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This is Xestia Gelforn
2015-05-01 12:00:00

News article (re)introducing Xestia Gelforn.

Welcome to the redesigned Xestia Gelforn.

Xestia Gelforn is Xestia Software Development's project management system which is similar to other project management system software found on the internet.

The original reason for the creation of Xestia Gelforn was at the time BerliOS Developer was closing. With BerliOS Developer announcing it was closing and the main alternatives were hosting at SourceForge or Github, we decided to go down a third route and take our project management in house.

The redesigned Xestia Gelforn replaces the previous system. The reasons for replacing the previous system were:

- Easier management of the system where only parts which are required have been developed.
- Website which will fully function in text-only browsers. No use of JavaScript is required for basic functionality of the website (indeed, we don't use JavaScript at all at this present time).
- True SSH code repository management.
- Simple, straight forward interface with the main menu at the top and the project menu on the right hand side.

Some features of Xestia Gelforn will require an account (click on Register to create a new account) and project permissions assigned to your account.

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