2.3 Filters

Filters allows text to be easily replaced by looking for certain words, tag or phrase and then replacing it with another set of words, tag or phrase.

The list of filters can be viewed by clicking on the 'View Filters' link. If the filter database doesn't exist than a message will appear saying that the filter database doesn't exist and will be created when a filter is added or if the filter database does exist but there are no filters then a message appears saying that there is no filters in the filter database.

When compiling the pages, the order of the filters list is determined by the filter priority number with the lower numbers being processed first and the filters with the higher filter priority numbers being processed last.

To view the next (or previous list) of filters, click on the relevant link at the top of the page and to view a specific list of filters, select the list page number in the drop down menu box at the top of the page and click on the Show button.

Filters that have a grey background are filters that have been disabled and won't be used when the pages are compiled.

2.3.1 Add a filter

To add a filter click on the 'Add Filter' link on the View Filters sub-menu, a form then appears allowing to enter the information about the new filter.

Setting Description
Find... Specifies the find setting to search text for.
Replace With... Specifies the replace setting to replace the text with if the search text is found.
Priority Specifies the priority of the filter.
Notes Specifies the notes for this filter.
Enable this filter Specifies if the filter should be used when the pages are compiled.

After entering the needed filter information, the filter can be added by clicking on the 'Add Filter' button which displays a confirmation message saying that the filter has been added to the filter database and offering a link back to the list of filters in the filter database. Clicking on the 'Clear values' button will clear any of the filter settings that have been entered and clicking on the 'Return to the filter list.' link will return to the list of filters in the filter database.

2.3.2 Edit a filter

To edit a filter click on the 'Edit' link opposite the filter you want to edit. A form then appears that is similar to adding a filter.

Setting Description
Find... Specifies the new find setting to search text for.
Replace With... Specifies the new replace setting to replace the text with if the search text is found.
Priority Specifies the new priority of the filter.
Notes Specifies the new notes for this filter.
Enable this filter Specifies if the filter should be used when the pages are compiled.

To update the information about the filter, click on the 'Edit Filter' button and a confirmation message should appear saying that the selected filter was edited offering a link back to the list of filters in the filter database. Clicking on the 'Restore current settings' will undo any changes made and will revert the currently used filter settings and clicking on the 'Return to the filter list.' link will return to the list of filters in the filter database.

2.3.3 Delete a filter

To delete a filter click on the 'Delete' link opposite the filter you want to delete. A form then appears asking to confirm the deletion of the selected filter. Clicking on the 'Yes, delete the selected filter' button will display a confirmation message saying that the selected filter was deleted. Clicking on the 'No, return to the filter list.' link will return to the list of filters in the filter database.