3.24 edittemplate

Edits a template from the template database.




$kiriwrite_dbmodule->edittemplate({ TemplateFilename => "template.html", NewTemplateFilename => "newtemplate.html", NewTemplateName => "New Template Name", NewTemplateDescription => "New Template Description", NewTemplateLayout => "This is the new template layout." });

Specifies the following options as a hash in any order.

Value Description
TemplateFilename Specifies the template filename to edit.
NewTemplateFilename Specifies the new template filename to use.
NewTemplateName Specifies the new template name to use.
NewTemplateDescription Specifies the new template description to use.
NewTemplateLayout Specifies the new template layout to use.

If the template being edited does not exist then the error returned should be 'TemplateDoesNotExist' in the $error scalar.

If (when using a file-based database module) the template database has invalid permissions set then the error returned should be 'TemplateDatabaseInvalidPermissionsSet' in the $error scalar.

If a database error occurs while editing a template in the template database then the error returned should be 'TemplateDatabaseError' in the $error scalar and information about the error should be placed in the $errorext scalar.