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1 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/loose.dtd">\r
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6                 <title>Kiriwrite Documentation - Developer Documentation - 1.40: kiriwrite_output_config</title>\r
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9                 <div class="menubarback">\r
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11                                 <span class="apptitle">Kiriwrite</span>\r
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17                 <div class="pageinformation">\r
18                         <span class="pagetitle">1.40 kiriwrite_output_config</span><br><br>\r
19 \r
20 kiriwrite_output_config outputs a configuration file and is mainly used for writing an updated configuration file. All parameters in the subroutine are required.<br><br>\r
21 \r
22 <span class="heading">Parameters:</span><br><br>\r
23 \r
24 <div class="code">\r
25     kiriwrite_output_config(options);\r
26 </div>\r
27 \r
28 <br>\r
29 \r
30 <span class="heading">Usage:</span><br><br>\r
31 \r
32 <div class="code">\r
33     kiriwrite_output_config({ DatabaseDirectory => “db”, OutputDirectory => “output”, ImagesURIPath => “/images/kiriwrite”, DateTimeFormat => “DD/MM/YY (hh:mm:ss)”, SystemLanguage => “en-GB”, PresentationModule => “HTML4S”, TextAreaCols => 50, TextAreaRows => 10, DatabaseModule => “SQLite”, DatabaseServer => “localhost”, DatabasePort => “3306”, DatabaseProtocol => “tcp”, DatabaseSQLDatabase => “database”, DatabaseUsername => “username”, DatabasePassword => “password”, DatabaseTablePrefix => “tableprefix” });\r
34 </div>\r
35 \r
36 <br>\r
37 \r
38 filename<br>\r
39 Specifies the filename to output the configuration file to.<br><br>\r
40 \r
41 type<br>\r
42 Specifies the type of XML file to output (the only available option being 'config').<br><br>\r
43 \r
44 options<br>\r
45 Specifies the options to use as a hash.<br><br>\r
46 \r
47 <table class="infotable">\r
48     <tr>\r
49         <td class="tableheading">Value</td>\r
50         <td class="tableheading">Description</td>\r
51     </tr>\r
52     <tr>\r
53         <td class="tabledata">DatabaseDirectory</td>\r
54         <td class="tabledata">Specifies the database directory to use.</td>\r
55     </tr>\r
56     <tr>\r
57         <td class="tabledata">OutputDirectory</td>\r
58         <td class="tabledata">Specifies the output directory to use.</td>\r
59     </tr>\r
60     <tr>\r
61         <td class="tabledata">ImagesURIPath</td>\r
62         <td class="tabledata">Specifies the URI path of the images directory.</td>\r
63     </tr>\r
64     <tr>\r
65         <td class="tabledata">DateTimeFormat</td>\r
66         <td class="tabledata">Specifies the date and time format that should be used.</td>\r
67     </tr>\r
68     <tr>\r
69         <td class="tabledata">SystemLanguage</td>\r
70         <td class="tabledata">Specifies the language that Kiriwrite will use.</td>\r
71     </tr>\r
72     <tr>\r
73         <td class="tabledata">PresentationModule</td>\r
74         <td class="tabledata">Specifies the presentation module in Kiriwrite to use.</td>\r
75     </tr>\r
76     <tr>\r
77         <td class="tabledata">TextAreaCols</td>\r
78         <td class="tabledata">Specifies the width of the text area.</td>\r
79     </tr>\r
80     <tr>\r
81         <td class="tabledata">TextAreaRows</td>\r
82         <td class="tabledata">Specifies the height of the text area.</td>\r
83     </tr>\r
84     <tr>\r
85         <td class="tabledata">DatabaseModule</td>\r
86         <td class="tabledata">Specifies the database module in Kiriwrite to use.</td>\r
87     </tr>\r
88 </table>\r
89 \r
90 <br>\r
91 \r
92 The following settings are for the server-based database modules:<br><br>\r
93 \r
94 <table class="infotable">\r
95     <tr>\r
96         <td class="tableheading">Value</td>\r
97         <td class="tableheading">Description</td>\r
98     </tr>\r
99     <tr>\r
100         <td class="tabledata">DatabaseServer</td>\r
101         <td class="tabledata">Specifies the location of the database server.</td>\r
102     </tr>\r
103     <tr>\r
104         <td class="tabledata">DatabasePort</td>\r
105         <td class="tabledata">Specifies the port of the database server.</td>\r
106     </tr>\r
107     <tr>\r
108         <td class="tabledata">DatabaseProtocol</td>\r
109         <td class="tabledata">Specifies the protocol to use with the database server.</td>\r
110     </tr>\r
111     <tr>\r
112         <td class="tabledata">DatabaseSQLDatabase</td>\r
113         <td class="tabledata">Specifies the database name to use.</td>\r
114     </tr>\r
115     <tr>\r
116         <td class="tabledata">DatabaseUsername</td>\r
117         <td class="tabledata">Specifies the database username to use.</td>\r
118     </tr>\r
119     <tr>\r
120         <td class="tabledata">DatabasePasswordKeep</td>\r
121         <td class="tabledata">Specifies if the current database password should be kept.</td>\r
122     </tr>\r
123     <tr>\r
124         <td class="tabledata">DatabasePassword</td>\r
125         <td class="tabledata">Specifies the database password to use.</td>\r
126     </tr>\r
127     <tr>\r
128         <td class="tabledata">DatabaseTablePrefix</td>\r
129         <td class="tabledata">Specifies the table prefix to use for the tables used in Kiriwrite when using a server-based database module.</td>\r
130     </tr>\r
131 </table>\r
132                 </div>\r
133         </body>\r
134 </html>\r
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