frmEditAccountADT( parent )
+ btnDetect->Enable(false);
void frmEditAccount::DetectAddressBook( wxCommandEvent& event )
-// TODO: Implement DetectAddressBook
+ // TODO: Currently unimplemented.
void frmEditAccount::UpdateSettings( wxCommandEvent& event )
-// TODO: Implement UpdateSettings
+ // Check if server address matches against the blacklist.
+ // Bring up warning message if it does.
+ if (CheckBlacklist(txtAddress->GetValue())){
+ int MessageBoxResult = wxMessageBox(_("The server with the address given does not support the CardDAV protocol properly and shouldn't be used.\n\nData loss is very likely.\n\nDo you still want to continue using this server?"), _("Server warning"), wxYES_NO, this);
+ if (MessageBoxResult == wxNO){
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // Update the settings for the account.
+ long itemindex = 0;
+ bool ContinueAcc = TRUE;
+ wxString AccountName;
+ // Look for the account
+ while (ContinueAcc){
+ if (AccountName == AccName){
+ // Update the settings for the account.
+ cfgfile->RenameGroup(AccountName, txtAccountName->GetValue());
+ cfgfile->SetPath(txtAccountName->GetValue());
+ //txtAccountName->SetValue(AccountName);
+ cfgfile->DeleteEntry(wxT("address"), FALSE);
+ cfgfile->Write(wxT("address"), txtAddress->GetValue());
+ cfgfile->DeleteEntry(wxT("port"), FALSE);
+ cfgfile->Write(wxT("port"), txtPort->GetValue());
+ cfgfile->DeleteEntry(wxT("username"), FALSE);
+ cfgfile->Write(wxT("username"), txtUsername->GetValue());
+ cfgfile->DeleteEntry(wxT("password"), FALSE);
+ cfgfile->Write(wxT("password"), txtPassword->GetValue());
+ cfgfile->DeleteEntry(wxT("prefix"), FALSE);
+ cfgfile->Write(wxT("prefix"), txtPrefix->GetValue());
+ cfgfile->DeleteEntry(wxT("ssl"), FALSE);
+ if (chkSSL->GetValue() == TRUE){
+ cfgfile->Write(wxT("ssl"), wxT("true"));
+ } else {
+ cfgfile->Write(wxT("ssl"), wxT("false"));
+ }
+ cfgfile->DeleteEntry(wxT("refresh"), FALSE);
+ cfgfile->Write(wxT("refresh"), txtRefresh->GetValue());
+ break;
+ }
+ cfgfile->SetPath(wxT("/"));
+ ContinueAcc = cfgfile->GetNextGroup(AccountName, itemindex);
+ }
+ // Set the dialog result to true and close the window.
+ DialogResult = true;
+ this->Close();
+void frmEditAccount::LoadSettings( wxString AccNameIn ){
+ // Get the data from the accounts settings file and
+ // fill in the account fields.
+ AccName = AccNameIn;
+ long itemindex = 0;
+ bool ContinueAcc = TRUE;
+ wxString AccountName;
+ wxString AccountData;
+ ContinueAcc = cfgfile->GetFirstGroup(AccountName, itemindex);
+ while (ContinueAcc){
+ if (AccountName == AccName){
+ cfgfile->SetPath(AccountName);
+ txtAccountName->SetValue(AccountName);
+ cfgfile->Read("address", &AccountData);
+ txtAddress->SetValue(AccountData);
+ cfgfile->Read("port", &AccountData);
+ txtPort->SetValue(AccountData);
+ cfgfile->Read("username", &AccountData);
+ txtUsername->SetValue(AccountData);
+ cfgfile->Read("password", &AccountData);
+ txtPassword->SetValue(AccountData);
+ cfgfile->Read("prefix", &AccountData);
+ txtPrefix->SetValue(AccountData);
+ cfgfile->Read("ssl", &AccountData);
+ if (AccountData == wxT("true")){
+ chkSSL->SetValue(TRUE);
+ }
+ cfgfile->Read("refresh", &AccountData);
+ txtRefresh->SetValue(AccountData);
+ break;
+ }
+ cfgfile->SetPath(wxT("/"));
+ ContinueAcc = cfgfile->GetNextGroup(AccountName, itemindex);
+ }
void frmEditAccount::CloseWindow( wxCommandEvent& event )
-// TODO: Implement CloseWindow
+ DialogResult = false;
+ this->Close();
+bool frmEditAccount::GetDialogResult(){
+ // Get the result of the dialog.
+ return DialogResult;
+void frmEditAccount::LoadPointers( wxFileConfig* cfgin ){
+ // Setup the account configuration file pointer.
+ cfgfile = cfgin;
\ No newline at end of file