ASSERT_EQ("en-GB", CategoryLanguage);
ASSERT_EQ("SAMPLE=TOKEN", CategoryTokens);
+ // Get the first COMMENT.
+ std::string CommentData;
+ if (TestEvent.CommentList.begin() != TestEvent.CommentList.end()){
+ CommentData = TestEvent.CommentList[0];
+ }
+ ASSERT_EQ("This is the first comment.", CommentData);
+ // Get the second COMMENT.
+ CommentData.clear();
+ std::string CommentDataAltRep;
+ std::string CommentDataLanguage;
+ if (TestEvent.CommentList.size() > 1){
+ CommentData = TestEvent.CommentList[1];
+ }
+ if (TestEvent.CommentList.size() > 1){
+ CommentDataAltRep = TestEvent.CommentListAltRep[1];
+ }
+ if (TestEvent.CommentList.size() > 1){
+ CommentDataLanguage = TestEvent.CommentListLanguage[1];
+ }
+ ASSERT_EQ("This is the second comment.", CommentData);
+ ASSERT_EQ("null:nodata", CommentDataAltRep);
+ ASSERT_EQ("en", CommentDataLanguage);
+ // Get the third COMMENT.
+ CommentData.clear();
+ std::string CommentDataTokens;
+ if (TestEvent.CommentList.size() > 2){
+ CommentData = TestEvent.CommentList[2];
+ }
+ if (TestEvent.CommentList.size() > 2){
+ CommentDataTokens = TestEvent.CommentListTokens[2];
+ }
+ ASSERT_EQ("This is the third comment.", CommentData);
+ ASSERT_EQ("ZEBRAS=YES", CommentDataTokens);
\ No newline at end of file