int TextSeekCount = 0;
int TextPropertySize = 0;
int PropertySeekCount = 0;
+ string PropertyName = "";
+ int PropertyNameSize = 0;
+ char BufferChar = 0;
for (vector<string>::iterator iter = TextProperties->begin();
iter != TextProperties->end(); iter++){
- if (*iter == Property){
+ TextPropertySize = iter->size();
+ if (TextPropertySize == 0){
+ // Text property size is 0. Go to the next
+ // pair.
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Get the property data up to the first semi-colon.
+ while (TextSeekCount < TextPropertySize){
+ BufferChar = (*iter)[TextSeekCount];
+ if (BufferChar == ';'){
+ break;
+ }
+ PropertyName += BufferChar;
+ TextSeekCount++;
+ }
+ if (*iter == Property || PropertyName == Property){
+ TextPropertySize = 0;
+ TextSeekCount = 0;
+ PropertyName.clear();