3.3 loadsettings

Loads the settings needed for the database module.




$kiriwrite_dbmodule->loadsettings({ Directory => “db”, DateTime => “DD/MM/YY (hh:mm:ss)”, Server => “localhost”, Port => “3306”, Protocol => “tcp”, Database => “database”, Username => “username”, Password => “password”, TablePrefix => “tableprefix” });

Specifies the following options as a hash in any order.

Value Description
Directory Specifies the directory where the databases are stored.
DateTime Specifies the date and time settings to use.
Server Specifies the location of the server.
Port Specifies the port number of the server.
Protocol Specifies the protocol type to use.
Database Specifies the name of the database to use.
Username Specifies the username to use.
Password Specifies the password to use.
TablePrefix Specifies the table prefix to use.

Typically all the settings except for Directory are used by a server-based database module, while only the Directory and DateTime settings will be used by a file-based database module.