int QuoteBreakPoint = 0;
int GroupCount = 0;
int FNCount = 0;
+ int NicknameCount = 0;
wxString ContactLine;
wxString PropertyLine;
wxString PropertySeg1;
ProcessN(PropertySeg1, PropertySeg2);
NameProcessed = TRUE;
+ } else if (Property == wxT("NICKNAME")){
+ ProcessNickname(PropertySeg1, PropertySeg2, &NicknameCount);
+ NicknameCount++;
intPrevValue = 2;
- NameForename = PropertySeg2;
wxString PropertyName;
wxString PropertyValue;
wxString PropertyData;
+void ContactDataObject::ProcessNickname(wxString PropertySeg1, wxString PropertySeg2, int *NicknameCount){
+ std::map<int, int> SplitPoints;
+ std::map<int, int> SplitLength;
+ int intPrevValue = 10;
+ int intPref = 0;
+ SplitValues(&PropertySeg1, &SplitPoints, &SplitLength, intPrevValue);
+ intPrevValue = 9;
+ PropertyType PropType;
+ // Look for type before continuing.
+ CheckType(&PropertySeg1, &SplitPoints, &SplitLength, &intPrevValue, &PropType);
+ intPrevValue = 9;
+ std::map<int, wxString> *NicknamesList = NULL;
+ std::map<int, wxString> *NicknamesListType = NULL;
+ std::map<int, wxString> *NicknamesListLanguage = NULL;
+ std::map<int, wxString> *NicknamesListAltID = NULL;
+ std::map<int, wxString> *NicknamesListPID = NULL;
+ std::map<int, wxString> *NicknamesListTokens = NULL;
+ std::map<int, int> *NicknamesListPref = NULL;
+ switch(PropType){
+ NicknamesList = &GeneralNicknamesList;
+ NicknamesListType = &GeneralNicknamesListType;
+ NicknamesListLanguage = &GeneralNicknamesListLanguage;
+ NicknamesListAltID = &GeneralNicknamesListAltID;
+ NicknamesListPID = &GeneralNicknamesListPID;
+ NicknamesListTokens = &GeneralNicknamesListTokens;
+ NicknamesListPref = &GeneralNicknamesListPref;
+ break;
+ NicknamesList = &HomeNicknamesList;
+ NicknamesListType = &HomeNicknamesListType;
+ NicknamesListLanguage = &HomeNicknamesListLanguage;
+ NicknamesListAltID = &HomeNicknamesListAltID;
+ NicknamesListPID = &HomeNicknamesListPID;
+ NicknamesListTokens = &HomeNicknamesListTokens;
+ NicknamesListPref = &HomeNicknamesListPref;
+ break;
+ NicknamesList = &BusinessNicknamesList;
+ NicknamesListType = &BusinessNicknamesListType;
+ NicknamesListLanguage = &BusinessNicknamesListLanguage;
+ NicknamesListAltID = &BusinessNicknamesListAltID;
+ NicknamesListPID = &BusinessNicknamesListPID;
+ NicknamesListTokens = &BusinessNicknamesListTokens;
+ NicknamesListPref = &BusinessNicknamesListPref;
+ break;
+ }
+ std::map<int, int>::iterator SLiter;
+ wxString PropertyData;
+ wxString PropertyName;
+ wxString PropertyValue;
+ wxString PropertyTokens;
+ bool FirstToken = TRUE;
+ for (std::map<int, int>::iterator intiter = SplitPoints.begin();
+ intiter != SplitPoints.end(); ++intiter){
+ SLiter = SplitLength.find(intiter->first);
+ PropertyData = PropertySeg1.Mid(intPrevValue, (SLiter->second));
+ wxStringTokenizer PropertyElement (PropertyData, wxT("="));
+ PropertyName = PropertyElement.GetNextToken();
+ PropertyValue = PropertyElement.GetNextToken();
+ intPrevValue = intiter->second;
+ CaptureString(&PropertyValue, FALSE);
+ if (PropertyName == wxT("ALTID")){
+ NicknamesListAltID->erase(*NicknameCount);
+ NicknamesListAltID->insert(std::make_pair(*NicknameCount, PropertyValue));
+ } else if (PropertyName == wxT("PID")){
+ NicknamesListPID->erase(*NicknameCount);
+ NicknamesListPID->insert(std::make_pair(*NicknameCount, PropertyValue));
+ } else if (PropertyName == wxT("PREF")){
+ int PriorityNumber = 0;
+ bool ValidNumber = TRUE;
+ try{
+ PriorityNumber = std::stoi(PropertyValue.ToStdString());
+ }
+ catch(std::invalid_argument &e){
+ ValidNumber = FALSE;
+ }
+ if (ValidNumber == TRUE){
+ NicknamesListPref->erase(*NicknameCount);
+ NicknamesListPref->insert(std::make_pair(*NicknameCount, PriorityNumber));
+ }
+ } else if (PropertyName == wxT("LANGUAGE")){
+ NicknamesListLanguage->erase(*NicknameCount);
+ NicknamesListLanguage->insert(std::make_pair(*NicknameCount, PropertyValue));
+ } else {
+ // Something else we don't know about so append
+ // to the tokens variable.
+ if (!PropertyName.IsEmpty() && !PropertyValue.IsEmpty() && PropertyName != wxT("TYPE")){
+ if (FirstToken == TRUE){
+ PropertyTokens.Append(PropertyName + wxT("=") + PropertyValue);
+ FirstToken = FALSE;
+ } else {
+ PropertyTokens.Append(wxT(";") + PropertyName + wxT("=") + PropertyValue);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ NicknamesList->insert(std::make_pair(*NicknameCount, PropertySeg2));
+ // Add the name token data.
+ if (!PropertyTokens.IsEmpty()){
+ NicknamesListTokens->insert(std::make_pair(*NicknameCount, PropertyTokens));
+ }
void SplitValues(wxString *PropertyLine,
std::map<int,int> *SplitPoints,
+void CheckType(wxString *PropertySeg1,
+ std::map<int,int> *SplitPoints,
+ std::map<int,int> *SplitLength,
+ int *intPrevValue,
+ PropertyType *PropType){
+ wxString PropertyData;
+ wxString PropertyName;
+ wxString PropertyValue;
+ std::map<int,int>::iterator SLiter;
+ for (std::map<int, int>::iterator intiter = SplitPoints->begin();
+ intiter != SplitPoints->end(); ++intiter){
+ SLiter = SplitLength->find(intiter->first);
+ PropertyData = PropertySeg1->Mid(*intPrevValue, (SLiter->second));
+ wxStringTokenizer PropertyElement (PropertyData, wxT("="));
+ PropertyName = PropertyElement.GetNextToken();
+ PropertyValue = PropertyElement.GetNextToken();
+ *intPrevValue = intiter->second;
+ if (PropertyName == wxT("TYPE")){
+ if (PropertyValue == wxT("work")){
+ *PropType = PROPERTY_WORK;
+ } else if (PropertyValue == wxT("home")){
+ *PropType = PROPERTY_HOME;
+ } else {
+ *PropType = PROPERTY_NONE;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
ASSERT_EQ("TEST=Yes", TestFile.NameTokens);
+ // Check that the nickname has been read (NICKNAME). General.
+ TestFileIter = TestFile.GeneralNicknamesList.find(0);
+ ASSERT_NE(TestFile.GeneralNicknamesList.end(), TestFileIter);
+ ASSERT_EQ("Tester", TestFileIter->second);
+ // Check the ALTID parameter.
+ TestFileIter = TestFile.GeneralNicknamesListAltID.find(0);
+ ASSERT_NE(TestFile.GeneralNicknamesListAltID.end(), TestFileIter);
+ ASSERT_EQ("35", TestFileIter->second);
+ // Check the PID parameter.
+ TestFileIter = TestFile.GeneralNicknamesListPID.find(0);
+ ASSERT_NE(TestFile.GeneralNicknamesListPID.end(), TestFileIter);
+ ASSERT_EQ("50", TestFileIter->second);
+ // Check the PREF parameter.
+ TestFileIntIter = TestFile.GeneralNicknamesListPref.find(0);
+ ASSERT_NE(TestFile.GeneralNicknamesListPref.end(), TestFileIntIter);
+ ASSERT_EQ(40, TestFileIntIter->second);
+ // Check the LANGUAGE parameter.
+ TestFileIter = TestFile.GeneralNicknamesListLanguage.find(0);
+ ASSERT_NE(TestFile.GeneralNicknamesListLanguage.end(), TestFileIter);
+ ASSERT_EQ("kw", TestFileIter->second);
+ // Check the extra tokens parameter.
+ TestFileIter = TestFile.GeneralNicknamesListTokens.find(0);
+ ASSERT_NE(TestFile.GeneralNicknamesListTokens.end(), TestFileIter);
+ ASSERT_EQ("YAY=Nope;Beep=Boop", TestFileIter->second);
+ // Repeat for the home type.
+ TestFileIter = TestFile.HomeNicknamesList.find(1);
+ ASSERT_NE(TestFile.HomeNicknamesList.end(), TestFileIter);
+ ASSERT_EQ("Testy", TestFileIter->second);
+ // Check the ALTID parameter.
+ TestFileIter = TestFile.HomeNicknamesListAltID.find(1);
+ ASSERT_NE(TestFile.HomeNicknamesListAltID.end(), TestFileIter);
+ ASSERT_EQ("17", TestFileIter->second);
+ // Check the PID parameter.
+ TestFileIter = TestFile.HomeNicknamesListPID.find(1);
+ ASSERT_NE(TestFile.HomeNicknamesListPID.end(), TestFileIter);
+ ASSERT_EQ("39", TestFileIter->second);
+ // Check the PREF parameter.
+ TestFileIntIter = TestFile.HomeNicknamesListPref.find(1);
+ ASSERT_NE(TestFile.HomeNicknamesListPref.end(), TestFileIntIter);
+ ASSERT_EQ(78, TestFileIntIter->second);
+ // Check the LANGUAGE parameter.
+ TestFileIter = TestFile.HomeNicknamesListLanguage.find(1);
+ ASSERT_NE(TestFile.HomeNicknamesListLanguage.end(), TestFileIter);
+ ASSERT_EQ("en", TestFileIter->second);
+ // Check the extra tokens parameter.
+ TestFileIter = TestFile.HomeNicknamesListTokens.find(1);
+ ASSERT_NE(TestFile.HomeNicknamesListTokens.end(), TestFileIter);
+ ASSERT_EQ("YAY=Yep;Beep=Boop", TestFileIter->second);
+ // Repeat for the work type.
+ TestFileIter = TestFile.BusinessNicknamesList.find(2);
+ ASSERT_NE(TestFile.BusinessNicknamesList.end(), TestFileIter);
+ ASSERT_EQ("The Testing One", TestFileIter->second);
+ // Check the ALTID parameter.
+ TestFileIter = TestFile.BusinessNicknamesListAltID.find(2);
+ ASSERT_NE(TestFile.BusinessNicknamesListAltID.end(), TestFileIter);
+ ASSERT_EQ("99", TestFileIter->second);
+ // Check the PID parameter.
+ TestFileIter = TestFile.BusinessNicknamesListPID.find(2);
+ ASSERT_NE(TestFile.BusinessNicknamesListPID.end(), TestFileIter);
+ ASSERT_EQ("10", TestFileIter->second);
+ // Check the PREF parameter.
+ TestFileIntIter = TestFile.BusinessNicknamesListPref.find(2);
+ ASSERT_NE(TestFile.BusinessNicknamesListPref.end(), TestFileIntIter);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1, TestFileIntIter->second);
+ // Check the LANGUAGE parameter.
+ TestFileIter = TestFile.BusinessNicknamesListLanguage.find(2);
+ ASSERT_NE(TestFile.BusinessNicknamesListLanguage.end(), TestFileIter);
+ ASSERT_EQ("en-GB", TestFileIter->second);
+ // Check the extra tokens parameter.
+ TestFileIter = TestFile.BusinessNicknamesListTokens.find(2);
+ ASSERT_NE(TestFile.BusinessNicknamesListTokens.end(), TestFileIter);
+ ASSERT_EQ("YAY=Maybe;Boop=Boing", TestFileIter->second);
// TODO: Add tests for the Contact Loading process.
\ No newline at end of file