3.29 editpage

Edits a page in the selected database.




$kiriwrite_dbmodule->editpage({ PageFilename => "page.html", PageNewFilename => "editedpage.html", PageNewName => "Edited Page Name", PageNewDescription => "Edited Page Description", PageNewSection => "Edited Page Section", PageNewTemplate => "editedpagetemplate.html", PageNewContent => "This is the edited page content.", PageNewSettings => 0 });

Specifies the following options as a hash in any order.

Value Description
PageFilename Specifies the page with the filename to edit.
PageNewFilename Specifies the new filename of the page.
PageNewName Specifies the new name of the page.
PageNewDescription Specifies the new description of the page.
PageNewSection Specifies the new section of the page.
PageNewTemplate Specifies the new template filename to use.
PageNewContent Specifies the new page content to use.
PageNewSettings Specifies the new page settings to use.
1: Use page name and section name.
2: Use the page name only.
3: Use the section name only.
0: Don't use page name or section name.

If the page does not already exist then the error returned should be 'PageDoesNotExist' in the $error scalar.

If a page with the filename given already exists when renaming the filename of the page then the error returned should be 'PageExists' in the $error scalar.

If a database error occurs while editing a page in the database then the error returned should be 'DatabaseError' in the $error scalar and information about the error should be in the $errorext scalar.