int AddressCount = 0;
int EmailCount = 0;
int IMCount = 0;
+ int TelephoneCount = 0;
wxString ContactLine;
wxString PropertyLine;
wxString PropertySeg1;
} else if (Property == wxT("EMAIL")){
- // See frmContactEditor-LoadEmail.cpp
ProcessEmail(PropertySeg1, PropertySeg2, &EmailCount);
} else if (Property == wxT("IMPP")){
- // See frmContactEditor-LoadIM.cpp
ProcessIM(PropertySeg1, PropertySeg2, &IMCount);
+ } else if (Property == wxT("TEL")){
+ ProcessTelephone(PropertySeg1, PropertySeg2, &TelephoneCount);
+ TelephoneCount++;
+void ContactDataObject::ProcessTelephone(wxString PropertySeg1, wxString PropertySeg2, int *TelephoneCount){
+ std::map<int, int> SplitPoints;
+ std::map<int, int> SplitLength;
+ std::map<int, int>::iterator SLiter;
+ int intPref = 0;
+ PropertyType PropType = PROPERTY_NONE;
+ // Look for type before continuing.
+ wxString TelTypeUI;
+ wxString TelTypeDetail;
+ wxString PropertyData;
+ wxString PropertyName;
+ wxString PropertyValue;
+ wxString PropertyTokens;
+ std::map<int,int> TypeSplitPoints;
+ std::map<int,int> TypeSplitLength;
+ std::map<int,int>::iterator TSLiter;
+ int intSplitSize = 0;
+ int intSplitsFound = 0;
+ int intSplitPoint = 0;
+ int intType = 0;
+ int intPrevValue = 5;
+ SplitValues(&PropertySeg1, &SplitPoints, &SplitLength, intPrevValue);
+ intPrevValue = 4;
+ // Look for type before continuing.
+ for (std::map<int, int>::iterator intiter = SplitPoints.begin();
+ intiter != SplitPoints.end(); ++intiter){
+ SLiter = SplitLength.find(intiter->first);
+ PropertyData = PropertySeg1.Mid(intPrevValue, (SLiter->second));
+ wxStringTokenizer PropertyElement (PropertyData, wxT("="));
+ PropertyName = PropertyElement.GetNextToken();
+ PropertyValue = PropertyElement.GetNextToken();
+ intPrevValue = intiter->second;
+ if (PropertyName == wxT("TYPE")){
+ // Process each value in type and translate each
+ // part.
+ // Strip out the quotes if they are there.
+ size_t intPropertyValueLen = PropertyValue.Len();
+ if (PropertyValue.Mid((intPropertyValueLen - 1), 1) == wxT("\"")){
+ PropertyValue.Trim();
+ PropertyValue.RemoveLast();
+ }
+ if (PropertyValue.Mid(0, 1) == wxT("\"")){
+ PropertyValue.Remove(0, 1);
+ }
+ TelTypeDetail = PropertyValue;
+ intSplitSize = 0;
+ intSplitsFound = 0;
+ intSplitPoint = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i <= intPropertyValueLen; i++){
+ intSplitSize++;
+ if (PropertyValue.Mid(i, 1) == wxT(",") && PropertyValue.Mid((i - 1), 1) != wxT("\\")){
+ if (intSplitsFound == 0){
+ TypeSplitPoints.insert(std::make_pair(intSplitsFound, intSplitPoint));
+ TypeSplitLength.insert(std::make_pair(intSplitsFound, (intSplitSize - 1)));
+ } else {
+ TypeSplitPoints.insert(std::make_pair(intSplitsFound, intSplitPoint));
+ TypeSplitLength.insert(std::make_pair(intSplitsFound, intSplitSize));
+ }
+ intSplitsFound++;
+ i++;
+ intSplitPoint = i;
+ intSplitSize = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ TypeSplitPoints.insert(std::make_pair(intSplitsFound, intSplitPoint));
+ TypeSplitLength.insert(std::make_pair(intSplitsFound, intSplitSize));
+ int intTypeSeek = 0;
+ for (std::map<int, int>::iterator typeiter = TypeSplitPoints.begin();
+ typeiter != TypeSplitPoints.end(); ++typeiter){
+ wxString TypePropertyName;
+ TSLiter = TypeSplitLength.find(typeiter->first);
+ TypePropertyName = PropertyValue.Mid(typeiter->second, TSLiter->second);
+ if (intTypeSeek == 0){
+ } else {
+ TelTypeUI.Append(wxT(","));
+ }
+ if (TypePropertyName == wxT("home")){
+ } else if (TypePropertyName == wxT("work")){
+ }
+ if (TypePropertyName == wxT("text")){
+ TelTypeUI.Append(_("text"));
+ intTypeSeek++;
+ } else if (TypePropertyName == wxT("voice")){
+ TelTypeUI.Append(_("voice"));
+ intTypeSeek++;
+ } else if (TypePropertyName == wxT("fax")){
+ TelTypeUI.Append(_("fax"));
+ intTypeSeek++;
+ } else if (TypePropertyName == wxT("cell")){
+ TelTypeUI.Append(_("mobile"));
+ intTypeSeek++;
+ } else if (TypePropertyName == wxT("video")){
+ TelTypeUI.Append(_("video"));
+ intTypeSeek++;
+ } else if (TypePropertyName == wxT("pager")){
+ TelTypeUI.Append(_("pager"));
+ intTypeSeek++;
+ } else if (TypePropertyName == wxT("textphone")){
+ TelTypeUI.Append(_("textphone"));
+ intTypeSeek++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ std::map<int, wxString> *TelephoneList = NULL;
+ std::map<int, wxString> *TelephoneListType = NULL;
+ std::map<int, wxString> *TelephoneListAltID = NULL;
+ std::map<int, wxString> *TelephoneListPID = NULL;
+ std::map<int, wxString> *TelephoneListTokens = NULL;
+ std::map<int, wxString> *TelephoneListTypeInfo = NULL;
+ std::map<int, int> *TelephoneListPref = NULL;
+ switch(PropType){
+ TelephoneList = &GeneralTelephoneList;
+ TelephoneListType = &GeneralTelephoneListType;
+ TelephoneListAltID = &GeneralTelephoneListAltID;
+ TelephoneListPID = &GeneralTelephoneListPID;
+ TelephoneListTokens = &GeneralTelephoneListTokens;
+ TelephoneListTypeInfo = &GeneralTelephoneListTypeInfo;
+ TelephoneListPref = &GeneralTelephoneListPref;
+ break;
+ TelephoneList = &HomeTelephoneList;
+ TelephoneListType = &HomeTelephoneListType;
+ TelephoneListAltID = &HomeTelephoneListAltID;
+ TelephoneListPID = &HomeTelephoneListPID;
+ TelephoneListTokens = &HomeTelephoneListTokens;
+ TelephoneListTypeInfo = &HomeTelephoneListTypeInfo;
+ TelephoneListPref = &HomeTelephoneListPref;
+ break;
+ TelephoneList = &BusinessTelephoneList;
+ TelephoneListType = &BusinessTelephoneListType;
+ TelephoneListAltID = &BusinessTelephoneListAltID;
+ TelephoneListPID = &BusinessTelephoneListPID;
+ TelephoneListTokens = &BusinessTelephoneListTokens;
+ TelephoneListTypeInfo = &BusinessTelephoneListTypeInfo;
+ TelephoneListPref = &BusinessTelephoneListPref;
+ break;
+ }
+ // Process the properties.
+ bool FirstToken = TRUE;
+ intPrevValue = 5;
+ SplitPoints.clear();
+ SplitLength.clear();
+ SplitValues(&PropertySeg1, &SplitPoints, &SplitLength, intPrevValue);
+ intPrevValue = 4;
+ for (std::map<int, int>::iterator intiter = SplitPoints.begin();
+ intiter != SplitPoints.end(); ++intiter){
+ SLiter = SplitLength.find(intiter->first);
+ PropertyData = PropertySeg1.Mid(intPrevValue, (SLiter->second));
+ wxStringTokenizer PropertyElement (PropertyData, wxT("="));
+ PropertyName = PropertyElement.GetNextToken();
+ PropertyValue = PropertyElement.GetNextToken();
+ intPrevValue = intiter->second;
+ CaptureString(&PropertyValue, FALSE);
+ // Process properties.
+ if (PropertyName == wxT("ALTID")){
+ TelephoneListAltID->erase(*TelephoneCount);
+ TelephoneListAltID->insert(std::make_pair(*TelephoneCount, PropertyValue));
+ } else if (PropertyName == wxT("PID")){
+ TelephoneListPID->erase(*TelephoneCount);
+ TelephoneListPID->insert(std::make_pair(*TelephoneCount, PropertyValue));
+ } else if (PropertyName == wxT("PREF")){
+ int PriorityNumber = 0;
+ bool ValidNumber = TRUE;
+ try{
+ PriorityNumber = std::stoi(PropertyValue.ToStdString());
+ }
+ catch(std::invalid_argument &e){
+ ValidNumber = FALSE;
+ }
+ if (ValidNumber == TRUE){
+ TelephoneListPref->erase(*TelephoneCount);
+ TelephoneListPref->insert(std::make_pair(*TelephoneCount, PriorityNumber));
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (!PropertyName.IsEmpty() && !PropertyValue.IsEmpty() && PropertyName != wxT("TYPE")){
+ if (FirstToken == TRUE){
+ PropertyTokens.Append(PropertyName + wxT("=") + PropertyValue);
+ FirstToken = FALSE;
+ } else {
+ PropertyTokens.Append(wxT(";") + PropertyName + wxT("=") + PropertyValue);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ TelephoneList->insert(std::make_pair(*TelephoneCount, PropertySeg2));
+ TelephoneListTypeInfo->insert(std::make_pair(*TelephoneCount, TelTypeUI));
+ // Add the name token data.
+ if (!PropertyTokens.IsEmpty()){
+ TelephoneListTokens->insert(std::make_pair(*TelephoneCount, PropertyTokens));
+ }
void SplitValues(wxString *PropertyLine,
std::map<int,int> *SplitPoints,
std::map<int,int> *SplitLength,
std::map<int, wxString> GeneralTelephoneListPID;
std::map<int, wxString> GeneralTelephoneListType;
std::map<int, wxString> GeneralTelephoneListTokens;
+ std::map<int, wxString> GeneralTelephoneListTypeInfo;
std::map<int, int> GeneralTelephoneListPref;
std::map<int, wxString> GeneralLanguageList;
std::map<int, wxString> HomeTelephoneListPID;
std::map<int, wxString> HomeTelephoneListType;
std::map<int, wxString> HomeTelephoneListTokens;
+ std::map<int, wxString> HomeTelephoneListTypeInfo;
std::map<int, int> HomeTelephoneListPref;
std::map<int, wxString> HomeLanguageList;
std::map<int, wxString> BusinessTelephoneListAltID;
std::map<int, wxString> BusinessTelephoneListPID;
std::map<int, wxString> BusinessTelephoneListType;
+ std::map<int, wxString> BusinessTelephoneListTypeInfo;
std::map<int, wxString> BusinessTelephoneListTokens;
std::map<int, int> BusinessTelephoneListPref;
void ProcessAddress(wxString PropertySeg1, wxString PropertySeg2, int *AddressCount);
void ProcessEmail(wxString PropertySeg1, wxString PropertySeg2, int *EmailCount);
void ProcessIM(wxString PropertySeg1, wxString PropertySeg2, int *IMCount);
+ void ProcessTelephone(wxString PropertySeg1, wxString PropertySeg2, int *TelephoneCount);
+TEST(ContactLoad, TelephoneTests){
+ ContactDataObject TestFile;
+ // Check that the vCard 4.0 file loads OK.
+ ASSERT_EQ(CONTACTLOAD_OK, TestFile.LoadFile("LoadCheck-Load4.vcf"));
+ std::map<int,wxString>::iterator TestFileIter;
+ std::map<int,int>::iterator TestFileIntIter;
+ // Start with the general Telephone.
+ TestFileIter = TestFile.GeneralTelephoneList.find(0);
+ ASSERT_NE(TestFile.GeneralTelephoneList.end(), TestFileIter);
+ ASSERT_EQ("tel:00000000", TestFileIter->second);
+ // Check the type section.
+ TestFileIter = TestFile.GeneralTelephoneListTypeInfo.find(0);
+ ASSERT_NE(TestFile.GeneralTelephoneListTypeInfo.end(), TestFileIter);
+ ASSERT_EQ("fax,mobile", TestFileIter->second);
+ // Check the ALTID section.
+ TestFileIter = TestFile.GeneralTelephoneListAltID.find(0);
+ ASSERT_NE(TestFile.GeneralTelephoneListAltID.end(), TestFileIter);
+ ASSERT_EQ("10", TestFileIter->second);
+ // Check the PID section.
+ TestFileIter = TestFile.GeneralTelephoneListPID.find(0);
+ ASSERT_NE(TestFile.GeneralTelephoneListPID.end(), TestFileIter);
+ ASSERT_EQ("20", TestFileIter->second);
+ // Check the PREF section.
+ TestFileIntIter = TestFile.GeneralTelephoneListPref.find(0);
+ ASSERT_NE(TestFile.GeneralTelephoneListPref.end(), TestFileIntIter);
+ ASSERT_EQ(40, TestFileIntIter->second);
+ // Check the extra tokens.
+ TestFileIter = TestFile.GeneralTelephoneListTokens.find(0);
+ ASSERT_NE(TestFile.GeneralTelephoneListTokens.end(), TestFileIter);
+ ASSERT_EQ("WONDERFUL=Colour", TestFileIter->second);
+ // Start with the home Telephone.
+ TestFileIter = TestFile.HomeTelephoneList.find(1);
+ ASSERT_NE(TestFile.HomeTelephoneList.end(), TestFileIter);
+ ASSERT_EQ("tel:00001111", TestFileIter->second);
+ // Check the type section.
+ TestFileIter = TestFile.HomeTelephoneListTypeInfo.find(1);
+ ASSERT_NE(TestFile.HomeTelephoneListTypeInfo.end(), TestFileIter);
+ ASSERT_EQ("fax", TestFileIter->second);
+ // Check the ALTID section.
+ TestFileIter = TestFile.HomeTelephoneListAltID.find(1);
+ ASSERT_NE(TestFile.HomeTelephoneListAltID.end(), TestFileIter);
+ ASSERT_EQ("10", TestFileIter->second);
+ // Check the PID section.
+ TestFileIter = TestFile.HomeTelephoneListPID.find(1);
+ ASSERT_NE(TestFile.HomeTelephoneListPID.end(), TestFileIter);
+ ASSERT_EQ("20", TestFileIter->second);
+ // Check the PREF section.
+ TestFileIntIter = TestFile.HomeTelephoneListPref.find(1);
+ ASSERT_NE(TestFile.HomeTelephoneListPref.end(), TestFileIntIter);
+ ASSERT_EQ(40, TestFileIntIter->second);
+ // Check the extra tokens.
+ TestFileIter = TestFile.HomeTelephoneListTokens.find(1);
+ ASSERT_NE(TestFile.HomeTelephoneListTokens.end(), TestFileIter);
+ ASSERT_EQ("BUSINESS=Money", TestFileIter->second);
+ // Start with the business Telephone.
+ TestFileIter = TestFile.BusinessTelephoneList.find(2);
+ ASSERT_NE(TestFile.BusinessTelephoneList.end(), TestFileIter);
+ ASSERT_EQ("tel:22221111", TestFileIter->second);
+ // Check the type section.
+ TestFileIter = TestFile.BusinessTelephoneListTypeInfo.find(2);
+ ASSERT_NE(TestFile.BusinessTelephoneListTypeInfo.end(), TestFileIter);
+ ASSERT_EQ("voice", TestFileIter->second);
+ // Check the ALTID section.
+ TestFileIter = TestFile.BusinessTelephoneListAltID.find(2);
+ ASSERT_NE(TestFile.BusinessTelephoneListAltID.end(), TestFileIter);
+ ASSERT_EQ("25", TestFileIter->second);
+ // Check the PID section.
+ TestFileIter = TestFile.BusinessTelephoneListPID.find(2);
+ ASSERT_NE(TestFile.BusinessTelephoneListPID.end(), TestFileIter);
+ ASSERT_EQ("50", TestFileIter->second);
+ // Check the PREF section.
+ TestFileIntIter = TestFile.BusinessTelephoneListPref.find(2);
+ ASSERT_NE(TestFile.BusinessTelephoneListPref.end(), TestFileIntIter);
+ ASSERT_EQ(75, TestFileIntIter->second);
+ // Check the extra tokens.
+ TestFileIter = TestFile.BusinessTelephoneListTokens.find(2);
+ ASSERT_NE(TestFile.BusinessTelephoneListTokens.end(), TestFileIter);
+ ASSERT_EQ("BEEP=Boop", TestFileIter->second);
+TEST(ContactLoad, TelephoneTests){
// TODO: Add tests for the Contact Loading process.
\ No newline at end of file