ETagDB *ETagDBPtr = ETagTmrPtr->GetPointer(AccountDir);
+ CardDAV2 *ConnObject = new CardDAV2(AccountAddress.ToStdString(), AccountPort, AccountUsername.ToStdString(), AccountPassword.ToStdString(), AccountSSL, AccountPrefix.ToStdString(), AccountDir.ToStdString());
+ ConnObject->SetupConnectionObject();
ActivityList.insert(std::make_pair(ActivityTaskID, 0));
ActivityListType.insert(std::make_pair(ActivityTaskID, 2));
ActivityListData.insert(std::make_pair(ActivityTaskID, TaskData));
+ ActivityListURL.insert(std::make_pair(ActivityTaskID, TaskURL));
ActivityListAccount.insert(std::make_pair(ActivityTaskID, TaskAccount));
ActivityListFilename.insert(std::make_pair(ActivityTaskID, TaskFilename));
+ ActivityListConnObject.insert(std::make_pair(ActivityTaskID, ConnObject));
ActivityListIndex.insert(std::make_pair(ActivityTaskID, itemindex));
ActivityListAccSettings.insert(std::make_pair(ActivityTaskID, AccountSettings));
- ETagDBPtr->AddETag(ContactFilename, ETagGetResponse.EntityTag, ETagGetResponse.EntityTag);
+ std::cout << ETagGetResponse.EntityTag << std::endl;
+ ETagDBPtr->UpdateETag(ContactFilename, ETagGetResponse.EntityTag, ETagGetResponse.EntityTag);
iter->second = 4;
// Compare the ETag with the Server ETag.
- std::cout << ETagOriginal << std::endl;
- std::cout << ETagServer << std::endl;
if (ETagOriginal != ETagServer){
// Server ETag is different from original ETag.
- std::cout << "Etag Update!" << std::endl;
- std::cout << ETagGetResponse.EntityTag << std::endl;
ETagDBPtr->UpdateETag(ContactFilename, ETagGetResponse.EntityTag, ETagGetResponse.EntityTag);
iter->second = 4;
while(KeepUpdating == TRUE){
+ COConnectResult ConnectResponse = ConnObjectIter->second->Connect(false);
bool ExitLoop = FALSE;
while (ExitLoop == FALSE){
- int ErrorCode = ConnHandle.SSLVerifyTest();
+ if (ConnObjectIter->second->SSLVerify() == COSSL_UNABLETOVERIFY){
+ frmMainPtrGet->PauseAllTimers();
+#if defined(__APPLE__)
+#elif defined(__WIN32__)
+ bool UsingSSLBypass = false;
+ int SSLResult = 0;
+ // Connect again and fetch SSL certificate information.
+ ConnObjectIter->second->BypassSSLVerification(true);
+ COConnectResult ConnectionSSLResult = ConnObjectIter->second->Connect(false);
+ ConnObjectIter->second->BypassSSLVerification(false);
+ SSLInvalidCertNotifObjString SSLICNProcData;
+ SSLCertCollectionString certcol = ConnObjectIter->second->BuildSSLCollection();
+ bool *PauseMode = new bool;
+ QRNotif qrn;
+ *PauseMode = TRUE;
+ qrn.QResponse = &SSLResult;
+ qrn.PausePtr = PauseMode;
+ SSLICNProcData.CertCollection = certcol;
+ SSLICNProcData.QRNotifData = &qrn;
+ SSLICNProcData.AccountName = AccountNameFriendly;
+ wxCommandEvent event(INVALIDSSLCERTSTRING);
+ event.SetClientData(&SSLICNProcData);
+ wxPostEvent(frmMainPtrGet, event);
+ while (*PauseMode == TRUE){
+ //nanosleep(&n1, &n2);
+ SleepFor(250000000);
+ }
+ // Process the response from the user.
+ if (SSLResult == 1){
+ // Accept the Certificate.
+ UsingSSLBypass = true;
+ ConnObjectIter->second->BypassSSLVerification(true);
+ COConnectResult TestConnectionResult = ConnObjectIter->second->Connect(true);
+ WriteServerCertificate(AccountDir, certcol);
+ ConnObjectIter->second->BypassSSLVerification(false);
+ } else if (SSLResult == 2){
+ // Reject the certificate, abort the task and mark as failed.
+ iter->second = 2;
+ break;
+ }
+ frmMainPtrGet->ResumeAllTimers();
+ ExitLoop = true;
+ } else if (ConnectResponse == COCONNECT_AUTHFAIL){
+ ConnectResponse = ConnObjectIter->second->Connect(true);
+ if (ConnectResponse == COCONNECT_OK){
+ ExitLoop = true;
+ break;
+ } else {
+ ExitLoop = true;
+ iter->second = 2;
+ break;
+ }
+ } else if (ConnectResponse == COCONNECT_OK){
+ ConnectResponse = ConnObjectIter->second->Connect(true);
+ ExitLoop = true;
+ break;
+ } else {
+ ExitLoop = true;
+ iter->second = 2;
+ break;
+ }
+ /*int ErrorCode = ConnHandle.SSLVerifyTest();
if (ErrorCode != CURLE_OK){
wxPostEvent(frmMainPtrGet, event);
- /*timespec n1, n2;
- // Fall asleep until we get an response.
- n1.tv_sec = 0;
- n1.tv_nsec = 250000000L;*/
while (*PauseMode == TRUE){
//nanosleep(&n1, &n2);
ExitLoop = TRUE;
- }
+ }*/
- ConnHandle.SetUploadMode(FALSE);
+ /*ConnHandle.SetUploadMode(FALSE);
ConnHandle.SetupData(wxT("DELETE"), ContactFilename, wxT(""));
if (ErrorCode != CURLE_OK){
iter->second = 2;
+ }*/
+ COServerResponse DeleteContactResponse = ConnObjectIter->second->DeleteContact(ContactFilename.ToStdString());
+ if (DeleteContactResponse.RequestResult != COREQUEST_OK){
+ iter->second = 2;
+ break;
iter->second = 4;
- CardDAVIter->second = NULL;
+ //CardDAVIter->second = NULL;