################################################################################# # Kiriwrite Database Module - SQLite Database Module (SQLite.pm) # # Database module for mainipulating SQLite databases in the database directory. # # # # Copyright (C) 2007 Steve Brokenshire # # # # This module is licensed under the same license as Kiriwrite which is the GPL. # # # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # # the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free # # Software Foundation; as version 2 of the License. # # # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.# # # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with # # this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 # # Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA # ################################################################################# # Define the package (perl module) name. package Kiriwrite::Database::SQLite; # Enable strict and use warnings. use strict; use warnings; # Load the following Perl modules. use DBI qw(); # Set the following values. our $VERSION = "0.1.0"; my ($options, %options); my $database_handle; my $string_handle; my $second_database_handle; my $second_string_handle; my $database_filename; my $second_database_filename; my $templatedb_loaded = 0; my $templatedb_exists = 1; my $template_string_handle; my $template_database_handle; my $filterdb_loaded = 0; my $filterdb_exists = 1; my $filterdb_string_handle; my $filterdb_database_handle; my $error = ""; my $errorext = ""; ################################################################################# # Generic Subroutines. # ################################################################################# sub new{ ################################################################################# # new: Create an instance of Kiriwrite::Database::SQLite # # # # Usage: # # # # $dbmodule = Kiriwrite::Database::SQLite->new(); # ################################################################################# # Get the perl module name. my $class = shift; my $self = {}; return bless($self, $class); } sub loadsettings{ ################################################################################# # loadsettings: Loads settings into the SQLite database module # # # # Usage: # # # # $dbmodule->loadsettings(Directory, options); # # # # options Specifies the following options (in any order). # # # # Directory Specifies the directory to use for getting databases. # # DateTime Specifies the date and time format to use. # # Server Specifies the server to use. # # Database Specifies the database to use. # # Username Specifies the username to use. # # Password Specifies the password to use. # # HashType Specifies the password hash type to use. # # Port Specifies the server port to use. # # Protocol Specifies the protocol to use. # # TablePrefix Specifies the table prefix to use. # ################################################################################# # Get the data passed to the subroutine. my $class = shift; my ($passedoptions) = @_; # Add the directory setting to the list of options (as it's the only # one needed for this database module). %options = ( "Directory" => $passedoptions->{"Directory"}, "DateTime" => $passedoptions->{"DateTime"}, ); } sub convert{ ################################################################################# # convert: Converts data into SQL formatted data. # # # # Usage: # # # # $dbmodule->convert(data); # # # # data Specifies the data to convert. # ################################################################################# # Get the data passed to the subroutine. my $class = shift; my $data = shift; if (!$data){ $data = ""; } $data =~ s/'/''/g; $data =~ s/\b//g; return $data; } sub dateconvert{ ################################################################################# # dateconvert: Converts a SQL date into a proper date. # # # # Usage: # # # # $dbmodule->dateconvert(date); # # # # date Specifies the date to convert. # ################################################################################# # Get the date passed to the subroutine. my $class = shift; my $data = shift; # Convert the date given into the proper date. # Create the following varialbes to be used later. my $date; my $time; my $day; my $day_full; my $month; my $month_check; my $month_full; my $year; my $year_short; my $hour; my $hour_full; my $minute; my $minute_full; my $second; my $second_full; my $seek = 0; my $timelength; my $datelength; my $daylength; my $secondlength; my $startchar = 0; my $char; my $length; my $count = 0; # Split the date and time. $length = length($data); if ($length > 0){ do { # Get the character and check if it is a space. $char = substr($data, $seek, 1); if ($char eq ' '){ # The character is a space, so get the date and time. $date = substr($data, 0, $seek); $timelength = $length - $seek - 1; $time = substr($data, $seek + 1, $timelength); } $seek++; } until ($seek eq $length); # Get the year, month and date. $length = length($date); $seek = 0; do { # Get the character and check if it is a dash. $char = substr($date, $seek, 1); if ($char eq '-'){ # The character is a dash, so get the year, month or day. $datelength = $seek - $startchar; if ($count eq 0){ # Get the year from the date. $year = substr($date, 0, $datelength) + 1900; $startchar = $seek; $count = 1; # Get the last two characters to get the short year # version. $year_short = substr($year, 2, 2); } elsif ($count eq 1){ # Get the month and day from the date. $month = substr($date, $startchar + 1, $datelength - 1) + 1; # Check if the month is less then 10, if it is # add a zero to the value. if ($month < 10){ $month_full = '0' . $month; } else { $month_full = $month; } $startchar = $seek; $count = 2; $daylength = $length - $seek + 1; $day = substr($date, $startchar + 1, $daylength); # Check if the day is less than 10, if it is # add a zero to the value. if ($day < 10){ $day_full = '0' . $day; } else { $day_full = $day; } } } $seek++; } until ($seek eq $length); # Get the length of the time value and reset certain # values to 0. $length = length($time); $seek = 0; $count = 0; $startchar = 0; do { # Get the character and check if it is a colon. $char = substr($time, $seek, 1); if ($char eq ':'){ # The character is a colon, so get the hour, minute and day. $timelength = $seek - $startchar; if ($count eq 0){ # Get the hour from the time. $hour = substr($time, 0, $timelength); $count = 1; $startchar = $seek; # If the hour is less than ten then add a # zero. if ($hour < 10){ $hour_full = '0' . $hour; } else { $hour_full = $hour; } } elsif ($count eq 1){ # Get the minute and second from the time. $minute = substr($time, $startchar + 1, $timelength - 1); $count = 2; # If the minute is less than ten then add a # zero. if ($minute < 10){ $minute_full = '0' . $minute; } else { $minute_full = $minute; } $startchar = $seek; $secondlength = $length - $seek + 1; $second = substr($time, $startchar + 1, $secondlength); # If the second is less than ten then add a # zero. if ($second < 10){ $second_full = '0' . $second; } else { $second_full = $second; } } } $seek++; } until ($seek eq $length); # Get the setting for displaying the date and time. $data = $options{"DateTime"}; # Process the setting for displaying the date and time # using regular expressions $data =~ s/DD/$day_full/g; $data =~ s/D/$day/g; $data =~ s/MM/$month_full/g; $data =~ s/M/$month/g; $data =~ s/YY/$year/g; $data =~ s/Y/$year_short/g; $data =~ s/hh/$hour_full/g; $data =~ s/h/$hour/g; $data =~ s/mm/$minute_full/g; $data =~ s/m/$minute/g; $data =~ s/ss/$second_full/g; $data =~ s/s/$second/g; } return $data; } sub geterror{ ################################################################################# # geterror: Gets the error message (or extended error message). # # # # Usage: # # # # $dbmodule->geterror(extended); # # # # Extended Specifies if the extended error should be retrieved. # ################################################################################# # Get the data passed to the subroutine. my $class = shift; my $extended = shift; if (!$extended){ $extended = 0; } if (!$errorext){ $errorext = ""; } if (!$error){ $error = ""; } # Check to see if extended information should be returned. if ($extended eq 1){ # Extended information should be returned. return $errorext; } else { # Basic information should be returned. return $error; } } sub dbpermissions{ ################################################################################# # dbpermissions: Check if the permissions for the database are valid. # # # # Usage: # # # # $database->dbpermissions(dbname, read, write); # # # # dbname Specifies the database name to check. # # read Check to see if the database can be read. # # write Check to see if the database can be written. # ################################################################################# # Get the database name, read setting and write setting. my ($class, $dbname, $readper, $writeper) = @_; # Check if the database can be read. if ($readper){ if (-r $options{"Directory"} . '/' . $dbname . ".db.sqlite"){ # The database can be read. } else { # The database cannot be read, so return a value # of 1. return 1; } } # Check if the database can be written. if ($writeper){ if (-w $options{"Directory"} . '/' . $dbname . ".db.sqlite"){ # The database can be read. } else { # The database cannot be read, so return a value # of 1. return 1; } } # No errors have occured while checking so return a value # of 0. return 0; } sub dbexists{ ################################################################################# # dbexists: Check if the database exists. # # # # Usage: # # # # $dbmodule->dbexists(dbname); # # # # dbname Specifies the database name to check. # ################################################################################# # Get the value that was passed to the subroutine. my $class = shift; my ($filename) = @_; # Check if the filename exists, if it does, return a value of 1, else # return a value of 0, meaning that the file was not found. if (-e $options{"Directory"} . '/' . $filename . ".db.sqlite"){ # Specified file does exist so return a value of 0. return 0; } else { # Specified file does not exist so return a value of 1. return 1; } } ################################################################################# # Database Subroutines. # ################################################################################# sub getdblist{ ################################################################################# # getdblist: Gets the list of available databases. # # # # Usage: # # # # $dbmodule->getdblist(); # ################################################################################# # Get the list of databases. my @data_directory; my @data_directory_final; my $database; my $database_filename_length; my $database_filename_friendly; # Check if the database directory has valid permission settings. if (-e $options{"Directory"}){ # The database directory does exist. So check if # the permission settings are valid. if (-r $options{"Directory"}){ # The permission settings for reading the directory # are valid. } else { # The permission settings for reading the directory # are invalid so return an error value. $error = "DataDirInvalidPermissions"; return; } } else { # The database directory does not exist, so return an # error value. $error = "DataDirMissing"; return; } opendir(DATADIR, $options{"Directory"}); @data_directory = grep /m*\.db.sqlite$/, readdir(DATADIR); closedir(DATADIR); # Process the list of databases. foreach $database (@data_directory){ $database =~ s/.db.sqlite$//g; $database_filename_friendly = $database; #$database_filename_length = length($database); #$database_filename_friendly = substr($database, 0, $database_filename_length - 3); push(@data_directory_final, $database_filename_friendly); } # Return the list of databases. return @data_directory_final; } sub getdatabaseinfo{ ################################################################################# # getdatabaseinfo: Get information about the database. # # # # Usage: # # # # $dbmodule->getdatabaseinfo(); # ################################################################################# # Get the database information. my $class = shift; my ($databaseinfo, %databaseinfo); my ($sqldata, @sqldata); $error = ""; $errorext = ""; $string_handle = $database_handle->prepare('SELECT name, description, notes, categories, kiriwrite_version_major, kiriwrite_version_minor, kiriwrite_version_revision FROM kiriwrite_database_info LIMIT 1') or ( $error = "DatabaseError", $errorext = $database_handle->errstr, return ); $string_handle->execute(); @sqldata = $string_handle->fetchrow_array(); # Process the database information into a hash. %databaseinfo = ( "DatabaseName" => $sqldata[0], "Description" => $sqldata[1], "Notes" => $sqldata[2], "Categories" => $sqldata[3], "Major" => $sqldata[4], "Minor" => $sqldata[5], "Revision" => $sqldata[6] ); $string_handle->finish(); undef $string_handle; return %databaseinfo; } sub getseconddatabaseinfo{ ################################################################################# # getseconddatabaseinfo: Get information about the database that pages will be # # moved or copied to. # # # # Usage: # # # # $dbmodule->getseconddatabaseinfo(); # ################################################################################# # Get the database information. my $class = shift; my ($databaseinfo, %databaseinfo); my ($sqldata, @sqldata); $error = ""; $errorext = ""; $second_string_handle = $second_database_handle->prepare('SELECT name, description, notes, categories, kiriwrite_version_major, kiriwrite_version_minor, kiriwrite_version_revision FROM kiriwrite_database_info LIMIT 1') or ( $error = "DatabaseError", $errorext = $second_database_handle->errstr, return ); $second_string_handle->execute(); @sqldata = $second_string_handle->fetchrow_array(); # Process the database information into a hash. %databaseinfo = ( "DatabaseName" => $sqldata[0], "Description" => $sqldata[1], "Notes" => $sqldata[2], "Categories" => $sqldata[3], "Major" => $sqldata[4], "Minor" => $sqldata[5], "Revision" => $sqldata[6] ); $second_string_handle->finish(); undef $second_string_handle; return %databaseinfo; } sub adddatabase{ ################################################################################# # adddatabase: Adds a Kiriwrite database. # # # # Usage: # # # # $dbmodule->adddatabase(options); # # # # options Specifies the following options in any order. # # # # DatabaseFilename Specifies the database file/shortname to use. # # DatabaseName Specifies the database name to use. # # DatabaseDescription Specifies the database description to use. # # DatabaseNotes Specifies the database notes to use. # # DatabaseCategories Specifies the database categories to use. # # VersionMajor Specifies the major version. # # VersionMinor Specifies the minor version. # # VersionRevision Specifies the revision version. # ################################################################################# # Get the database that was passed to the subroutine. $error = ""; $errorext = ""; my $class = shift; my ($passedoptions) = @_; my $dbfilename = $passedoptions->{"DatabaseFilename"}; my $dbname = $passedoptions->{"DatabaseName"}; my $dbdescription = $passedoptions->{"DatabaseDescription"}; my $dbnotes = $passedoptions->{"DatabaseNotes"}; my $dbcategories = $passedoptions->{"DatabaseCategories"}; my $dbmajorver = $passedoptions->{"VersionMajor"}; my $dbminorver = $passedoptions->{"VersionMinor"}; my $dbrevisionver = $passedoptions->{"VersionRevision"}; # Check if the database with the filename given already exists. my $database_exists = $class->dbexists($dbfilename); if ($database_exists eq 0){ # The database filename exists so set the error value. $error = "DatabaseExists"; return; } # Create the database structure. $database_handle = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=" . $options{"Directory"} . '/' . $dbfilename . ".db.sqlite"); $database_handle->{unicode} = 1; $string_handle = $database_handle->prepare('CREATE TABLE kiriwrite_database_info( name varchar(256) primary key, description varchar(512), notes text, categories varchar(512), kiriwrite_version_major int(4), kiriwrite_version_minor int(4), kiriwrite_version_revision int(4) )') or ( $error = "DatabaseError", $errorext = $database_handle->errstr, return ); $string_handle->execute(); $string_handle = $database_handle->prepare('CREATE TABLE kiriwrite_database_pages( filename varchar(256) primary key, pagename varchar(512), pagedescription varchar(512), pagesection varchar(256), pagetemplate varchar(64), pagedata text, pagesettings int(1), lastmodified datetime )') or ( $error = "DatabaseError", $errorext = $database_handle->errstr, return ); $string_handle->execute(); # Convert the values into SQL query formatted values and add an entry # to the kiriwrite_database_info table. $string_handle = $database_handle->prepare('INSERT INTO kiriwrite_database_info (name, description, notes, categories, kiriwrite_version_major, kiriwrite_version_minor, kiriwrite_version_revision) VALUES( \'' . $class->convert($dbname) . '\', \'' . $class->convert($dbdescription) . '\', \'' . $class->convert($dbnotes) . '\', \'' . $class->convert($dbcategories) . '\', \'' . $class->convert($dbmajorver) . '\', \'' . $class->convert($dbminorver) . '\', \'' . $class->convert($dbrevisionver) . '\' )') or ( $error = "DatabaseError", $errorext = $database_handle->errstr, return ); $string_handle->execute(); } sub editdatabase{ ################################################################################# # editdatabase: Edits a Kiriwrite Database. # # # # Usage: # # # # $dbmodule->editdatabase(options); # # # # options Specifies the following options in any order. # # # # NewDatabaseFilename Specifies the new database filename to use. # # DatabaseName Specifies the new database name. # # DatabaseDescription Specifies the new database description. # # DatabaseNotes Specifies the new database notes. # # DatabaseCategories Specifies the new database categories. # ################################################################################# $error = ""; $errorext = ""; my $class = shift; my ($passedoptions) = @_; my $dbnewfilename = $passedoptions->{"DatabaseNewFilename"}; my $dbname = $passedoptions->{"DatabaseName"}; my $dbdescription = $passedoptions->{"DatabaseDescription"}; my $dbnotes = $passedoptions->{"DatabaseNotes"}; my $dbcategories = $passedoptions->{"DatabaseCategories"}; # Check if a new database filename has been specified and if a # new database filename has been specified then change the # database filename. if ($database_filename ne $dbnewfilename){ # A new database filename has been given so check if the output # directory has write access. if (-r $options{"Directory"}){ # The directory is readable. } else { # The directory is not readable so set the error value. $error = "DataDirInvalidPermissions"; return; } if (-w $options{"Directory"}){ # The directory is writeable. } else { # The directory is not writeable so set the error value. $error = "DataDirInvalidPermissions"; return; } # Check if a database filename already exists before using the # new filename. my $database_newexists = $class->dbexists($dbnewfilename); if ($database_newexists eq 0){ # The database filename exists so set the error value. $error = "DatabaseExists"; return; } # Check if the database can be renamed (has write access). my $database_permissions = $class->dbpermissions($database_filename, 1, 1); if ($database_permissions eq 1){ # The database filename exists so set the error value. $error = "InvalidPermissionsSet"; return; } # "Disconnect" from the database. $database_handle->disconnect(); # Rename the database. ($database_filename) = $database_filename =~ /^([a-zA-Z0-9.]+)$/; ($dbnewfilename) = $dbnewfilename =~ /^([a-zA-Z0-9.]+)$/; rename($options{"Directory"} . '/' . $database_filename . '.db.sqlite', $options{"Directory"} . '/' . $dbnewfilename . '.db.sqlite'); # Reload the database from the new filename. $database_handle = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=" . $options{"Directory"} . '/' . $dbnewfilename . ".db.sqlite"); $database_handle->{unicode} = 1; $database_filename = $dbnewfilename; } # Check if the database can be altered with the new data. my $database_permissions = $class->dbpermissions($database_filename, 1, 1); if ($database_permissions eq 1){ # The database filename exists so set the error value. $error = "InvalidPermissionsSet"; return; } # Get the current database information. $string_handle = $database_handle->prepare('SELECT name FROM kiriwrite_database_info LIMIT 1') or ( $error = "DatabaseError", $errorext = $database_handle->errstr, return ); $string_handle->execute(); my @database_oldinfo = $string_handle->fetchrow_array(); my $dboldname = $database_oldinfo[0]; # Update the database information. $string_handle = $database_handle->prepare('UPDATE kiriwrite_database_info SET name = \'' . $class->convert($dbname) . '\', description = \'' . $class->convert($dbdescription) . '\', notes = \'' . $class->convert($dbnotes) . '\', categories = \'' . $class->convert($dbcategories) . '\'') or ( $error = "DatabaseError", $errorext = $database_handle->errstr, return ); $string_handle->execute(); undef $string_handle; return; } sub deletedatabase{ ################################################################################# # deletedatabase: Deletes a Kiriwrite database. # # # # Usage: # # # # $dbmodule->deletedatabase(options); # # # # options Specifies the following options in any order. # # # # DatabaseName Specifies the Kiriwrite database to delete. # ################################################################################# $error = ""; $errorext = ""; # Get the database filename. my $class = shift; my ($passedoptions) = shift; my $databasename = $passedoptions->{"DatabaseName"}; # Check if the database exists. my $database_exists = $class->dbexists($databasename); if ($database_exists eq 1){ # The database does not exist so set the error value. $error = "DoesNotExist"; return; } # Check if the database permissions are valid. my $database_permissions = $class->dbpermissions($databasename); if ($database_permissions eq 1){ # The database permissions are invalid so set the error # value. $error = "InvalidPermissionsSet"; return; } # Delete the database. ($databasename) = $databasename =~ /^([a-zA-Z0-9.]+)$/; unlink($options{"Directory"} . '/' . $databasename . '.db.sqlite'); } sub selectdb{ ################################################################################# # selectdb: Selects the Kiriwrite database. # # # # Usage: # # # # $dbmodule->connect(options); # # # # options Specifies the following options in any order. # # # # DatabaseName Specifies the Kiriwrite database to use. # ################################################################################# # Get the database name. $error = ""; $errorext = ""; my $class = shift; my ($passedoptions) = @_; my (%database, $database); my $dbname = $passedoptions->{"DatabaseName"}; # Check if the database exists. my $database_exists = $class->dbexists($dbname); if ($database_exists eq 1){ # The database does not exist so return an error value # saying that the database does not exist. $error = "DoesNotExist"; return; } # Check if the database has valid permissions set. my $database_permissions = $class->dbpermissions($dbname, 1, 0); if ($database_permissions eq 1){ # The database has invalid permissions set so return # an error value saying that the database has invalid # permissions set. $error = "InvalidPermissionsSet"; return; } # Connect to the database. $database_handle = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=" . $options{"Directory"} . '/' . $dbname . ".db.sqlite"); $database_handle->{unicode} = 1; $database_filename = $dbname; } sub selectseconddb{ ################################################################################# # selectseconddb: Selects a second Kiriwrite database for moving and copying # # pages to. # # # # Usage: # # # # $dbmodule->selectseconddb(options); # # # # options Specifies the following options in any order. # # # # DatabaseName Specifies the Kiriwrite database to use. # ################################################################################# # Get the database name. $error = ""; $errorext = ""; my $class = shift; my ($passedoptions) = @_; my (%database, $database); my $dbname = $passedoptions->{"DatabaseName"}; # Check if the database exists. my $database_exists = $class->dbexists($dbname); if ($database_exists eq 1){ # The database does not exist so return an error value # saying that the database does not exist. $error = "DoesNotExist"; return; } # Check if the database has valid permissions set. my $database_permissions = $class->dbpermissions($dbname, 1, 0); if ($database_permissions eq 1){ # The database has invalid permissions set so return # an error value saying that the database has invalid # permissions set. $error = "InvalidPermissionsSet"; return; } # Connect to the database. $second_database_handle = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=" . $options{"Directory"} . '/' . $dbname . ".db.sqlite"); $second_database_handle->{unicode} = 1; $second_database_filename = $dbname; } ################################################################################# # Page subroutines. # ################################################################################# sub getpagelist{ ################################################################################# # getpagelist: Gets the list of pages from the database. # # # # Usage: # # # # $dbmodule->getpagelist(); # ################################################################################# $error = ""; $errorext = ""; my $class = shift; $string_handle = $database_handle->prepare('SELECT filename FROM kiriwrite_database_pages') or ( $error = "DatabaseError", $errorext = $database_handle->errstr, return ); $string_handle->execute(); my @database_pagefilenames; my @database_pagefilenames_final; # Process the collected pages. while (@database_pagefilenames = $string_handle->fetchrow_array){ # Add each page to the list of pages in the database. push(@database_pagefilenames_final, $database_pagefilenames[0]); } undef $string_handle; return @database_pagefilenames_final; } sub getpageinfo{ ################################################################################# # getpageinfo: Gets the page information from the filename passed. # # # # Usage: # # # # $dbmodule->getpageinfo(options); # # # # options Specifies the following options in any order. # # # # PageFilename Specifies the page filename to get the page information from. # ################################################################################# $error = ""; $errorext = ""; my $class = shift; my ($passedoptions) = shift; my (%database_page, $database_page); my ($pagefilename, $pagename, $pagedescription, $pagesection, $pagetemplate, $pagedata, $pagesettings, $pagelastmodified); my @data_page; my $page_found = 0; # Get the page from the database. my $page_filename = $passedoptions->{"PageFilename"}; $string_handle = $database_handle->prepare('SELECT filename, pagename, pagedescription, pagesection, pagetemplate, pagedata, pagesettings, lastmodified FROM kiriwrite_database_pages WHERE filename = \'' . $class->convert($page_filename) . '\' LIMIT 1') or ( $error = "DatabaseError", $errorext = $database_handle->errstr, return ); $string_handle->execute(); # Check if the page exists in the database. while (@data_page = $string_handle->fetchrow_array()){ # Get the values from the array. $pagefilename = $data_page[0]; $pagename = $data_page[1]; $pagedescription = $data_page[2]; $pagesection = $data_page[3]; $pagetemplate = $data_page[4]; $pagedata = $data_page[5]; $pagesettings = $data_page[6]; $pagelastmodified = $data_page[7]; # Put the values into the page hash. %database_page = ( "PageFilename" => $pagefilename, "PageName" => $pagename, "PageDescription" => $pagedescription, "PageSection" => $pagesection, "PageTemplate" => $pagetemplate, "PageContent" => $pagedata, "PageSettings" => $pagesettings, "PageLastModified" => $class->dateconvert($pagelastmodified), ); $page_found = 1; } # Check if the page did exist. if (!$page_found){ $error = "PageDoesNotExist"; return; } undef $string_handle; return %database_page; } sub addpage{ ################################################################################# # addpage: Add a page to the selected database. # # # # Usage: # # # # $dbmodule->addpage(options); # # # # options Specifies the following options in any order. # # # # PageFilename Specifies the page filename to use. # # PageName Specifies the page name to use. # # PageDescription Specifies the page description to use. # # PageSection Specifies the page section to use. # # PageTemplate Specifies the page template to use. # # PageContent Specifies the page content to use. # # PageSettings Specifies the page settings to use. # ################################################################################# # Get the data that was passed to the subroutine. $error = ""; $errorext = ""; my $class = shift; my ($passedoptions) = shift; my @database_page; my $page_count = 0; # Get the values passed to the hash. my $page_filename = $passedoptions->{"PageFilename"}; my $page_name = $passedoptions->{"PageName"}; my $page_description = $passedoptions->{"PageDescription"}; my $page_section = $passedoptions->{"PageSection"}; my $page_template = $passedoptions->{"PageTemplate"}; my $page_content = $passedoptions->{"PageContent"}; my $page_settings = $passedoptions->{"PageSettings"}; # Check to see if the filename given already exists # in the page database. $string_handle = $database_handle->prepare('SELECT filename FROM kiriwrite_database_pages WHERE filename = \'' . $class->convert($page_filename) . '\' LIMIT 1') or ( $error = "DatabaseError", $errorext = $database_handle->errstr, return ); $string_handle->execute(); # Check if a page with the filename given really does # exist. while (@database_page = $string_handle->fetchrow_array()){ # A page does exist so increment the count to 1. $page_count++; } if ($page_count ne 0){ # The page does exist so set the error value. $error = "PageExists"; return; } # Check if certain values are undefined. if (!$page_name){ $page_name = ""; } if (!$page_description){ $page_description = ""; } if (!$page_section){ $page_section = ""; } if (!$page_content){ $page_content = ""; } my ($created_second, $created_minute, $created_hour, $created_day, $created_month, $created_year, $created_weekday, $created_yearday, $created_dst) = localtime; my $page_date = $created_year . '-' . $created_month . '-' . $created_day . ' ' . $created_hour . ':' . $created_minute . ':' . $created_second; # Add the page to the selected database. $string_handle = $database_handle->prepare('INSERT INTO kiriwrite_database_pages (filename, pagename, pagedescription, pagesection, pagetemplate, pagedata, pagesettings, lastmodified) VALUES ( \'' . $class->convert($page_filename) . '\', \'' . $class->convert($page_name) . '\', \'' . $class->convert($page_description) . '\', \'' . $class->convert($page_section) . '\', \'' . $class->convert($page_template) . '\', \'' . $class->convert($page_content) . '\', \'' . $class->convert($page_settings) . '\', \'' . $class->convert($page_date) . '\' )') or ( $error = "DatabaseError", $errorext = $database_handle->errstr, return ); $string_handle->execute(); undef $string_handle; } sub deletepage{ ################################################################################# # deletepage: Delete a page from the selected database. # # # # Usage: # # # # $dbmodule->deletepage(options) # # # # options Specifies the following options in any order. # # # # PageFilename Specifies the page filename to delete. # ################################################################################# $error = ""; $errorext = ""; # Get the data that was passed to the subroutine. my $class = shift; my ($passedoptions) = @_; my @page_info; my $page_found = 0; # Get the page filename. my $page_filename = $passedoptions->{"PageFilename"}; # Check if the page exists before deleting it. $string_handle = $database_handle->prepare('SELECT filename FROM kiriwrite_database_pages WHERE filename = \'' . $class->convert($page_filename) . '\' LIMIT 1') or ( $error = "DatabaseError", $errorext = $database_handle->errstr, return ); $string_handle->execute(); while (@page_info = $string_handle->fetchrow_array()){ $page_found = 1; } # Check if the page really does exist. if (!$page_found){ $error = "PageDoesNotExist"; return; } # Delete the page. $string_handle = $database_handle->prepare('DELETE FROM kiriwrite_database_pages WHERE filename = \'' . $class->convert($page_filename) . '\'') or ( $error = "DatabaseError", $errorext = $database_handle->errstr, return ); $string_handle->execute(); } sub editpage{ ################################################################################# # editpage: Edit a page from the selected database. # # # # Usage: # # # # $dbmodule->editpage(options); # # # # options Specifies the following options in any order. # # # # PageFilename Specifies the filename to edit. # # PageNewFilename Specifies the new filename to use. # # PageNewName Specifies the new page name to use. # # PageNewDescription Specifies the new page description to use. # # PageNewSection Specifies the new page section to use. # # PageNewTemplate Specifies the new page template to use. # # PageNewContent Specifies the new page content to use. # # PageNewSettings Specifies the new page settings to use. # ################################################################################# $error = ""; $errorext = ""; # Get the values passed to the subroutine. my $class = shift; my ($passedoptions) = @_; my $page_found = 0; my @page_info; # Get the data that was passed to the subroutine. my $page_filename = $passedoptions->{"PageFilename"}; my $page_newfilename = $passedoptions->{"PageNewFilename"}; my $page_newname = $passedoptions->{"PageNewName"}; my $page_newdescription = $passedoptions->{"PageNewDescription"}; my $page_newsection = $passedoptions->{"PageNewSection"}; my $page_newtemplate = $passedoptions->{"PageNewTemplate"}; my $page_newcontent = $passedoptions->{"PageNewContent"}; my $page_newsettings = $passedoptions->{"PageNewSettings"}; # Check if the page with the filename given exists. $string_handle = $database_handle->prepare('SELECT filename FROM kiriwrite_database_pages WHERE filename = \'' . $class->convert($page_filename) . '\' LIMIT 1') or ( $error = "DatabaseError", $errorext = $database_handle->errstr, return ); $string_handle->execute(); # Check if the page really does exist. while (@page_info = $string_handle->fetchrow_array()){ # The page information is found. $page_found = 1; } # Check if the page really does exist. if (!$page_found){ $error = "PageDoesNotExist"; return; } # Get the current date. my ($created_second, $created_minute, $created_hour, $created_day, $created_month, $created_year, $created_weekday, $created_yearday, $created_dst) = localtime; my $page_date = $created_year . '-' . $created_month . '-' . $created_day . ' ' . $created_hour . ':' . $created_minute . ':' . $created_second; # Edit the selected page. $string_handle = $database_handle->prepare('UPDATE kiriwrite_database_pages SET filename = \'' . $class->convert($page_newfilename) . '\', pagename = \'' . $class->convert($page_newname) . '\', pagedescription = \'' . $class->convert($page_newdescription) . '\', pagesection = \'' . $class->convert($page_newsection) . '\', pagetemplate = \'' . $class->convert($page_newtemplate) . '\', pagedata = \'' . $class->convert($page_newcontent) . '\', pagedata = \'' . $class->convert($page_newcontent) . '\', pagesettings = \'' . $class->convert($page_newsettings) . '\', lastmodified = \'' . $page_date . '\' WHERE filename = \'' . $class->convert($page_filename) . '\'') or ( $error = "DatabaseError", $errorext = $database_handle->errstr, return ); $string_handle->execute(); } sub movepage{ ################################################################################# # movepage: Moves a page from the old database to the new database. # # # # Usage: # # # # $dbmodule->movepage(options); # # # # options Specifies the following options in any order. # # # # PageFilename Specifies the page with the filename to move. # ################################################################################# $error = ""; $errorext = ""; # Get the values passed to the subroutine. my $class = shift; my ($passedoptions) = @_; my (%database_page, $database_page); my ($pagefilename, $pagename, $pagedescription, $pagesection, $pagetemplate, $pagedata, $pagesettings, $pagelastmodified); my @page_info; my $page_found = 0; # Get the data that was passed to the subroutine. my $page_filename = $passedoptions->{"PageFilename"}; # Check if the page with the filename given exists. $string_handle = $database_handle->prepare('SELECT filename, pagename, pagedescription, pagesection, pagetemplate, pagedata, pagesettings, lastmodified FROM kiriwrite_database_pages WHERE filename = \'' . $class->convert($page_filename) . '\' LIMIT 1') or ( $error = "OldDatabaseError", $errorext = $database_handle->errstr, return ); $string_handle->execute(); # Check if the page really does exist. while (@page_info = $string_handle->fetchrow_array()){ # Get the values from the array. $pagefilename = $page_info[0]; $pagename = $page_info[1]; $pagedescription = $page_info[2]; $pagesection = $page_info[3]; $pagetemplate = $page_info[4]; $pagedata = $page_info[5]; $pagesettings = $page_info[6]; $pagelastmodified = $page_info[7]; # Put the values into the page hash. %database_page = ( "PageFilename" => $pagefilename, "PageName" => $pagename, "PageDescription" => $pagedescription, "PageSection" => $pagesection, "PageTemplate" => $pagetemplate, "PageContent" => $pagedata, "PageSettings" => $pagesettings, "PageLastModified" => $pagelastmodified, ); # The page information is found. $page_found = 1; } # Check if the page really does exist. if (!$page_found){ $error = "PageDoesNotExist"; return; } # Check if the page with the filename given already exists in # the database the page is being moved to. $page_found = 0; @page_info = (); $second_string_handle = $second_database_handle->prepare('SELECT filename FROM kiriwrite_database_pages WHERE filename = \'' . $class->convert($page_filename) . '\' LIMIT 1') or ( $error = "NewDatabaseError", $errorext = $second_database_handle->errstr, return ); $second_string_handle->execute(); while (@page_info = $second_string_handle->fetchrow_array()){ $page_found = 1; } # Check if the page really does exist. if ($page_found){ $error = "PageAlreadyExists"; return; } # Add the page to the new database. $second_string_handle = $second_database_handle->prepare('INSERT INTO kiriwrite_database_pages (filename, pagename, pagedescription, pagesection, pagetemplate, pagedata, pagesettings, lastmodified) VALUES ( \'' . $class->convert($database_page{"PageFilename"}) . '\', \'' . $class->convert($database_page{"PageName"}) . '\', \'' . $class->convert($database_page{"PageDescription"}) . '\', \'' . $class->convert($database_page{"PageSection"}) . '\', \'' . $class->convert($database_page{"PageTemplate"}) . '\', \'' . $class->convert($database_page{"PageContent"}) . '\', \'' . $class->convert($database_page{"PageSettings"}) . '\', \'' . $class->convert($database_page{"PageLastModified"}) . '\' )') or ( $error = "NewDatabaseError", $errorext = $second_database_handle->errstr, return ); $second_string_handle->execute(); # Delete the page from the old database. $string_handle = $database_handle->prepare('DELETE FROM kiriwrite_database_pages WHERE filename = \'' . $class->convert($database_page{"PageFilename"}) . '\'') or ( $error = "OldDatabaseError", $errorext = $database_handle->errstr, return ); $string_handle->execute(); } sub copypage{ ################################################################################# # copypage: Copies a page from the old database to the new database. # # # # Usage: # # # # $dbmodule->copypage(options); # # # # options Specifies the following options in any order. # # # # PageFilename Specifies the page with the filename to copy. # ################################################################################# $error = ""; $errorext = ""; # Get the values passed to the subroutine. my $class = shift; my ($passedoptions) = @_; my (%database_page, $database_page); my ($pagefilename, $pagename, $pagedescription, $pagesection, $pagetemplate, $pagedata, $pagesettings, $pagelastmodified); my @page_info; my $page_found = 0; # Get the data that was passed to the subroutine. my $page_filename = $passedoptions->{"PageFilename"}; # Check if the page with the filename given exists. $string_handle = $database_handle->prepare('SELECT filename, pagename, pagedescription, pagesection, pagetemplate, pagedata, pagesettings, lastmodified FROM kiriwrite_database_pages WHERE filename = \'' . $class->convert($page_filename) . '\' LIMIT 1') or ( $error = "OldDatabaseError", $errorext = $database_handle->errstr, return ); $string_handle->execute(); # Check if the page really does exist. while (@page_info = $string_handle->fetchrow_array()){ # Get the values from the array. $pagefilename = $page_info[0]; $pagename = $page_info[1]; $pagedescription = $page_info[2]; $pagesection = $page_info[3]; $pagetemplate = $page_info[4]; $pagedata = $page_info[5]; $pagesettings = $page_info[6]; $pagelastmodified = $page_info[7]; # Put the values into the page hash. %database_page = ( "PageFilename" => $pagefilename, "PageName" => $pagename, "PageDescription" => $pagedescription, "PageSection" => $pagesection, "PageTemplate" => $pagetemplate, "PageContent" => $pagedata, "PageSettings" => $pagesettings, "PageLastModified" => $pagelastmodified, ); # The page information is found. $page_found = 1; } # Check if the page really does exist. if (!$page_found){ $error = "PageDoesNotExist"; return; } # Check if the page with the filename given already exists in # the database the page is being moved to. $page_found = 0; @page_info = (); $second_string_handle = $second_database_handle->prepare('SELECT filename FROM kiriwrite_database_pages WHERE filename = \'' . $class->convert($page_filename) . '\' LIMIT 1') or ( $error = "NewDatabaseError", $errorext = $second_database_handle->errstr, return ); $second_string_handle->execute(); while (@page_info = $second_string_handle->fetchrow_array()){ $page_found = 1; } # Check if the page really does exist. if ($page_found){ $error = "PageAlreadyExists"; return; } # Add the page to the new database. $second_string_handle = $second_database_handle->prepare('INSERT INTO kiriwrite_database_pages (filename, pagename, pagedescription, pagesection, pagetemplate, pagedata, pagesettings, lastmodified) VALUES ( \'' . $class->convert($database_page{"PageFilename"}) . '\', \'' . $class->convert($database_page{"PageName"}) . '\', \'' . $class->convert($database_page{"PageDescription"}) . '\', \'' . $class->convert($database_page{"PageSection"}) . '\', \'' . $class->convert($database_page{"PageTemplate"}) . '\', \'' . $class->convert($database_page{"PageContent"}) . '\', \'' . $class->convert($database_page{"PageSettings"}) . '\', \'' . $class->convert($database_page{"PageLastModified"}) . '\' )') or ( $error = "NewDatabaseError", $errorext = $second_database_handle->errstr, return ); $second_string_handle->execute(); } ################################################################################# # Filter subroutines. # ################################################################################# sub connectfilter{ ################################################################################# # connectfilter: Connect to the filter database. # # # # Usage: # # # # $dbmodule->connectfilter(missingignore); # # # # missingignore Ignore error about database being missing. # ################################################################################# $error = ""; $errorext = ""; my $class = shift; my $ignoremissing = shift; # Check if the template database exists. my $filterdatabase_exists = main::kiriwrite_fileexists("filters.db.sqlite"); if ($filterdatabase_exists eq 1){ $filterdb_exists = 0; if (!$ignoremissing){ $error = "FilterDatabaseDoesNotExist"; return; } } # Check if the permission settings for the template database are valid. my $filterdb_permissions = main::kiriwrite_filepermissions("filters.db.sqlite", 1, 0); if ($filterdb_permissions eq 1){ # The template database has invalid permissions set # so return an error value. if (!$ignoremissing){ $error = "FilterDatabaseInvalidPermissionsSet"; return; } } # Connect to the template database. $filterdb_database_handle = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=filters.db.sqlite"); $database_handle->{unicode} = 1; $filterdb_loaded = 1; } sub disconnectfilter{ ################################################################################# # disconnectfilter: Disconnect from the filter database. # # # # Usage: # # # # $dbmodule->disconnectfilter(); # ################################################################################# # Disconnect the template database. if ($filterdb_loaded eq 1){ undef $filterdb_string_handle; $filterdb_database_handle->disconnect(); } } sub getfilterlist{ ################################################################################# # getfilterlist: Gets the list of filters in the filter database. # # # # Usage: # # # # $dbmodule->getfilterlist(); # ################################################################################# $error = ""; $errorext = ""; my @filter_list; my @filter_data; # Get the list of filters available. $filterdb_string_handle = $filterdb_database_handle->prepare('SELECT id FROM kiriwrite_filters ORDER BY priority ASC') or ( $error = "FilterDatabaseError", $errorext = $filterdb_database_handle->errstr, return ); $filterdb_string_handle->execute(); while (@filter_data = $filterdb_string_handle->fetchrow_array()){ # Add the filter to the list of available filters. push(@filter_list, $filter_data[0]); } undef $filterdb_string_handle; return @filter_list; } sub getfilterinfo{ ################################################################################# # getfilterinfo: Gets information about the filter. # # # # Usage: # # # # $dbmodule->getfilterinfo(options); # # # # options Specifies the following options in any order. # # # # FilterID Specifies the filter ID number to get information from. # ################################################################################# $error = ""; $errorext = ""; # Get the values passed to the subroutine. my $class = shift; my ($passedoptions) = @_; my %filter_info; my $filter_exists = 0; my @filter_data; # Get the values that are in the hash. my $filter_id = $passedoptions->{"FilterID"}; $filterdb_string_handle = $filterdb_database_handle->prepare('SELECT id, priority, findsetting, replacesetting, notes FROM kiriwrite_filters where id = \'' . $class->convert($filter_id) . '\'') or ( $error = "FilterDatabaseError", $errorext = $filterdb_database_handle->errstr, return ); $filterdb_string_handle->execute(); # Get the filter information. while (@filter_data = $filterdb_string_handle->fetchrow_array()){ $filter_info{"FilterID"} = $filter_data[0]; $filter_info{"FilterPriority"} = $filter_data[1]; $filter_info{"FilterFind"} = $filter_data[2]; $filter_info{"FilterReplace"} = $filter_data[3]; $filter_info{"FilterNotes"} = $filter_data[4]; $filter_exists = 1; } # Check if the filter exists. if (!$filter_exists){ # The filter does not exist so return # an error value. $error = "FilterDoesNotExist"; return; } # Return the filter information. undef $filterdb_string_handle; return %filter_info; } sub addfilter{ ################################################################################# # addfilter: Adds a filter to the filter database. # # # # Usage: # # # # $dbmodule->addfilter(options); # # # # options Specifies the following options in any order. # # # # FindFilter Specifies the find filter to add. # # ReplaceFilter Specifies the replace filter to add. # # Priority Specifies the filter priority to use. # # Notes Specifies the notes to use. # ################################################################################# $error = ""; $errorext = ""; # Get the values passed to the subroutine. my $class = shift; my ($passedoptions) = @_; # Define some variables for later. my @database_filters; my @filterid_list; my @filterid_check; my $nofiltertable = 0; my $filter_found = 0; my $filter_count = 0; my $filter_id; my $new_id; # Get the values from the hash. my $filter_find = $passedoptions->{"FindFilter"}; my $filter_replace = $passedoptions->{"ReplaceFilter"}; my $filter_priority = $passedoptions->{"Priority"}; my $filter_notes = $passedoptions->{"Notes"}; # Check if the filter database permissions are valid. my $filterdb_exists = main::kiriwrite_fileexists("filters.db.sqlite", 1, 1); my $filterdb_permissions = main::kiriwrite_filepermissions("filters.db.sqlite", 1, 1); if ($filterdb_permissions eq 1){ if ($filterdb_exists eq 0){ $error = "FilterDatabaseInvalidPermissionsSet"; return; } } # Check if certain values are undefined and if they # are then set them blank. if (!$filter_find){ $filter_find = ""; } if (!$filter_replace){ $filter_replace = ""; } if (!$filter_priority){ $filter_priority = 1; } if (!$filter_notes){ $filter_notes = ""; } my $directory_permissions = main::kiriwrite_filepermissions(".", 1, 1, 0); if ($directory_permissions eq 1 && $filterdb_exists){ # The template database cannot be created because of invalid directory # permissions so return an error value. $error = "FilterDatabaseFileUncreateable"; return; } # Check if the filter table exists. $filterdb_string_handle = $filterdb_database_handle->prepare('SELECT id FROM kiriwrite_filters ORDER BY id ASC') or ( $nofiltertable = 1 ); # Check if there is really no filter table. if ($nofiltertable){ # Create the filter database table. $filterdb_string_handle = $filterdb_database_handle->prepare('CREATE TABLE kiriwrite_filters ( id int(7) primary key, priority int(5), findsetting varchar(1024), replacesetting varchar(1024), notes text )') or ( $error = "FilterDatabaseError", $errorext = $filterdb_database_handle->errstr, return ); $filterdb_string_handle->execute(); } # Find the lowest filter identification number available. $filterdb_string_handle = $filterdb_database_handle->prepare('SELECT id FROM kiriwrite_filters ORDER BY id ASC') or ( $error = "FilterDatabaseError", $errorext = $filterdb_database_handle->errstr, return ); $filterdb_string_handle->execute(); while (@database_filters = $filterdb_string_handle->fetchrow_array()){ $filter_id = $database_filters[0]; # Add the filter identification to the list of filter IDs. push(@filterid_list, $filter_id); } $filter_id = ""; # Process each filter looking for a blank available filter. foreach $filter_id (@filterid_list){ # Check the next filter ID to see if it's blank. $new_id = $filter_id + 1; $filterdb_string_handle = $filterdb_database_handle->prepare('SELECT id FROM kiriwrite_filters WHERE id = \'' . $class->convert($new_id) . '\'') or ( $error = "FilterDatabaseError", $errorext = $filterdb_database_handle->errstr, return ); $filterdb_string_handle->execute(); # Get the filter identification number. while (@filterid_check = $filterdb_string_handle->fetchrow_array()){ $filter_found = 1; } # Check if a filter was found. if (!$filter_found){ # No filter was found using this ID so exit the loop. last; } # Increment the filter count and reset the filter found value. $filter_count++; $filter_found = 0; $new_id = 0; } # Check if there were any filters in the filters database. if (!$filter_count && !$new_id){ # There were no filters in the filters database so set # the new filter identification value to 1. $new_id = 1; } # Add the filter to the filter database. $filterdb_string_handle = $filterdb_database_handle->prepare('INSERT INTO kiriwrite_filters (id, priority, findsetting, replacesetting, notes) VALUES ( \'' . $class->convert($new_id) . '\', \'' . $class->convert($filter_priority) . '\', \'' . $class->convert($filter_find) . '\', \'' . $class->convert($filter_replace) .'\', \'' . $class->convert($filter_notes) . '\' )') or ( $error = "FilterDatabaseError", $errorext = $filterdb_database_handle->errstr, return ); $filterdb_string_handle->execute(); } sub editfilter{ ################################################################################# # editfilter: Edits a filter in the filter database. # # # # Usage: # # # # $dbmodule->editfilter(options); # # # # options Specifies the following options in any order. # # # # FilterID Specifies the filter to edit. # # NewFindFilter Specifies the new find filter setting. # # NewReplaceFilter Specifies the new replace filter setting. # # NewFilterPriority Specifies the new filter priority setting. # # NewFilterNotes Specifies the new notes for the filter. # ################################################################################# $error = ""; $errorext = ""; # Get the values passed to the subroutine. my $class = shift; my ($passedoptions) = @_; my @filter_data; my $filter_exists = 1; my $blankfile = 0; # Get the values from the hash. my $filter_id = $passedoptions->{"FilterID"}; my $filter_newfind = $passedoptions->{"NewFindFilter"}; my $filter_newreplace = $passedoptions->{"NewReplaceFilter"}; my $filter_newpriority = $passedoptions->{"NewFilterPriority"}; my $filter_newnotes = $passedoptions->{"NewFilterNotes"}; # Check if the filter database permissions are valid. my $filterdb_exists = main::kiriwrite_fileexists("filters.db.sqlite", 1, 1); my $filterdb_permissions = main::kiriwrite_filepermissions("filters.db.sqlite", 1, 1); if ($filterdb_permissions eq 1){ if ($filterdb_exists eq 0){ $error = "FilterDatabaseInvalidPermissionsSet"; return; } } # Check if the filter exists before editing it. $filterdb_string_handle = $filterdb_database_handle->prepare('SELECT id FROM kiriwrite_filters where id = \'' . $class->convert($filter_id) . '\'') or ( $error = "FilterDatabaseError", $errorext = $filterdb_database_handle->errstr, return ); $filterdb_string_handle->execute(); # Check if the filter exists. while (@filter_data = $filterdb_string_handle->fetchrow_array()){ $filter_exists = 1; } # Check if the filter really does exist. if (!$filter_exists){ # The filter does not exist so return # an error value. $error = "FilterDoesNotExist"; return; } # Edit the selected filter. $filterdb_string_handle = $filterdb_database_handle->prepare('UPDATE kiriwrite_filters SET findsetting = \'' . $class->convert($filter_newfind) . '\', replacesetting = \'' . $class->convert($filter_newreplace) . '\', priority = \'' . $class->convert($filter_newpriority) . '\', notes = \'' . $class->convert($filter_newnotes) . '\' WHERE id = \'' . $class->convert($filter_id) . '\'') or ( $error = "FilterDatabaseError", $errorext = $filterdb_database_handle->errstr, return ); $filterdb_string_handle->execute(); undef $filterdb_string_handle; return; } sub deletefilter{ ################################################################################# # deletefilter: Deletes a filter from the filter database. # # # # Usage: # # # # $dbmodule->deletefilter(options); # # # # options Specifies the following options in any order. # # # # FilterID Specifies the filter to delete from the filter database. # ################################################################################# $error = ""; $errorext = ""; # Get the values passed to the subroutine. my $class = shift; my ($passedoptions) = @_; my $filter_exists = 0; my @filter_data; # Get the values from the hash. my $filter_id = $passedoptions->{"FilterID"}; # Check if the filter exists before deleting. $filterdb_string_handle = $filterdb_database_handle->prepare('SELECT id FROM kiriwrite_filters where id = \'' . $class->convert($filter_id) . '\'') or ( $error = "FilterDatabaseError", $errorext = $filterdb_database_handle->errstr, return ); $filterdb_string_handle->execute(); while (@filter_data = $filterdb_string_handle->fetchrow_array()){ $filter_exists = 1; } # Check to see if the filter really does exist. if (!$filter_exists){ $error = "FilterDoesNotExist"; return; } # Delete the filter from the filter database. $filterdb_string_handle = $filterdb_database_handle->prepare('DELETE FROM kiriwrite_filters where id = \'' . $class->convert($filter_id) . '\'') or ( $error = "FilterDatabaseError", $errorext = $filterdb_database_handle->errstr, return ); $filterdb_string_handle->execute(); undef $filterdb_string_handle; } ################################################################################# # Template subroutines. # ################################################################################# sub connecttemplate{ ################################################################################# # connecttemplate: Connect to the template database. # # # # Usage: # # # # $dbmodule->connecttemplate(missingignore); # # # # missingignore Ignore errror about database being missing. # ################################################################################# $error = ""; $errorext = ""; my $class = shift; my $ignoremissing = shift; # Check if the template database exists. my $templatedatabase_exists = main::kiriwrite_fileexists("templates.db.sqlite"); if ($templatedatabase_exists eq 1){ $templatedb_exists = 0; if (!$ignoremissing){ $error = "TemplateDatabaseDoesNotExist"; return; } } # Check if the permission settings for the template database are valid. my $templatedb_permissions = main::kiriwrite_filepermissions("templates.db.sqlite", 1, 0); if ($templatedb_permissions eq 1){ # The template database has invalid permissions set # so return an error value. if (!$ignoremissing){ $error = "TemplateDatabaseInvalidPermissionsSet"; return; } } # Connect to the template database. $template_database_handle = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=templates.db.sqlite"); $database_handle->{unicode} = 1; $templatedb_loaded = 1; } sub disconnecttemplate{ ################################################################################# # disconnecttemplate: Disconnect from the template database. # # # # Usage: # # # # $dbmodule->disconnecttemplate(); # ################################################################################# # Disconnect the template database. if ($templatedb_loaded eq 1){ undef $template_string_handle; $template_database_handle->disconnect(); } } sub gettemplatelist{ ################################################################################# # gettemplatelist: Gets the list of templates. # # # # Usage: # # # # $dbmodule->gettemplatelist(); # ################################################################################# $error = ""; $errorext = ""; $template_string_handle = $template_database_handle->prepare('SELECT filename FROM kiriwrite_templates ORDER BY filename ASC') or ( $error = "TemplateDatabaseError", $errorext = $template_database_handle->errstr, return ); $template_string_handle->execute(); my @database_template; my @templates_list; my $template_filename; while (@database_template = $template_string_handle->fetchrow_array()){ # Get certain values from the array. $template_filename = $database_template[0]; # Add the template to the list of templates. push(@templates_list, $template_filename); } return @templates_list; } sub gettemplateinfo{ ################################################################################# # gettemplateinfo: Get information on a template. # # # # Usage: # # # # $dbmodule->gettemplateinfo(options); # # # # options Specifies the following options in any order. # # # # TemplateFilename Specifies the template filename to use. # ################################################################################# $error = ""; $errorext = ""; # Get the data passed to the subroutine. my $class = shift; my ($passedoptions) = @_; my %page_info; my @template_data; my $template_filename; my $template_name; my $template_description; my $template_datemodified; my $template_layout; my $template_found = 0; my $filename = $passedoptions->{"TemplateFilename"}; $template_string_handle = $template_database_handle->prepare('SELECT filename, templatename, templatedescription, templatelayout, datemodified FROM kiriwrite_templates WHERE filename = \'' . $class->convert($filename) . '\'') or ( $error = "TemplateDatabaseError", $errorext = $template_database_handle->errstr, return ); $template_string_handle->execute(); while (@template_data = $template_string_handle->fetchrow_array()){ # Get certain values from the array. $template_filename = $template_data[0]; $template_name = $template_data[1]; $template_description = $template_data[2]; $template_layout = $template_data[3]; $template_datemodified = $template_data[4]; # Process them into the hash. %page_info = ( "TemplateFilename" => $template_filename, "TemplateName" => $template_name, "TemplateDescription" => $template_description, "TemplateLayout" => $template_layout, "TemplateLastModified" => $template_datemodified ); $template_found = 1; } if ($template_found eq 0){ # The template was not found in the template database so # write an error value. $error = "TemplateDoesNotExist"; return; } return %page_info; } sub addtemplate{ ################################################################################# # addtemplate: Adds a template to the template database. # # # # Usage: # # # # $dbmodule->addtemplate(); # # # # options Specifies the following options in any order. # # # # TemplateFilename Specifies the new template filename. # # TemplateName Specifies the new template name. # # TemplateDescription Specifies the new template description. # # TemplateLayout Specifies the new template layout. # ################################################################################# $error = ""; $errorext = ""; # Get the data passed to the subroutine. my $class = shift; my ($passedoptions) = @_; my @page_exists; my $notemplatetable; my $blankfile = 0; my $template_filename = $passedoptions->{"TemplateFilename"}; my $template_name = $passedoptions->{"TemplateName"}; my $template_description = $passedoptions->{"TemplateDescription"}; my $template_layout = $passedoptions->{"TemplateLayout"}; # Check if the template database permissions are valid. my $templatedb_exists = main::kiriwrite_fileexists("templates.db.sqlite", 1, 1); my $templatedb_permissions = main::kiriwrite_filepermissions("templates.db.sqlite", 1, 1); if ($templatedb_permissions eq 1){ if ($templatedb_exists eq 0){ $error = "TemplateDatabaseInvalidPermissionsSet"; return; } } # Check if the template already exists before adding. if ($templatedb_exists eq 0){ $template_string_handle = $template_database_handle->prepare('SELECT filename FROM kiriwrite_templates WHERE filename = \'' . $class->convert($template_filename) . '\' LIMIT 1') or ($blankfile = 1); if ($blankfile eq 0){ $template_string_handle->execute(); while (@page_exists = $template_string_handle->fetchrow_array()){ $error = "TemplatePageExists"; return; } } } # Get the current date. my ($created_second, $created_minute, $created_hour, $created_day, $created_month, $created_year, $created_weekday, $created_yearday, $created_dst) = localtime; my $template_date = $created_year . '-' . $created_month . '-' . $created_day . ' ' . $created_hour . ':' . $created_minute . ':' . $created_second; # Check if certain values are undefined and if they # are then set them blank. if (!$template_name){ $template_name = ""; } if (!$template_description){ $template_description = ""; } if (!$template_layout){ $template_layout = ""; } my $directory_permissions = main::kiriwrite_filepermissions(".", 1, 1, 0); if ($directory_permissions eq 1 && $templatedb_exists){ # The template database cannot be created because of invalid directory # permissions so return an error value. $error = "TemplateDatabaseUncreateable"; return; } # Check to see if a template can be added. $template_string_handle = $template_database_handle->prepare('INSERT INTO kiriwrite_templates (filename, templatename, templatedescription, templatelayout, datemodified) VALUES( \'' . $class->convert($template_filename) . '\', \'' . $class->convert($template_name) . '\', \'' . $class->convert($template_description) . '\', \'' . $class->convert($template_layout) . '\', \'' . $class->convert($template_date) . '\' )') or ( $notemplatetable = 1 ); if (!$notemplatetable){ $template_string_handle->execute(); } # Check to see if there is no template table and attempt to create one. if ($notemplatetable){ # Create a template table. my $directory_permissions = main::kiriwrite_filepermissions(".", 1, 1, 0); if ($directory_permissions eq 1){ # The template database cannot be created because of invalid directory # permissions so return an error. $error = "TemplateDatabaseFileUncreateable"; return; } $template_string_handle = $template_database_handle->prepare('create table kiriwrite_templates( filename varchar(256) primary key, templatename varchar(512), templatedescription varchar(512), templatelayout text, datemodified datetime );') or ( $error = "TemplateDatabaseError", $errorext = $template_database_handle->errstr, return ); $template_string_handle->execute(); $template_string_handle = $template_database_handle->prepare('INSERT INTO kiriwrite_templates (filename, templatename, templatedescription, templatelayout, datemodified) VALUES( \'' . $class->convert($template_filename) . '\', \'' . $class->convert($template_name) . '\', \'' . $class->convert($template_description) . '\', \'' . $class->convert($template_layout) . '\', \'' . $class->convert($template_date) . '\' )') or ( $error = "TemplateDatabaseError", $errorext = $template_database_handle->errstr, return ); $template_string_handle->execute(); } } sub deletetemplate{ ################################################################################# # deletetemplate: Deletes a template from the template database. # # # # Usage: # # # # $dbmodule->deletetemplate(options); # # # # options Specifies the following options in any order. # # # # TemplateFilename Specifies the template filename to delete. # ################################################################################# $error = ""; $errorext = ""; # Get the data passed to the subroutine. my $class = shift; my ($passedoptions) = @_; my @pagedata; my $template_filename = $passedoptions->{"TemplateFilename"}; my $template_count = 0; # Check if the template exists. $template_string_handle = $template_database_handle->prepare('SELECT filename FROM kiriwrite_templates WHERE filename = \'' . $class->convert($template_filename) . '\' LIMIT 1') or ( $error = "TemplateDatabaseError", $errorext = $template_database_handle->errstr, return ); $template_string_handle->execute(); while (@pagedata = $template_string_handle->fetchrow_array()){ $template_count++; } if ($template_count eq 0){ # No pages were returned so return an error value. $error = "TemplateDoesNotExist"; return; } # Delete the template from the template database. $template_string_handle = $template_database_handle->prepare('DELETE FROM kiriwrite_templates WHERE filename = \'' . $class->convert($template_filename) . '\'') or ( $error = "TemplateDatabaseError", $errorext = $template_database_handle->errstr, return ); $template_string_handle->execute(); } sub edittemplate{ ################################################################################# # editttemplate: Edits a Kiriwrite template. # # # # Usage: # # # # $dbmodule->edittemplate(options); # # # # options Specifies the following options in any order. # # # # TemplateFilename Specifies the template filename to edit. # # NewTemplateFilename Specifies the new template filename. # # NewTemplateName Specifies the new template name. # # NewTemplateDescription Specifies the new template description. # # NewTemplateLayout Specifies the new template layout. # ################################################################################# # Get the values passed. my $class = shift; my ($passedoptions) = @_; my $template_found = 0; my @template_info; # Process the values passed. my $template_filename = $passedoptions->{"TemplateFilename"}; my $new_template_filename = $passedoptions->{"NewTemplateFilename"}; my $new_template_name = $passedoptions->{"NewTemplateName"}; my $new_template_description = $passedoptions->{"NewTemplateDescription"}; my $new_template_layout = $passedoptions->{"NewTemplateLayout"}; # Check if the template database permissions are valid. my $templatedb_exists = main::kiriwrite_fileexists("templates.db.sqlite", 1, 1); my $templatedb_permissions = main::kiriwrite_filepermissions("templates.db.sqlite", 1, 1); if ($templatedb_permissions eq 1){ if ($templatedb_exists eq 0){ $error = "TemplateDatabaseInvalidPermissionsSet"; return; } } # Check if the template exists. $template_string_handle = $template_database_handle->prepare('SELECT filename FROM kiriwrite_templates WHERE filename = \'' . $class->convert($template_filename) . '\' LIMIT 1') or ( $error = "TemplateDatabaseError", $errorext = $template_database_handle->errstr, return ); $template_string_handle->execute(); while (@template_info = $template_string_handle->fetchrow_array()){ $template_found = 1; } # Check to see if the template was found and set an error value if # it wasn't. if ($template_found eq 0){ $error = "TemplateDoesNotExist"; return; } # Get the date and time. my ($created_second, $created_minute, $created_hour, $created_day, $created_month, $created_year, $created_weekday, $created_yearday, $created_dst) = localtime; my $templatenewdate = $created_year . '-' . $created_month . '-' . $created_day . ' ' . $created_hour . ':' . $created_minute . ':' . $created_second; # Update the template information. $template_string_handle = $template_database_handle->prepare('UPDATE kiriwrite_templates SET filename = \'' . $class->convert($new_template_filename) . '\', templatename = \'' . $class->convert($new_template_name) . '\', templatedescription = \'' . $class->convert($new_template_description) . '\', templatelayout = \'' . $class->convert($new_template_layout) . '\', datemodified = \'' . $class->convert($templatenewdate) . '\' WHERE filename = \'' . $class->convert($template_filename) . '\' ') or ( $error = "TemplateDatabaseError", $errorext = $template_database_handle->errstr, return ); $template_string_handle->execute(); } ################################################################################# # General subroutines. # ################################################################################# sub connect{ ################################################################################# # connect: Connect to the server. # # # # Usage: # # # # $dbmodule->connect(); # ################################################################################# # This function is not needed in this database module. } sub disconnect{ ################################################################################# # connect: Disconnect from the server. # # # # Usage: # # # # $dbmodule->disconnect(); # ################################################################################# # This function is not needed in this database module. undef $string_handle; } 1;