--- /dev/null
+#include "frmEventEditor.h"
+using namespace std;
+frmEventEditor::frmEventEditor( wxWindow* parent )
+frmEventEditorADT( parent )
+void frmEventEditor::SetupForm(CalendarDataStorage *dataStorage, XCALPreferences *preferences){
+ this->preferences = preferences;
+ this->dataStorage = dataStorage;
+ // Go thorugh the accounts and get the list of calendars associated
+ // with the account and add them to the list of available calendars.
+ CDSAccountList accountList = dataStorage->GetAccountList();
+ for (std::vector<CDSGetAccountInfo>::iterator accountSeek = accountList.accountList.begin();
+ accountSeek != accountList.accountList.end(); accountSeek++){
+ CDSCalendarList calendarList = dataStorage->GetCalendarList((*accountSeek).accountID);
+ for (std::vector<int>::iterator calendarSeek = calendarList.calendarList.begin();
+ calendarSeek != calendarList.calendarList.end(); calendarSeek++){
+ string combinedName = "";
+ combinedName = (*accountSeek).accountName;
+ combinedName += " : ";
+ CDSGetCalendarInfo calendarInfo = dataStorage->GetCalendar((*calendarSeek));
+ combinedName += calendarInfo.calendarName;
+ cmbCalendar->Append((wxString)combinedName);
+ calendarIDList.push_back(calendarInfo.calendarID);
+ }
+ }
+ // Check the edit mode and get the event data.
+ if (editMode == true){
+ CDSGetCalendarEntryInfo eventInfo = dataStorage->GetEvent(eventID);
+ // Load the calendar info.
+ cmbCalendar->Show(false);
+ lblCalendar->Show(false);
+ szrDetails->Layout();
+ szrList->Layout();
+ // Load the data into the form.
+ txtEventName->SetValue(wxString(eventInfo.entryName));
+ txtEventDescription->SetValue(wxString(eventInfo.entryDescription));
+ // Load the start and end dates.
+ wxDateTime startDate;
+ startDate.Set(eventInfo.entryStartDay, (wxDateTime::Month)(eventInfo.entryStartMonth -1), eventInfo.entryStartYear, 0, 0, 0);
+ dapStartDate->SetValue(startDate);
+ wxDateTime endDate;
+ endDate.Set(eventInfo.entryEndDay, (wxDateTime::Month)(eventInfo.entryEndMonth -1), eventInfo.entryEndYear, 0, 0, 0);
+ dapEndDate->SetValue(endDate);
+ // Load the start and end times.
+ string startTime;
+ string endTime;
+ stringstream stringData;
+ stringData << setw(2) << setfill('0') << eventInfo.entryStartHour;
+ stringData << ":";
+ stringData << setw(2) << setfill('0') << eventInfo.entryStartMinute;
+ txtStartTime->SetValue((wxString)stringData.str());
+ stringData.str("");
+ stringData << setw(2) << setfill('0') << eventInfo.entryEndHour;
+ stringData << ":";
+ stringData << setw(2) << setfill('0') << eventInfo.entryEndMinute;
+ txtEndTime->SetValue((wxString)stringData.str());
+ // Set the filename.
+ eventFilePath = eventInfo.entryFilename;
+ // Load the required data.
+ eventData.LoadFile(eventFilePath);
+ // TODO: Set the duration data.
+ return;
+ }
+ // Setup the date and time with some default values (today's date and time).
+ SetDefaultDateTime();
+void frmEventEditor::SetEditMode(bool editMode){
+ this->editMode = editMode;
+void frmEventEditor::SaveContact(wxCommandEvent &event){
+ SaveContact();
+void frmEventEditor::SaveNewContact(wxCommandEvent &event){
+ SaveContact();
+ // Reset the form for a new entry.
+ cmbCalendar->SetSelection(-1);
+ editMode = false;
+ eventData.Clear();
+ SetDefaultDateTime();
+ txtEventName->Clear();
+ txtEventDescription->Clear();
+ cmbCalendar->Show(true);
+ lblCalendar->Show(true);
+ szrDetails->Layout();
+ szrList->Layout();
+void frmEventEditor::SaveContact(){
+ // Verify that a calendar has been selected.
+ if (cmbCalendar->GetSelection() == -1 && editMode == false){
+ wxMessageBox("Please select a calendar for this entry.", "No calendar selected", wxOK);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Do verification of entry name (shouldn't be blank).
+ if (txtEventName->GetValue().IsEmpty()){
+ wxMessageBox("The event name cannot be left empty.", "Event name is empty", wxOK);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Do verification of start time.
+ bool timeValid = false;
+ // TODO: Do verification of end time.
+ timeValid = false;
+ // TODO: Do verification of duration.
+ // TODO: Do verification that end date is later than
+ // the start date.
+ bool durationValid = false;
+ // Set the data into the calendar event object.
+ eventData.SummaryData = txtEventName->GetValue().ToStdString();
+ eventData.DescriptionList.push_back(txtEventDescription->GetValue().ToStdString());
+ eventData.DescriptionListAltRep.push_back("");
+ eventData.DescriptionListLanguage.push_back("");
+ eventData.DescriptionListTokens.push_back("");
+ stringstream stringData;
+ stringData << setw(4) << setfill('0') << dapStartDate->GetValue().GetYear();
+ stringData << setw(2) << setfill('0') << (dapStartDate->GetValue().GetMonth() + 1);
+ stringData << setw(2) << setfill('0') << dapStartDate->GetValue().GetDay();
+ stringData << "T";
+ stringData << txtStartTime->GetValue().ToStdString().substr(0, 2).c_str();
+ stringData << txtStartTime->GetValue().ToStdString().substr(3, 2).c_str();
+ stringData << "00Z";
+ eventData.DateTimeStartData = stringData.str();
+ eventData.DateTimeStampData = stringData.str();
+ stringData.str("");
+ stringData << setw(4) << setfill('0') << dapEndDate->GetValue().GetYear();
+ stringData << setw(2) << setfill('0') << (dapEndDate->GetValue().GetMonth() + 1);
+ stringData << setw(2) << setfill('0') << dapEndDate->GetValue().GetDay();
+ stringData << "T";
+ stringData << txtEndTime->GetValue().ToStdString().substr(0, 2).c_str();
+ stringData << txtEndTime->GetValue().ToStdString().substr(3, 2).c_str();
+ stringData << "00Z";
+ eventData.DateTimeEndData = stringData.str();
+ // TODO: Implement Duration.
+ if (editMode == false){
+ // This is a new event so create a new UUID.
+ string NewUUID = GenerateUUID();
+ // Setup the calendar directory path.
+ CDSGetCalendarInfo calendarInfo = dataStorage->GetCalendar(calendarIDList[cmbCalendar->GetSelection()]);
+ CDSGetAccountInfo accountInfo = dataStorage->GetAccount(calendarInfo.accountName);
+ string calendarDirectory = GetUserDir().ToStdString();
+ calendarDirectory += "accounts";
+ calendarDirectory += "/";
+ calendarDirectory += preferences->accounts.GetAccountDirectory(accountInfo.accountPreferencesID).ToStdString();
+ calendarDirectory += ".";
+ calendarDirectory += preferences->accounts.GetAccountType(accountInfo.accountPreferencesID).ToStdString();
+ calendarDirectory += "/";
+ calendarDirectory += calendarInfo.calendarTextID;
+ calendarDirectory += "/";
+ string eventFile = calendarDirectory;
+ eventFile += NewUUID;
+ eventFile += ".ics";
+ eventData.UniqueID = NewUUID;
+ // Write the file.
+ CalendarObjectSaveResult saveResult = eventData.SaveFile(eventFile);
+ // Add the event to the calendar data storage.
+ CDSAddEntryResult addEventResult = dataStorage->AddEvent(calendarIDList[cmbCalendar->GetSelection()], eventFile);
+ // Post an event to show the new entry in
+ // the main window.
+ EventProperties *eventInfo = new EventProperties;
+ eventInfo->eventName = txtEventName->GetValue().ToStdString();
+ eventInfo->calendarID = calendarIDList[cmbCalendar->GetSelection()];
+ eventInfo->eventID = addEventResult.calendarEntryID;
+ eventInfo->eventYear = dapStartDate->GetValue().GetYear();
+ eventInfo->eventMonth = dapStartDate->GetValue().GetMonth();
+ eventInfo->eventDay = dapStartDate->GetValue().GetDay();
+ eventInfo->eventHour = atoi(txtStartTime->GetValue().ToStdString().substr(0, 2).c_str());
+ eventInfo->eventMinute = atoi(txtStartTime->GetValue().ToStdString().substr(3, 2).c_str());
+ eventInfo->eventSecond = 0;
+ wxCommandEvent addEvent(XCMAIN_ADDEVENT);
+ addEvent.SetClientData(eventInfo);
+ addEvent.SetId(ID_ADDENTRY);
+ wxPostEvent(this->GetParent(), addEvent);
+ eventFilePath = eventFile;
+ editMode = true;
+ eventID = addEventResult.calendarEntryID;
+ // Hide the calendar selection controls.
+ cmbCalendar->Show(false);
+ lblCalendar->Show(false);
+ szrDetails->Layout();
+ szrList->Layout();
+ } else {
+ // Setup the calendar directory path.
+ CDSGetCalendarEntryInfo eventDataInfo = dataStorage->GetEvent(eventID);
+ // Write the file.
+ CalendarObjectSaveResult saveResult = eventData.SaveFile(eventFilePath);
+ // Update the data in the calendar data storage.
+ CDSEditEntryResult editEventResult = dataStorage->UpdateEvent(eventID, eventFilePath);
+ // Post an event to update the new entry in
+ // the main window.
+ EventProperties *eventInfo = new EventProperties;
+ eventInfo->eventName = txtEventName->GetValue().ToStdString();
+ eventInfo->calendarID = calendarIDList[cmbCalendar->GetSelection()];
+ eventInfo->eventID = eventID;
+ eventInfo->eventYear = dapStartDate->GetValue().GetYear();
+ eventInfo->eventMonth = dapStartDate->GetValue().GetMonth();
+ eventInfo->eventDay = dapStartDate->GetValue().GetDay();
+ eventInfo->eventHour = atoi(txtStartTime->GetValue().ToStdString().substr(0, 2).c_str());
+ eventInfo->eventMinute = atoi(txtStartTime->GetValue().ToStdString().substr(3, 2).c_str());
+ eventInfo->eventSecond = 0;
+ wxCommandEvent updateEvent(XCMAIN_UPDATEEVENT);
+ updateEvent.SetClientData(eventInfo);
+ updateEvent.SetId(ID_UPDATEENTRY);
+ wxPostEvent(this->GetParent(), updateEvent);
+ }
+void frmEventEditor::CloseWindow(wxCommandEvent &event){
+ this->Close();
+bool frmEventEditor::ProcessEvent(wxEvent& event)
+ // Process the cut/copy/paste events.
+ // This section has been taken from the wxWidgets sample code of richtext.cpp
+ // so that simple Cut/Copy/Paste code can be made.
+ // As this code comes from the samples of the wxWidgets library, this is licenced
+ // under the wxWindows Library Licence and is compatable with the LGPL and is
+ // compatable with Xestia Address Book's licence.
+ if (event.IsCommandEvent() && !event.IsKindOf(CLASSINFO(wxChildFocusEvent))){
+ // Problem: we can get infinite recursion because the events
+ // climb back up to this frame, and repeat.
+ // Assume that command events don't cause another command event
+ // to be called, so we can rely on inCommand not being overwritten
+ static int s_eventType = 0;
+ static wxWindowID s_id = 0;
+ if (s_id != event.GetId() && s_eventType != event.GetEventType()){
+ s_eventType = event.GetEventType();
+ s_id = event.GetId();
+ wxWindow* focusWin = wxFindFocusDescendant(this);
+ if (focusWin && focusWin->GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent(event)){
+ //s_command = NULL;
+ s_eventType = 0;
+ s_id = 0;
+ return true;
+ }
+ s_eventType = 0;
+ s_id = 0;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return wxFrame::ProcessEvent(event);
+void frmEventEditor::CutText(wxCommandEvent &event){
+void frmEventEditor::CopyText(wxCommandEvent &event){
+void frmEventEditor::PasteText(wxCommandEvent &event){
+void frmEventEditor::SetEventID(int eventID){
+ this->eventID = eventID;
+void frmEventEditor::SetDefaultDateTime(){
+ wxDateTime DTNow = wxDateTime::Now();
+ wxTimeSpan oneHour;
+ string formattedTime = "";
+ dapStartDate->SetValue(DTNow);
+ if (DTNow.GetHour() < 10){
+ formattedTime += "0";
+ formattedTime += to_string(DTNow.GetHour());
+ } else {
+ formattedTime += to_string(DTNow.GetHour());
+ }
+ formattedTime += ":";
+ if (DTNow.GetMinute() < 10){
+ formattedTime += "0";
+ formattedTime += to_string(DTNow.GetMinute());
+ } else {
+ formattedTime += to_string(DTNow.GetMinute());
+ }
+ txtStartTime->SetValue((wxString)formattedTime);
+ dapEndDate->SetValue(DTNow.Add(oneHour));
+ formattedTime.clear();
+ if (DTNow.Add(oneHour.Hour()).GetHour() < 10){
+ formattedTime += "0";
+ formattedTime += to_string(DTNow.GetHour());
+ } else {
+ formattedTime += to_string(DTNow.GetHour());
+ }
+ formattedTime += ":";
+ if (DTNow.GetMinute() < 10){
+ formattedTime += "0";
+ formattedTime += to_string(DTNow.GetMinute());
+ } else {
+ formattedTime += to_string(DTNow.GetMinute());
+ }
+ txtEndTime->SetValue((wxString)formattedTime);
\ No newline at end of file