ASSERT_EQ(204, ConnResult.HTTPCode);
ASSERT_EQ(CURLE_OK, ConnResult.Code);
+TEST(CalDAV, GetEntryList){
+ // Check that EntryCalendarHREFProcessing is not blank.
+ ASSERT_NE("", EntryCalendarHREFProcessing);
+ CalDAVConnectionData ConnNormal;
+ string CurrentUserPrincipal;
+ bool ValidDataNormal = false;
+ // Attempt to read the caldavtest.auth file.
+ ProcessConnectionDataFileResult DataFileResult = ProcessConnectionDataFile("caldavtest.auth", &ConnNormal);
+ ValidDataNormal = true;
+ }
+ ASSERT_EQ(true, ValidDataNormal);
+ // Setup the connection.
+ CalDAV ServerConnection;
+ ServerConnection.SetupConnectionData(&ConnNormal);
+ // Verify the connection settings.
+ CalDAVStatus CalDAVStatus = ServerConnection.GetConnectionData();
+ ASSERT_EQ(CalDAVStatus.Hostname, ConnNormal.Hostname);
+ ASSERT_EQ(CalDAVStatus.Username, ConnNormal.Username);
+ ASSERT_EQ(CalDAVStatus.Port, ConnNormal.Port);
+ ASSERT_EQ(CalDAVStatus.Prefix, ConnNormal.Prefix);
+ ASSERT_EQ(CalDAVStatus.UseSSL, ConnNormal.UseSSL);
+ // Connect to the server.
+ CalDAVServerResult ConnResult = ServerConnection.Connect();
+ ASSERT_EQ(200, ConnResult.HTTPCode);
+ ASSERT_EQ(CURLE_OK, ConnResult.Code);
+ // Check that the server supports CalDAV.
+ CalDAVServerSupport ConnSupport = ServerConnection.GetServerSupport();
+ ConnResult = ServerConnection.GetServerResult();
+ ASSERT_EQ(200, ConnResult.HTTPCode);
+ ASSERT_EQ(CURLE_OK, ConnResult.Code);
+ ASSERT_EQ(true, ConnSupport.BasicSupport);
+ // Get the user principal.
+ string UserPrincipalURI = ServerConnection.GetUserPrincipal();
+ // Get the calendar home.
+ string CalendarHomeURL = ServerConnection.GetCalendarHome(UserPrincipalURI);
+ string CalendarHREF = CalendarHomeURL;
+ CalendarHREF += "unittestcal/";
+ // Get the entry list without a calendar tag set.
+ CalDAVEntryList EntryList = ServerConnection.GetEntryList(&CalendarHREF);
+ EXPECT_GE(EntryList.HREF.size(), 1);
+ // Get the list of calendars.
+ CalDAVCalendarList CalendarList = ServerConnection.GetCalendars();
+ string CalendarTagURL = "";
+ for (std::map<int,string>::iterator CalHREFIter = CalendarList.HREF.begin();
+ CalHREFIter != CalendarList.HREF.end(); CalHREFIter++){
+ if (CalHREFIter->second.substr(CalHREFIter->second.length() - 13) == "/unittestcal/"){
+ CalendarTagURL = CalendarList.TagURL.find(CalHREFIter->first)->second;
+ }
+ }
+ // Get the entry list without a calendar tag set (shouldn't be empty).
+ EntryList = ServerConnection.GetEntryList(&CalendarHREF, nullptr);
+ EXPECT_GE(EntryList.HREF.size(), 1);
+ // Get the entry list with a calendar tag set (should be empty).
+ EntryList = ServerConnection.GetEntryList(&CalendarHREF, &CalendarTagURL);
+ EXPECT_EQ(EntryList.HREF.size(), 0);
\ No newline at end of file