--- /dev/null
+// xestiacalendar_populate.cpp - Xestia Calendar Unit Testing Suite Populate Functions
+// (c) 2016 Xestia Software Development.
+// This file is part of Xestia Calendar.
+// Xestia Calendar is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+// Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the license.
+// Xestia Calendar is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+// with Xestia Calendar. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
+#include "xestiacalendar_populate.h"
+void populatecaldav(){
+ CalDAV PopulateCalDAV;
+ // Load the connection settings.
+ CalDAVConnectionData ConnNormal;
+ ProcessConnectionDataFileResult DataFileResult;
+ bool ValidDataNormal = false;
+ DataFileResult = ProcessConnectionDataFile("caldavtest.auth", &ConnNormal);
+ ValidDataNormal = true;
+ } else {
+ // Cannot read the caldavtest.auth file properly.
+ cout << "The caldavtest.auth file does not exist or is invalid!" << endl;
+ cout << "Please create the caldavtest.auth file using the following format:" << endl << endl;
+ cout << "server=localname" << endl;
+ cout << "port=8080" << endl;
+ cout << "user=username" << endl;
+ cout << "pass=password" << endl;
+ cout << "ssl=false" << endl;
+ cout << "prefix=/lalala/lookatme/thisisa/prefix" << endl << endl;
+ }
+ // Connect to the server and create
+ // the calendar.
+ string ServerAddress = "";
+ string ServerUserPass = "";
+ // Setup the server address.
+ string CalendarName = "Unit Testing Calendar";
+ string CalendarShortName = "unittestcal";
+ PopulateCalDAV.SetupConnectionData(&ConnNormal);
+ CalDAVServerResult ServerResult;
+ ServerResult = PopulateCalDAV.Connect();
+ if (ServerResult.Code != CURLE_OK){
+ cout << "Error while connecting to the CalDAV server." << endl;
+ cout << "Xestia Calendar Code: " << ServerResult.Result << endl;
+ cout << "cURL Code: " << ServerResult.Code << endl;
+ cout << "HTTP Code: " << ServerResult.HTTPCode << endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ // Get the list of calendars.
+ CalDAVCalendarList CalendarList = PopulateCalDAV.GetCalendars();
+ if (CalendarList.Name.size() == 0){
+ cout << "Error while getting the list of calendars." << endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ string CalendarURI = "";
+ // Look for the Unit testing calendar.
+ for (std::map<int,string>::iterator CalNameIter = CalendarList.Name.begin();
+ CalNameIter != CalendarList.Name.end(); CalNameIter++){
+ if (CalNameIter->second == "Unit Testing Calendar"){
+ CalendarURI = CalendarList.HREF.find(CalNameIter->first)->second;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (CalendarURI == ""){
+ cout << "Error while getting the unit testing calendar URI" << endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ // Delete the previous calendar.
+ ServerResult = PopulateCalDAV.DeleteCalendar(&CalendarURI);
+ if (ServerResult.Code != CURLE_OK){
+ cout << "Error while deleting a calendar." << endl;
+ cout << "Xestia Calendar Code: " << ServerResult.Result << endl;
+ cout << "cURL Code: " << ServerResult.Code << endl;
+ cout << "HTTP Code: " << ServerResult.HTTPCode << endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ // Create the calendar.
+ ServerResult = PopulateCalDAV.AddCalendar(&CalendarName, &CalendarShortName);
+ if (ServerResult.Code != CURLE_OK){
+ cout << "Error while adding a calendar." << endl;
+ cout << "Xestia Calendar Code: " << ServerResult.Result << endl;
+ cout << "cURL Code: " << ServerResult.Code << endl;
+ cout << "HTTP Code: " << ServerResult.HTTPCode << endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ // Get the list of calendars with the new calendar added.
+ CalendarList = PopulateCalDAV.GetCalendars();
+ if (CalendarList.Name.size() == 0){
+ cout << "Error while getting the list of calendars." << endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ CalendarURI = "";
+ // Look for the Unit testing calendar.
+ for (std::map<int,string>::iterator CalNameIter = CalendarList.Name.begin();
+ CalNameIter != CalendarList.Name.end(); CalNameIter++){
+ if (CalNameIter->second == "Unit Testing Calendar"){
+ CalendarURI = CalendarList.HREF.find(CalNameIter->first)->second;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (CalendarURI == ""){
+ cout << "Error while getting the unit testing calendar URI" << endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ // Create five entries.
+ string EntryUUIDs[5] = { "XC-UT1", "XC-UT2", "XC-UT3", "XC-UT4", "XC-UT5" };
+ string EntryFilename[5] = { "xc-ut1.ics", "xc-ut2.ics", "xc-ut3.ics", "xc-ut4.ics", "xc-ut5.ics" };
+ string EntryData[5] = {
+ "VERSION:2.0\n"
+ "PRODID:-//Xestia//Calendar Unit Testing Application//KW\n"
+ "UID:XC-UT1\n"
+ "DTSTAMP:20160116T190200Z\n"
+ "DTSTART:20160116T190200Z\n"
+ "DTEND:20160116T190200Z\n"
+ "SUMMARY: Xestia Calendar Unit Test Event 1\n"
+ "VERSION:2.0\n"
+ "PRODID:-//Xestia//Calendar Unit Testing Application//KW\n"
+ "UID:XC-UT2\n"
+ "DTSTAMP:20160116T190200Z\n"
+ "DTSTART:20160116T190200Z\n"
+ "DTEND:20160116T190200Z\n"
+ "SUMMARY: Xestia Calendar Unit Test Event 2\n"
+ "VERSION:2.0\n"
+ "PRODID:-//Xestia//Calendar Unit Testing Application//KW\n"
+ "UID:XC-UT3\n"
+ "DTSTAMP:20160116T190200Z\n"
+ "DTSTART:20160116T190200Z\n"
+ "DTEND:20160116T190200Z\n"
+ "SUMMARY: Xestia Calendar Unit Test Event 3\n"
+ "VERSION:2.0\n"
+ "PRODID:-//Xestia//Calendar Unit Testing Application//KW\n"
+ "UID:XC-UT4\n"
+ "DTSTAMP:20160116T190200Z\n"
+ "DTSTART:20160116T190200Z\n"
+ "DTEND:20160116T190200Z\n"
+ "SUMMARY: Xestia Calendar Unit Test Event 4\n"
+ "VERSION:2.0\n"
+ "PRODID:-//Xestia//Calendar Unit Testing Application//KW\n"
+ "UID:XC-UT5\n"
+ "DTSTAMP:20160116T190200Z\n"
+ "DTSTART:20160116T190200Z\n"
+ "DTEND:20160116T190200Z\n"
+ "SUMMARY: Xestia Calendar Unit Test Event 5\n"
+ };
+ // Place the entries into the calendar.
+ string CalendarEntryURI = "";
+ for (int EntrySeek = 0; EntrySeek < 5; EntrySeek++){
+ CalendarEntryURI = CalendarURI;
+ CalendarEntryURI += EntryFilename[EntrySeek];
+ ServerResult = PopulateCalDAV.AddEntry(&CalendarEntryURI, &EntryData[EntrySeek]);
+ if (ServerResult.Code != CURLE_OK){
+ cout << "Error while adding an entry to the unit testing calendar." << endl;
+ cout << "Xestia Calendar Code: " << ServerResult.Result << endl;
+ cout << "cURL Code: " << ServerResult.Code << endl;
+ cout << "HTTP Code: " << ServerResult.HTTPCode << endl;
+ cout << "URI address: " << CalendarEntryURI << endl;
+ return;
+ }
+ CalendarEntryURI.clear();
+ }
+ cout << "CalDAV calendar populating completed." << endl;
\ No newline at end of file
#include <string>
#include <stdexcept>
-#include "xestiacalendar_icaleventload.h"
#include "xestiacalendar_commonfunctions.h"
+#include "xestiacalendar_populate.h"
+#include "xestiacalendar_icaleventload.h"
#include "xestiacalendar_icaltaskload.h"
#include "xestiacalendar_icaljournalload.h"
#include "xestiacalendar_icalfreebusyload.h"
+enum ExtraMenuOpts{
void printn(std::string text){
// printn: Print a line and end with a newline (\n).
std::cout << TESTS_ICALLOADTIMEZONE << ". iCalendar Timezone Component Load" << std::endl;
std::cout << TESTS_CALDAV << ". CalDAV Object" << std::endl;
std::cout << TESTS_COMMONFUNCTIONS << ". Common Functions" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << TESTS_EXTRA << ". Extra Functions Menu" << std::endl;
std::cout << TESTS_QUIT << ". Quit" << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;
+void printextramenu(){
+ std::cout << "Extra Functions Menu" << std::endl << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "Select an option:" << std::endl << std::endl;
+ std::cout << EXTRA_POPULATECALDAV << ". Populate CalDAV calendar" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << EXTRA_RETURN << ". Return to previous menu" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << std::endl;
+void runextramenu(){
+ bool ExitEnabled = false;
+ std::string StringOption = "";
+ int TestResult = 0;
+ while(ExitEnabled == false){
+ printextramenu();
+ // Get user input.
+ std::cout << "Select Option: ";
+ std::cin >> StringOption;
+ int IntOption = -1;
+ // Check if input is a number.
+ try{
+ IntOption = stoi(StringOption);
+ }
+ // Return to the top of the while statement if input
+ // really isn't a number.
+ catch(std::invalid_argument e){
+ printn("Error: Selected option is not a number.");
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Find which option has been selected from the
+ // input.
+ switch(IntOption){
+ printn("Populating CalDAV calendar...");
+ populatecaldav();
+ break;
+ return;
+ break;
+ default:
+ printn("Invalid menu number given.");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
// Initialise the several libraries that have
::testing::GTEST_FLAG(filter) = "CommonFunctions*";
TestResult = RUN_ALL_TESTS();
+ runextramenu();
+ break;
return 0;