3.38 editfilter

Edits a filter in the filter database.




$kiriwrite_dbmodule->editfilter({ FilterID => 1, NewFindFilter => “The new find filter setting.”, NewReplaceFilter => “The new replace filter setting.”, NewFilterPriority => 2, NewEnabled => 1, NewFilterNotes => “The new notes of the filter.” });
Specifies the following options as a hash in any order.

Value Description
FilterID Specifies the filter with the identification number to edit.
NewFindFilter Specifies the new find filter setting.
NewReplaceFilter Specifies the new replace filter setting.
NewFilterPriority Specifies the new filter priority setting.
NewEnabled Specifies if the filter should be used when compiling.
NewFilterNotes Specifies the new filter notes.

If the filter with the filter identification number given does not exist then the error returned should be 'FilterDoesNotExist' in the $error scalar.

If (when using the file-based database module) the filter database has invalid permissions set then the error returned should be 'FilterDatabaseInvalidPermissionsSet' in the $error scalar.

If a database error occurs while editing the filter in the filter database then the error returned should be 'FilterDatabaseError' in the $error scalar and information about the error should be in the $errorext scalar.