Developer Documentation

The Developer Documentation contains information about the internal Xestia Scanner Server subroutines, presentation module, authentication module, export module, output modules, language support and page configuration.

Chapter 1: Internal Xestia Scanner Server Subroutines
 1.1 xestiascan_initialise
 1.2 xestiascan_settings_load
 1.3 xestiascan_language
 1.4 xestiascan_error
 1.5 xestiascan_critical
 1.6 xestiascan_fileexists
 1.7 xestiascan_filepermissions
 1.8 xestiascan_utf8convert
 1.9 xestiascan_variablecheck
 1.10 xestiascan_output_header
 1.11 xestiascan_processfilename
 1.12 xestiascan_processconfig
 1.13 xestiascan_output_page
 1.14 xestiascan_auth_authenticate
 1.15 xestiascan_auth_logout
 1.16 xestiascan_scan_getoutputmodules
 1.17 xestiascan_scan_getexportmodules
 1.18 xestiascan_scan_preview
 1.19 xestiascan_scan_final
 1.20 xestiascan_scan_getpreviewimage
 1.21 xestiascan_scan_getscannerlist
 1.22 xestiascan_scan_getscannervalue
 1.23 xestiascan_scan_setscannervalue
 1.24 xestiascan_users_list
 1.25 xestiascan_users_add
 1.26 xestiascan_users_edit
 1.27 xestiascan_users_delete
 1.28 xestiascan_users_flush
 1.29 xestiascan_settings_getauthmodules
 1.30 xestiascan_settings_getpresmodules
 1.31 xestiascan_settings_getlanguages
 1.32 xestiascan_settings_view
 1.33 xestiascan_settings_edit
 1.34 xestiascan_output_config
Chapter 2: Presentation Module
 2.1 Guidance
 2.2 new
 2.3 clear
 2.4 grab
 2.5 convert
 2.6 starttable
 2.7 startheader
 2.8 addheader
 2.9 endheader
 2.10 startrow
 2.11 addcell
 2.12 endcell
 2.13 endrow
 2.14 endtable
 2.15 startbox
 2.16 enterdata
 2.17 endbox
 2.18 startform
 2.19 addcheckbox
 2.20 addradiobox
 2.21 addselectbox
 2.22 addoption
 2.23 endselectbox
 2.24 addinputbox
 2.25 addtextbox
 2.26 addsubmit
 2.27 addreset
 2.28 addhiddendata
 2.29 addbutton
 2.30 endform
 2.31 addlink
 2.32 addimage
 2.33 addtext
 2.34 addboldtext
 2.35 additalictext
 2.36 addlinebreak
 2.37 addhorizontalline
 2.38 startlist
 2.39 additem
 2.40 endlist
Chapter 3: Authentication Module
 3.1 Guidance
 3.2 new
 3.3 loadsettings
 3.4 capabilities
 3.5 convert
 3.6 dateconvert
 3.7 geterror
 3.8 connect
 3.9 disconnect
 3.10 getuserlist
 3.11 getpermissions
 3.12 adduser
 3.13 edituser
 3.14 deleteuser
 3.15 userauth
 3.16 flushusers
 3.17 populatetables
Chapter 4: Output Format Module
 4.1 Guidance
 4.2 new
 4.3 initialise
 4.4 loadsettings
 4.5 getoptions
 4.6 errorflag
 4.7 errormessage
 4.8 clearflag
 4.9 processimage
 4.10 languagestrings
Chapter 5: Export Format Module
 5.1 Guidance
 5.2 new
 5.3 initialise
 5.4 loadsettings
 5.5 getoptions
 5.6 exportimage
 5.7 errorflag
 5.8 errormessage
 5.9 clearflag
 5.10 languagestrings
Chapter 6: Xestia Scanner Server Page Format
Chapter 7: Languages