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Xestia Gelforn Help: Delete a download

Note: Deleting a download requires the Delete Download permissions for each project you want to edit a download for.

Go to any page associated with the project (or click on Releases from the menu at the top of the page and select the project you want to delete a download for), on the right hand side will be a third red box called Administration, select Downloads, look for the article you wish to edit in the list and then click on the ‘Delete’ link on the right hand side.

A confirmation message appears asking if the download should be deleted. To delete the download click on the 'Delete Download' button. The release along with the downloads and files associated with it will then be deleted from the project.

Once the release has been deleted, it (and along with the file associated with it) cannot be recovered so please think carefully before deleting.

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Yn Maystri
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