3.37 addfilter

Adds a filter to the filter database.



$kiriwrite_dbmodule->connectfilter(1); $kiriwrite_dbmodule->addfilter({ FindFilter => “This is the find filter.”, ReplaceFilter => “This is the replace filter.”, Priority => 1, Notes => “Some notes about the filter.” });

Specifies the following options as a hash in any order.

Value Description
FindFilter Specifies the find filter setting of the new filter.
ReplaceFilter Specifies the replace filter setting of the new filter.
Priority Specifies the priority setting of the new filter.
Notes Specifies the notes for the new filter.

If the filter database cannot be created when adding a filter and the filter database doesn't already exist then the error returned should be 'FilterDatabaseFileUncreatable' in the $error scalar.

If (when using the file-based database module) the filter database has invalid permissions set then the error returned should be 'FilterDatabaseInvalidPermissionsSet' in the $error scalar.