This file contains tasks that need to be done for future versions of Xestia Address Book.
- Split big C++ files down into smaller files to make the project more manageable.
- - vcard/vcard34conv.cpp (6,000 lines)
- - frmMain.cpp (2,830 lines)
+ - vcard/vcard34conv.cpp (6,017 lines)
+ - frmMain.cpp (2,823 lines)
- frmContactEditor-Save.cpp (2,304 lines)
- - frmActivityMgr.cpp (1,916 lines)
- - common/getcontactinfo.cpp (1,692 lines)
- - frmSearch.cpp (1,668 lines)
+ - frmActivityMgr.cpp (1,627 lines)
+ - common/getcontactinfo.cpp (1,710 lines)
- Implement sleep mode properly and get it working with the main window status bar.
- Implement SSL support for OS X. This will complete support for OS X.
- Implement SSL support for Windows. This will complete support for Windows.