+CalDAVEntryList CalDAV::GetEntryList(string *CalendarHREF){
+ CalDAVEntryList EntryList;
+ CalDAVSendData EntryListSendData;
+ if (CalendarHREF->size() == 0){
+ return EntryList;
+ }
+ string EntryListURLAddress = BuildServerAddress(&ConnectionData, *CalendarHREF);
+ string EntryListRequest = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n";
+ /*if (CalendarTag == nullptr){*/
+ EntryListRequest += "<c:calendar-query xmlns:d=\"DAV:\" xmlns:cs=\"http://calendarserver.org/ns/\""
+ " xmlns:c=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav\" xmlns:x0=\"http://apple.com/ns/ical/\">\n"
+ " <d:prop>\n"
+ " <d:getetag />\n"
+ " <c:calendar-data />\n"
+ " </d:prop>\n"
+ " <c:filter>\n"
+ " <c:comp-filter name=\"VCALENDAR\" />\n"
+ " </c:filter>\n"
+ "</c:calendar-query>";
+ /*} else {
+ EntryListRequest += "<d:sync-collection xmlns:d=\"DAV:\" xmlns:cs=\"http://calendarserver.org/ns/\""
+ " xmlns:c=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav\" xmlns:x0=\"http://apple.com/ns/ical/\">\n"
+ " <d:sync-token>";
+ EntryListRequest += *CalendarTag;
+ EntryListRequest += "</d:sync-token>\n"
+ " <d:sync-level>1</d:sync-level>\n"
+ " <d:prop>\n"
+ " <d:getetag />\n"
+ " <c:calendar-data />\n"
+ " </d:prop>\n"
+ "</d:sync-collection>";
+ }*/
+ EntryListSendData.readptr = &EntryListRequest;
+ EntryListSendData.sizeleft = EntryListRequest.size();
+ struct curl_slist *EntryListRequestHeader = NULL;
+ EntryListRequestHeader = curl_slist_append(EntryListRequestHeader, "Content-Type: application/xml; charset=utf-8");
+ /*if (CalendarTag != nullptr){
+ EntryListRequestHeader = curl_slist_append(EntryListRequestHeader, "Content-Type: application/xml; charset=utf-8");
+ EntryListRequestHeader = curl_slist_append(EntryListRequestHeader, "Content-Type: application/xml; charset=utf-8");
+ }*/
+ curl_easy_setopt(ConnectionHandle, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, EntryListRequestHeader);
+ curl_easy_setopt(ConnectionHandle, CURLOPT_URL, EntryListURLAddress.c_str());
+ curl_easy_setopt(ConnectionHandle, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "REPORT");
+ curl_easy_setopt(ConnectionHandle, CURLOPT_UPLOAD, 1L);
+ curl_easy_setopt(ConnectionHandle, CURLOPT_READDATA, &EntryListSendData);
+ curl_easy_setopt(ConnectionHandle, CURLOPT_READFUNCTION, CalDAVSend);
+ // Process the data.
+ ServerData.clear();
+ ServerHeader.clear();
+ CURLcode ServerResult = curl_easy_perform(ConnectionHandle);
+ //ServerList = ProcessXMLCalendarList();
+ if (ServerResult == CURLE_OK){
+ ConnectionServerResult.Result = CALDAVQUERYRESULT_OK;
+ } else {
+ ConnectionServerResult.Result = CALDAVQUERYRESULT_SERVERERROR;
+ }
+ ConnectionServerResult.Code = ServerResult;
+ curl_easy_getinfo(ConnectionHandle, CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE, &ConnectionServerResult.HTTPCode);
+ if (ServerResult != CURLE_OK){
+ return EntryList;
+ }
+ // Process the received XML data into a list of calendars
+ // and locations.
+ EntryList = ProcessXMLEntryList();
+ // Restore the original settings.
+ string OriginalServerAddress = BuildServerAddress(&ConnectionData, "/principals/");
+ curl_easy_setopt(ConnectionHandle, CURLOPT_URL, OriginalServerAddress.c_str());
+ curl_easy_setopt(ConnectionHandle, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, NULL);
+ curl_easy_setopt(ConnectionHandle, CURLOPT_UPLOAD, 0L);
+ curl_easy_setopt(ConnectionHandle, CURLOPT_READDATA, NULL);
+ curl_easy_setopt(ConnectionHandle, CURLOPT_READFUNCTION, NULL);
+ return EntryList;
+CalDAVEntryList CalDAV::GetEntryList(string *CalendarHREF, string *CalendarTag){
+ CalDAVEntryList EntryList;
+ CalDAVSendData EntryListSendData;
+ if (CalendarHREF->size() == 0){
+ return EntryList;
+ }
+ string EntryListURLAddress = BuildServerAddress(&ConnectionData, *CalendarHREF);
+ // First query: Get the list of contacts that need to be updated.
+ string EntryListRequest = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n";
+ EntryListRequest += "<d:sync-collection xmlns:d=\"DAV:\" xmlns:cs=\"http://calendarserver.org/ns/\""
+ " xmlns:c=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav\" xmlns:x0=\"http://apple.com/ns/ical/\">\n"
+ " <d:sync-token>";
+ if (CalendarTag != nullptr){
+ EntryListRequest += *CalendarTag;
+ } else {
+ EntryListRequest += "";
+ }
+ EntryListRequest += "</d:sync-token>\n"
+ " <d:sync-level>1</d:sync-level>\n"
+ " <d:prop>\n"
+ " <d:getetag />\n"
+ " </d:prop>\n"
+ "</d:sync-collection>";
+ EntryListSendData.readptr = &EntryListRequest;
+ EntryListSendData.sizeleft = EntryListRequest.size();
+ struct curl_slist *EntryListRequestHeader = NULL;
+ EntryListRequestHeader = curl_slist_append(EntryListRequestHeader, "Content-Type: application/xml; charset=utf-8");
+ curl_easy_setopt(ConnectionHandle, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, EntryListRequestHeader);
+ curl_easy_setopt(ConnectionHandle, CURLOPT_URL, EntryListURLAddress.c_str());
+ curl_easy_setopt(ConnectionHandle, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "REPORT");
+ curl_easy_setopt(ConnectionHandle, CURLOPT_UPLOAD, 1L);
+ curl_easy_setopt(ConnectionHandle, CURLOPT_READDATA, &EntryListSendData);
+ curl_easy_setopt(ConnectionHandle, CURLOPT_READFUNCTION, CalDAVSend);
+ // Process the data.
+ ServerData.clear();
+ ServerHeader.clear();
+ CURLcode ServerResult = curl_easy_perform(ConnectionHandle);
+ if (ServerResult == CURLE_OK){
+ ConnectionServerResult.Result = CALDAVQUERYRESULT_OK;
+ } else {
+ ConnectionServerResult.Result = CALDAVQUERYRESULT_SERVERERROR;
+ }
+ ConnectionServerResult.Code = ServerResult;
+ curl_easy_getinfo(ConnectionHandle, CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE, &ConnectionServerResult.HTTPCode);
+ if (ServerResult != CURLE_OK){
+ return EntryList;
+ }
+ EntryList = ProcessXMLSyncTokenList();
+ // Check the last entry matches the HREF and if it
+ // does then delete it.
+ if (EntryList.HREF.size() > 0) {
+ if (EntryList.HREF.rbegin()->second == *CalendarHREF){
+ EntryList.HREF.erase((EntryList.HREF.size() - 1));
+ EntryList.Tag.erase((EntryList.HREF.size() - 1));
+ EntryList.Data.erase((EntryList.HREF.size() - 1));
+ }
+ }
+ // Build the list into a new list for getting the new
+ // calendar data with.
+ EntryListRequest.clear();
+ EntryListRequest = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n";
+ EntryListRequest += "<c:calendar-multiget xmlns:d=\"DAV:\" "
+ " xmlns:c=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav\">\n"
+ " <d:prop>\n"
+ " <d:getetag />\n"
+ " <c:calendar-data />\n"
+ " </d:prop>\n";
+ for (std::map<int,string>::iterator HREFIter = EntryList.HREF.begin();
+ HREFIter != EntryList.HREF.end(); HREFIter++){
+ string EntryListHREFString = HREFIter->second;
+ EntryListRequest += " <d:href>";
+ EntryListRequest += EntryListHREFString;
+ EntryListRequest += "</d:href>\n";
+ }
+ EntryListRequest += "</c:calendar-multiget>";
+ CalDAVSendData UpdatedEntryListSendData;
+ UpdatedEntryListSendData.readptr = &EntryListRequest;
+ UpdatedEntryListSendData.sizeleft = EntryListRequest.size();
+ curl_easy_setopt(ConnectionHandle, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, EntryListRequestHeader);
+ curl_easy_setopt(ConnectionHandle, CURLOPT_URL, EntryListURLAddress.c_str());
+ curl_easy_setopt(ConnectionHandle, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "REPORT");
+ curl_easy_setopt(ConnectionHandle, CURLOPT_UPLOAD, 1L);
+ curl_easy_setopt(ConnectionHandle, CURLOPT_READDATA, &UpdatedEntryListSendData);
+ curl_easy_setopt(ConnectionHandle, CURLOPT_READFUNCTION, CalDAVSend);
+ // Get the updated calendar data.
+ ServerData.clear();
+ ServerHeader.clear();
+ EntryList.HREF.clear();
+ EntryList.Tag.clear();
+ EntryList.Data.clear();
+ ServerResult = curl_easy_perform(ConnectionHandle);
+ // Check the last entry matches the HREF and if it
+ // does then delete it.
+ if (ServerResult == CURLE_OK){
+ ConnectionServerResult.Result = CALDAVQUERYRESULT_OK;
+ } else {
+ ConnectionServerResult.Result = CALDAVQUERYRESULT_SERVERERROR;
+ }
+ ConnectionServerResult.Code = ServerResult;
+ curl_easy_getinfo(ConnectionHandle, CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE, &ConnectionServerResult.HTTPCode);
+ if (ServerResult != CURLE_OK){
+ return EntryList;
+ }
+ EntryList = ProcessXMLEntryList();
+ // Second query: Get the list of contact data for the contacts that have
+ // beenchanged.
+ // Restore the original settings.
+ string OriginalServerAddress = BuildServerAddress(&ConnectionData, "/principals/");
+ curl_easy_setopt(ConnectionHandle, CURLOPT_URL, OriginalServerAddress.c_str());
+ curl_easy_setopt(ConnectionHandle, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, NULL);
+ curl_easy_setopt(ConnectionHandle, CURLOPT_UPLOAD, 0L);
+ curl_easy_setopt(ConnectionHandle, CURLOPT_READDATA, NULL);
+ curl_easy_setopt(ConnectionHandle, CURLOPT_READFUNCTION, NULL);
+ return EntryList;
CalDAVServerResult CalDAV::AddCalendar(string CalendarName){
CalDAVServerResult ServerResult;