4.1 Guidance

When creating a new output module to be used in Xestia Scanner Server, the following is required:

When creating a new output module, at the top of the page the following should be inserted:

package Modules::Output::(modulename);

use strict;
use warnings;

our $VERSION = "(version)";
my ($pages, %pages);
my $error_flag;
my $error_message;
my $language_name = "";
my %optionshash = ();

Replace (modulename) with the name of the module like PNG (which means PNG format). When specifying the module name it should be the name of the format (PNG).

'use strict' and 'use warnings' isn't required but it is generally accepted that Perl scripts and modules should have 'use strict' and 'use warnings' lines written.

Replace (version) with the internal version number of the module.