// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
// with Xestia Address Book. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
+#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
// Based on the operating system, work out where
// the documentation should be.
-//#ifdef __APPLE__
#if defined(__HAIKU__)
-#elif defined(__WIN32__)
+#elif defined(__WIN32__)
- if (wxFileExists("/usr/share/doc/xestiaab/index.html")){
- wxLaunchDefaultBrowser(wxT("file:///usr/share/doc/xestiaab/index.html"));
+ // Get the LANG environment variable
+ char *languageEnvironmentVariableChar = getenv("LANG");
+ std::string languageEnvironmentVariable(languageEnvironmentVariableChar);
+ std::cout << wxString(languageEnvironmentVariable).BeforeFirst('.', nullptr).ToStdString() << std::endl;
+ int executeResult = 0;
+ wxString documentPath = wxString::Format("/usr/local/share/doc/xestiaab/%s.fodt",
+ wxString(languageEnvironmentVariable).BeforeFirst('.', nullptr));
+ std::string commandToExecute = "odthelpbrowser -d " + documentPath.ToStdString();
+ if (wxFileExists(documentPath))
+ executeResult = system(commandToExecute.c_str());
+ if (executeResult == 0)
+ documentPath = wxString::Format("/usr/share/doc/xestiaab/%s.fodt",
+ wxString(languageEnvironmentVariable).BeforeFirst('.', nullptr));
+ commandToExecute = "odthelpbrowser -d " + documentPath.ToStdString();
+ if (wxFileExists(documentPath))
+ executeResult = system(commandToExecute.c_str());
- } else if (wxFileExists("/usr/local/share/doc/xestiaab/index.html")){
- wxLaunchDefaultBrowser(wxT("file:///usr/local/share/doc/xestiaab/index.html"));
+ if (executeResult == 0)
+ // Attempt to launch using the "default" language.
+ if (wxFileExists("/usr/share/doc/xestiaab/en_GB.fodt") && executeResult > 0)
+ {
+ commandToExecute = "odthelpbrowser -d " + documentPath.ToStdString();
+ executeResult = system(commandToExecute.c_str());
+ }
+ else if (wxFileExists("/usr/local/share/doc/xestiaab/en_GB.fodt") && executeResult > 0)
+ {
+ commandToExecute = "odthelpbrowser -d " + documentPath.ToStdString();
+ executeResult = system(commandToExecute.c_str());
+ if (executeResult == 0)
+ return;
wxMessageBox(_("The help documentation is not available.\n\nYou can view the documentation that came with your source package."), _("Help documentation missing!"));
+ return;
- wxMessageBox(_("The help documentation is not available in the usual locations on the system. Please visit http://documentation.xestia.co.uk/xestiaab/ for documentation"), _("Help documentation missing!"));
+ wxMessageBox(_("The help documentation is not available in the usual locations on the system. Please visit https://xestia.co.uk/addressbook for documentation"), _("Help documentation missing!"));
+ return;