return EntryList;
+CalDAVEntryList CalDAV::ProcessXMLSyncTokenList(){
+ CalDAVEntryList EntryList;
+ xmlDocPtr xmlCalDAVDoc;
+ xmlCalDAVDoc = xmlReadMemory(ServerData.c_str(), (int)ServerData.size(), "noname.xml", NULL, 0);
+ xmlNodePtr NodeSeek = NULL;
+ xmlNodePtr NodeResponse = NULL;
+ xmlNodePtr NodeMatch = NULL;
+ xmlNodePtr NodeData = NULL;
+ bool NodeFound = false;
+ int ResponseCount = 0;
+ // Start with the first node, look for multistatus.
+ for (NodeSeek = xmlCalDAVDoc->children;
+ NodeSeek != NULL;
+ NodeSeek = NodeSeek->next)
+ {
+ if (!xmlStrcmp(NodeSeek->name, (const xmlChar *)"multistatus") ||
+ !xmlStrcmp(NodeSeek->name, (const xmlChar *)"d:multistatus") ||
+ !xmlStrcmp(NodeSeek->name, (const xmlChar *)"D:multistatus")
+ ){
+ NodeResponse = NodeSeek->children;
+ NodeFound = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (NodeFound == false){
+ return EntryList;
+ }
+ for (NodeResponse = NodeSeek->children;
+ NodeResponse != nullptr;
+ NodeResponse = NodeResponse->next)
+ {
+ // Go through each of the responses and find the calendars.
+ NodeMatch = xmlCopyNode(NodeResponse, 1);
+ if (MatchXMLName(&NodeMatch, "response")){
+ NodeData = xmlCopyNode(NodeMatch, 1);
+ // Get the HREF.
+ NodeData = xmlCopyNode(NodeMatch, 1);
+ if (!MatchXMLNameTransverse(&NodeData, "href")){ continue; }
+ string HREFAddress = FetchXMLData(&NodeData);
+ // Get the entry entity tag.
+ NodeData = xmlCopyNode(NodeMatch, 1);
+ string EntryEntityTag = "";
+ if (!MatchXMLNameTransverse(&NodeData, "propstat")){ continue; }
+ if (!MatchXMLNameTransverse(&NodeData, "prop")){ continue; }
+ if (MatchXMLNameTransverse(&NodeData, "getetag")){
+ EntryEntityTag = FetchXMLData(&NodeData);
+ }
+ // Insert the calendar information into the
+ // list if all the information is there.
+ EntryList.HREF.insert(make_pair(ResponseCount, HREFAddress));
+ EntryList.Data.insert(make_pair(ResponseCount, ""));
+ EntryList.Tag.insert(make_pair(ResponseCount, EntryEntityTag));
+ ResponseCount++;
+ }
+ }
+ xmlFreeDoc(xmlCalDAVDoc);
+ return EntryList;
bool CalDAV::MatchXMLNameTransverse(xmlNodePtr *NodePtr, string NodeName){
string NodeNameSmallD = "d:" + NodeName;