename = $query->param('pagefilename'); my $http_query_name = $query->param('pagename'); my $http_query_description = $query->param('pagedescription'); my $http_query_section = $query->param('pagesection'); my $http_query_template = $query->param('pagetemplate'); my $http_query_settings = $query->param('pagesettings'); my $http_query_content = $query->param('pagecontent'); my $pagedata = kiriwrite_page_add($http_query_database, $http_query_filename, $http_query_name, $http_query_description, $http_query_section, $http_query_template, $http_query_settings, $http_query_content, $http_query_confirm); kiriwrite_output_header; # Output the header to browser/console/stdout. kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{addpage}, $pagedata, "pages"); # Output the page to browser/console/stdout. exit; # End the script. } my $http_query_database = $query->param('database'); my $pagedata = kiriwrite_page_add($http_query_database); kiriwrite_output_header; # Output the header to browser/console/stdout. kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{addpage}, $pagedata, "pages"); # Output the page to browser/console/stdout. exit; # End the script. } elsif ($http_query_action eq "edit"){ # The action selected was to edit a page from a database. my $http_query_confirm = $query->param('confirm'); if (!$http_query_confirm){ $http_query_confirm = 0; } if ($http_query_confirm eq 1){ # Get the needed values from the HTTP query. my $http_query_database = $query->param('database'); my $http_query_filename = $query->param('page'); my $http_query_newfilename = $query->param('pagefilename'); my $http_query_name = $query->param('pagename'); my $http_query_description = $query->param('pagedescription'); my $http_query_section = $query->param('pagesection'); my $http_query_template = $query->param('pagetemplate'); my $http_query_settings = $query->param('pagesettings'); my $http_query_content = $query->param('pagecontent'); # Pass the values to the editing pages subroutine. my $pagedata = kiriwrite_page_edit($http_query_database, $http_query_filename, $http_query_newfilename, $http_query_name, $http_query_description, $http_query_section, $http_query_template, $http_query_settings, $http_query_content, $http_query_confirm); kiriwrite_output_header; # Output the header to browser/console/stdout. kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{editpagetitle}, $pagedata, "pages"); # Output the page to browser/console/stdout. exit; # End the script. } # Get the needed values from the HTTP query. my $http_query_database = $query->param('database'); my $http_query_filename = $query->param('page'); # Pass the values to the editing pages subroutine. my $pagedata = kiriwrite_page_edit($http_query_database, $http_query_filename); kiriwrite_output_header; # Output the header to browser/console/stdout. kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{editpagetitle}, $pagedata, "pages"); # Output the page to browser/console/stdout. exit; # End the script. } elsif ($http_query_action eq "delete"){ # The action selected was to delete a page from a database. my $http_query_database = $query->param('database'); my $http_query_page = $query->param('page'); my $http_query_confirm = $query->param('confirm'); my $pagedata = ""; my $selectionlist = ""; if ($http_query_confirm){ # The action has been confirmed, so try to delete the selected page # from the database. $pagedata = kiriwrite_page_delete($http_query_database, $http_query_page, $http_query_confirm); kiriwrite_output_header; # Output the header to browser/console/stdout. kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{deletepagetitle}, $pagedata, "pages"); # Output the page to browser/console/stdout. exit; # End the script. } $pagedata = kiriwrite_page_delete($http_query_database, $http_query_page); kiriwrite_output_header; # Output the header to browser/console/stdout. kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{deletepagetitle}, $pagedata, "pages"); # Output the page to browser/console/stdout. exit; # End the script. } elsif ($http_query_action eq "multidelete"){ # The action selected was to delete multiple pages from a # database. my $http_query_database = $query->param('database'); my $http_query_confirm = $query->param('confirm'); my @filelist; my $pagedata; if ($http_query_confirm){ # The action to delete multiple pages from the selected # database has been confirmed. @filelist = kiriwrite_selectedlist(); $pagedata = kiriwrite_page_multidelete($http_query_database, $http_query_confirm, @filelist); kiriwrite_output_header; # Output the header to browser/console/stdout. kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{deletemultiplepages}, $pagedata, "pages"); # Output the page to browser/console/stdout. exit; # End the script. } # Get the list of selected pages and pass them to the # multiple page delete subroutine. @filelist = kiriwrite_selectedlist(); $pagedata = kiriwrite_page_multidelete($http_query_database, $http_query_confirm, @filelist); kiriwrite_output_header; # Output the header to browser/console/stdout. kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{deletemultiplepages}, $pagedata, "pages"); # Output the page to browser/console/stdout. exit; # End the script. } elsif ($http_query_action eq "multimove"){ # The action selected was to move multiple pages from a # database. my $http_query_database = $query->param('database'); my $http_query_newdatabase = $query->param('newdatabase'); my $http_query_confirm = $query->param('confirm'); my @filelist; my $pagedata; if ($http_query_confirm){ # The action to move multiple pages from the selected # database has been confirmed. @filelist = kiriwrite_selectedlist(); $pagedata = kiriwrite_page_multimove($http_query_database, $http_query_newdatabase, $http_query_confirm, @filelist); kiriwrite_output_header; # Output the header to browser/console/stdout. kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{movepages}, $pagedata, "pages"); # Output the page to browser/console/stdout. exit; # End the script. } # Get the list of selected pages and pass them to the # multiple page move subroutine. @filelist = kiriwrite_selectedlist(); $pagedata = kiriwrite_page_multimove($http_query_database, $http_query_newdatabase, $http_query_confirm, @filelist); kiriwrite_output_header; # Output the header to browser/console/stdout. kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{movepages}, $pagedata, "pages"); # Output the page to browser/console/stdout. exit; # End the script. } elsif ($http_query_action eq "multicopy"){ # The action selected was to copy multiple pages from a # database. my $http_query_database = $query->param('database'); my $http_query_newdatabase = $query->param('newdatabase'); my $http_query_confirm = $query->param('confirm'); my @filelist; my $pagedata; if ($http_query_confirm){ # The action to copy multiple pages from the selected # database has been confirmed. @filelist = kiriwrite_selectedlist(); $pagedata = kiriwrite_page_multicopy($http_query_database, $http_query_newdatabase, $http_query_confirm, @filelist); kiriwrite_output_header; # Output the header to browser/console/stdout. kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{copypages}, $pagedata, "pages"); # Output the page to browser/console/stdout. exit; # End the script. } # Get the list of selected pages and pass them to the # multiple page copy subroutine. @filelist = kiriwrite_selectedlist(); $pagedata = kiriwrite_page_multicopy($http_query_database, $http_query_newdatabase, $http_query_confirm, @filelist); kiriwrite_output_header; # Output the header to browser/console/stdout. kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{copypages}, $pagedata, "pages"); # Output the page to browser/console/stdout. exit; # End the script. } elsif ($http_query_action eq "multiedit"){ # The action selected was to edit multiple pages from a # database. my $http_query_database = $query->param('database'); my $http_query_newsection = $query->param('newsection'); my $http_query_altersection = $query->param('altersection'); my $http_query_newtemplate = $query->param('newtemplate'); my $http_query_altertemplate = $query->param('altertemplate'); my $http_query_newsettings = $query->param('newsettings'); my $http_query_altersettings = $query->param('altersettings'); my $http_query_confirm = $query->param('confirm'); my @filelist; my $pagedata; if (!$http_query_confirm){ @filelist = kiriwrite_selectedlist(); $pagedata = kiriwrite_page_multiedit($http_query_database, $http_query_newsection, $http_query_altersection, $http_query_newtemplate, $http_query_altertemplate, $http_query_newsettings, $http_query_altersettings, $http_query_confirm, @filelist); kiriwrite_output_header; # Output the header to browser/console/stdout. kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{multiedit}, $pagedata, "pages"); # Output the page to browser/console/stdout. exit; } # Get the list of selected pages and pass them to the # multiple page edit subroutine. @filelist = kiriwrite_selectedlist(); $pagedata = kiriwrite_page_multiedit($http_query_database, $http_query_newsection, $http_query_altersection, $http_query_newtemplate, $http_query_altertemplate, $http_query_newsettings, $http_query_altersettings, $http_query_confirm, @filelist); kiriwrite_output_header; # Output the header to browser/console/stdout. kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{multiedit}, $pagedata, "pages"); # Output the page to browser/console/stdout. exit; # End the script. } else { kiriwrite_error("invalidaction"); } } else { # If there the action option is left blank, then print out a form where the database # can be selected to view pages from. my $pagedata = kiriwrite_page_list; kiriwrite_output_header; # Output the header to browser/console/stdout. kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang->{pages}->{databaseselecttitle}, $pagedata, "pages"); # Output the page to browser/console/stdout. exit; # End the script. } # No action has been specified, do the default action of listing pages from # the first database found in the directory. } elsif ($http_query_mode eq "filter"){ # If there's a value for action in the HTTP query, then # get that value that is in the HTTP query. if ($query->param('action')){ # There is a value for action in the HTTP query, # so get the value from it. my $http_query_action = $query->param('action'); if ($http_query_action eq "add"){ # The action the user requested is to add a filter to the # filter database. # Check if there is a value in confirm and if there is # then pass it on to the new find and replace words # to add to the filter database. my $http_query_confirm = $query->param('confirm'); if ($http_query_confirm){ # There is a value in http_query_confirm, so pass on the # new find and replace words so that they can be added # to the filter database. my $http_query_findwords = $query->param('findword'); my $http_query_replacewords = $query->param('replaceword'); my $http_query_priority = $query->param('priority'); my $http_query_notes = $query->param('notes'); my $pagedata = kiriwrite_filter_add($http_query_findwords, $http_query_replacewords, $http_query_priority, $http_query_notes, $http_query_confirm); kiriwrite_output_header; # Output the header to browser/console/stdout. kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang->{filter}->{addfilter}, $pagedata, "filter"); # Output the page to browser/console/stdout. exit; # End the script. } my $pagedata = kiriwrite_filter_add(); kiriwrite_output_header; # Output the header to browser/console/stdout. kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang->{filter}->{addfilter}, $pagedata, "filter"); # Output the page to browser/console/stdout. exit; # End the script. } elsif ($http_query_action eq "edit"){ # The action the user requested is to edit an filter from # the filter database. my $http_query_number = $query->param('filter'); my $http_query_confirm = $query->param('confirm'); if ($http_query_confirm){ # There is a value in http_query_confirm, so pass on the # new find and replace words so that the filter database # can be edited. my $http_query_findwords = $query->param('filterfind'); my $http_query_replacewords = $query->param('filterreplace'); my $http_query_priority = $query->param('priority'); my $http_query_notes = $query->param('notes'); my $pagedata = kiriwrite_filter_edit($http_query_number, $http_query_findwords, $http_query_replacewords, $http_query_priority, $http_query_notes, $http_query_confirm); kiriwrite_output_header; # Output the header to browser/console/stdout. kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang->{filter}->{editfilter}, $pagedata, "filter"); # Output the page to browser/console/stdout. exit; # End the script. } my $pagedata = kiriwrite_filter_edit($http_query_number); kiriwrite_output_header; # Output the header to browser/console/stdout. kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang->{filter}->{editfilter}, $pagedata, "filter"); # Output the page to browser/console/stdout. exit; # End the script. } elsif ($http_query_action eq "delete"){ # The action the user requested is to delete an filter # from the filter database. my $http_query_number = $query->param('filter'); my $http_query_confirm = $query->param('confirm'); if ($http_query_confirm){ my $pagedata = kiriwrite_filter_delete($http_query_number, $http_query_confirm); kiriwrite_output_header; # Output the header to browser/console/stdout. kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang->{filter}->{deletefilter}, $pagedata, "filter"); # Output the page to browser/console/stdout. exit; # End the script } my $pagedata = kiriwrite_filter_delete($http_query_number); kiriwrite_output_header; # Output the header to browser/console/stdout. kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang->{filter}->{deletefilter}, $pagedata, "filter"); # Output the page to browser/console/stdout. exit; # End the script. } else { # Another action was requested that was not one of # the ones prcedding this catch all, so return # an error saying that an invalid option was # specified. kiriwrite_error("invalidaction"); } } else { my $pagedata = kiriwrite_filter_list(); kiriwrite_output_header; # Output the header to browser/console/stdout. kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang->{filter}->{viewfilters}, $pagedata, "filter"); # Output the page to browser/console/stdout. exit; # End the script. } } elsif ($http_query_mode eq "template"){ # Check if an action has been specified in the HTTP query. if ($query->param('action')){ # An action has been specified in the HTTP query. my $http_query_action = $query->param('action'); if ($http_query_action eq "delete"){ # Get the required parameters from the HTTP query. my $http_query_template = $query->param('template'); my $http_query_confirm = $query->param('confirm'); # Check if a value for confirm has been specified (it shouldn't) # be blank. if (!$http_query_confirm){ # The confirm parameter of the HTTP query is blank, so # write out a form asking the user to confirm the deletion # of the selected template. my $pagedata = kiriwrite_template_delete($http_query_template); kiriwrite_output_header; # Output the header to browser/console/stdout. kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang->{template}->{deletetemplate}, $pagedata, "template"); # Output the page to browser/console/stdout. exit; # End the script. } else { my $pagedata = kiriwrite_template_delete($http_query_template, $http_query_confirm); kiriwrite_output_header; # Output the header to browser/console/stdout. kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang->{template}->{deletetemplate}, $pagedata, "template"); # Output the page to browser/console/stdout. exit; # End the script. } } elsif ($http_query_action eq "add") { # Get the variables from the HTTP query in preperation for processing. my $http_query_confirm = $query->param('confirm'); my $http_query_templatelayout = $query->param('templatelayout'); my $http_query_templatename = $query->param('templatename'); my $http_query_templatedescription = $query->param('templatedescription'); my $http_query_templatefilename = $query->param('templatefilename'); # Check if there is a confirmed value in the http_query_confirm variable. if (!$http_query_confirm){ # Since there is no confirm value, print out a form for creating a new # template. my $pagedata = kiriwrite_template_add(); kiriwrite_output_header; # Output the header to browser/console/stdout. kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang->{template}->{addtemplate}, $pagedata, "template"); # Output the page to browser/console/stdout. exit; # End the script. } else { # A value in the http_query_confirm value is specified, so pass the # variables onto the kiriwrite_template_add subroutine. my $pagedata = kiriwrite_template_add($http_query_templatefilename, $http_query_templatename, $http_query_templatedescription, $http_query_templatelayout, $http_query_confirm); kiriwrite_output_header; # Output the header to browser/console/stdout. kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang->{template}->{addtemplate}, $pagedata, "template"); # Output the page to browser/console/stdout. exit; # End the script. } } elsif ($http_query_action eq "edit") { # Get the required parameters from the HTTP query. my $http_query_templatefile = $query->param('template'); my $http_query_confirm = $query->param('confirm'); # Check to see if http_query_confirm has a value of '1' in it and # if it does, edit the template using the settings providied. if (!$http_query_confirm){ # Since there is no confirm value, open the template configuration # file and the template file itself then print out the data on to # the form. my $pagedata = kiriwrite_template_edit($http_query_templatefile); kiriwrite_output_header; # Output the header to browser/console/stdout. kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang->{template}->{edittemplate}, $pagedata, "template"); # Output the page to browser/console/stdout. exit; # End the script. } elsif ($http_query_confirm eq 1) { # Since there is a confirm value of 1, the user has confirm the # action of editing of a template so get the other variables # that were also sent and pass the variables to the subroutine. my $http_query_newfilename = $query->param('newfilename'); my $http_query_newname = $query->param('newname'); my $http_query_newdescription = $query->param('newdescription'); my $http_query_newlayout = $query->param('newlayout'); my $pagedata = kiriwrite_template_edit($http_query_templatefile, $http_query_newfilename, $http_query_newname, $http_query_newdescription, $http_query_newlayout, $http_query_confirm); kiriwrite_output_header; # Output the header to browser/console/stdout. kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang->{template}->{edittemplate}, $pagedata, "template"); # Output the page to browser/console/stdout. exit; # End the script. } else { # Another confirm value is there instead of '0' or '1'. Return # an error saying it is invalid. kiriwrite_error("invalidvariable"); } } else { # Another action was specified and was not one of the ones above, so # return an error. kiriwrite_error("invalidaction"); } } else { # If the action option is left blank, then print out a form where the list # of templates are available. my $pagedata = kiriwrite_template_list; kiriwrite_output_header; # Output the header to browser/console/stdout. kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang->{template}->{viewtemplates}, $pagedata, "template"); # Output the page to browser/console/stdout. exit; # End the script. } } elsif ($http_query_mode eq "compile"){ # The mode selected is to compile pages from databases. # If the action option is left blank, then print out a form where the list # of databases to compile are available. if ($query->param('action')){ my $http_query_action = $query->param('action'); if ($http_query_action eq "compile"){ # The specified action is to compile the pages, check if the # action to compile the page has been confirmed. my $http_query_confirm = $query->param('confirm'); my $http_query_type = $query->param('type'); # If it is blank, set the confirm value to 0. if (!$http_query_confirm){ # The http_query_confirm variable is uninitalised, so place a # '0' (meaning an unconfirmed action). $http_query_confirm = 0; } # If the compile type is blank then return an error. if (!$http_query_type){ # Compile type is blank so return an error. kiriwrite_error("blankcompiletype"); } if ($http_query_type eq "multiple"){ if ($http_query_confirm eq 1){ # The action to compile the pages has been confirmed so # compile the pages. my @selectedlist = kiriwrite_selectedlist(); my $pagedata = kiriwrite_compile_makepages($http_query_type, $http_query_confirm, @selectedlist); kiriwrite_output_header; # Output the header to browser/console/stdout. kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang->{compile}->{compilepages}, $pagedata, "compile"); # Output the page to browser/console/stdout. exit; # End the script. } else { # The action to compile the pages has not been confirmed # so write a form asking the user to confirm the action # of compiling the pages. my @selectedlist = kiriwrite_selectedlist(); my $pagedata = kiriwrite_compile_makepages($http_query_type, $http_query_confirm, @selectedlist); kiriwrite_output_header; # Output the header to browser/console/stdout. kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang->{compile}->{compileselecteddatabases}, $pagedata, "compile"); # Output the page to browser/console/stdout. exit; # End the script. } } elsif ($http_query_type eq "single"){ my $http_query_database = $query->param('database'); my @selectedlist; $selectedlist[0] = $http_query_database; my $pagedata = kiriwrite_compile_makepages($http_query_type, $http_query_confirm, @selectedlist); kiriwrite_output_header; # Output the header to browser/console/stdout. kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang->{compile}->{compiledatabase}, $pagedata, "compile"); exit; # End the script. } else { kiriwrite_error("invalidcompiletype"); } } elsif ($http_query_action eq "all"){ # The selected action is to compile all of the databases # in the database directory. Check if the action to # compile all of the databases has been confirmed. my $http_query_confirm = $query->param('confirm'); if (!$http_query_confirm){ # The http_query_confirm variable is uninitalised, so place a # '0' (meaning an unconfirmed action). $http_query_confirm = 0; } if ($http_query_confirm eq 1){ # The action to compile all the databases has been confirmed. } my $pagedata = kiriwrite_compile_all(); kiriwrite_output_header; # Output the header to browser/console/stdout. kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang->{compile}->{compilealldatabases}, $pagedata, "compile"); exit; } elsif ($http_query_action eq "clean") { # The selected action is to clean the output directory. # Check if the action to clean the output directory # has been confirmed. my $http_query_confirm = $query->param('confirm'); if (!$http_query_confirm){ # The http_query_confirm variable is uninitalised, so place a # '0' (meaning an unconfirmed action). $http_query_confirm = 0; } if ($http_query_confirm eq 1){ # The action to clean the output directory has been confirmed. my $pagedata = kiriwrite_compile_clean($http_query_confirm); kiriwrite_output_header; # Output the header to browser/console/stdout. kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang->{compile}->{cleanoutputdirectory}, $pagedata, "compile"); # Output the page to browser/console/stdout. exit; # End the script. } # The action to clean the output directory is not # confirmed, so write a page asking the user # to confirm cleaning the output directory. my $pagedata = kiriwrite_compile_clean(); kiriwrite_output_header; # Output the header to browser/console/stdout. kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang->{compile}->{cleanoutputdirectory}, $pagedata, "compile"); # Output the page to browser/console/stdout. exit; # End the script. } else { # The action specified was something else other than those # above, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("invalidaction"); } } my $pagedata = kiriwrite_compile_list; kiriwrite_output_header; # Output the header to browser/console/stdout. kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang->{compile}->{compilepages}, $pagedata, "compile"); # Output the page to browser/console/stdout. exit; # End the script. } elsif ($http_query_mode eq "settings"){ # The mode selected is view (and change settings). # If the action value has been left blank, then view the list of # current settings. if ($query->param('action')){ my $http_query_action = $query->param('action'); if ($http_query_action eq "edit"){ # The action specified is to edit the settings. Check if the action # to edit the settings has been confirmed. my $http_query_confirm = $query->param('confirm'); if (!$http_query_confirm){ # The confirm value is blank, so set it to 0. $http_query_confirm = 0; } if ($http_query_confirm eq 1){ # The action to edit the settings has been confirmed. Get the # required settings from the HTTP query. my $http_query_database = $query->param('databasedir'); my $http_query_output = $query->param('outputdir'); my $http_query_imagesuri = $query->param('imagesuripath'); my $http_query_datetimeformat = $query->param('datetime'); my $http_query_systemlanguage = $query->param('language'); my $http_query_presmodule = $query->param('presmodule'); my $http_query_dbmodule = $query->param('dbmodule'); my $http_query_database_server = $query->param('database_server'); my $http_query_database_port = $query->param('database_port'); my $http_query_database_protocol = $query->param('database_protocol'); my $http_query_database_sqldatabase = $query->param('database_sqldatabase'); my $http_query_database_username = $query->param('database_username'); my $http_query_database_passwordkeep = $query->param('database_password_keep'); my $http_query_database_password = $query->param('database_password'); my $http_query_database_tableprefix = $query->param('database_tableprefix'); my $pagedata = kiriwrite_settings_edit({ DatabaseDirectory => $http_query_database, OutputDirectory => $http_query_output, ImagesURIPath => $http_query_imagesuri, DateTimeFormat => $http_query_datetimeformat, SystemLanguage => $http_query_systemlanguage, PresentationModule => $http_query_presmodule, DatabaseModule => $http_query_dbmodule, DatabaseServer => $http_query_database_server, DatabasePort => $http_query_database_port, DatabaseProtocol => $http_query_database_protocol, DatabaseSQLDatabase => $http_query_database_sqldatabase, DatabaseUsername => $http_query_database_username, DatabasePasswordKeep => $http_query_database_passwordkeep, DatabasePassword => $http_query_database_password, DatabaseTablePrefix => $http_query_database_tableprefix, Confirm => 1 }); kiriwrite_output_header; # Output the header to browser/console/stdout. kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang->{setting}->{editsettings}, $pagedata, "settings"); # Output the page to browser/console/stdout. exit; # End the script. } # The action to edit the settings has not been confirmed. my $pagedata = kiriwrite_settings_edit; kiriwrite_output_header; # Output the header to browser/console/stdout. kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang->{setting}->{editsettings}, $pagedata, "settings"); # Output the page to browser/console/stdout. exit; # End the script. } else { # The action specified was something else other than those # above, so return an error. kiriwrite_error("invalidaction"); } } # No action has been specified, so print out the list of settings currently being used. my $pagedata = kiriwrite_settings_view; kiriwrite_output_header; # Output the header to browser/console/stdout. kiriwrite_output_page($kiriwrite_lang->{setting}->{viewsettings}, $pagedata, "settings"); # Output the page to browser/console/stdout. exit; # End the script. } else { # Another mode has been specified than the ones above, so return an error saying that # an invalid option was specified. kiriwrite_error("invalidmode"); } } else { # No mode has been specified, so print the default "first-run" view of the # database list. my $pagedata = kiriwrite_database_list; kiriwrite_output_header; # Output the header to browser/console/stdout. kiriwrite_output_page("", $pagedata, "database"); # Output the page to browser/console/stdout. exit; # End the script. } __END__ =head1 NAME Kiriwrite =head1 DESCRIPTION Web-based webpage compiler. =head1 AUTHOR Steve Brokenshire =head1 USAGE This perl script is intended to be used on a web server which has CGI with Perl support or with mod_perl support. =head1 DOCUMENTATION For more information on how to use Kiriwrite, please see the documentation that was included with Kiriwrite. - From the Xestia Documentation website: http://documentation.xestia.co.uk and click on the Kiriwrite link on the page. - From the Documentation directory from the Kiriwrite source packages (.tar/.tar.gz/.tar.bz2). - In the /usr/share/doc/kiriwrite directory if you installed the distribution-specific packages (and also have access to the server itself).