Check for a value in either the Title, Forename, Surname, Other Names or
Suffix boxes before saving.
This is to provide better vCard 3.0 compatability
+ // Check if a value has been entered either in the Title,
+ // Forename, Surname, Other Names and Suffix text boxes.
+ if (txtTitle->IsEmpty() && txtForename->IsEmpty() && txtSurname->IsEmpty()
+ && txtOtherNames->IsEmpty() && txtSuffix->IsEmpty())
+ {
+ wxMessageBox(_("A value must be as minimum eithered in either the Title, Forename, Surname, Other Names or Suffix text boxes."), _("No name information entered"), wxICON_ERROR);
+ saveSuccess = false;
+ return;
+ }
// Save the updated contact data.
//vCard ContactData;