3.11 getpermissions

Gets the permissions for specific scanner or module. Not specifying a permission name will get the complete list of permissions for that type as a hash.

Specifying a permission name will return a string saying 1 (the user has permission for that) or 0 (the user does not have permission to do that).




$xestiascan_authmodule->getpermissions({Username => “User”, PermissionType => “OutputModule”, PermissionName => “Test”});
%userinfo = $xestiascan_authmodule->getpermissions({ Username => “User”, PermissionType => “UserInfo”);

Specifies the following options as a hash.

Setting Description
Username Specifies the username to get permissions for.
PermissionType Specifies the permission type.
PermissionName Get a specific permission name.