Changes since version 0.3.0 =========================== - Added mod_perl support. - Config::Auto is no longer required as Kiriwrite uses it's own mechanism for loading configuration and language files. - Fixed problem in Documentation where quotation marks were not showing properly. This was prevalant in the Developer Documentation when giving examples for subroutines. Changes since version 0.2.0 =========================== - Fixed problem where changing the width and height of the large text boxes in the settings where they wouldn't take effect. - Removed from installer and replaced it with CGI::Lite. - Added ability to change the amount of pages, templates and filters that can be shown. Changes since version 0.1.0 =========================== - Removed (except installer) and replaced it with CGI::Lite. - Optimised the speed of getting the filters and templates by only getting the information that is needed when listing the filters and the templates. - Limit of 50 pages, filters and templates can be shown on each browse page. This number is currently not changeable but should be changeable in version 0.3.0. - When compiling databases, the template being used can be overridden for another template so that a new layout can be tested. - Parts of Kiriwrite have been splitted into several seperate library files. Each library file consists of a section (such as the database, page, filter, template, compile and settings). - Added a setting for changing the width of the text area box. - Added a setting for changing the height of the text area box. - Replaced XML-based configuration files and language files with a basic 'INI-style' format.