+string CalDAV::ProcessXMLEntryETag(){
+ string EntryETag;
+ xmlDocPtr xmlCalDAVDoc;
+ xmlCalDAVDoc = xmlReadMemory(ServerData.c_str(), (int)ServerData.size(), "noname.xml", NULL, 0);
+ xmlNodePtr NodeSeek;
+ bool NodeFound = false;
+ // Start with the first node, look for multistatus.
+ for (NodeSeek = xmlCalDAVDoc->children;
+ NodeSeek != NULL;
+ NodeSeek = NodeSeek->next)
+ {
+ if (!xmlStrcmp(NodeSeek->name, (const xmlChar *)"multistatus") ||
+ !xmlStrcmp(NodeSeek->name, (const xmlChar *)"d:multistatus") ||
+ !xmlStrcmp(NodeSeek->name, (const xmlChar *)"D:multistatus")
+ ){
+ NodeFound = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // Look for response.
+ if (NodeFound == false){ return EntryETag; } else { NodeFound = false; }
+ NodeFound = MatchXMLNameTransverse(&NodeSeek, "response");
+ // Look for propstat.
+ if (NodeFound == false){ return EntryETag; } else { NodeFound = false; }
+ NodeFound = MatchXMLNameTransverse(&NodeSeek, "propstat");
+ // Look for prop.
+ if (NodeFound == false){ return EntryETag; } else { NodeFound = false; }
+ NodeFound = MatchXMLNameTransverse(&NodeSeek, "prop");
+ // Look for calendar-home-set.
+ if (NodeFound == false){ return EntryETag; } else { NodeFound = false; }
+ NodeFound = MatchXMLNameTransverse(&NodeSeek, "getetag");
+ // Get the data from href.
+ EntryETag = FetchXMLData(&NodeSeek);
+ xmlFreeDoc(xmlCalDAVDoc);
+ // Check if the entity tag contains quote marks
+ // at the start and end and remove them (if needed).
+ if (EntryETag.substr(0,1) == "\"" &&
+ EntryETag.substr(EntryETag.size()-1, 1) == "\"" && EntryETag.size() > 2){
+ EntryETag.erase(EntryETag.begin());
+ EntryETag.erase(EntryETag.end()-1);
+ }
+ return EntryETag;
bool CalDAV::MatchXMLNameTransverse(xmlNodePtr *NodePtr, string NodeName){
string NodeNameSmallD = "d:" + NodeName;
+CalDAVServerResult CalDAV::GetEntryETag(string *CalendarEntryHREF, string *ETagValue){
+ CalDAVServerResult ServerResult;
+ CalDAVSendData EntryETagGetData;
+ // Build the server address.
+ string UserPrincipalURI = "";
+ UserPrincipalURI = GetUserPrincipal();
+ if (UserPrincipalURI.size() == 0){
+ return ServerResult;
+ }
+ string CalendarHomeURI = "";
+ CalendarHomeURI = GetCalendarHome(UserPrincipalURI);
+ // Split the path and filename.
+ string EntryURIPath;
+ string EntryFilename;
+ SplitPathFilename(CalendarEntryHREF, &EntryURIPath, &EntryFilename);
+ // Build the request for the server.
+ string EntryETagRequest = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n"
+ "<c:calendar-multiget xmlns:d=\"DAV:\" xmlns:c=\"urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav\">\n"
+ " <d:prop>\n"
+ " <d:getetag />\n"
+ " </d:prop>\n"
+ " <d:href>";
+ EntryETagRequest += (*CalendarEntryHREF);
+ EntryETagRequest += "</d:href>\n"
+ "</c:calendar-multiget>";
+ EntryETagGetData.readptr = &EntryETagRequest;
+ EntryETagGetData.sizeleft = EntryETagRequest.size();
+ // Build the calendar list address.
+ struct curl_slist *GetETagRequestHeader = NULL;
+ GetETagRequestHeader = curl_slist_append(GetETagRequestHeader, "Depth: 1");
+ GetETagRequestHeader = curl_slist_append(GetETagRequestHeader, "Prefer: return-minimal");
+ GetETagRequestHeader = curl_slist_append(GetETagRequestHeader, "Content-Type: application/xml; charset=utf-8");
+ string GetETagURLAddress = BuildServerAddress(&ConnectionData, EntryURIPath);
+ curl_easy_setopt(ConnectionHandle, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, GetETagRequestHeader);
+ curl_easy_setopt(ConnectionHandle, CURLOPT_URL, GetETagURLAddress.c_str());
+ curl_easy_setopt(ConnectionHandle, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "REPORT");
+ curl_easy_setopt(ConnectionHandle, CURLOPT_UPLOAD, 1L);
+ curl_easy_setopt(ConnectionHandle, CURLOPT_READDATA, &EntryETagGetData);
+ curl_easy_setopt(ConnectionHandle, CURLOPT_READFUNCTION, CalDAVSend);
+ // Attempt to get the entity tag.
+ ServerData.clear();
+ ServerHeader.clear();
+ CURLcode ServerConnectionResult = curl_easy_perform(ConnectionHandle);
+ if (ServerConnectionResult == CURLE_OK){
+ ServerResult.Result = CALDAVQUERYRESULT_OK;
+ } else {
+ }
+ ServerResult.Code = ServerConnectionResult;
+ curl_easy_getinfo(ConnectionHandle, CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE, &ServerResult.HTTPCode);
+ if (ServerConnectionResult != CURLE_OK){
+ return ServerResult;
+ }
+ // Get the entity tag from the result.
+ *ETagValue = ProcessXMLEntryETag();
+ // Restore the original settings.
+ string OriginalServerAddress = BuildServerAddress(&ConnectionData, "/principals/");
+ curl_easy_setopt(ConnectionHandle, CURLOPT_URL, OriginalServerAddress.c_str());
+ curl_easy_setopt(ConnectionHandle, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, NULL);
+ curl_easy_setopt(ConnectionHandle, CURLOPT_UPLOAD, 0L);
+ curl_easy_setopt(ConnectionHandle, CURLOPT_READDATA, NULL);
+ curl_easy_setopt(ConnectionHandle, CURLOPT_READFUNCTION, NULL);
+ curl_easy_setopt(ConnectionHandle, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, NULL);
+ return ServerResult;
CalDAVServerResult CalDAV::AddEntry(string *CalendarEntryHREF, string *EntryData){
// Add an entry to the calendar collection.
string ProcessXMLUserPrincipal();
string ProcessXMLCalendarHome();
CalDAVCalendarList ProcessXMLCalendarList();
+ string ProcessXMLEntryETag();
bool MatchXMLNameTransverse(xmlNodePtr *NodePtr, string NodeName);
bool MatchXMLName(xmlNodePtr *NodePtrOriginal, string NodeName);
string FetchXMLData(xmlNodePtr *NodePtr);
string GetUserPrincipal();
string GetCalendarHome(string UserPrincipalURI);
+ CalDAVServerResult GetEntryETag(string *CalendarEntryHREF, string *ETagValue);
EntryCalendarHREFProcessing = EntryAddHREF;
+TEST(CalDAV, GetEntryETag){
+ CalDAVConnectionData ConnNormal;
+ string CurrentUserPrincipal;
+ bool ValidDataNormal = false;
+ // Attempt to read the caldavtest.auth file.
+ ProcessConnectionDataFileResult DataFileResult = ProcessConnectionDataFile("caldavtest.auth", &ConnNormal);
+ ValidDataNormal = true;
+ }
+ ASSERT_EQ(true, ValidDataNormal);
+ // Setup the connection.
+ CalDAV ServerConnection;
+ ServerConnection.SetupConnectionData(&ConnNormal);
+ // Verify the connection settings.
+ CalDAVStatus CalDAVStatus = ServerConnection.GetConnectionData();
+ ASSERT_EQ(CalDAVStatus.Hostname, ConnNormal.Hostname);
+ ASSERT_EQ(CalDAVStatus.Username, ConnNormal.Username);
+ ASSERT_EQ(CalDAVStatus.Port, ConnNormal.Port);
+ ASSERT_EQ(CalDAVStatus.Prefix, ConnNormal.Prefix);
+ ASSERT_EQ(CalDAVStatus.UseSSL, ConnNormal.UseSSL);
+ // Connect to the server.
+ CalDAVServerResult ConnResult = ServerConnection.Connect();
+ ASSERT_EQ(200, ConnResult.HTTPCode);
+ ASSERT_EQ(CURLE_OK, ConnResult.Code);
+ // Check that the server supports CalDAV.
+ CalDAVServerSupport ConnSupport = ServerConnection.GetServerSupport();
+ ConnResult = ServerConnection.GetServerResult();
+ ASSERT_EQ(200, ConnResult.HTTPCode);
+ ASSERT_EQ(CURLE_OK, ConnResult.Code);
+ ASSERT_EQ(true, ConnSupport.BasicSupport);
+ // Get the list of calendars.
+ CalDAVCalendarList CalendarList = ServerConnection.GetCalendars();
+ // Check the response result from the server.
+ ConnResult = ServerConnection.GetServerResult();
+ ASSERT_EQ(207, ConnResult.HTTPCode);
+ ASSERT_EQ(CURLE_OK, ConnResult.Code);
+ string ETagValue;
+ ConnResult = ServerConnection.GetEntryETag(&EntryCalendarHREFProcessing, &ETagValue);
+ ASSERT_EQ(207, ConnResult.HTTPCode);
+ ASSERT_EQ(CURLE_OK, ConnResult.Code);