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2007-08-12 rootYet even more changes...
2007-08-12 rootSome more changes made.
2007-08-06 kirinjiStill more fiddling with the loading stuff.
2007-08-05 kirinjiSome minor alterations made.
2007-08-05 kirinjiSome extra changes there were not done.
2007-08-05 kirinjiForgot to properly change the Kiriwrite version in...
2007-08-05 kirinjiConfiguration File shouldn't be here anymore.
2007-08-05 kirinjiForgot installer script too.
2007-08-05 kirinjiSome additional changes that were missed.
2007-08-05 kirinjiVery major changes to Kiriwrite have been made to make...
2007-08-05 kirinjiOutput directory not needed as it has been renamed...
2007-08-05 kirinjiExport directory currently not needed. Will possibly...
2007-03-15 kirinjiImport Kiriwrite 0.0.2 into the private repository.
2007-03-15 kirinjiCreate the initial layout for the private repository.
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