// with Xestia Address Book. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
#include "frmEditAccount.h"
+#include "frmInvalidSSLCertificate.h"
#include "carddav/carddav.h"
frmEditAccount::frmEditAccount( wxWindow* parent )
CDavObj.SetupConnection(txtAddress->GetValue(), (int)PortNum, txtUsername->GetValue(), txtPassword->GetValue(), UseSSL);
+ // Verify SSL trust first before doing anything.
+ if (UseSSL == TRUE){
+ CURLcode sslcode = CDavObj.SSLVerifyTest();
+ if (sslcode == CURLE_OK){
+ } else if (sslcode == CURLE_SSL_CACERT || sslcode == CURLE_SSL_CONNECT_ERROR){
+ // Certificate is more than likely a self-signed or
+ // expired certificate so display the invalid
+ // SSL certificate message.
+ // Setup the data to be sent in the wxPostEvent command.
+ int SSLResult;
+ frmInvalidSSLCertificate *frmICPtr = new frmInvalidSSLCertificate(this);
+ frmICPtr->LoadDataNew(CDavObj.GetSSLVerifyResults(), txtAddress->GetValue());
+ frmICPtr->ShowModal();
+ SSLResult = frmICPtr->GetResult();
+ // Clean up before processing response.
+ delete frmICPtr;
+ frmICPtr = NULL;
+ // Process the response from the user.
+ if (SSLResult == 1){
+ // Accept the Certificate.
+ CDavObj.AllowSelfSignTest(TRUE);
+ } else if (SSLResult == 2){
+ // Reject the certificate, abort the task and mark as failed.
+ wxMessageBox(_("An error occured whilst connnecting: ") + CDavObj.GetErrorMessage() + wxString::Format(wxT(" (%i)\n%s"), sslcode, CDavObj.GetErrorBuffer().mb_str()), _("Failed"), wxOK+wxICON_ERROR);
+ return;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Something else happened. Stop the process and
+ // display an error message instead.
+ wxMessageBox(_("An error occured whilst connnecting: ") + CDavObj.GetErrorMessage() + wxString::Format(wxT(" (%i)\n%s"), sslcode, CDavObj.GetErrorBuffer().mb_str()), _("Failed"), wxOK+wxICON_ERROR);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
// Attempt to extract the CardDAV address.
wxString ABURL = CDavObj.GetDefaultAddressBookURL();