--- /dev/null
+// frmActivityMgr-addtask.cpp - Activity Manager add task subroutines.
+// (c) 2012-2015 Xestia Software Development.
+// This file is part of Xestia Address Book.
+// Xestia Address Book is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+// Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the license.
+// Xestia Address Book is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+// with Xestia Address Book. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
+#include "frmActivityMgr.h"
+int frmActivityMgr::AddTask(int TaskType, wxString TaskDetail, wxString TaskAccount,
+ wxString TaskURL, wxString TaskFilename, wxString TaskFullFilename,
+ wxString TaskData){
+ ActivityTaskID++;
+ wxListItem coldata;
+ long itemindex = -1;
+ CardDAV* CardDAVConn = new CardDAV;
+ coldata.SetId(ActivityTaskID);
+ coldata.SetData(ActivityTaskID);
+ AnimationTimer.StartAnimation();
+ // Get the preferences file.
+ wxString PrefFilename = GetUserPrefDir();
+ XABPreferences PrefData(PrefFilename);
+ wxString AccountName;
+ wxString AccountDir;
+ wxString AccountAddress;
+ int AccountPort = 0;
+ wxString AccountUsername;
+ wxString AccountPassword;
+ bool AccountSSL = FALSE;
+ wxString AccountPrefix;
+ // Look for the account and get the friendly name for the account.
+ for (int i = 0; i < PrefData.accounts.GetCount(); i++){
+ AccountDir = PrefData.accounts.GetAccountDirectory(i);
+ AccountDir.Trim();
+ AccountDir.Append(wxT(".carddav"));
+ if (AccountDir == TaskAccount){
+ AccountName = PrefData.accounts.GetAccountName(i);
+ AccountAddress = PrefData.accounts.GetAccountAddress(i);
+ AccountPort = PrefData.accounts.GetAccountPort(i);
+ AccountUsername = PrefData.accounts.GetAccountUsername(i);
+ AccountPassword = PrefData.accounts.GetAccountPassword(i);
+ AccountPrefix = PrefData.accounts.GetAccountDirPrefix(i);
+ AccountSSL = PrefData.accounts.GetAccountSSL(i);
+ AccountName.Trim();
+ AccountAddress.Trim();
+ //AccountPort.Trim();
+ AccountUsername.Trim();
+ AccountPassword.Trim();
+ AccountPrefix.Trim();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ CardDAVConn->SetupConnection(AccountAddress, AccountPort, AccountUsername, AccountPassword, AccountSSL, AccountPrefix, AccountDir);
+ CardDAVConn->SetupVariables(&ActivityList, ActivityTaskID);
+ CardDAVConn->SetupResultBools(&BlankBool, &BlankBool);
+ // TaskType:
+ // 0 - Add a contact.
+ // 1 - Update a contact.
+ // 2 - Delete a contact.
+ // 3 - Account syncronisation.
+ if (TaskType == 0){
+ coldata.SetText(_("Adding Contact '") + TaskDetail + _("'"));
+ itemindex = lstActivity->InsertItem(coldata);
+ lstActivity->SetItem(itemindex, 1, AccountName);
+ lstActivity->SetItem(itemindex, 2, _("Queued"));
+ CardDAVConn->SetUploadMode(TRUE);
+ CardDAVConn->SetupData(wxT("PUT"), TaskURL, TaskData);
+ // Setup all of the task details.
+ ETagDB *ETagDBPtr = ETagTmrPtr->GetPointer(AccountDir);
+ ActivityListType.insert(std::make_pair(ActivityTaskID, 0));
+ ActivityListData.insert(std::make_pair(ActivityTaskID, TaskData));
+ ActivityListConn.insert(std::make_pair(ActivityTaskID, CardDAVConn));
+ ActivityListIndex.insert(std::make_pair(ActivityTaskID, itemindex));
+ ActivityListTaskDetail.insert(std::make_pair(ActivityTaskID, TaskDetail));
+ ActivityListAccount.insert(std::make_pair(ActivityTaskID, TaskAccount));
+ ActivityListFilename.insert(std::make_pair(ActivityTaskID, TaskFilename));
+ ActivityListFullFilename.insert(std::make_pair(ActivityTaskID, TaskFullFilename));
+ ActivityListETag.insert(std::make_pair(ActivityTaskID, ETagDBPtr->GetETag(TaskFilename)));
+ ActivityListETagOriginal.insert(std::make_pair(ActivityTaskID, ETagDBPtr->GetETagOriginal(TaskFilename)));
+ ActivityList.insert(std::make_pair(ActivityTaskID, 0));
+ } else if (TaskType == 1){
+ coldata.SetText(_("Updating Contact '") + TaskDetail + _("'"));
+ itemindex = lstActivity->InsertItem(coldata);
+ lstActivity->SetItem(itemindex, 1, AccountName);
+ lstActivity->SetItem(itemindex, 2, _("Queued"));
+ CardDAVConn->SetUploadMode(TRUE);
+ CardDAVConn->SetupData(wxT("PUT"), TaskURL, TaskData);
+ CardDAVConn->SetEditMode(TRUE);
+ ETagDB *ETagDBPtr = ETagTmrPtr->GetPointer(AccountDir);
+ ActivityListType.insert(std::make_pair(ActivityTaskID, 1));
+ ActivityListData.insert(std::make_pair(ActivityTaskID, TaskData));
+ ActivityListConn.insert(std::make_pair(ActivityTaskID, CardDAVConn));
+ ActivityListIndex.insert(std::make_pair(ActivityTaskID, itemindex));
+ ActivityListTaskDetail.insert(std::make_pair(ActivityTaskID, TaskDetail));
+ ActivityListAccount.insert(std::make_pair(ActivityTaskID, TaskAccount));
+ ActivityListFilename.insert(std::make_pair(ActivityTaskID, TaskFilename));
+ ActivityListFullFilename.insert(std::make_pair(ActivityTaskID, TaskFullFilename));
+ ActivityListETag.insert(std::make_pair(ActivityTaskID, ETagDBPtr->GetETag(TaskFilename)));
+ ActivityListETagOriginal.insert(std::make_pair(ActivityTaskID, ETagDBPtr->GetETagOriginal(TaskFilename)));
+ ActivityList.insert(std::make_pair(ActivityTaskID, 0));
+ } else if (TaskType == 2){
+ coldata.SetText(_("Deleting Contact '") + TaskDetail + _("'"));
+ itemindex = lstActivity->InsertItem(coldata);
+ lstActivity->SetItem(itemindex, 1, AccountName);
+ lstActivity->SetItem(itemindex, 2, _("Queued"));
+ ETagDB *ETagDBPtr = ETagTmrPtr->GetPointer(AccountDir);
+ ActivityList.insert(std::make_pair(ActivityTaskID, 0));
+ ActivityListType.insert(std::make_pair(ActivityTaskID, 2));
+ ActivityListData.insert(std::make_pair(ActivityTaskID, TaskData));
+ ActivityListAccount.insert(std::make_pair(ActivityTaskID, TaskAccount));
+ ActivityListConn.insert(std::make_pair(ActivityTaskID, CardDAVConn));
+ ActivityListFilename.insert(std::make_pair(ActivityTaskID, TaskFilename));
+ ActivityListIndex.insert(std::make_pair(ActivityTaskID, itemindex));
+ } else if (TaskType == 3){
+ coldata.SetText(_("Syncronising All Contacts"));
+ itemindex = lstActivity->InsertItem(coldata);
+ lstActivity->SetItem(itemindex, 1, AccountName);
+ lstActivity->SetItem(itemindex, 2, _("Queued"));
+ ActivityList.insert(std::make_pair(ActivityTaskID, 0));
+ ActivityListType.insert(std::make_pair(ActivityTaskID, 3));
+ ActivityListData.insert(std::make_pair(ActivityTaskID, TaskData));
+ ActivityListConn.insert(std::make_pair(ActivityTaskID, CardDAVConn));
+ ActivityListTaskDetail.insert(std::make_pair(ActivityTaskID, AccountPrefix));
+ ActivityListAccount.insert(std::make_pair(ActivityTaskID, TaskAccount));
+ ActivityListIndex.insert(std::make_pair(ActivityTaskID, itemindex));
+ }
+ ProcessTasksData = TRUE;
+ if (!ActProcessTimer.IsRunning()) {
+ wxCommandEvent event(ACTMGR_STARTTIMER);
+ wxPostEvent(this, event);
+ wxCommandEvent eventp(ACTMGR_STARTPROCESSTIMER);
+ wxPostEvent(this, eventp);
+ //ActProcessTimer.Start(1000, FALSE);
+ //ActListProcTimer.Start(1000, FALSE);
+ }
+ // Update the recovery database.
+ return ActivityTaskID;
+void frmActivityMgr::RemoveTask(){
+ // Remove task from the recovery database.
+void frmActivityMgr::StopTask( wxCommandEvent& event ){
+ // Check if activity has been completed already before stopping.
+ long longSelected = -1;
+ int intSelectedData = 0;
+ longSelected = lstActivity->GetNextItem(longSelected,
+ intSelectedData = (int)lstActivity->GetItemData(longSelected);
+ if (longSelected == -1){
+ return;
+ }
+ std::map<int,CardDAV*>::iterator CDAVter;
+ CDAVter = ActivityListConn.find(intSelectedData);
+ CDAVter->second->Abort();
+ lstActivity->SetItem(longSelected, 2, _("Stopped"));
+void frmActivityMgr::StopAllTasks( wxCommandEvent& event ){
+ // Check if activity has been completed already before stopping.
+ // TODO: Look through for '1' and stop the running task(s).
+ long longSelected = -1;
+ int intSelectedData = 0;
+ longSelected = lstActivity->GetNextItem(longSelected,
+ intSelectedData = (int)lstActivity->GetItemData(longSelected);
+ if (longSelected == -1){
+ return;
+ }
+ std::map<int,CardDAV*>::iterator CDAVter;
+ CDAVter = ActivityListConn.find(intSelectedData);
+ CDAVter->second->Abort();
+ lstActivity->SetItem(longSelected, 2, _("Stopped"));
+ AnimationTimer.StopAnimation();
+ bmpActivity->SetBitmap(SleepBitmap);
+ lblDetails->SetLabel(_("No activity."));
+void frmActivityMgr::RetryTask( wxCommandEvent& event ){
+ // Check if activity has been completed already before retrying.
+ long longSelected = -1;
+ int intSelectedData = 0;
+ longSelected = lstActivity->GetNextItem(longSelected,
+ intSelectedData = (int)lstActivity->GetItemData(longSelected);
+ if (longSelected == -1){
+ return;
+ }
+ std::map<int,CardDAV*>::iterator CDAVter;
+ CDAVter = ActivityListConn.find(intSelectedData);
+ // Restart the task.
+ //CDAVter->second.Abort();
+ std::map<int,int>::iterator Iter;
+ Iter = ActivityList.find(intSelectedData);
+ Iter->second = 0;
+ AnimationTimer.StartAnimation();
+ if (!ActProcessTimer.IsRunning()) {
+ ActProcessTimer.Start(150, FALSE);
+ ActListProcTimer.Start(150, FALSE);
+ }
+ //lstActivity->SetItem(longSelected, 2, _("Processing..."));
+int frmActivityMgr::GetTaskStatus(int intTaskID){
+ int intResult = 2;
+ if (ActivityList.find(intTaskID) == ActivityList.end()){
+ return intResult;
+ }
+ std::map<int,int>::iterator taskiter = ActivityList.find(intTaskID);
+ intResult = taskiter->second;
+ return intResult;
\ No newline at end of file